Text Transmission

The purpose of this weblog is to share with other scholars the results of my researches in the history of text transmission, especially in these area: early history of the Slavs and the Huns, long distance trade in the early middle ages, and classical scholarship during the middle ages.

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Philologist specialist of Byzantium and the Slavs in the middle ages, and the Huns in antiquity; material culture (crossbow). If you wish to get in touch with me, in order to share scholarly information, please leave a comment. You may also write to me directly at: nicole.petrin@gmail.com or at nicolepetrin@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Incunabula, G-K

Gabriel, A. L. A Summary Catalogue of Mirofiches of One Thousand Scientific Manuscripts in the Ambrosiana Library, Milan. Notre Dame, Indiana: 1967. Mela §873, p. 35.

Gain, D. B., ed. The Aratus Ascribed to Germanicus Caesar. London: Athlone Press, 1976. PA 3873 A519 G4. With translation in English.

Gallandi, Andreas, ed. Orosii ad Augustinum Consultatio, sive commonitorium de errore priscillianistarum et origenistarum. Bibliotheca veterum patrum antiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum. Reprinted in PL 31. See Higuera.

Gallick, Susan. «The Continuity of the Rhetorical Tradition: Manuscript to incunabulum.» Manuscripta 23 (1979) 31-47.

Ganda, A. «Printer of Priscian.» La Bibliofilia. 87 (1985) 227-268. Z 1007 B56.

García, Ana-Isabel Magallón. Concordantia in Isidori Hispaliensis Etymologias. Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 1995. PA 6445 I5M34.

García Craviotto, Francisco. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas. Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. 2 vols. Madrid, 1989-1990. Z 240 C38. Orosius: 4220; 4221; 4222; 4223; 4224.

García Craviotto, Francisco. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas: Adiciones y correcciones. Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. 2 vols. Madrid, 1991-1994. Z 240 C38. Aratus: 671. Firmicus: 5169.

Gardthausen, Viktor Emil. Griechische Palaeographie. 2 vols. Leipzig: Veit, 1911-13. Roba Z 113.8 G24; Pims Z 114 G25.

Garitte, Gérard. La Narratio de rebus Armeniae: édition critique et commentaire. CSCO, 132; Subsidia 4. 1952. Roba BR 60 C5 S85, t. 4; Pims BQ 3377 A69 G3. Biblio. Nor for Huns.

Garrod, H. W. «Notes on Manilius II and III.» ClQ 2 (1908) 175-181.

Garzya, Antonio, ed. Bibliografia della bizantinistica italiana 1960-1979. Naples: M. D'Auria editore, 1996. Z 6207 B9 B523. With index of scholars.

Gaskell, Philip. A New Introduction to Bibliography. 1972; corrected reprint Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Z 116 A2 G27. Edition, 313; impression, 314; ideal copy 315. Classical texts normally sold bound, 147. Rate of survival not a clue to original quantity, 162f. Builds on McKerrow. Covers 1500-1950. «Edition binding was never normal in the handpress period [...] the economies of the trade were against it» (146).

Gautier Dalché, Patrick. «Situs orbis terre vel regionum: un traité de géographie inédit du haut Moyen Age (Paris, BN latin 4841).» Revue d'histoire des textes. 12/13 (1982/83) 149-179. Z 108 R45. With edition. Attila. Early ninth cent ms, excerpts from Orosius and Isidor's Etym. Earlier than Dicuil, «ensemble hétérogène» 150. Ms «originaire de Septimanie» 157.

Gautier Dalché, Patrick. «Tradition et renouvellement dans la représentation de l'espace géographique au IXe siècle.» Studi medievali. 24 (1983) 121-165. PN 661 S8. Re: Dicuil and «G», author of De situ orbis, ca AD 860. Both used Orosius as well as others, 132ff.

Gautier Dalché, Patrick. «Du nouveau sur Aethicus Ister? A propos d'une théorie récente.» Journal des Savants. 1984:175-186. Critique of Peri's article.

Gautier Dalché, Patrick. 1986. See Nicolet.

Geidel, Heinrich. Alfred der Grosse als Geograph. Ph.D. Diss. Munich: Ackermann, 1904. WCat, rare item, microform available from Columbia U. ILL? Has chapter on Orosius.

Geidel, Heinrich. Alfred der Grosse als Geograph. Münchner geogr. Stud., 15. Same as above?

Geldner, Ferdinand. Die deutsche Inkunabeldrucker. 2 vols. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, ??? CRRS Z 240 G34.

Gelsonimo, Remo, ed. Vibius Sequester: De Fluminibus, Fontibus, Lacubis, Nemoribus, Paludibus, Montibus, Gentibus per Litteras. Leipzig: Teubner, 1967. ROBA PA 6965 V35.

