The Name of the Alans, Bibliography 2
Dain, Alphonse. «Editions des textes classiques: théories et méthodes.» In Association Guillaume Budé: Congrès à Nîmes. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1932. 79-80. Pims PN 49 A73.
Dain, Alphonse. Les manuscrits. Collection d'études anciennes. Paris, 1949. Second, revised edition 1964. 3rd ed. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1975. Z 105 D3. HX Biblio. «La diffusion du papier a eu, dans la vie du monde, un rôle plus grand que la découverte de l'imprimerie» (147). «Tant y a qu'on doit considérer certains textes [imprimés] comme publiés, non comme édités» (162). «Editer un texte, c'est essentiellement retrouver une tradition» (184).
Dain, Alphonse. «La transmission des textes littéraires classiques de Photius à Constantin Porphyrogénète.» Dumbarton Oaks Papers. 8 (1954) 31-47. Oldest dated manuscript in minuscule, page 37: Evangéliaire Uspenski à St-Petersbourg, AD 865.
Dalton, Ormonde Maddock, tr. The Letters of Sidonius. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1915. PA 6694 S794. Search for both evidence of invasions, and text transmission.
Dam, Harm-Jan van. «Critical Remarks on Statius, Silvae II.» In Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, 2. Ed: Carl Deroux. Latomus, 168. Brussels, 1980. 378-406. PA 6011 S78.
Dam, Harm-Jan van. P. Papini Stati Silvae, Book II: A Commentary. Leiden: Brill, 1984. PA 6697 A33 D34.
Damsté, Pieter Helbert. «Pharsalica.» Mnemosyne NS 18 (1890) 342-353. Lucan, emendations of Haskins, bks 1-5.
Damsté, Pieter Helbert. «Pharsalica.» Mnemosyne NS 19 (1891) 378-386. Lucan, emendations of Haskins, bks 6-10. Not for Alans.
Davies, Hugh William. Devices of the Early Printers, 1457-1560. London: Grafton, 1935. Z 235 D25.
Decia, Decio. I Giunti, tipografi editori di Firenze, 1571-1525. Florence: Giunti Barbèro, 1978. RBSC Z 232 G55 G55. See Camerini.
Deferrari, Roy Joseph, et al. A Concordance of Lucan. Washington: CUAP, 1940. PA 6480 D45. Check: regnum.
Delalain, Paul. Etudes sur le libraire parisien du XIIIe au XVe siècle, d'après les documents publics dans le Cartulaire de l'Université de Paris. Paris: Delalain frère, 1891. VUCR Z 306 D33.
Delalain, Paul. Essai de bibliographie de l'histoire de l'imprimerie typographique et de la librairie en France. 1903; reprint Geneva: Slatkine, 1970. Z 144 D33.
Delisle, Léopold. «Recherches sur l'ancienne bibliothèque de Corbie.» Mémoires de l'Institut de France: Académie des Inscriptions. 24,1 (1861) 266-32.... AS 162 P318. Lucan?
Delisle, Léopold. «Observation sur l'origine de plusieurs manuscrits de la collection de M. Barrois.» Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes. 6th series 2 (1866) 193-264.
Delisle, Léopold. Mélanges de paléographie et de bibliographie. Paris: Champion, 1880. Z 109 D35.
Delisle, Léopold. «Les très ancienss manuscrits du fonds Libri dans les collections d'Ashburnham Place.» Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions. 1883:47-73. Lucan not mentioned.
Delisle, Léopold. Le cabinet des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque mpériale: étude de la formation du dépot, comprenant les éléments de la calligraphie, de la reliure et du commerce des livres à Paris avant l'invention de l'imprimerie. 3 vols. Paris: Bibliothèque impériale, 1868-1881; reprint 4 vols (one supplementary vol) Amsterdam: van Heusden, 1969-1972. Z 798 P22 D4.
Delisle, Léopold. «Les manuscrits du comte Ashburnham.» Bulletin de bibliophilie? (1883). Z 1007 B92. Author and title of article uncertain. Is this his report to the Minister?
Delisle, Léopold. Les manuscrits du comte Ashburnham: Rapport au Ministre de l'Instrution publique et des Beaux-Arts. Suivi d'observations sur les plus aniens manuscrits du fonds Libri et sur plusieurs manuscrits du fonds Barrois. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1883. RBSC E-10/27 18.
Delisle, Léopold. «Les manuscrits du comte Ashburnham.» Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes. 44 (1883) 202-224. «Il est important de donner ces détails pour bien établir que la vente des manuscrits de Libri a été un acte clandestin» (206). Libri et Barrois = voleurs et recéleurs (207). Death of Lord Ashburnham June 22, 1878; his son and heir arranges for sale in 1880.
Delisle, Léopold. «Notice sur les manuscrits disparus de la bibliothèque de Tours pendant la première moitié du XIX siècle.» Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale. 31 (1884) 157-356. Z 6620 F8 N78.
Delisle, Léopold. «Notice sur des manuscrits du fonds Libri conservés à la Laurentienne à Florence.» Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale. 32, (1886) 1-20. Z 6620 F8 N78. Important note under Lucan, Ashb.
Delisle, Léopold. «Mémoires sur d'anciens sacramentaires.» Mémoires de l'Académie des inscriptions. 32,1 (1886) 57-423. AS 162 P22. Bobbiensis, 276f.
Delisle, Léopold. Catalogue des manuscrits des fonds Libri et Barrois. Paris: Champion, 1888. Pims Z 6621 P22 D4. Lucan?
Delisle, Léopold. Bibliothèque nationale: Manuscrits latins et français ajoutés au fond des nouvelles aquisitions pendant les années 1875-1891. 2 vols. Paris: Champion, 1891. Should include Lucan, Ashburnhamensis. Could be part of BN: Catalogue général des manuscrits français. 1868-. Z 6621 P22 F8. Check also Z 6621 P22 L265.
Delisle, Léopold. «L'Imprimeur parisien Josse Bade et le professeur écossais Jean Vaus.» Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes. 57 (1896) 205-216.
Delisle, Léopold. «Origine frauduleuse du manuscrit 191 Ashburnham-Barrois.» Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes. 62 (1901) 543-554.
Delisle, Léopold. «Vente des manuscrits du comte d'Ashburnham.» Journal des savants. 1899:317-337; 493-512. Nothing on Lucan. 100 articles du fonds Libri on fait retour à la BN en 1888; le reste en Italie (320).
Delisle, Léopold. Chantilly: Le Cabinet des livres imprimés antérieurs au milieu du XVIe siècle. Institut de France, Musée Condé. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1905. Z 927 C45. Library of the Princes de Condé, inherited and consolidated by Henri d'Orléans, duc d'Aumale. Collection acquired after 1848, totals 25,000 vols in all. Josephus §1018-1021.
De Petris, Alfonso. Review of Bussi Prefazioni, by Miglio. Bibliothèque d'humanisme et de renaissance. 43 (1981) 188-192. CB 361 B5. In Italian.
