Text Transmission

The purpose of this weblog is to share with other scholars the results of my researches in the history of text transmission, especially in these area: early history of the Slavs and the Huns, long distance trade in the early middle ages, and classical scholarship during the middle ages.

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Philologist specialist of Byzantium and the Slavs in the middle ages, and the Huns in antiquity; material culture (crossbow). If you wish to get in touch with me, in order to share scholarly information, please leave a comment. You may also write to me directly at: nicole.petrin@gmail.com or at nicolepetrin@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Incunabula, D-F

Dahms, Rudolf. «Ad Germanicum Caesarem.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. 99 (1869) 269-275. PA 3 N65, 12th Apex.

Daigl, Nikolaus. Avienus: Studien über seine Sprache, seine Metrik und sein Verhältniss zu Vergil. Ph. D. diss. Erlangen: Junge, 1903.

Dain, Alphonse. «Editions des textes classiques: théories et méthodes.» In Association Guillaume Budé: Congrès à Nîmes. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1932. 79-80. PIMS PN 49 A73.

Dain, Alphonse. «A propos de César, De bello gallico, I,liii,1.» REL 15 (1937) 269-272. Topography, Orosius.

Dain, Alphonse. Les manuscrits. Collection d'études anciennes. Paris, 1949. Second, revised edition 1964. 3rd ed. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1975. Z 105 D3. Biblio. See separate document for notes.

Dardel, Robert de. A la recherche du protoroman. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 275. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1996. PC 3 Z52. Biblio.

Darrouzès, Jean. «Manuscrits originaires de Chypre.» Revue des études byzantines. 8 (1950) 162-196. Isaiah, 176; Albanians, 188.

Darrouzès, Jean. «Manuscrits originaires de Chypre.» Revue des études byzantines. 15 (1957) 131-168.

Dauge, Yves Albert. Le Barbare: Recherches sur la conception romaine de la barbarie et de la civilisation. Collection Latomus, 176. Brussels: REL, 1981. CB 311 D38. Orosius, nothing. 191-198, Lucan. Massive collection of sociological speculations which say more about our times than antiquity.

De Bruyne, D. «Letter 152.» Revue bénédictine. 27 (1910) 1-11. PIMS.

De Bruyne, D. «La correspondance échangée entre Augustin et Jérôme.» Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft. 31 (1932) 233-248. VUEM?

Deferrari, Roy Joseph, et al. A Concordance of Lucan. Washington: CUAP, 1940. PA 6480 D45.

Deferrari, Roy Joseph, et al. A Concordance of Lucan. Washington: CUAP, 1940; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1965. PIMS 6480 D42; VUPT PA 6480 D4.

Delatte, Armand, and Albert Severyns. Emploi des signes critiques, disposition de l'apparat dans les éditions savantes de textes grecs et latins: Conseils et recommendations. 2nd edition of Budez and Drachmann. Brussels: Palais des académies, 1938. PIMS PA 40 U5; PA 27 I5. Biblio. Should Xerox.

Delehaye, Hippolyte. «Mélanie la jeune.» Analecta Bollandiana. 22 (1903) 5-50.

Delehaye, Hippolyte. «CR: Rampolla et Mélanie la jeune.» Analecta Bollandiana. 25 (1906) 204-206.

Delisle, Léopold. Chantilly: Le Cabinet des livres imprimés antérieurs au milieu du XVIe siècle. Institut de France, Musée Condé. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1905. Z 927 C45. Aratus: 204. Firmicus: 170. Orosius: 1364; 1365; 1366. Library of the Princes de Condé, inherited and consolidated by Henri d'Orléans, duc d'Aumale. Collection acquired after 1848, totals 25,000 vols in all. Description of Orosius by Brunet.

Duc «un vrai bibliophile et un bibliographe averti.» (ix)
«Sauf quelques fantaisies, je ne recherche que les livres qui appareillent mes manuscrits, c'est‑à-dire les éditions imprimées qui s'en rapprochent par la date et le texte, et les livres qui se rattachent à mes études historiques» Aumale, letter dated 19 April 1850, cited (xii).

Demandt, Alexander. Der Fall Rom: Die Auflösung des römischen Reiches im Urteil der Nachwelt. Munich: C.H. Beck, 1984. DG 311 D45. Theories of history, useful for invasions and their contribution to the fall of Rome.

Demandt, Alexander. Die Spätantike: Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian 284-565 n. Chr. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, 3/6. Munich: C.H. Beck, 1989. VUPT PA 25 H24; Roba DG 311 D47. 3 excellent colour-coded maps.

Demandt, Alexander. Geschichte der Spätantike: das römische Reich von Diocletian bis Justinian 284-565 n. Chr. Beck's historische Bibliothek. Updated edition of 1989. Munich: C.H. Beck, 1998. DG 311 D466.

Denis, Michael. Einleitung in die Bücherkunde. Vienna: Trattner, 1777-78. RBSC duff.

Denis, Michael [1729-1800]. Wiens Buchdruckergeschicht bis M.D.LX. Vienna: bey Christian Friedrich Wappler, 1782. Colophon: Wien, gedruckt bey Mathias Andreas Schmidt, 1782. WCat 11 items. «A Modestus» 24, 31f, 39.

Denis, Michael. Annalium typographicorum. 2 vols. Vienna: Kurzbek, 1789. RBSC duff 2837.