Gelzer, H. «Kosma der Indienfahrer.» Jahrbücher für protestantische Theologie. 9 (1883) 105-141. Check VUEM. See Anastos for refutation.

Genthe, Arnold. De Lucani codice Erlangensi. Jena: Neunhahn, 1894. Old Class Pamph Lat. Lit L., Karl.

Genthe, Hermann. «Scholia Vetera in Lucanum.» Progr Berlin Gymnasium zum grauen Kloster. . . . (1868) 1-29.

Genthe, Hermann. «Zu Lucan: Ueber die in dem Commenta Bernensia Angegebenen Varianten des Pharsaliatextes.» Hermes 6 (1872) 214-219.

George, D. B. «Lucan's Caesar and Stoic oikeioosis Theory: the Stoic Fool.» TAPA 118 (1988) 331-341. P1 A5 or P11 A53.

[Geographi]. Ed: Giorgio Valla and Victor Pisanus. Venice: Antonius de Strata, de Cremona, 25 October 1488. IISTC No: ia01432000, have printout. Goff A‑1432. Many copies found in medical libraries.

Contents: Aratos Solensis: Phaenomena. With translation and commentary by Germanicus. With Translation by Cicero. Dionysii Periegetes De Situ orbis, tr: Avienus. Avieni Ora Maritima. With Quintus Serenus Sammonicus: Carmen medicinale. Description: In-quarto, 121 leaves, woodcuts. Text history: The ms on which this edition is based is now lost.

[Geographi]. Ed: Victor Pisanus. Venice: Antonius de Strata, de Cremona, 25 October 1488. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 11. Medical Incunabula. Part I, MI 15. Reading: Primary Source Media, 19xx.

Gérard, J. La ponctuation trochaïque dans l'hexamètre latin d'Ennius à Juvénal. Paris: Belles-Lettres, 1980. PA 612 Z7 G37.

Germanicus Caesar. Arati Phaenomena. See Baehrens, Bischoff, Breysig, Buhle, Eyssenhardt, Haffner, Koechly, Le Boeuffle.

Germanicus. Aratea: Kommentar zum Aratus des Germanicus. Facsimile of ms in Leiden, see Bischoff et al. 1987. RBSC.

Germanicus Caesar. Aratea. With [Manilius: Astronomicon]. Ed: L. Bonincontrius. Bologna: Rugerius & Bertochus, 1474. IISTC #im0020300. Editio princeps. See Housman Manilius 5:xvii.

Germanicus Caesar. Aratea. With [Avienus]. Ed: Victor Pisanus. Venice: Strata, 1488. IISTC #ia01432000.

Germanicus Caesar. Aratea. See [Scriptores astronomici]. Ed: Aldus. Venice, 1499. IISTC #if00191000.

Germanicus Caesar. Facsimile. See Bischoff et all, 1987.

Germanicus, scholia. See Martianus Capella: Accedunt scholia in Caesaris Germanici Aratea. Ed: F. Eyssenhardt. Leipzig: Teubner, 1866. 377-422. ROBA.

Gerulaitis, Leonardas Vytautas. The Venetian Incunabula: Printers and Readers. Ph.D. Diss, U of Michigan, 1969 [i.e. 1970]. Microfiche 00523 MF. Sccotto, 65.

Gerulaitis, Leonardas Vytautas. Printing and Publishing in Fifteenth-Century Venice. Chicago: American Library Association, 1976. Roba, VUCR, Pims, Z156 V 4 G47. Biblio. Venice «was the largest center of incunabula production not only in Italy but also in Europe» (xi). Scotto, 65.

Gesellschaft für Typenkunde des XV. Jahrhunderts. Veröffentlichungen. Leipzig, 1907. Roba Z 241 M8. Aratus: 2440. Firmicus: 1341; 1369. Orosius: 463; 1579.

Getty, Robert J. «Observations on the First Book of Lucan.» CQ 30 (1936) 55-56.

Getty, Robert J. «East and West in Lucan i.15 and Elsewhere.» CPh 46 (1951) 25-31. Points of the compass, see Bruère, Semple.

Gibaldi, Joseph, ed. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. 5th edition. New York: Modern Language Association, 1999. For electronic materials 178‑202.

Gilly, Carlos. Die Manuskripte in der Bibliothek des Johannes Oporinus. Basel: Schwabe, 2001. Roba, Pims, CRRS Z 232 O61 G54. Solinus, 172. Limited use.

Girard, . . . «Le Campus Mauriacus.» RH 28 (1885) 329. Re: saint Loup de Troyes.

Girard, Alain. Région Basse-Normandie. Vol 4 of Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Bordeaux, 1984. RBSC Z 240 F72. Orosius: 346.