De Ricci, Seymour. English Collectors of Books (1530-1930) and their Marks of Ownership. Cambridge, 1930; reprinted Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1960; reprinted New York: B Franklin, 1969. Roba Z 989 A1 R5; Pims Z 989 R4. Anything on the Hambros?
Deschamps, Pierre, and Gustave Brunet. Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres. 2 vols. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1878-1880. GenR Z 1011 B9 M5 suppl. See Brunet.
Dessau, Hermann. Inscriptiones latinae selectae. 3 vols. Berlin: Weidmann, 1892-1916. CN 521 D4. Reprinted 1974.
Detlefsen, Detlef. «Der Wiener Lucanpalimpsest mit berücksichtigung des neapolitanischen und römischen.» Philologus 13 (1858) 313-357. With facsimile.
Detlefsen, Detlef. «Der römischen Lucanpalimpsest.» Philologus 15 (1860) 526-538. Vaticanus 24, facsimile.
Detlefsen, Detlef. «Der neapolitanische Lucanpalimpsest.» Philologus 26 (1867) 173-184.
Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. «Vermuthungen über Varros Schrift de Ora maritima (Untersuchungen zu den geographischen Büchern des Plinius, 2).» Hermes 21 (1886) 240-265.
Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. «Zu Plinius Naturalis historia: Die Ausschreiber der ersten Bücher und Verbesserung zu Buch II.» Hermes 32 (1897) 321-340. Solinus, Dicuil, Capella, who all drew upon Pliny.
Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich, ed. Die geographischen Bücher (II, 242- VI - Schluss) der Naturalis Historia des C. Plinius Secundus mit vollständigem kritischen Apparat. Berlin, 1904; reprint Rome: L'Erma di Breitschneider, 1972. PA 6611 A6 (1904).
Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. Die Anordnung der geographischen Bücher des Plinius und ihre Quellen. Berlin, 1909; reprint Rome: L'Erma di Breitschneider, 1972. G 85 P5 D5. Agrippa, 11-16. «Die Scythen» 121-124.
Devine, Albert M. «Arrian's Tactica.» Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. 2:34,1 (1993) 312-337. Pims DG 209 T36.
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. 2nd edition. London: Dwyer, 1804. Pims, Roba Z 7016 D54. See Ames for Index.
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Aedes Althorpianae, or, an account of the mansion, books and pictures, at Althorp, the residence of George John Earl Spencer: to which is added a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenseriana. 2 vols. London: Nicol, 1822. RBSC duff 00274, also online. Josephus by Mentelin § 1153, page 160.
Dictionary of Literary Biography. Ed: Joel Myerson. Detroit: Gale Research, 1978‑. GenR PN 451 D5. «Bertram Lord Ashburnham» vol 184.
Dictionary of Literary Biography Online. Through Literature Resource Centre. Thomson-Gale. By subscription only. «Bertram Lord Ashburnham» keyword search; this site merges several related reference works.
Diels, Hermann. Seneca und Lucan. Abhandlungen der königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil-hist Kl. Berlin, 1886. Fasc 3. AS 182 B34. This volume not at U of T. WCat 12. Erlangensis.
Diggle, James, and Richard Francis David Goodyear, eds. The Classical Papers of A. E. Housman. Cambridge UP, 1972. PA 3003 H6.
Dilke, Oswald Ashton Wentworth. «Lucan.» Proceedings of the Classical Association. 54 (1956) 30. PA 11 C6.
Dilke, Oswald Ashton Wentworth. Lucanus: De bello civil liber VII. Cambridge: UP, 1960. Roba PA 6478 A2.
Diller, Aubrey. «The Library of Francesco and Ermolao Barbaro.» Italia medioevale et umanistica. 6 (1963) 253-263. PA 9 I8. Many Greek codices, incl § 1571 Iosephus de iudaica antiquitate, Vat gr 1304, annotated by E Barbaro, see Branca.
Dindorf, Ludwig. «Ueber Josephus und dessen Sprache.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. 99 (1869) 821-847. PA 3 N65, 12th Apex.
Dindorf, Wilhelm, ed, tr. Flavii Josephi opera: graece et latine. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1845-1847; reprints 1865, 1879. WCat 45.
Dionysius Alexandrinus Periegetes. Periegesis. Ed: Bernhardy in his Geographi graeci minores, 2,xv-xl; 103-176. Tr: Jacob. Thomson 228f. Bunbury, notes on the Huns in text. See Authors file. Concordance: Tsavari. Fl under Hadrian 117-138, see Klotz, Leue.
Dionysius Alexandrinus Periegetes. «Ei ad septemtriones diffusae habitant gentes admodum multae perpetuo tractu Maeotidis paludis ostio Tanais, Germani, Sarmatae, simulque Getae, Bastarnae, Dacorumque immensa terra, et bellicosi Alani, atque Tauri...» (302-306, Bernhardy).
Dirr, Adolf, ed. Caucasica. 4 vols. Reprinted 1967. DK 511 C1 C265.
Dirr, Adolf. Einführung in das Studium der Kaukasischen Sprachen mit einer Sprachkarte. Leipzig: Verlag der Asia Major, 1928. PK 9004 D5.
Divisio orbis terrarum. Text: Riese, HX? «ab oriente Alania est, in medio Dacia, ubi et Gothia; deinde Germania est, ubi plurimum partem Suevi tenent. Quorum omnium sunt gentes LIIII.» (p. 62, lines 18-19, §21). Cites Tacitus, Germania.
Dobias-Rozdestvenskaja, Olga Antonovna [1874-1939]. Les anciens manuscrits latins de la bibliothèque Saltykov-Scedrine: VIIIe-début IXe siècle. With Wsevolod W. Bakhtine. Paris: CRNS, 1991. Z 6621 L56 L32. See also Staerk.
Dobiache-Rojdestvensky, Olga Antonovna. «Le Codex Q. v. I.6-10 de la Bibliothèque Publique de Léningrad.» Speculum 5 (1930) 21-48, plates. «jadis N 840 de St-Germain, un MS. en onciale du VIe siècle» (21). Parchemin très fin, 220 folio, 265 mm x 205 mm, 22 lignes (21). With marginal glosses assumed to be by Cassiodorus. Did not find reference to Josephus, Ant. Codex includes 2 epistles by St Jerome (ad Fabiolam, ad Demetriadem) not used by Hilberg.
Dobiache-Rojdestvensky, Olga Antonovna. «Bibliography.» Srednie veka. 29 (1966) 183-188. D 111 A452.
Dodwell, Henry [1641-1711]. See Hudson. Edited many Greek, Latin and early Christian authors. Ecclesiastic dissident.
Dörrie, Heinrich. «Die Stellung der vier Makkabäerbücher im Kanon der griechischen Bibel.» Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft und der Georg-August Universität zu Göttingen. NS 1,2 (1937) 45-54. AS 182 G8127. IV Macch.