Derolez, Albert. The Palaeography of Gothic Manuscript Books: From the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century. Cambridge UP, 2003. ROBA, RBS Z 106.5 E85 D47 2003. For the Hambro Orosius.

Derolez, R. «The Orientation System in the Old English Orosius.» In England Before the Conquest: FS Dorothy Whitelock. Cambridge UP, 1971.

Deschamps, Pierre. Dictionnaire de géographie ancienne et moderne à l'usage du libraire. Paris: Dorbon-Aîné, [1870]. Roba G 103 D56. Reprint Copenhagen: Rosenkilde et Bagger, 1968. VUCR Z 1011 B9 M3.

Desgraves, Louis. «Répertoire des éditions imprimées des oeuvres d'Ausone (1472-1785).» In Ausone: Humaniste aquitain. With Sesto Prete and Robert Etienne. Bordeaux: Société des bibliophiles de Guyenne, 1986. 153-243. PA 6223 E87.

Desrousseaux, Alexandre-Marie, FS. Mélanges offerts à A.-M. Desrousseaux par ses amis et ses élèves. Paris: Hachette, 1937. PA 85 D38 M4.

Destombes, Marcel. Monumenta Cartographica Vetustiores Aevi I: Mappemondes AD 800-1500. Imago Mundi, suppl 4. Amsterdam, 1964. Roba, MAPL Z 6022 I5.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. «Epilegomena zur Silligschen Ausgabe von Plinius Naturalis Historia.» RhM NS 15 (1860) 265-288; 367-390. Frakturschrift.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. «Vermuthungen über Varros Schrift de Ora maritima (Untersuchungen zu den geographischen Büchern des Plinius, 2).» Hermes 21 (1886) 240-265.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. «Pliny.» Hermes 32 (1897) 321.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. Die Entdeckung des germanischen Nordens im Altertum. Quellen und Forschungen. 8?? Berlin: Weidmann, 1904. WCat 25.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. Ursprung, Einrichtung und Bedeutung der Erdkarte Agrippas. Quellen und Forschungen..., 13. Berlin: Weidmann, 1906. WCat 25.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. Die geographischen Bücher (II, 242- VI - Schluss) der Naturalis Historia des C. Plinius Secundus mit vollständigem kritischen Apparat. Berlin, 1904; reprint Rome: L'Erma di Breitschneider, 1972. PA 6611 A6 (1904). Capital.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. Die Geographie Afrikas bei Plinius und Mela und ihre Quellen. Q & F, 14. Berlin: Sieglins, 1909; reprint Rome: L'Erma di Breitschneider, 1972. DT 7 D4.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. Die Entdeckung des germanischen Nordens im Altertum: Nachtrag. Q & F, 8. Berlin: Weidmann, 1909. WCat 4.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. Die Anordnung der geographischen Bücher des Plinius und ihre Quellen. Berlin, 1909; reprint Rome: L'Erma di Breitschneider, 1972. G 85 P5 D5. Agrippa, 11-16.

Detlefsen, Sönnich Detlef Friedrich. «Zur alten Geographie der cimbrischen Halbinsel.» Hermes 46 (1911) 309-311. Saxons, etc in Ptolemy, Pliny, Pytheas.

Deutsche Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. By the Kommission für den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Leipzig, 1925-38.

Deutsche Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. By the Kommission für den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Preface by Erich von Rath; introduction by Ernst Crous. 2nd revised edition. 10+ vols. Stuttgart: A. Hiersemann, 1968‑‑. RBSC, VUPT Ref Z 240 G39.

Devresse, Robert. Les manuscrits grecs de l'Italie méridionale. Studi e testi, 183. Vatican City, 1955. Z 6605 G705.

De Waal, Anton. «Aus der Vita Melaniae Juniores.» Römische Quartalschrift. 21 (1907) 753-794. BX 940 R6.

Dexter, Flavius Lucius. Chronicon. See Higuera.

Diaz, Simon. Bibliografia de la Literatura Hispanica. In Hispanic Culture Series. Roba PQ H575.

Dick, Adolfus, and Jean Préaux, eds. Martianus Capella. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1925/1969. PA 6511 M2 1969. Biblio, detailed history of editions.

Dicke, Gerd, and Klaus Grubmüller. Die Gleichzeitigkeit von Handschrift und Buchdruck. Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien, 16. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003. For the Hambro Orosius.

Dicks, D. R. The Geographical Fragments of Hipparchus. London: The Athlone Press, 1960. G 87 H57 D5. «Hipparchus was one of the most important figures in the development of mathematical geography before Ptolemy» (vii).

Dicks, D. R. «Solstices, Equinox and the Presocratics.» JHS 86 (1966) 26-40.

Dictionnaire de la Bible: Supplément. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1928‑. GenR BS 440 V7.

Dictionnaire de la Bible: Supplément. Volume I. Ed: Louis Pirot. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1928. GenR BS 440 V7.


Dictionnaire de spiritualité.

Diefenbach, Lorenz. Novum glossarium Latino-germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis. Frankfurt am Main: Sauerländer, 1867. PA 2893 G3 D5. Latin to MHG.

Diehl, Robert. Erhard Ratdolt, ein Meisterdrucker des XV. und XVI Jahrhunderts. Vienna: H. Reichner, 1933. WCat 47. AS???

Dihle, Albrecht, ed. L'église et l'empire au IVième siècle. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, ?. Vandoeuvres-Genève, 1989. DE 3 E45 ROBA.