Gleason, J. M. «A Note on the Family of the Senecae.» Classical Philology. 69 (1974) 278-279. Mela and Lucan.

Glaister, Geoffrey Ashall. Glaister's Glossary of the Book: Terms used in Papermaking, Printing, Bookbinding and Publishing, with Notes on Illuminated Manuscripts and Private Presses. 2nd ed Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Z 118 G55. Reprinted in 1996 as The Encyclopedia of the Book.

Glorie, Fr., ed. Itineraria et alia geographica. CCSL, 175. Turnhout: Brepols, 1965. Orosius, 467-471.

Godefroy, J., ed. Vetus orbis descriptio. Geneva, 1628. Expositio.

Goez, Werner. Translatio imperii: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Geschichtsdenkens und der politischen Theorien im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit. Tübingen: 1958.

Goff, Frederick Richmond. Fifteenth Century Books in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: . . . 1950. VUPR Z 881 U5; Pims Z 881 U52; also Old Class.

Goff, Frederick Richmond. Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Recorded in North American Collections. New York: The Bibliographic Society of America, 1964. GenR, VUPR, Pims, Z 240 G58.

Golding, Arthur, [1536-1605], tr. The Worke of Pomponius Mela, the cosmographer, concerninge the situation of the world, wherin euery parte, is deuided by it selfe in most perfect Manner. London: printed by I. Charlewoode for Thomas Hacket, 1585. RBSC 1. STC § 17785. Robart copy imperfect.

Golding, Arthur, [1536-1605], tr. The excellent and pleasant worke of Iulius Solinus Polyhistor. London: printed by I. Charlewoode for Thomas Hacket, 1587; reprinted with introduction by George Kisch at Gainesville, FL: Scholar's Facsimiles & Reprints, 1955. PA 6696 S5 E5. No page numbers. Ch xxxi: Germany and Sarmatia.

Gollob, Hedwig. Systematisches beschreibendes Verzeichnis der mit Wiener Holzschnitten illustrierten Wiener Drucke vom Jahre 1482-1550. Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 232. Strasbourg: J. H. Ed. Heitz, 1925. Z 1023 G62.

Goold, George P. «Amatoria critica.» Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 69 (1965) 1-107. Orthography 9-14. Mostly about Ovid, but methodology important. Theodulf of Orleans for Martial, Cyprian and Ovid mss, 3.

Goold, George P. «Noctes Propertianae.» Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 71 (1966) 59-106. PA 25 H28.

Goold, George P. «On editing Propertius.» In Vir Bonus Discendi Peritus: Studies in Celebration of Otto Skutsch's Eightieth Birthday. Ed: Nicholas M. Horsfall. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Suppl 51. London, 1988. 27-38. PA 26 S48 V5.

Goold, George P. «Problems in editing Propertius.» In Editing Greek and Latin Texts. Ed: John N. Grant. New York: AMS Press, 1989. 97-119. PN 162 C62.

Goold, George P., ed., tr. Propertius: Elegies. The New Loeb. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard UP, 1990. PA 6645 E5 G6. Biblio. Ms history. Bk 4, Elegy 3, Arethusa to Lycotas, maps.

Gorbunova, K. S. «Archaeological Investigations on the Northern shore of the Black Sea in the Territory of the Soviet Union, 1965-1970.» JHS 18 (1972) 48-59. Biblio.

Gormley, Catherine M., Mary A. Rouse, and Richard H. Rouse. «The medieval circulation of the De Chorographia of Pomponius Mela.» Mediaeval Studies. 46 (1984) 266-320. D 111 M44. Biblio. Description of Vaticanus latinus 4929, dated mid-ninth century, which also contains Vibius Sequester.

Gotoff, Harold C. The Transmission of the Text of Lucan in the Ninth Century. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1971. PA 6480 G6. Five mss survive from Carolingian Renaissance. Closely related, treated as one witness by editors, yet «each of these five is a source of independent information, stored in some cases in the text, in some cases between the lines and in the margins.» (1).

Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor. Orbis Latinus, oder, Verzeichnis der wichtigsten lateinischen Orts‑ und Ländernamen. Dresden, 1861. Roba G 107 G8.

Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor. Orbis Latinus, oder, Verzeichnis der wichtigsten lateinischen Orts‑ und Ländernamen. Ein Supplement zu jedem lateinischen und geographischen Wörterbuch. Second edition [mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der mittelalterlichen und neueren Latinität] by Friedrich Benedict. Berlin: R. C. Schmidt, 1909. Roba G 107 G8 1909.

Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor. Orbis Latinus: Lexikon lateinischer geographischer Namen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Revised by Friedrich Benedict, Helmut Plechl and Sophie-Charlotte Plechl. 3 vols. Braunschweig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1972. GenR G 107 G8 1972; Pims G 107 G75.