Dörrie, Heinrich. Passio SS Maccabeorum: Die antike lateinische Uebersetzung des IV Makkabäerbuches. Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Phil-Hist. Kl., 3rd series, 22. Berlin, 1938. AS 182 G812. Edition of text, important study (including Erasmus), biblio.
Dolbeau, François. Index librorum: Catalogues anciens et modernes de manuscrits médiévaux en écriture latine. 2 vols. Paris: Presses de l'Ecole normale supérieure, 1987-1995. Z 6605 L3 I53.
Dornseiff, F. «Tacitus and Josephus.» Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft. 35 (1936) 143-155. VUEM PER vol 3- (incompl); Knox vol 1- (incompl); TRINstor has this vol; online.
Drinkwater, John F., and Hugh Elton, eds. Fifth Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity? Cambridge: UP, 1992. Roba, Pims DC 62 F54.
Due, Otto Steen. «An Essay on Lucan.» Classica et medievalia. 23 (1962) 68-132. Biblio. Political background. «I consider it obvious that it was a poet and not an orator who first called wine Bacchus and sword ferrum» (69).
Due, Otto Steen. «Lucain et la philosophie.» In Lucain: Sept exposés suivis de discussions. Ed: Marcel Durry. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, 15. Vandoeuvres-Genève, 1968. 201-232. PA 6480 D85. Lucan.
Dübner, Friedrich, and Carl Müller, eds. Arriani Anabasis et Indica: Reliqua Arriani et scriptorum de rebus Alexandri. 2 vols in 1. Paris: Ambroise Firmin-Didot, 1846. PA 3935 1846. «Acies contra Alanos» 1:250-253. Greek and Latin.
Duff, Edward Gordon. Early Printed Books. London: Kegan Paul, 1893. Z 240 D85. Incunabula, 3 refs to Badius, Cologne, 49ff.
Duff, James D. «Some Notes on Lucan VIII.» Journal of Philology. 32 (1913) 125-135. Old Class P La J. Nothing for Alans.
Duff, James D., tr. Lucan: The Civil War. Loeb. London: Heinemann, 1928. Roba, VUPT PA 6478 A2. Based on Housman.
Duplacy, Jean. «Classification des états d'un texte, mathématiques et informatique: repères historiques et recherches méthodologiques.» With Eric Huret. Revue d'histoire des textes. 5 (1975) 249-309. Z 108 R45. Biblio.
Dupont-Sommer, André, Le quatrième livre des Machabées: Introduction, traduction et notes. BEPHE, 274. Paris: Champion, 1939. Erasmus, xv, 5, 7f, 159. Paraphrase by Erasmus has no value for text history.
Dwyer, William Francis. The Vocabulary of Hegesippus: A Study in Latin Lexicography. Catholic University of America, 27. Washington, 1931. P LaCl C. Biblio.
Eberhard, Alfred, tr. Arrian: Ectaxis. 1885. See Hercher.
Eckstein, Arthur M. Review of Appian and Cassius Dio by Gowing. American Journal of Philology. 116 (1995) 331-335.
Edmondson, Jonathan C., Steve Mason, and James Rives, eds. Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome. Conference Papers, Toronto 6-8th May 2001. Oxford: UP, 2005. DS 115.9 J6 F42. Anything on Flavian commentaries?
Ehlers, Widu-Wolfgang. Untersuchungen zur handschriftlischen Ueberlieferung der Argonautica des C Valerius Flaccus. Munich: Beck, 1970. PA 6791 V5 E4.
Ehlers, Widu-Wolfgang. «Valerius-Probleme.» Museum Helveticum. 42 (1985) 334-350. Flaccus.
Ehrle, Franz, and Paul Liébaert. Specimina codicum latinorum vaticanorum. 2nd edition Berlin: de Gruyter, [1968]. Pims Z 114 E412. Facsimiles and transcriptions.
Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. The Printing Press as a Agent of Change. 2 vols. Cambridge: UP, 1979. Roba, Pims Z 124 E57.
Eisler, Robert. «The Newly Rediscovered Witness of Josephus to Jesus.» The Quest. 7 (1925/26) 1-15. BL 1 Q47, incomplete.
Eisler, Robert. «Les origines de la traduction slave de Josèphe Flavius.» Revue des études slaves. 7 (1927) 63-74.
Eisler, Robert. «The Present Position of the Slavic Josephus Question.» The Quest. 20 (1928) 1-19. BL 1 Q47, incomplete.
Eisler, Robert. «Die slavische Uebersetzung der Halosis tês Hierousalem des Flavius Josephus.» Byzantinoslavica 2 (1930) 305-373, plates. CB 231 B9. Biblio, passim. Behrendts, 308ff. Slavonic mss, 323. Khazars and Judaizers, 336f.
Eisler, Robert. Jesus Basileus on Basileusas. 2 vols. Heidelberg: Winter, 1929-1930. WCat 67. Includes Behrendts.
Elliott-Loose, Ghislaine. Les incunables des anciens Pays-Bas conservés à la Réserve de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Collection de la Revue française d'histoire du livre, 11. Paris: BN, 1976. WCat 45. Josephus by Mentelin, 352.
Ellis, Robinson. «An Oxford Ms of Statius' Silvae.» Journal of Philology. 20 (1892) 17-24. Collation and conjectures of Bodleian Auct. F.5.5. = Barlow 23.
Enyclopaedia judaica. General Editor: Cecil Roth. 16 vols. Jerusalem: Keter Publishing, 1972. Mado.
Endt, Iohannes. «Isidorus und die Lucanscholien.» Wiener Studien. 30 (1908) 294-308.
Endt, Iohannes. «Der Parisinus lat. 10403 und die Adnotationes super Lucanum.» Wiener Studien. 31 (1909) 177-179.
Endt, Iohannes, ed. Adnotationes super Lucanum. Leipzig: Teubner, 1909/1969. PA 6480 E5. Update by Cavajoni.
Endt, Iohannes. «Ein Kommentar zu Lucan aus dem Mittelalter.» Wiener Studien. 32 (1910) 122-155; 272-295. PA 3 W5.
Endt, Iohannes. «Aus dem Sangallensis 864.» Wiener Studien. 32 (1910) 324-325.
Engelbrecht [Engentinus], Philip, [died 1528]. Ed: VFl, Argonautica.
Engelmann, A. «De Statii Silvarum codicibus.» Leipziger Studien zur classschen Philologie. 20 (1902) 1-144. PA 25 L4.
Engelmann, A. «Ueber die Handschriften der Silvae des Statius.» Hermes 38 (1903) 285-291.
Engelmann, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum. Eighth edition by Emil Preuss including entries from 1700 to 1878. 2 vols. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1880-1882. GenR Z 7016 E58. Vo 1: Greek; vol 2: Latin. Josephus 1:465-467. Later editions and vernacular trs 463ff.
Engelmann, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum graecorum et latinorum. Edition by Rudolf Klussmann including entries from 1878 to 1896 inclusively. 2 vols in 4. Leipzig: Reisland, 1909-1913. GenR Z 7016 E582. Josephus 1,2 (1911) 19-26.