Dilke, Oswald Ashton Wentworth. Greek and Roman Maps. London: Thames and Hudsun, 1985. G 84 D46.

Dilke, Oswald A. W. «Rome's Contribution to Cartography.» Geografia e Storiografica nel mondo classico. Ed: Marta Scordi. Contributi dell' Instituta di Storia antica, 41. Milan: Vita e pensiero, 1988. 194-201. G 84 G466.

Diller, Aubrey. «Geographical latitudes in Eratosthenes, Hipparchus and Posidonius.» Klio 27 (1934) 258-269.

Diller, Aubrey. «The Text History of the Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus.» TAPA 66 (1935) 296-313.

Diller, Aubrey. «Ptolemy.» TAPA 67 (1936) 236-238.

Diller, Aubrey. «Codices Planudei.» ByzZ. 37 (1937) 295-301. Ptolemy, Strabo, etc.

Diller, Aubrey. «The Vatopedi Manuscript of Ptolemy and Strabo.» AJPhil. 58 (1937) 174-177.

Diller, Aubrey. «Lists of Provinces in Ptolemy's Geography.» Classical Philology. 34 (1939) 228-238. Essential for mss.

Diller, Aubrey. Rev: Schnabel 1938. Classical Philology. 35 (1940) 333-336. Excellent for mss.

Diller, Aubrey. «The Oldest Manuscripts of Ptolemaic Maps.» TAPA. 71 (1940) 62-67, plates. Maps may be by Planudes (1260-1310).

Diller, Aubrey. «The Parallels on the Ptolemaic Maps.» Isis 33 (1941) 5. Gerstein.

Diller, Aubrey. «The Anonymous Diagnoses of Ptolemaic Geography.» In Classical Studies in Honor of W. A. Oldfather. Urbana, Ill: 1943. 39-49. PA 26 O4.

Diller, Aubrey. «A Note on Strabo XV:694.» Cl Phil. 41 (1946) 47f.

Diller, Aubrey. «Notes on Greek Manuscripts of the Tenth Century.» TAPA 78 (1947) 184-188.

Diller, Aubrey. «Excerpts from Strabo and Stephanus in Byzantine Chronicles.» TAPA 81 (1950) 241-253. Slavonic chronicles, Slavonic.bib.

Diller, Aubrey. The Tradition of the Minor Greek Geographers. Philological Monographs of the American Philological Association, 14. 1952. G 84 D5. Reviews 1953: CW, AC, RBPH.

Diller, Aubrey. «The Scholia on Strabo.» Traditio 10 (1954) 29-50. D 111 T7. «I wish to advance the hypothesis that the whole Paris Plato group of codices [...] was virtually the work of Photius» (45). See Slavon.bib for scholia on Slavs.

Diller, Aubrey. «The Authors named Pausanias.» TAPA 86 (1955) 268-279.

Diller, Aubrey. «Pausanias in the Middle Ages.» TAPA 87 (1956) 84-97. Rediscovered by Stephanus of Byzantium.

Diller, Aubrey. The Textual Tradition of Strabo's «Geography». With appendix: The manuscripts of Eustathius' Commentary on Dionysius Periegetes. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1975. G 87 S95 D54. Biblio. Editions of Strabo, 167-179 (including fragments).

Diller, Aubrey. «Notes on the History of some Manuscripts of Aristotle.» In Studia codicologia: FS Marcel Richard. Ed: Kurt Treu. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1977. Z 105 S78.

Diller, H. «Diogene von Apollonia.» Hermes 76 (1941) 359-381.

Dindorf, Ludwig. «Ein Fragment des Priskos.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. 99 (1869) 43-48; 120-126. PA 3 N65, 12th Apex. Re: Illyricum. Notes on C. Wescher, Poliorkêtikon, 304-306.

Dindorf, Ludwig. «Bemerkungen zu Agathias.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. 99 (1869) 457-465. PA 3 N65, 12th Apex. Franks.

Dinse, P. «Die handschriftlichen Ptolemäus-Karten und ihre Entwicklung im Zeitalter der Renaissance.» Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 30 (1913) ... Gerstein Res.

Dinse, P. «Die handschriftlichen Ptolemäus-Karten und die Agathodämonfrage.» Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. 1913. G 13 G5 Gerstein R.

Dion, Roger. Aspects politiques de la géographie antique. Paris, 1977.

Dionysius Alexandrinus Periegetes, fl under Hadrian 117-138. In Bernhardy, Geographi graeci minores. 2,xv-xl; 103-176. Cf. Thomson 228f. Baehrens. See Avienus, Priscian for Latin translation. See Eustathius for scholia. See Brunet 2:729ff for early editions. Tr: Jacob. See Bunbury, re: Huns.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. New Latin translation directly from the Greek by Antonius Beccaria. Venice: Berhnard Mahler, Erhard Ratdolt, and Peter Loslein, 1477. ISTC §id00253000. BN Réserve 1010.