Graeven, Hans. «Cyriacus von Ancona auf dem Athos. Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 16 (1899) 209-215; 498-500. GersteinR. «Serviana Moesia» 213.

Graves, Robert, tr. Lucan Pharsalia: Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1956. PA 6479 E5 G7.

Gray, Nicolette. «The Palaeography of Latin Inscriptions of the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Century in Italy.» Papers of the British School at Rome. 16/NS 3 (1948) 37-167, plates. DG 12 B85.

Green, Tamara M. Zosimus, Orosius and their Tradition: Comparative Studies in Pagan and Christian Historiography. Ph.D. New York, 1974. WCat, mfm.

Green, R. P. H. The Works of Ausonius. Oxford, 1991.

Greetham, D. C. Textual Scholarship: An Introduction. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1417. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1992. Z 1001 G7.

Greg, [Sir] Walter Wilson. «What is Bibliography?» Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. 12 (1914) 39ff. VUPT, CRRS, PER; Massey Per 1-15 (1892-1919). per.bib, check out holdings.

Greg, [Sir] Walter Wilson. The Calculus of Variants: An Essay On Textual Criticism. Oxford: Clarendon, 1927. VUPT PA 47 G7; ROBA PA 47 G65.

Greg, [Sir] Walter Wilson. «Recent theories of textual criticism.» Modern Philology. 28 (1930/31) 401-404. Roba PB 1 M7; VUPT PER. See Shepard.

Greg, [Sir] Walter Wilson. Collected Papers. 1966. Roba PR 99 G6845 A16.

Gricourt, Jean. «Sur une plaque du Chaudron de Gundestrup.» Latomus 13 (1954) 376-383, plates. Celts.

Griffin, Miriam, and Jonathan Barnes. Philosophia Togata. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1989-97. B 505 P48. Biblio.

Griffith, John G. «A Taxinomic Study of the Manuscript Tradition of Juvenal.» Museum Helveticum. 25 (1968) 101-138. PA 3 M73, 12th Apex. Parallel with Lucan.

Grimal, Pierre. Les intentions de Properce et la composition du livre IV des Elégies. Brussels: Latomus, 1953. PA 6646 G7.

Grimal, Pierre. «L'éloge de Néron au début de la Pharsale est-il ironique?» REL 38 (1960) 296-305. Lucan.

Grimal, Pierre. «Le poète et l'histoire.» In Lucain: Sept exposés suivis de discussion. Ed: Marcel Durry. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, 15. Vandoeuvres-Genève, 1968. 51-117. PA 6480 D85. Lucan.

Grimal, Pierre. The Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Oxford, 1985. BL 715 G7513.

Gronemeyer, Horst. Der Philologe und sein Text in Handschrift, buch und Datenbank. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2002.

Gronovius, Abraham [1695-1775], ed. Geographers. 1722 and 1728 editions superseded Voss and Vadianus, see Romm 1998.

Gronovius, Abraham, ed. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis libri III, cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari, Petri Joannis Olivarii, Ferdenandi Nonii Pintiane, Petri Ciacconii, Andreae Schotti, Isaci Vossii, [et] Jacobi Gronovii, accedunt Julii Honorii Oratoris excerpta cosmographiae, Cosmographia falso Aethicum... Ravennatis anonymi Geographia. Leiden: Luchtman, 1722. RBSC B-10 4057.

Gronovius, Abraham, ed. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis libri III, cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari, Petri Joannis Olivarii, Ferdenandi Nonii Pintiane, Petri Ciacconii, Andreae Schotti, Isaci Vossii, [et] Jacobi Gronovii, accedunt Julii Honorii Oratoris excerpta cosmographiae, Cosmographia falso Aeticum... Ravennatis anonymi Geographia... accedunt Petri Joannis Nunnesii Epistola de patria Pomponii Melae... et Jacobi Perizonii Adnotata ad Libri I, capita septemdecim. 2 vols in 1. 2nd edition Leiden: Luchtman, 1748. RBSC B-10 4056.

Paged continuously: [xx] 1081. T.p. vor [vol 2] reads: De situ orbis libri III, pars Altera, exhibens animadversiones Isaaci Vossii, Jacobi Perizonii, et Abrahami Gronovii... atque Vitam Fredenandi Nonii Pintiani ab Andrea Schoto.. Lugd. Bat., Luchtmans, 1748.

Gronovius, Abraham, ed. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis libri tres. Glasgow: Robert and Andrew Foulis, 1752. RBSC B-11 3368. Pages 145-147 misnumbered 129-131.

Gronovius, Abraham, ed. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis libri tres. Glasgow: Robert and Andrew Foulis, 1752. Microform mfm ESTC reel 6904, no. 01. Pages 145-147 misnumbered 129-131.