Erasmus. Correspondence. With and from Erasmus, see Allen.
Erasmus, Desiderius, Roterodamus, ed. De imperatrice ratione: Macabaeorum liber. Cologne: Cervicornus, 1517.
Title-page: Flavii Iosepi viri Judaei per autokratoros logismou, hoc est, de imperatrice ratione : deque inclyto septem fratrum Macabaeorum ... martyrio liber. Content: only IV Macch. Location: Cambridge? Source: Vander Haeghen; WorldCat; VD 16 J992; Adams § 382 (?). General Notes: Studies: Dörrie. Erasmus did not have access to the Greek text. Reprinted with Josephus many times, starting with Sobius, Cologne, 1524.
Erasmus, Desiderius, Roterodamus, ed. De imperatrice ratione: Macabaeorum liber. Edited with Flavius Josephus: [Opera]. General editor: Jacobus Sobius. Cologne: Cervicornus and Hittorpius, 1524. Full entry under Josephus; Erasmus only edited the IV Macch in this composite work.
Erasmus, Desiderius, Roterodamus, ed. De imperatrice ratione: Macabaeorum liber. Edited with Flavius Josephus: [Opera]. Basel: Froben, 1524. Full entry under Josephus; Erasmus only edited the IV Macch in this composite work.
Ernout, Alfred. Pline l'Ancien: Histoire naturelle. 1950. See Beaujeu.
Esdaile, Arundell [1880-1956]. See Stokes.
Evrard, Etienne. «Réflexions sur un passage de Claudien, In Rufinum: Les modes d'insertion d'un texte dans une tradition.» In Hommages à Jozef Veremans. Latomus, 193. Ed: Freddy Decreus and Carl Deroux. Brussels, 1986. PA 2026 V4 H6. Imitation of ancient models.
Falk, Franz. «Hat sich Johannes Fust zu Mainz eines Nachdruckes Johannes Mentelin zu Strassburg gegenüber schuldig gemacht?» Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 1 (1884) 246-247. Z 671 Z43. Re: Augustine, De arte praedicanda.
Falk, Henri. Les privilèges de libraire sous l'Ancien Régime: Etude historique du conflit des droits sur l'oeuvre littéraire. Paris: Rousseau, 1906; reprint Geneva: Slatkine, 1970. Z 584 F3.
Farnaby, Thomas [1575-1647]. Editor and commentator of Lucan. See Grotius, Schrevelius.
Farnaby, Thomas, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. London: Field, 1618. RBSC stc 0256.
Farnaby, Thomas, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. Amsterdam: Blaeuw, 1643. RBSC B-10 7046; VUPS PA 6478 A21643. Edition or notes?
Farnaby, Thomas, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. 1658. For this and subsequent editions, see Grotius, Schrevelius.
Feldman, Louis H. Josephus and Modern Scholarship (1937-1980). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1984. Z 8457.53 F44, Roba, Pims. 389ff for IV Macch. «Ever since Eusebius ... the Christian tradition has ascribed IV Macchabees to Josephus» (390). Only in the 17th century was this rejected.
Feldman, Louis H. Josephus: A Supplementary Bibliography. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1986. Z 8457.53 F437.
Feldman, Louis H., and Gohei Hata, eds. Josephus, Judaism and Christianity. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1987. DS 115.9 J6 J66. Articles, Hegesippus.
Feldman, Louis H. «Josephus's Portrait of Hezekiah.» Journal of biblical literature. 111 (1992) 597-610. VUEM, SMC. Part of a series of «Portrait» articles. «In presenting the narrative of King Hezekiah, Josephus was clearly aware of the parallel between the Assyrians and the Romans in their assaults on Jerusalem» (610). Josephus rationalizes the miracle of the angel who smote 185,000 of the Assyrians (609). Josephus avoids references to messianism (600). While Hezekiah resisted the Assyrians, Josephus submitted to the Romans (600).
Feldman, Louis H, and JR Levison. Josephus' «Contra Apionem»: Studies in its Character and Context, with a Latin Concordance to the Portion Missing in Greek. Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 34. Leiden: Brill, 1996. BM 648 J6.
Feldman, Louis H., tr. Judean Antiquities 1-4. Vol 3 of Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary. General editor: Steve Mason. Leiden: Brill, 2000. DS 116 J7 2000.
Ferguson, John. «Lucan and his Epic.» Durham University Journal. 49/NS 18 (1956/57) 116-125. Roba AP 4 D8. «In the Roman Stoics of the first century we can trace two strands of thought. One is frankly republican and harks back to Cato and Brutus. One is monarchist, and searches for the truly wise king» (117). «Worse are his learned digressions. they are a feature of Silver Latinity» (122).
Ferreiro, Alberto. The Visigoths in Gaul and Spain, AD 418-711. A Bibliography. Leiden: Brill, 1988. Pims, Roba Z 2177 F47. Orosius, 569-586. Sidonius Apollinaris.
Firmin-Didot, Ambroise. Alde Manuce et l'hellénisme à Venise. Paris, 1875; reprint Brussels: Culture et civilisation, 1966. VUCR Z 232 M3 D5; RBSC Duff 02913. Check for Strabo, Josephus, Hegesippus.
Fischli, Walter. Studien zum Fortleben der Pharsalia des M. Annaeus Lucanus. Lucerne: Eugen Haag, 1943/44. PA 6480 F57. History of editions.
Fitzgerald, Wilma. «Ocelli nominum: Names and Shelf Marks of Famous/Familiar Manuscripts I.» Mediaeval Studies. 45 (1983) 214-297. D 111 M44. Reference work for art historians, mostly medieval.
Fitzgerald, Wilma. «Ocelli nominum: Names and Shelf Marks of Famous/Familiar Manuscripts II.» Mediaeval Studies. 48 (1986) 397-421. D 111 M44.
Flacelière, Robert, and Emile Chambry, eds. Plutarque: Vies. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1973. «Agésilaus-Pompée» vol 8, pages 81-266; notes 277-313.
Flavian Commentaries. Source for Josephus and Tacitus. Check Edmondson.
Fleckeisen, Alfred. «Zu den Handschriften des Lucan.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. Supplementband. 1898:337-353. PA 3 N65, 12th Apex. Vossianus. Source: Genthe 5.
Fletcher, Geoffrey Bernard Abbott. Annotations on Tacitus. Collection Latomus, 71. Brussels, 1964. PA 6011 S78 and PA 6749 F54.
Fletcher, Geoffrey Bernard Abbott. «On the Annals of Tacitus.» Latomus. 30 (1971) 146-150. PA 2002 L3.
Fletcher, Geoffrey Bernard Abbott. «On Passages in Lucan.» Liverpool Classical Monthly. 13 (1988) 133-136. PA 1 L57. Literary allusions.