Colophon: Dionysius Alexandrinus de situ orbis habitabilis, ex versione Ant. Bechariae: Venetiis, per Bernardum pictorem et Erhardum Ratdolt, de Augusto una cum Petro Loslein de Langecen eius correctore ac socio, MCCCLXXVII. Description: In-quarto, 41 ff.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. New Latin translation directly from the Greek by Antonius Beccaria. Venice: Fr. Renner de Heilbrunn, 1477. ISTC §id00254000. BN GC FF. 4867. In-quarto.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Translation by Avienus, edited by Victor Pisanus. Venice: Antonius de Strata, 25 October 1488. ISTC §ia01432000. For illustrations (woodcuts), see Sander §718. Microfiche Incunabula Unit 11.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Translation by Priscian, edited by Johann Cuspinian. Vienna: Johann Winterburg, [1494/1495]. ISTC §id00258000. See under Priscian for full entry.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. New Latin translation directly from the Greek by Antonius Beccaria. Venice: Christophorus de Pensis, 1498. ISTC §id00255000. BN Réserve 1185. In-quarto. Ub Wien §211; Hain 6229; Pellechet 4295; BM V:472; GW 8428.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. New Latin translation directly from the Greek by Antonius Beccaria. Paris: Jean Petit, 1499. ISTC §id00256000. BN Réserve 1186.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. New Latin translation directly from the Greek by Antonius Beccaria. Paris: Jean Petit, 1501. BN Réserve 1187.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Translation by Avienus edited by Johann Cuspinian. Vienna, 1508. Gollob §85.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Ferrari: Ioannes Maciochus Bondenus, 1512. Adams § A643; Brunet 2:729.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. New Latin translation directly from the Greek by Antonius Beccaria. Paris: Jean Petit, 1518. ISTC §id00257000.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Basel: apud Valentinum Curionem, Sept 1522. Reprint of 1512. Adams ???; Brunet 2:729.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Basel, 1523. Title-page: Dionysij orbis descriptio. Arati astronomicon. Procli sphaera. Cum scholijs Ceporini. Basileae apud Ioannem Bebelium, 1523. Adams, Cambridge, §D645.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Paris: ex off. Rob. Stephani, 1547. Location: Réserve, J. 1831, Delisle (xxi). Contains Eustathius.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Paris: Henr. Stephani, 1577. Title: Dionysius Periegetes cum Eusth. Scholiis, Solinus cum Delrionis emendationibus, Pomponius Mela c. Ioh. Olivarii annotti Aethicus Ios. Simleri notis illustratus. Notes: Contains Eustathius, see Petersen for notes.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Oikoumenês periêgêsis = Orbis terrae descriptio]. Excudebat R. Daniel, impensis Humphredi Robinson, 1658. In-octavo. Wing.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Paris: apud Guil. Morelium, 1559. Adams § D 642.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Oikoumenês periêgêsis = Orbis terrae descriptio]. Excudebat R. Daniel, impensis Humphredi Robinson, 1663. In-octavo. Wing.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Oikoumenês periêgêsis... Poemation de situ orbis]. Apud Joannis Redmayne, 1668. In-octavo. Wing.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. With commentary by Eustathius. Ed: William Hill. London: Clark, 1688. RBSC B‑10 2356.

Title page: Dionysiou oikoumenês periêgêsis meta tôn Eustachiou hypomnêmatôn = Dionysii Orbis descriptio / annotationibus Eustathii & Henr. Stephani, necnon Guilielmi Hill commentario critico & geographico ac tabulis illustrata... Londini: Typis M. Clark, Impensis R. Littlebury, R. Scott, T. Sawbridge, & G. Wells, 1688. Added Title: Orbis descriptio. Description: [13], x, [1], 208, [5], 368 p., [8] folded leaves of plates (diagrams, maps). General Note: Grammaticarum in Dionysii Periêgêsin annotationum systema: in usum tyronum concinnatum... : cum commentario critico & geographico.../ a Guilielmo Hill... Has 2 special title pages with imprint: Londini: Ex officina M. Clark, 1688 (the 2nd dated 1687); and separate paging. Local note: Ex libris Henry Allison Pottinger. Biblio: Wing.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. With commentary by Eustathius. Ed: Edward Thwaites. Oxford, 1697. VUPS PA 3968 D2 1697.

Title page (in Greek and Latin): Orbis descriptio / Dionysii; cum veterum scholiis et Eustathii commentariis; accedit Periegesis Prisciani, cum notis Andreae Papii. Oxoniae: E theatro Sheldoniano, prostant apud S. Smith & B. Walford, 1697. Description: In-octavo, 5 maps. «Editiones Dionysii», p. 2 following p. 314. General Note: contenta in hac editione: Quaedam de Dionysio ex Ger. Joan Vossio... interpretatio H. Stephani, textui Graeco subjuncta. Glossae interlineares.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Ed: Edward Wells. London and Oxford, 1704. RBSC B‑10 3557.

Title page: Tês palai kai tês nun oikoumenês periêgêsis, sive, Dionysii geographia emendata et locupletata, additione scil. geographiae hodiernae, graeco carmine pariter donatae: cum 16 tabulis geographicis / ab Edv. Wells ... Oxonii: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1704. Description: [8], [116] (i.e. 124), [8] p., [16] leaves of plates: maps. The Notae and Interpretatio follow the Greek text. Local note: Imperfect, pages 121-124 numbered 113-116.

Dionysius Periegetes. [Orbis terrae descriptio]. Ed: Edward Wells. London and Oxford, 1709. RBSC B‑10 3559.