Gronovius, Iacobus, ed. Geographia antiqua. Leiden, 1685 and 1696 editions superseded Voss and Vadianus, see Romm 1998. VUCS PA 6512 A2 1685.

Title: Pomponii Mela Libri tres de situ orbis: Julii Honorii Oratoris Excerptum cosmographiae nunc primum ex MS. editum: Cosmographia, quae falso hactenus Aethicum auctorem praetulit, variis lectionibus ex MS. illustrata / omnia diligentissime recognita, additis ad Melam notis. Lugd. Batavorum: Apud Jordanum Luchtmans, 1685. Notes: In-octavo.

Gronovius, Iacobus, ed. Geographia antiqua. Leiden, 1697. Includes Expositio.

Grothe, Walter. Wiegendrucke in der Zeitenwende: Versuch der Geistes- und Bildungsgeschichtlichen Einordnung von Inkunabeln einer Intermi?????-Sammlung. Klagenfurt: Kleinmeyr, 1950. Roba Old Class Bb G, Karl. Check title.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. Martianus Capella: [De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii]. Leiden: Plantin, 1599. VUCR PA 6511 M2 1599; PIMS 6511 M2.

Title page: Martiani Minei Felicis Capellae Carthaginiensis, viri proconsularis Satyricon: in quo De nuptiis Philologiae & Mercurij libri duo, &de septemb artibus liberalibus libri singulares / omnes, & emendati, & notis, siue februis Hug. Grotij illustrati. [Lugduni Batavorum]: ex officina Plantiniana, apud Christophorum Raphelengium, 1599.

Grotius, Hugo [de Groot]. Syntagma Arateorum. Leiden, 1600. Sirsi.print. See Bandini, ed. Florence, 1765. Huntington, 377062.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X. With index by Theodore Pulman. Lugduni Batavorum: Ex Officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1614. RBSC B-10 4075. According to Lejay, Grotius' first edition was at Antwerp, 1614.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. C. Cornelius Tacitus. Ed: Justus Lipsius; corrected Hugo Grotius. Lugduni Batauorum: Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1640. VUCS PA 6705 A2 1640. Copy imperfect. Histories have special title page added.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X. With Notes by Thomas Farnaby. Amsterdam: Apud I. Blaeuw, 1643. RBSC B-10 7046; VUPS PA 6478 A2 1643.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelis Schrevel; supplement by Thomas May. 2 vols. Amstelodami: Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1658. RBSC B-10 4077.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelis Schrevel; supplement by Thomas May. 2 vols. Lugd. Batavorum: Apud F. Hackium, 1658. RBSC B-10 7048.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelis Schrevel. Lugduni Batavorum et Roterodami: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1669. VUPS PA 6478 A2 1669.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelis Schrevel. Amstelodami: Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1669. RBSC B-12 09577. With notes by Thomas May.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelis Schrevel. Lugduni: C. Bourgeat, 1670. RBSC B-10 7647. With notes by Thomas May, 529-609.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X. Amsterdam: Typis D. Elzevirii, Sumptibus Societatis, 1671. RBSC smb.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X. With Notes by Thomas Farnaby. Amsterdam: Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1681. RBSC B-10 4046.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. Pharsalia. 1760. See Cumberland.

Grotius, Hugo, ed. De bello civili / M. Annaeus Lucanus. With notes by Thomas Farnaby and corrected by Cornelis Schrevel. London: R. Priestley, 1818. ROBA PA 6478 A2 1818.

Grützmacher, G. Hieronymus: Eine biographische Studie zur alten Kirchengeschichte. 3 vols. Berlin, 1901-1908. ROBA BR 1720 J5 G7; PIMS BQ 6049 G8.

Grumel, Venance. «Du nombre des persécutions païennes dans les anciennes chroniques.» REA 2 (1956) 59-66.

Günther, Otto. Die Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen und der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Altenburg. Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1909. Z 240 G94. Orosius: 92.

Guilday, Peter Keenan. Church Historians. Papers on Eusebius, Orosius, St. Bede the Venerable, Ordericus Vitalis, Las Casas, Baronius, Bollandus, Muratori, Moehler, Lindgard, Hergenroether, Janssen, Denifle, Ludwig von Pastor. Papers read at the Ann Arbor meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association, 1925. New York: P. J. Kenedy, 1926. ROBA HEc G Old Class; VUEX ID/C475 storage. Orosius 30-70.

Guppy, Henry. «Some Suggestions for the Cataloging of Incunabula.» Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. 8 (1924) 444-455. Z 921 M3 J7. Capitals for rubrication, 449f. S/xerox.

Gutschmid, Alfred von. «Zur Frage über das Original der Ravennatischen Kosmographie.» Rheinisches Museum. 12 (1857) 438-441.