Flood, John L. «Printed Books as a Commercial Commodity in the Fifteenth Century.» In Incunabula and their Readers: Printing, Selling and Using Books in the Fifteenth Century. Ed: Kristian Jensen. London: British Library, 2003. 139-151. Z 240 I45. «Books represented a substantial outlay for many customers ... Sometimes they might be allowed to pay by installments: thus the Strasbourg priest Johannes Kuon was allowed to purchase Johann Mentelin's first Latin Bible (GW 4203), printed in 1460, in three installments of four guilders each» (145).
Foerster, Hans Philipp, and Thomas Frenz. Abriss der lateinischen Paläographie. 3rd edition. Bibliothek des Buchwesens, 15. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2004. Pims Z 114 F58.
Foerster, Hans Philipp. Abriss der lateinischen Paläographie. 2rd edition. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1963. Roba Z 11.M F64 1963; Pims Z 114 F58.
Foerster, Hans Philipp. Abriss der lateinischen Paläographie. Berne: P Haupt, 1949. B2; Pims Z 114 F58.
Follieri, Henrica. Codices graeci Bibliothecae Vaticanae selecti. Vatican City: Biblioteca Vaticana, 1969. Pims Z 114 F64.
Fraenkel, Eduard. «Lucan by Housman.» Gnomon 2 (1926) 497-532. Review of 1926 edition. Many references to Samse, lots on Montepessulanus.
Fränkel, H. Einleitung zur kritischen Ausgabe der Argonautika des Apollonios. Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 3, Phil-Hist. Kl., 55. Berlin, 1964. AS 182 G812. Recommended for methodology.
Franchi de Cavalieri, P., and Iohannes Lietzmann. Specimina codicum graecorum Vaticanorum. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1929. Pims Z 113.8 S67.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «Miscella.» Mnemosyne. NS 17 (1889) 56-62. Lucan, Mss used by Oudendorp, 61ff.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «Ad Taciti libros posteriores.» Mnemosyne. NS 17 (1889) 354-367.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «Die älteste vollständige Handschrift des Lucan.» Berliner Philologische WochenGaschrift. 10 (1890) 331-332. Not Roba; WCat.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «De Lucani versibus propter Vossianum 2B et Montepessulanum suspectis.» Mnemosyne NS 18 (1890) 5-22. Paulus of Constantinople, 21-22.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «Selecta de Montepessulano et Ashburnhamensi Lucani.» Mnemosyne NS 19 (1891) 16-40. Detailed description of mss.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «Lucanus de Nilo.» Mnemosyne NS 21 (1893) 315-330. Nero's exploration of the sources of the Nile.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «Rev: Hosius, Lucan.» Berliner philologische Wochenschrift. 1893, no 10.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «De Lucani rescripto romano.» Mnemosyne NS 22 (1894) 46-54, plate. Early fragments.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus, ed. M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia cum commentario critico. 2 vols. Leiden: Sijthoff, 1896-1897. Roba B2 LL L9323Fr. Volume 1 (in fragile condition) contains Introduction plus books 1-IV and description and photostat samples of Ashburnhamensis, Montepessulanus and Vossianus Primus. Ashb pages x-xi; mentions Delisle without reference who found subscription «anno XII regnante Karuli rege». Davatriensis No 5399 (xxii). Volume 2 has preface, Books V-X, Life by Suetonius, Vacca, from Voss II, epitaph, etc. Rev: Heitland.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus, ed. Lucani Pharsalia. 2:114, on 8:222. Apparatus: 222 porti M(1), regna mABgT (claustra a). Footnote: «Caspia claustra» Kaspiai pylai Graecis Alanorum (223) haec vetustissima mentio videtur: eos non debellasse Pompeium dicunt veteres intpp. ap. Oud., sed ne sequitur quidem e verbis; sequerer i. q. peterem, non attingerem.
Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «Ad Lucani libros MSS.» Classical Review. 12 (1898) 321-322.
Freimann, Aron [1871-1948]. Article by Schmelzer. Collector and bibliographer. Compiled catalogue of Judaica and Hebraica in Frankfurt am Main, Stadtbibliothek. Consultant to New York Public Library from 1939 to 1945.
Freimann, Aron, ed, contributor. Zeitschrift für Hebraïsche Bibliographie. Roba Z 6367 Z48.
Freimann, Aron. «Ueber hebräische Inkunabeln.» Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 19 (1902) 108-117. Z 671 Z43. Not Josephus.
Freimann, Aron. Thesaurus Typographiae hebraicae saeculi XV. 8 vols. Berlin: Marx, 1924-1931. La.Heb.Gr. F5865t. With samples of all known incunables.
Freimann, Aron, FS. Festschrift für Aron Freimann zum 60. Geburtstage. Ed: Alexander Marx and Herrmann Meyer. Berlin: Soncino Gt, 1935. Z 6366 F4. Includes biblio of Freimann by Hanna Emmrich.
Freimann, Aron. «Incunables about Jews and Judaism.» In Essays in Honour of the Very Rev Dr Joseph Herman Hertz, Chef Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday September 25, 1942 (5703). Ed: Isidore Epstein, Ephraim Levine and Cecil Roth. London: Goldston, [1943]. 171. WCat 80 + mfm, McMaster, 442 pages; B2 LHeb.H E646c, missing. Josephus by Mentelin, 1471-1473. Mentions also a Paris edition of 1476.
Freimann, Aron. Biblio by Alexander Marx and B Cohen. Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research. 17 (1947/48) xxiii-xxviii. DS 101 A34.
Freimann, Aron. Biblio by SD Goitein. Kirjath Sepher. 25 (1948/49) 109-112. Z 6367 K57.
Frère, Henri, and H. J. Izaac, eds. Stace: Les Silves. 2 vols. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1944; 1961. PA 6697 A3. Statius on Lucan, 2,7.
Freudenthal, Jacob. Die Flavius Josephus beigelegte Schrift über die Herrschaft der Vernunft (4 Makkabäerbuch): eine Predigt a. d. 1. nachchristliche Jahrhundert untersucht. Breslau: Schletter, 1869. WCat 40 + mfm. IV Macch.
Fridh, Åke J., ed. Magni Aurelii Cassiodori Variarum libri XII. CCSL, 96. Turnhout, 1973.
Fritzsche, Otto Fridolin. «L'empire de la raison.» In Libri apocryphi veterum testamentum. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1874. B2 Bible Apoc (OT) F, Karl. Review by Bois. IV Macch.
Fromen, Heinrich, ed. Athanasii Historia acephala. PhD Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität. Münster: Bredt, 1914. WCat 11, 88 pages.
Furneaux, Henry, ed. Cornelii Taciti De Germania. Oxford: Clarendon, 1894. PA 6706 G4. See also Fischer.
Furneaux, Henry, ed. The Annals of Tacitus. Second edition by CD Fisher and Henry Francis Pelham. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1896-1907. DG 207 T3 C5. Text based on Halm 1883.
Gallandius, Andreas [1709-1779], ed. Hegesippi qui dicitur historiae libri V. Bibliotheca veterum patrum antiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, 2. Venice, 1766. WCat Cambridge. Reprinted in PL 15:1961-2224, with Ambrose.