Title page: Tês palai kai tês nun oikoumenês periêgêsis, sive, Dionysii geographia emendata et locupletata, additione scil. geographiae hodiernae, graeco Carmine pariter donatae: cum 16 tabulis geographicis / ab Edv. Wells ... Editio secunda. Oxonii: E Theatro Sheldoniano; Impensis A. & J. Churchill ..., Lond., 1709. Description: [8], 124, [8] p., [16] leaves of plates: maps. The Notae and Interpretatio follow the Greek text. Local note: Two maps ("Americae Septentrionalis tabula" and "Americae Australis tabula") wanting.

Dodwell, Henry, [1641-1711]. «De geographorum, quos primum [secundem] hoc volumen continet, aetate & scriptis dissertationes.» In vol and 2 of Geographiae veteris scriptores graeci. By John Hudson. Oxford, 1698-1712. Strabo on the Slavs, Hudson 2 1703:168-191. RBSC.

Dottin, Georges. «Le philosophe Aethicus et les Celtes insulaires.» Revue des études anciennes. 25 (1923) 144-150.

Drège, Jean-Pierre. «L'analyse fibreuse des papiers et la datation des manuscrits de Dunhuang.» Journal asiatique. 274 (1986) 403-415.

Dreyer, John Louis Emil. A history of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler. . . . New York: Dover, 1953. Gerstein QB 15 D77.

Dubois, Augustin. La latinité d'Ennodius. Paris: Klincksieck, 1903. WCat 11. Check reviews, maybe serial.

Duchesne, Louis. De Codicibus mss. graecis Pii II in bibliotheca alexandrino-vaticana. BEFAR, 13. Paris: Thorin, 1880.

Duchesne, Louis. Histoire ancienne de l'Eglise. Paris: Fontemoing, 1906-1925. Orosius, vol 3.

Due, Otto Steen. «An Essay on Lucan.» Classica et medievalia. 23 (1962) 68-132. Biblio. Political background. «I consider it obvious that it was a poet and not an orator who first called wine Bacchus and sword ferrum» (69).

Due, Otto Steen. «Lucain et la philosophie.» In Lucain: Sept exposés suivis de discussion. Ed: Marcel Durry. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, 15. Vandoeuvres-Genève, 1968. Pages . . . ? PA 6480 D85. Lucan.

Dümmler, Ernst. «Ekkehart IV von St. Gallen.» Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum. 14/NS 2 (1869) 1-73. PF 3003 Z5. Important for the history of Orosius' text.

Dümmler, Ernst. «Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung der lateinischen Dichtungen aus der Zeit der Karolinger.» Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde. 4 (1879) 87-159; 239-322; 511-582.

Duff, Edward Gordon. Early Printed Books. London: Kegan Paul, 1893. Z 240 D85.

Duff, John Wight, and Arnold MacKay Duff, ed. Minor Latin Poets. Loeb Classical Library. 2 vols. Harvard UP, 1945/1982. PA 6121 A4.

Dumbarton Oaks Bibliography. GenR Z 6207 B9 L57.

Duplacy, Jean. «Classification des états d'un texte, mathématiques et informatique: repères historiques et recherches méthodologiques.» With Eric Huret. Revue d'histoire des textes. 5 (1975) 249-309. Z 108 R45. Biblio.

Dupuis, J., tr. Théon de Smyrne, philosophe platonicien. Exposition des connaissances mathématiques utiles pour la lecture de Platon. Paris, 1892; reprint 1966.

Duval, Yves-Marie, ed. Jérôme entre l'occident et l'orient. Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1988. Pims BR 1720 J5 J57; ROBA BR 1720 J5 S47. Nothing on Orosius.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. «The Chaster Path of Venus (orbis Veneris castior) in the Astronomy of Martianus Capella.» Archives internationales d'histoire des Sciences. 36 (1982). Q 125 A76, PASC.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. «Origins and Contents of the Leiden Planetary Configuration (MS Voss. Q. 79, fol. 93v): An Artistic Astronomical Schema of the Early Middle Ages.» Viator 14 (1983) 1-40. Re illustration known as the Leiden Configuration, in the Leiden ms Vossianus Q 79, dated March 28, 579. Important for Aratus' Phaenomena, Capella, etc. Facsimile in RBSC, see Bischoff.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. «Plinian Astronomy in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.» In Science in the Early Roman Empire: Pliny the Elder, his Sources and Influence. Ed: Roger Kenneth French and Frank Greenaway. Totowa: Barnes and Noble, 1986. 197-235. Gerstein Q 143 P64 S36.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. «Plinian Astronomical Diagrams in the Early Middle Ages.» In Mathematics and its Applications. FS Clagett. Ed: Grant and Murdoch. 1987. 141-172. Ger Q 124.97 M38.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. Aratea: Kommentar zum Aratus des Germanicus. 1989. Facsimile of ms in Leiden, see Bischoff et al. RBSC.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. Astronomy and Optics from Pliny to Descartes: Texts, Diagrams, and Conceptual Structures. London: Variorum, 1989. Gerstein QB 15 E38.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. «The Astronomy of Pliny, Martianus Capella, and Isidore of Seville in the Carolingian World.» In Science in Carolingian Times. 1993. 169-174. Q 124.97 S36.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. «The Astronomy of Macrobius in Carolingian Europe: Dungal's Letter of 811 to Charles the Great.» Early Medieval Europe. 3 (1994) 117-134. D 111 E35.

Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. The Revival of Planetary Astronomy. 2002. Gerstein QB 361.9 E47.