Gspan, Alfonz, and Josip Badalic. Inkunabule v Sloveniji. Ljubljana, 1957. PIMS, ROBA Z 240 G895.

Haag, Herbert. Biblisches Wörterbuch. Freiburg (Breisgau): Herder, 1971. HC.

Haebler, Konrad. The Early Printers of Spain and Portugal. London: Bibliographic Society, 896. Nebrija?

Haebler, Konrad. The Study of Incunabula. Tr: Lucy Eugenia Osborne; foreword by Alfred William Pollard. New York: The Grolier Club, 1933; reprint New York: Kraus Reprint, 1967. Z 240 H132. «documentary sources reveal editions of a large number of incunabula of which not a trace now remains» (205).

Haekanson, L. «Problems of Textual Criticism and Interpretation in Lucan's de bello civili.» Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. 25 (1979) 26-51. P 11 C2.

Haelewyck, Jean-Claude. Clavis apocryphorum veteris Testamenti. Corpus Christianorum. Turnhout: Brepols, 1998. Z 7772 K1 H34. Isaiah.

Häussler, R. Das historische Epos von Lucan bis Silius und seine Theorie. Studien zum historischen Epos der Antike. 2nd part: Geschichtliche Epik nach Vergil. Heidelberg, 1978.

Haffner, Mechthild. Ein Antiker Sternbilderzyklus und seine Tradierung in Handschriften vom frühen Mittelalter bis zum Humanismus: Untersuchungen zu des illustrationen der Aratea des Germanicus. Studien zur Kunstgeschichte, 114. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1997. Gerstein, Pims QB 802 H33. Re: Aratos, Germanicus.

Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Theodor. Repertorium Bibliographicum. 2 vols. Stuttgart and Paris, 1826-1838. RBSC Z 240 H15. Orosius: 12101*; 12102 (Toronto); 12099. Supplements by Reichling, Copinger, Burger, GW.

Hald, Kristian. «Angles and Vandals.» Cl & Med. 4 (1941) 62-78. Varini, Tacitus.

Hall, Frederick William. A Companion to Classical Texts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913. Roba PA 39 H34. Material culture of the book, 1-21.

Hanno. See Aly, Cory, Hudson, Seel. Il periplo. 1958. PA 3998 H135.

Hanno. Hannonis Periplus. In Hudson, vol 1. RBSC.

Hansen, R. «Die Chorographie des Pomponius Mela.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. 117 (1878) 575-612. PA 3 N65.

Hanson, Craig L., tr. Orosius of Braga. The Fathers of the Church, 99. Washington: Catholic University Press, 1999.

Harrauer, Hermann. A Bibliography of Propertius. Hildesheim: Gerstenberg, 1973. Z 8713.59 H37. From 1472 to 1973.

Harrisse, Henry. Les premiers incunables Bâlois et leurs dérivés: Toulouse, Lyon, Vienne-en-Dauphiné, etc, 1471-1484. Paris: Claudin, 1902. WCat 7. Check: Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft und der Georg-August Universität zu Göttingen. per.bib.

Hartel, Wilhelm von. Patristische Studien. V: Zu den Briefen des h. Paulinus von Nola. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 132,5. Vienna, 1895.

Hartel, Wilhelm von. Patristische Studien. V: Zu den Gedichten des h. Paulinus von Nola. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 132,7. Vienna, 1895. Nicetas of Remesiana.

Hartgelder, . «Unedierte Briefe von Rudolf Agricola.» FS der badenschen Gymnasien, gewidmet der Universität Heidelberg. Karlsruhe, 1886.

Hartwig, Otto, ed. Festschrift zum fünfhundertjährigen Geburtstage von Johann Gutenberg. Beiheft zum Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, 23. Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1900. B 778 B38, boundwith.

Haskins, C. E., ed. M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia. With introduction by W. E. Heitland and notes by C. E. Haskins. London: Bell, 1887; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1971. PA 6478 A2.

Haskins, Charles Homer. Renaissance of the Twelfth Century. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard UP, 1927. Roba, Pims PA 8035 H3. For Latitude and geometric astronomy, 104-108; 157-164; 191-193.

Hatch, William Henry Paine. «The Origin and Meaning of the Term uncial.» Classical Philology. 30 (1935) 247-254. Expression first recorded by Jerome.

Hatch, William Henry Paine. The principal uncial manuscripts of the New Testament. Chicago: University Press, 1939. Bible Cod.B H Old Class, retr.

Hatch, William Henry Paine. Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951. Bible Cod.B H Old Class, retr.

Haupt, Moritz. «Varia §333.» Hermes 4 (1870) 330-332. Emendations of early editions of Avienus.