Galletier, Edouard, ed, tr. Panégyriques latins. 3 vols. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1949-1955. PA 6138 P3. Both evidence of invasions, and text transmission, especially in Gaul.
Gansweidt, Birgit. «Hegesippus.» In Lexikon des Mittelalters. 9 vols. Munich: Artemis Verlag, 1977. 4:2009. Pims, GenR D 114 L679.
García Craviotto, Francisco. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas. Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. 2 vols. Madrid: Ministry of Culture, 1989-1990. Z 240 C38. Orosius: 4220; 4221; 4222; 4223; 4224.
García Craviotto, Francisco. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas: Adiciones y correcciones. Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. 2 vols. Madrid: Ministry of Culture, 1991-1994. Z 240 C38. Aratus: 671. Firmicus: 5169. Josephus, § 3317 and ff. Josephus (Goff J482) not attributed to Mentelin, or anyone else.
Garlan, Yvon. «Une représentation archaïque de la fronde à bâton.» Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. 94 (1970) 625-630. DF 10 B9. May have been known in prehistoric times. Well known to the Romans, fustibalus, fundibalus (Vegetius 3,14, and others).
Garnett, Richard. «On Some Colophons of the Early Printers.» The Library. 2 (1890) 125-132. «for a long time the colophon supplied the place of the title-page» (125).
Garrod, Heathcote William, and J. S, Phillimore, eds. Statius. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1906-1918.
Gaskell, Philip. A New Introduction to Bibliography. 1972; corrected reprint Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Z 116 A2 G27. Edition, 313; impression, 314; ideal copy 315. Classical texts normally sold bound, 147. Rate of survival not a clue to original quantity, 162f. Builds on McKerrow. Covers 1500-1950. «Edition binding was never normal in the handpress period [...] the economies of the trade were against it» (146).
Gebhart, Oskar von. «Bobbiensis.» Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 5 (1888) 406. Z 671 Z43. Lucan.
Geldner, Ferdinand. Die deutschen Inkunabeldrucker: Ein Handbuch der deutschen Buchdrucker des XV Jahrhunderts nach Druckorten. 2 vols. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1968-1970. VUCR Z 240 G34; Roba same, but only vol 2. Brandis of Lübeck, vol 1.
Gelenius, Sigismund [Zikmund Hruby z Jeleni, 1497-1554]. Important editor of classical texts. Gelenius «spent the remainder of his life working for the Froben press as a scholar, editor, corrector and translator from the Greek ... in his days there cannot have been many major productions of the Froben press which did not benefit from his selfless scholarly devotion» (Bietenholz 84). Allen, Corr Erasmus, § 1702. His commentary on Pliny is included in Leipzig edition of 1778-1791, see under Pliny.
Gelenius, Sigismund, ed. Josephus: Opera. Four editions under Josephus, including the bilingual of 1611. May have been involved in earlier editions. Prepared new Latin translation based on newly re-discovered Greek text, which was reprinted many times after his death.
Gelenius, Sigismund, ed. Flavius Josephus: [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Basel: Froben, 1534. Full entry under Josephus.
Gelenius, Sigismund, ed. Flavius Josephus: [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1539. Full entry under Josephus.
Gelenius, Sigismund, ed. Flavius Josephus: [Flavii Josephi opera, graece]. With AP Arlenius. Basel: Jerome Froben and Nikolaus Bischof, 1544. Editio princeps. Full entry under Josephus.
Gelenius, Sigismund, tr. [Flavii Josephi Opera omnia in sermonem conversa]. Lugduni: apud Antonium Vincentium, 1557. Description: 16-vo. Location: Cambridge. Source: Adams § J 365. General Notes: New Latin translation.
Gelenius, Sigismund, tr. [Flavii Josephi Opera omnia in sermonem conversa]. Basileae: ex off Frobeniana, 1567.
Title (from WorldCat): Flavii Josephi Opera, in sermonem Latinum iam olim conversa: nunc verò ad exemplaria Graeca denuò summa fide diligentiaq collata, ac plurimis in locis emendata. Quid hac nova editione praestitum sit, verso mox folio, uidere liet. accessit rerum & verborum toto opera memorabilium locupletissimis index. Description: Folio. Location: Cambridge; Duke. Source: Adams § J 366; WorldCat. General Notes: New Latin translation.
Gelenius, Sigismund, tr. [Flavii Josephi Opera omnia in sermonem conversa]. Francoforti: impens. Sigismund Feyerabendt, 1580.
Title (from WorldCat): ... Description: Folio. Location: Cambridge; Washington, Georgetown University; U Ill; Oxford; Princeton. Source: Adams § J 367; WorldCat. General Notes: New Latin translation.
Gelenius, Sigismund, tr. [Flavii Josephi Opera omnia in sermonem conversa]. Basileae: ex off Frobeniana, 1582. Description: Folio. Location: Cambridge. Source: Adams § J 368. General Notes: New Latin translation.
Gelenius, Sigismund, tr. [Flavii Josephi Opera omnia in sermonem conversa]. Francoforti: impens. Sigismund Feyerabendt, 1584. Description: Folio. Location: Cambridge. Source: Adams § J 369. General Notes: New Latin translation.
Gelenius, Sigismund, tr. [Flavii Josephi opera, graece et latine]. With AP Arlenius. Geneva: Petrus de la Rouvière, 1611. Editio princeps (bilingual). Full entry under Josephus.
Gelsomino, Remo. «Studi sulle fonti de Vibio Sequestre.» Helikon. 1 (1961) 645-660. DE 1 H4. Lucan and Vibius.
Gelsomino, Remo. «Studi sulle fonti de Vibio Sequestre.» Helikon. 2 (1962) 131-161. DE 1 H4. Lucan and Vibius.
Gelsomino, Remo, ed. Vibius Sequester. Leipzig: Teubner, 1967. PA 6965 V35.
Genevois, Anne-Marie. Bibliothèque des manuscrits médiévaux en France: relevés des inventaires du VIII au XVIII siècle. Paris: CNRS, 1987. GenR Z 723 B54.
Genthe, Arnold. «De Lucani codice Erlangensi.» Classical Review. 8 (1894) 371.
Genthe, Arnold. De Lucani codice Erlangensi. PhD diss. Jena: Neunhahn, 1894. B2 Old Class Pamph Lat. Lit L. Collated Erlangensis with Hosius 1892. Discrepancy at 8:222, page 25. «VIII:222 regna (claustra gloss)» (page 51); see Francken. Describes filiation of mss, without mentioning Ashburnhamensis. Samples of wrong word division, 14f; scholiae, 18. More notes under codices of Lucan.
Genthe, Hermann. «Scholia Vetera in Lucanum. E. codice Montepessulano.» Program-Gymnasium zum grauen Kloster, Berlin. 1868:1-29. WCat 9.
Genthe, Hermann. «Zu Lucan: Ueber die in den Commenta Bernensia angegebenen Varianten des Pharsaliatextes.» Hermes 6 (1872) 214-219.