Ekblom, Richard. «Alfred the Great as Geographer.» Studia Neophilologica. A Philological Miscellany presented to Eilert Ekwall. 14 (1941/42) 115-144. PB 5 S7. Includes translation of passage.

Ekblom, Richard. «King Alfred and Bearings.» Scando-Slavica. 4 (1957) 120.

Ekblom, Richard. «King Alfred, Ohthere and Wulfstan: Reply to a Critique.» Studia Neophilologica. 32 (1960) 3-13. PB 5 S7.

Ekkehart IV of St. Gall [ca 980-1036]. Glossator on Orosius. See Clark, Dümmler, Jäger, Lehmann. Mentions Uldin, leader of the Huns, also mentioned by Zosimus.

Ekkehart IV of St. Gall [ca 980-1036]. Klostergeschichte MGH SS 2:149.

Ekkehard, Abbot of Aura, fl 1100. See Burchard: [Chronicon universale]. Strasbourg: Kraft Müller, 1537. RBSC E‑10 3560.

Elliott-Loose, Ghislaine. Les incunables des anciens Pays-Bas conservés à la Réserve de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Collection de la Revue française d'histoire du livre, 11. Paris: BN, 1976. Check Z 240 C6; check also Revue Z4 R4.

Ellis, Robinson. «Adversaria.» Journal of Philology. 15 (1886) #29, p. 1-11. Re: Avienus.

Ellis, Robinson. «On the name of Manilius.» In his Noctes Manilianae: sive dissertationes in astronomica Manilii. Oxford: Clarendon, 1891. 217-233. PA 6500 M6 E4.

Ellis, Robinson. «Ad Aratea Germanici.» In his Noctes Manilianae: sive dissertationes in astronomica Manilii. Oxford: Clarendon, 1891. 234-248. PA 6500 M6 E4. Emendations.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion. 3 vols. Ed: Paul Kevin Meagher et al. Washington, DC: Corpus Publications, 1979. Roba BR 95 E494; PIMS BL 31 E5.

Endt, Iohannes, ed. Adnotationes super Lucanum. Leipzig: Teubner, 1909/1969. PA 6480 E5.

Endt, Iohannes. «Ein Kommentar zu Lucan aus dem Mittelalter.» WSt 32 (1910) 122-155; 272-295.

Engelmann, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca Geographica. Leipzig, 1857-58. Check P Geog B.

Engelmann, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum. Eighth edition by Emil Preuss including the literature from 1700 to 1878. 2 vols. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1880-82. GenR Z 7016 E58. Orosius, 2:441f.

Engelmann, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum graecorum et latinorum. Edition by Rudolf Klussmann including the literature from 1878 to 1896 inclusively. 2 vols. Leipzig: Reisland, 1909-1913. GenR Z 7016 E582.

Enk, Peter Johann. «Rev: Propertius by Hosius.» Museum 19 (1912) 412. N7 M8.

Enk, Peter Johann. «Rev: Propertius by Hosius.» Museum 32 (1922) 60. N7 M8.

Enk, Peter Johann. «Lucubrationes Propertiana.» Mnemosyne NS 57 (1929) 145-159.

Enk, Peter Johann. «Lucubrationes Propertiana.» Mnemosyne 3rd series 3 (1936) 149-164. PA 9 M6. Arethusa, 155.

Enk, Peter Johann. Sex. Propertii Elegiarum Liber I (monobiblos) cum prolegomenis, conspectu librarum et commentatiorum ad iv libros Propertii pertinentium, notis criticis, commentario exegetico. Pars prior: Prolegomena et textum continens. Leiden: Brill, 1946. PA 6644 B1 E5.

Enk, Peter Johann. «De Propertii elegia II,4 (Hosius).» In Studi in onore Gino Funaioli. Ed: Angelo Signorelli. Rome, 1955. 32. PA 26 F8.

Enk, Peter Johann. «Propertiana.» Latomus 14 (1955) 31-42.

Enk, Peter Johann. «Adnotationes criticae ad Propertium.» Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica. . . . (1955) . . . PA 9 S7.

Enk, Peter Johann. Biblio. In Ut pictura poesis: Studia latina Petro Iohanni Enk septuagenario oblata. Leiden: Brill, 1955. Old Class, retr.

Erasmus, Desiderius, Roterodamus, tr. The Table of Cebes the philosopher. How one may take profite of his ennemies, translated out of Plutarch. A treatise perswadying a man paciently to suffer the death of his freend. London: T. Berthelet, 1530. VUCE PA 3948 C2A43 1530A.

Ernout, Alfred. Review of Cicero's Aratea edited by Buescu. Revue de philologie. 17 (1943) 92-96.

Ernout, Alfred. Philologica. 3 vols. Paris: Klincksieck, 1946-1957-1965. PA 2027 E78.

Erren, Manfred. «Die Bestimmung der Nachtzeit: Ein sehr frühes Scholion zu Arat Phaeon 556-558.» RhM NS 113 (1970) 182-187.

Erren, Manfred, ed. Aratos: Phainomena. Sternbilder und Wetterzeichen. Munich: Heimeran, 1971. PA 3873 A5. Greek and German. Biblio.

Essling, Victor Masséna, Prince d'. Les livres à figures vénitiens de la fin du XV siècle et du commencement du XVIe. 4 vols. Florence, 1907-1914; reprint Zurich, 1939. RBSC duff. Aratus: 431. Firmicus: 1186.