Haupt, Moriz. Opuscula. Ed: Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1875-76; reprint Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1967. PA 27 H38 1876a. Aratea in vol 3:405-408. Avienus III:475f, 533, 573. Lots on Ammianus.

Hauser-Meury, Marie-Madeleine. Prosopographie zu den Schriften Gregors von Nazianz. Theophaneia, 13. Bonn: Hanstein, 1960. PIMS BQ 1442 H3. Patristics.

Haverfield, F. «Tacitus During the Late Roman Period and the Middle Ages.» JRS 6 (1916) 196-201.

Haverkamp, Siwart [Sigebertus 1684-1742], ed. Orosius: [Adversus paganos]. Leyden: Luchtmans, 1767. RBSC E-10 5880. Reproduced in PL 31:665-1174.

Havet, Julien. «La mise en relief par disjonction dans le style latin.» In Mélanges Nicole. Geneva: Kündig, 1905. 225-237. PA 26 N54.

Havet, Louis. «La prose de Pomponius Méla.» Revue de philologie. 28 (1904) 57-59. Prose métrique à la Cicéron.

Havet, Louis. Manuel de critique verbale appliquée aux textes latins. Paris: Hachette, 1911. Z 40 H37 Roba, Pims. «Tant qu'une faute reste inexpliquée, la bonne leçon demeure entachée d'un reste d'incertitude» (§67). «copie servile ... vérification matérielle» (§52). «critique utilitaire... critique scientifique» (§115f). «Une littérature polémique donne rapidement matière non seulement à des fautes, mais à des altérations tendancieuses» (§85).

Havet, Louis. Règles pour éditions critiques. Paris: BL, [n.d.] Pims PA 40 H3.

Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley. An Introduction to the Sources Relating to the Germanic Invasions. [Columbia U Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, 33:3.] New York: Columbia UP, 1909. Old Class Pamph HG [229 pages], retr? Orosius 106ff. ???

Hazen, Allen Tracy. A Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press. New Haven: Yale UP, 1942. Old Class Bb H.

Hazen, Allen Tracy. A Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press. 192; 2nd edition, with supplement Folkestone: Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1973. RBSC Z 232 S9 H25.

Hedio, Kaspar, ed. Burchard: [Chronicon universale]. Strasbourg: Kraft Müller, 1537. RBSC E‑10 3560.

Heiberg, Johan Ludwig. Beiträge zur Geschichte Georg Valla's und seiner Bibliothek. Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1896.

Heiberg, Johan Ludvig. «Eine mittelalterliche Uebersetzung der Syntaxis des Ptolemaios.» Hermes 45 (1910) 57-66. 13th century translation of the Almagest from Greek to Latin.

Heiberg, Johan Ludvig. «Noch einmal die mittelalterliche Ptolemaios-Uebersetzung.» Hermes 46 (1911) 207-216. Greek mss at the court of Norman Sicily, in 12th century.

Heidel, William Arthur. The Frame of the Ancient Greek Maps. New York, 1937; reprint New York: Arno Press, 1976. GA 213 H4. Disappointing, screws up Pyrene.

Heinsius, Nikolaas. Edition of Aratus based on Grotius'. Unpublished manuscript at the Bibl. Univ. Göttingen, shelf mark Philol. 50.

Heinzberger, Ferdinand. Heidnische und christliche Reaktion auf die Krisen des weströmischen Reiches in den Jahren 395-410 n. Chr. Ph. D. Bonn, 1978.

Heitland, W. E. Introduction. Lucan. Ed: C. E. Haskins. London: Bell, 1897; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1971. PA 6478 A2.

Heitland, W. E. «Prof. Housman, Bentley, Lucan.» CR 15 (1901) 78-80. Check date and volume. Albis vs. Alps.

Heller, Heinrich Justus. «Kritische und exegetische Bermerkungen zu Caesars Commentarium.» Philologus, Supplementband. 5 (1889) 347-396.

Hellinga, Lotte, and Wytze Gerbens Hellinga. «Additions and Notes to Campbell's Annales and GW.» Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde. 3rd series 1 (1965) 76-86. RBSC Z 240 B2.

Helm, Rudolf. «Lucanus.» Lustrum 1 (1956) 163-228. PA 3 L8, 12th Apex.

Henderson, J. «Lucan/The Word at War.» Ramus 16 (1987) 122-164.

Hennecke, E. «Miszellen zur Kirchengeschichte Altsachsens.» Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte. 3rd series 54 (1935) 62-86. VUEM, per.bib.

Hennig, Richard. «Die Ursache des Glaubens an eine adriatische Mündung der Donau.» RhM 81 (1932) 204-208. Celts.

Henrikson, K. E. Griechische Büchertitel in der römischen Literatur. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Series B, vol 102, 1. Helsinki, 1956. Check AS 262 H442, per.bib.