George, David B. «Lucan's Caesar and Stoic oikeioosis Theory: the Stoic Fool.» Transactions of the Philological Society. 118 (1988) 331-341. PA 1 P6 or P 11 P6?
Gerontius. Melania the Younger. See Rampolla, reviewed by Butler; Gorce; Clark; Goyau; Studies: Alès, Papaloizos.
Gerulaitis, Leonardas Vytautas. Printing and Publishing in Fifteenth-Century Venice. Chicago: American Library Association, 1976. Roba, Pims, Z 156 V4 G47. Biblio. Index by printers, not authors. Venice «was the largest center of incunabula production not only in Italy but also in Europe» (xi). Scotto, 65. Donna Paola, wife of Reynaldus, 21-24, 27.
Getty, Robert J. «Observations on the First Book of Lucan.» Classical Quarterly. 30 (1936) 55-63. PA 1 C68. Text critical, astronomy, geography (river names).
Getty, Robert J. «East and West in Lucan i.15 and Elsewhere.» Classical Philology. 46 (1951) 25-31. Points of the compass, see Bruère, Semple. Quarters of heaven determined by solar, not sideral positions.
Giannelli, Ciro. Codices Vaticani graeci: Codices 1485-1683. Vatican City, 1950. Z 6621 R78 G77.
Giangrande, Giuseppe. «Emendations to Flavius Josephus' Contra Apionem.» Classical Quarterly. 12 (1962) 108-117.
Girard, Alain R. Catalogue collectif des livres imprimés en Italie de 1470 à 1600 conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de la Basse-Normandie. Caen: Bibliothèque municipale, 1982. Z 1014 G57.
Girard, Alain R., and Anne Le Bouteiller. Catalogue collectif des livres imprimés à Lyon de 1478 à 1600 conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de la Basse-Normandie. Baden-Baden: Valentin Koerner, 1987. WCat? Josephus §566-568. Lucan? Valerius Flaccus?
Girard, Alain R. Catalogue collectif des livres imprimés à Paris de 1472 à 1600 conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de la Basse-Normandie. Baden-Baden: Valentin Koerner, 1991. Z 145 L9 G5.
Girard, Alain R. Catalogue collectif des livres imprimés jusqu'en 1600 conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de la Basse-Normandie: Allemagne, Espagne et Portugal, Grande-Bretagne, Italie, Pays-Bas, Suisse, Frane moins Paris et Lyon. Baden-Baden: Valentin Koerner, 1993. Z 1014 G55.
Goelzer, Henri, ed. Tacite. 8 vols. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1921-1949. PA 6705 H5.
Goff, Frederick Richmond. «The Dates in Certain German Incunabula.» Papers of the Bibliographic Society of America. 34 (1940) 17-67. Z 1008 B485. Calendars, civil and ecclesiastic, work of reference.
Goff, Frederick Richmond. Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Recorded in North American Collections. New York: The Bibliographic Society of America, 1964. GenR, VUPR, Pims, Z 240 G58. Josephus by Mentelin, J482, no grounds given for attribution, simply states [Belgium: Epon. press, not after 1475]. .
Goffart, Walter André. Barbarians and Romans, A.D. 418-584: The Techniques of Accommodation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980. Roba, SMC, Pims DG 319 G63. Search for both evidence of invasions, and text transmission. Sidonius?
Goguel, Maurice [1880-1955]. Biblio of monographs on Wikipedia. For this author's place in NT scholarship, see Jones. Was instrumental in edition of Slavonic Josephus.
Goguel, Maurice. Articles. Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses. VUEM.
Goguel, Maurice. L'Eucharistie des origines à Justin Martyr. Paris: Imprimerie centrale de l'Ouest, 1910. Pims BQT 1305 G6.
Goguel, Maurice. «Le témoignage de la version slave de la guerre juive.» Revue de l'histoire des religions. Annales du Musée Guimet. 93 (1926) 22-43. BL 3 R4 (incomplete 1880-); VUEM (uncut pages); REGC (a few vols).
Goguel, Maurice, FS. Bibliography. Aux sources de la tradition chrétienne. Neuchatel: Delachaux, 1950. TRIN BS 2395 A8; VUEM FA G558A storage.
Goodyear, Francis Richard David. «Development and Style in the Annals of Tacitus.» Journal of Roman Studies. 58 (1968) 22-31. Other items on Tacitus by this author on AnPhil.
Goodyear, Francis Richard David. «Lucan.» Liverpool Classical Monthly. 4 (1979) 211-212. Roba PA 1 L57.
Goold, George P. «Housman.» Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Vir Bonus Discendi Peritus: Studies in Celebration of Otto Skutsch's Eightieth Birthday. Ed: Nicholas Horsfall. Suppl 51 (1988) 28-30. PA 26 S48 V5.
Gorce, Denys, ed. Gerontius: Vie de sainte Mélanie. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1962. Pims BR 1720 M37 G4413; Roba BR 1720 M3794. Greek, with French translation.
Gordan, Phyllis Walter Goodhart, tr. Two Renaissance Book Hunters: The Letters of Poggius Bracciolini to Nicolaus de Niccolis. New York: Columbia UP, 1974. PA 8477 P63 Z6313. Biblio.
Gotoff, Harold C. The Transmission of the Text of Lucan in the Ninth Century. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1971. PA 6480 G6. Five mss survive from Carolingian Renaissance. Ashburnhamensis? Closely related, treated as one witness by editors, yet «each of these five is a source of independent information, stored in some cases in the text, in some cases between the lines and in the margins» (1). Contra Housman, see Haekanson. On the Commenta Bernensia and the Adnotationes super Lucanum: «their very presence speaks unmistakably for the interest scholars in the fifth and sixth centuries had in Lucan» (1). Ignores the period before the ninth century.
Gottlieb, Theodor, and Artur Goldmann. Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Oesterreichs. 2 vols. 1915-1929; reprint Aalen: Scientia, 1974. Z 723 A4. Vol 1 by Gottlieb, vol 2 is index of vol 1, including index of mss; no descriptions, more inventory than catalogue.
Goulet, Robert [Goullet 1480-1560]. Editor of Josephus was a professor of theology in Paris. He wrote a Compendium which is a source for the intellectual history of his times.
Goulet, Robert, ed. Flavius Josephus: [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Paris: Barbier, Regnault, Petit, 1514. Reprinted 1519. Full entry under Josephus.
Gowing, Alain M. The Triumviral Narratives of Appian and Dio Cassius. PhD Bryn Mawr, 1988. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1992. DG 268 G68. Rev: Eckstein 1995. Source for Illirikê is Augustus's Memoirs (58n2).
Goyau, Georges. Sainte Mélanie (383-439). Paris: Lecoffre, 1908/1925. Numerous editions, on sale on Internet, WCat. Check Pims card catalogue. Gerontius. Check Serena.
Grabe, Johannes Ernestus [1666-1711]. Spicilegium SS Patrum ut et haereticorum. 2 vols. 2nd edition Oxford: John Owen, 1700. Pims (R) BQ 27 G7. First ed 1698: RBSC, TRIN; online. Hegesippus 2:222ff.
Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor. Orbis Latinus, oder, Verzeichnis der wichtigsten lateinischen Orts‑ und Ländernamen. Ein Supplement zu jedem lateinischen und geographischen Wörterbuch. Second edition [mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der mittelalterlichen und neueren Latinität] by Friedrich Benedict. Berlin: R. C. Schmidt, 1909. Roba G 107 G8 1909.
Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor. Orbis Latinus: Lexikon lateinischer geographischer Namen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Revised by Friedrich Benedict, Helmut Plechl and Sophie-Charlotte Plechl. 3 vols. Braunschweig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1972. GenR G 107 G8 1972; Pims G 107 G75.
Graf, Charles Henri. Essai sur la vie et les écrits de Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Strasbourg: Schuler, 1842; reprint Geneva: Slatkine, 1970. BR 1725 L28 G7. Biblio of editions, 14ff. Protestant panegyric. «quelquefois nommé parmi les premiers apôtres de la réformation en France» (2). «Il regarda même dans la suite l'étude de poètes latins ... comme condamnable et dangereuse pour les moeurs» (7). «ses déclaration sur la nullité des oeuvres devant Dieu» (81).
Graves, Robert, tr. Lucan Pharsalia: Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1956. PA 6479 E5 G7. «You will recall that when I marched through the Caspian Gates against the bellicose Alans I left Parthia in peace; your horsemen were free to scour the plains instead of taking refuge behind the walls of Seleucia [Babylon]» (page 179). «Though the Alan, Scythian and Moorish archers, who grin as they pick off individual enemies, had failed against him at Pharsalus» (page 236).
Graves, Robert, tr. «T. Flavius Domitianus.» In Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus: The Twelve Caesars. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957. DG 277 SY G7.
Graves, Robert, tr. «T. Flavius Domitianus.» In Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus: The Twelve Caesars. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957; revised edition by Michael Grant 1979. Mado. «However, he [Domitian] did everything possible to get sent against the Alani when a request for auxiliary troops, commanded by one of Vespasian's sons, arrived from Vologaesus, king of the Parthians» (page 300).
Greetham, David C. Textual Scholarship: An Introduction. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1417. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1992; corrected reprint 1994. Z 1001 G7. Large biblio.
Greetham, David C. Textual Transgressions: Essays Towards the Construction of a Biobibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1998. Z 2001 A2 G74.
Greg, [Sir] Walter Wilson. «What is Bibliography?» Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. 12 (1914) 39ff. VUPT, CRRS, PER; Massey Per 1-15 (1892-1919) per.bib, check out holdings.
Grienberger, Theodor. «Codanovia.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 41 (1921) 1198-1200. Mela 3,54.
Griffith, John G. «A Taxinomic Study of the Manuscript Tradition of Juvenal.» Museum Helveticum. 25 (1968) 101-138. PA 3 M73, Apex. Parallel with Lucan.
Griffith, John G. «Non-Stemmatic Classification of Manuscripts by Computer Methods.» In La pratique des ordinateurs dans la critique des textes. Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 579. Paris, 1979. 73-86.
Grimal, Pierre. «L'éloge de Néron au début de la Pharsale est-il ironique?» Revue des études latines. 38 (1960) 296-305. PA 2002 R4. Lucan. Important for Eastern affairs; prologue confirms Vacca's information on date of publication.
Grimal, Pierre. «Le poète et l'histoire.» In Lucain: Sept exposés suivis de discussion. Ed: Marcel Durry. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, 15. Vandoeuvres-Genève, 1968. 51-117. PA 6480 D85. Lucan.
Gronemeyer, Horst. Der Philologe und sein Text in Handschrift, Buch und Datenbank. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2002. WCat 22.
Grotius, Hugo [de Groot 1585-1645], ed. Lucan: Pharsalia. Considered the best early edition by Housman; maybe superior to the ms evidence, except that he did not work on mss. Check Alani and Albani.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. Lucan: [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Antwerp, 1614. According to Lejay, this was Grotius' first edition.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. Lucan: [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. With index by Theodore Pulman. Lugduni Batavorum: Ex Officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1614. RBSC B-10 4075.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X. With Notes by Thomas Farnaby. Amsterdam: Apud I. Blaeuw, 1643. RBSC B-10 7046; VUPS PA 6478 A2 1643.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelius Schrevelius; supplement by Thomas May. 2 vols. Amstelodami: Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1658. RBSC B-10 4077.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelius Schrevelius; supplement by Thomas May. 2 vols. Lugd. Batavorum: Apud F. Hackium, 1658. RBSC B-10 7048.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelius Schrevelius. Lugduni Batavorum et Roterodami: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1669. VUPS PA 6478 A2 1669.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelius Schrevelius. Amstelodami: Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1669. RBSC B-12 09577. With notes by Thomas May.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelius Schrevelius. Lugduni: C. Bourgeat, 1670. RBSC B-10 7647. With supplement by Thomas May, 529-609.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X. Amsterdam: Typis D. Elzevirii, Sumptibus Societatis, 1671. RBSC smb.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X. With Notes by Thomas Farnaby. Amsterdam: Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1681. RBSC B-10 4046.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia. 1760. See Cumberland.
Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelius Schrevelius. London: R. Priestley, 1818. Roba PA 6478 A2 1818.
Gualteruzzi, Carlo. Also Gualterus, also Wouters, qv.
Guarnaschelli, Teresa Maria, and Enrichetta Valenziani. Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d'Italia. Rome: La Libreria dello stato, 1956. Z 240 G915. Vol 3: G-L; Josephus §5385 to 5391. Useful for location codes in Italian libraries.
Gültlingen, Sybille von. Répertoire bibliographique des livres imprimés en France au seizième siècle: Bibliographie des livres imprimés à Lyon. 8 vols. Baden-Baden: Valentin Koerner, 1992-2002. GenR Z 2162 G84. Ordered by date. Vol 5: Sébastien Gryphius, 1997. Provides location, with shelf mark. Check Josephus, Paris, 1519.
Guillon, Aimé [abbé]. «Notice sur l'édition princeps du Recueil des oeuvres de Cicéron, et sur Alexandre Minutianus, auteur de cette édition.» Bibliographie de la France. 9 (1820) 317-320; 331-336; 348-352. GenR Z 2165 B57. With notes by M. Petit-Redel 406-408; JC Brunet 569-570 of the same volume. Based on Milanese archives. Full record under Minutianus.
Guppy, Henry. «Some Suggestions for the Cataloging of Incunabula.» Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. 8 (1924) 444-455. Z 921 M3 J7. Capitals for rubrication, 449f. Should xerox.
Gutschmid, Alfred von. «Vorlesungen über Josephus Bücher gegen Apion.» In his Kleine Schriften. Ed: Franz Rühl. 5 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1889-1893. 4 (1893) 336-589. Cendrata, 380. WCat McMaster. Not printed before, cf Klussmann. Commentarius in Iosephi contra Apionem libros.
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