Estienne, Henri, 1531-1598. Commentary on Dionysius Periegetes. See 1688 edition.

Erhardt, L. Review of Jordanes by Mommsen. Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen. 17 (1886) 669-708. AS 182 G84, incomplete, WCat.

Etienne, Robert. «Ausone ou les ambitions d'un notable aquitain.» In Ausone: Humaniste aquitain. With Sesto Prete and Louis Desgraves. Bordeaux: Société des bibliophiles de Guyenne, 1986. 1-91. PA 6223 E87.

Eusebius. See Burchard: [Chronicon universale]. Strasbourg: Kraft Müller, 1537. RBSC E‑10 3560. Jerome's translation?

Eustathius, Archbishop of Thessalonica, d. ca. 1194. Scholia ad Dionysium Periegetem. Commentary on Dionysius Periegetes. Earlier editions included with Dionysius. Fabricius; Bernhardy 1828:65-316. See Diller 1975 for his manuscript tradition. Check what he says about the Huns.

Everett, Nicholas. Literacy in Lombard Italy, c. 568-774. Cambridge UP, 2003.

Ewbank, William Withers, ed. Cicero: Poems. London: University Press, 1933. PA 6305 P5. Rev: Buescu. Aratos.

Expositio totius mundi et rerum. See Lumbroso, Rougé.

Eyssenhardt, Franciscus [Franz Rudolf], ed. Martianus Capella. Accedunt scholia in Caesaris Germanici Aratea. Leipzig: Teubner, 1866. 377-422. ROBA PA 6511 M2 1866.

Fabricius, Franz [1527-1573]. Notes. In Paulus Orosius: Adversus paganos historiarum libri septem. Ed: Siwart Haverkamp. Leyden: Luchtmans, 1767. RBSC E‑10 5880.

Fabricius, Johann Albert. Bibliotheca latina. London, 1703. RBSC duff 2376. See printout. With Scholia Eustathii ad Dionysium Periegetem.

Fabricius, Johann Albert. Bibliotheca graeca, sive, Notitia scriptorum veterum graecorum quorumcumque monumenta integra, aut fragmenta edita exstant Tum plerorumque e MSS ac deperditis. 1705-1812. Pims Z 7021 F11.

Fabricius, Johann Albert. Bibliotheca graeca, sive, Notitia scriptorum veterum graecorum quorumcumque monumenta integra, aut fragmenta edita exstant Tum plerorumque e MSS ac deperditis. 14 vols in 13, plates. Hamburg: Leibezeit, 1705. RBSC D-10/7555. Imprint varies. Vols 1 and 2 paged continuously.

Fabricius, Johann Albert. Bibliotheca latina mediae et infimae aetatis. 1734. Pims Z 7026 F128. See printout.

Fabricius, Johann Albert. Bibliotheca latina mediae et infimae aetatis. With supplement by Christian Schöttgen; edited by Giovanni Domenico Mansi. 6 vols in 3. Patavii: ex Typographia seminarii, apud Joannem Manfre, 1754. VUCS Z 7026 F13 1754.

Feigelmanas, N. Lietuvos inkunabulai. Vilnius, 1975. PIMS ROBA Z 240 A1 F4.

Felty, David. Proclus: The Nature of the Universe. Lanham, Md: 1997. Gerstein Q 125 N366 1997x.

Ferguson, John. «Lucan and his Epic.» Durham University Journal. 49/NS 18 (1956/57) 116-125. ROBA AP 4 D8. «In the Roman Stoics of the first century we can trace two strands of thought. One is frankly republican and harks back to Cato and Brutus. One is monarchist, an searches for the truly wise king.» (117). «Worse are his learned digressions. thye are a feature of Silver Latinity.» (122).

Finger, H. Universitäts‑ und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf Inkunabelkatalog. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1994. Z 240 U5865.

Fink, Guy Errera. «Des manuscrits apparemment datés.» Scriptorium 12 (1958) 56-93.

Fink, Guy Errera. «.» Scriptorium 13 (1959) 89-118.

Fink, Guy, ed. Orosius. CCSL: Corpus Christianorum Series Latina. Janvier 1982 mentions that it is being prepared.

Firmicus Maternus, Julius. [Mathesis: De nativitatibus libri VIII]. Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 1497. ISTC: if00190000. Description: Folio. Brunet 2:1270. Oates Cambridge §2095.

Firmicus Maternus, Julius. [Mathesis: De nativitatibus libri VIII]. Ed: Franciscus Niger. Venice: Manutius, 1499. ISTC: if00191000. See Manutius [Scriptores].

Firmicus Maternus, Julius. [Mathesis: De nativitatibus libri VIII]. Ed: Franciscus Niger. Venice: Manutius, 1499. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 3 Image of the World: Geography and Cosmology, GC 29. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1993.

Firmin-Didot, Ambroise. Alde Manuce et l'hellénisme à Venise. Paris, 1875. RBSC Duff 02913.

Firmin-Didot, Ambroise. Alde Manuce et l'hellénisme à Venise. Paris, 1875; reprint Brussels: Culture et civilisation, 1966. VUCR Z 232 M3 D5.

Fischer, Curt Theodor. De Hannonis Carthaginiensis Periplo. Ph. Diss, 1892. Leipzig: Teubner, 1893. WCat 16, microform.

Fischer, H. «Die königliche Bibliothek in Bamberg und ihre Shätze.» Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 24 (1907) 364-395. Gerstein. Orosius, 376ff.

Fischer, H., and Ludwig Traube. «Neue und alte Fragmente der Livius.» Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philos-hist Klasse. (1907 or 1908) 92-112. AS 182 B343.

Fischli, Walter. Studien zum Fortleben der Pharsalia des M. Annaeus Lucanus. Lucerne: Eugen Haag, 1943/44. PA 6480 F57. History of editions.

Fisher, Charles Perry. «Catalogue of the Incunabula in the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.» Annals of Medical History. 5 (1923) 45-76.

Fisher, Charles Perry. «Catalogue of the Incunabula in the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.» Annals of Medical History. NS 3 (1931) 228-240; 325-354; 439-454. Offprint RBSC jah, per.bib.

Fitzgerald, John T., and L. Michael White, eds, trs. The Tabula of Cebes. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1983. Roba, VUEM PA 3948 C2 A24. Biblio, 48-58, with editions. Parallels with the Shepherd of Hermas.

Fletcher, GBA. «On Passages in Lucan.» Liverpool Classical Monthly. 13 (1988) 133-136. PA 1 L57. Literary allusions.

Flodr, Miroslav. Incunabula classicorum: Wiegedrucke der griechischen und römischen Literatur. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1973. Z 240 A1 F57. Not Orosius. Aratus, 17.

Foerster, Hanz, and Thomas Frenz. Abriss der lateinischen Paläographie. 3rd edition. Bibliothek des Buchwesens, 15. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2004.

Foerster, Hanz, and H. Philipp. Abriss der lateinischen Paläographie. 2rd edition. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2004. ROBA Z 11 M F6 1963.

Foerster, R. «Cyriacus von Ancona zu Strabon.» RhM 51 (896) 481-491.

Follieri, Henrica [Enrica]. Codices graeci Bibliothecae Vaticanae selecti. Vatican City: Biblioteca Vaticana, 1969. PIMS Z114 F64. Review AB 88 (1970) 334-335, HX.

Fonseca, Martinho A. da. Subsidios para um diccionario de pseudonymos. Lisbon: Academy, 1896. RBSC Z 1078 F67. For Mascarenhas, Corfu.

Fontaine, Jacques. «Isidore de Séville et l'astrologie.» Revue des études latines. 31 (1954) 271-300.

Fontaine, Jacques. Isidore de Séville et la culture classique dans l'Espagne wisigothique. Paris: Les Etudes Augustiniennes, 1959. BX 4700 I78 F6. «Déclin général des sciences exactes.» 341-451.

Fontaine, Jacques. «Genre littéraire et littérature latine chrétienne.» Philologus 132 (1988) 53-73.

Fontaine, Jacques. Tradition et actualité chez Isidore de Séville. London: Variorum Reprints, 1988. BX 4700 I78 F65.

Fontaine, Jacques, ed, tr and comm. Isidore de Séville: Traité de la nature suivi de l'Epître en vers du roi Sisebut à Isidore. Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes-Etudes hispaniques, 28. Bordeau: Féret, 1960. PA 6445 I4 D4.

Forbes, Clarence A., tr. Firmicus Maternus. The Error of the Pagan Religions. Ancient Christian Writers, 37. See Jerome.bib for more by this author.

Forbiger, Albert. Handbuch der alten Geographie. 3 vols. 1877; reprint Graz, 1966. G Fo (ninth? )

Forster, Johann Reinhold [1729-1798]. «Notes on the first chapter of the first book of Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius.» In King Alfred's Orosius. London, 1773. 241-259. RBSC B-11/9497.

Foxon, D. F., ed. A Register of Books, 1728-1732, extracted from the Monthly Chronicle. London: Gregg-Archive, [1965]. GenR Z 2002 R4 1728a. Citations in date order.

Fraenkel, Eduard. «Lucan by Housman.» Gnomon 2 (1926) 497-532.

Fränkel, . Edition of poets. Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen. (1928) 260-265. AS 182 G84, incomplete.

Frahm, F. «Die Entwicklung des Suebenbegriffs in der antiken Literatur.» Klio 23 NS 5 (1930) 181-210. Very sparse biblio, does not cite Riese.

Francini, Antonio, ed. [Geographici.] Florence: Iuntae, 1519. VUCS PA 6512 A2; RBSC B-10 7782.

Title: Pomponius Mela. Iulius Solinus. Itinerarium Antonini Augusti. Vibius Sequester. P. Victor De regionibus urbis Romae. Dionysius Afer De situ orbis / Prisciano interprete.] Florentiae: per haeredes Philippi Iuntae, 1519. Notes: Imprint from colophon. Octavo, 223 folio. VUL copy imperfect. BM 157.354.

Francken, Cornelis Marinus. «Parerga III.» Mnemosyne NS 22 (189) 162.

Francken, Cornelis Marinus, ed. M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia cum commentario critico. 2 vols. Leiden: Sijthoff, 1896-97. LL L9323Fr.

Frey, J. «Zu Germanicus.» RhM NS 13 (1858) 409-427.

Frick, Carl. «Ueber die Abfassungszeit der Chorographia des Pomponius Mela.» Philologus 33 (1874) 741-742.

Frick, Carl, ed. De cursu temporum by Bishop Hilarian. In his chronica minora. Vol 1. 1892. End 4th century.

Frick, Carl. Rev: Lombroso. Berliner Phil W. 25 (1905) 409-416.


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