Herold, Curtis Paul. The Morphology of King Alfred's Translation of the Orosius. Janua linguarum, Series practica, 62. The Hague: Mouton, 1968. ROBA, PIMS PR 1568 H4.

Herold, Johannes Basilius, ed [1514-1567]. [Commentaria in geographos]. Basel: Heinrich Petrus, 1557. VUCR folio PA 6696 S6C3.

Title page: Commentaria in C. Iulij. Solini Polyhistora et Lucij Flori de Romanorum rebus gestis, libros ac Tabulam Cebetis... / Ioanne Camerte autore ... Praeterea Pomponij Melae De orbis situ libri tres; cum commentarijs Ioachimi Vadiani ... item alia ex Ioachimi Vadiani lucubrationibus... Basileae: Per Henrichum Petri, [1557]. Description: VUCR copy damaged pp. 294-298, including colophon. Imprint date supplied from BM.

Herren, Michael W. The Hisperica Famina. Toronto: PIMS, 1974-87. PA 8330 H7. Could be useful for Aethicus. See Jenkinson. Orosius, 139f. «De caelo» 90-93. «The bright sky contains five belts: some zones have burning heat [...] others emit a cold eructation» (lines 366-368). «The circular pole twists itself into a whirling vortex; the hinges move back and forth against the stable axis» (374-375). Taken from Isidore's Etym (177).

Herren, Michael W. «The Greek Element in the Cosmographia of Aethicus Ister.» Journal of Medieval Latin. 11 (2001) 184-200. Pims per. Re: Hisperica famina.

Herrmann, L. «Deux allusions contemporaines dans le livre III du De bello civili de Lucain.» REA 32 (1932) 339-342. Lucan.

Herzog, Reinhart, ed. Restauration und Erneuerung: die lateinische Literatur von 284 bis 374 N. Chr. Vol 5 of Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, 8, 5. Munich: Beck, 1989. PA 6007 H35. Historians, geographers, Church polemics.

Hibberd, Lloyd. «Physical and Reference Bibliography.» The Library. 5th series 20 (1965) 124-134. Z 671 L69.

Higuera, Jerónimo Román de la [1538-1611]. F.L. Dextri necnon Pauli Orosii hispanorum chronologorum Opera omnia. juxta memoratissimas Bivarii et Havercampi editiones accurate recognita: quorum prior Dextri Chronicon commentariis apodictis continenter illustravit; posterior Orosii libros ad fidem mss. et presertim cod. longob. antiquiss. Bibliotecae florentinae medicis. Laurentii / adjectis integris notis Franc. Fabricii Marcodurani et. Lud. Lautii. recensuit suisque animadversionibus nummisque antiquis illustrav; Accedunt, post Leporii presbyteri Libellum, scriptorum quorundam s. Augustino qualium opuscula varia. Date and place of original edition? . . . The Chronicon ascribed to Flavius Lucius Dexter is the work of Jeronimo Roman de la Higuera.

Higuera, Jerónimo Román de la [1538-1611]. F. L. Dextri necnon Pauli Orosii hispanorum chronologorum Opera omnia. Patrologiae cursus completus, Series latina. . . . reprinted Paris: Migne, 1846. PIMSF BQ 310 M35 vol 31. Orosii ad Augustinum Consultatio is here printed from Gallandi's edition and with the works of St. Augustine in v. 42, col. 665-670, of this series from the Maurist edition.

Hill, William, 1619-1667. Grammaticarum in Dionysii Periegesin annotationum systema. With 1688 edition of Dionysius.

Hillgarth, Jocelyn Nigel. «The Historiae of Orosius in the early Middle Ages.» In De Tertullien aux Mozarabes: Mélanges Jacques Fontaine. 3 vols. Paris: Institut d'Etudes augustiniennes, 1992-97. 2:157-170. PIMS BR 60 D4.

Hillkowitz, Kurt. Zur Kosmographie des Aethicus. Vol 1. Cologne: Welzel, 1934. G 82 H5. Review by Lindsay.

Hillkowitz, Kurt. Zur Kosmographie des Aethicus. Vol 2. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1973. G82 H5. Rev: Stevens. Study of sources.

Hillard, D. Bibliothèque Mazarine. Vol 6 of Catalogues régionaux des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France. Bordeaux, 1989. RBSC Z 240 F72. Firmicus: 813. Orosius: 1496; 1497; 1498.

Hind, Arthur Mayger. Introduction to a History of Woodcut. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1935; reprint in 2 vols New York: Dover, 1963. NE 1030 H55. Fifteenth century material, includes techniques of woodcut; biblio. «In his later years at Venice, Ratdolt was chiefly interested in the publication of astronomical and mathematical books, and decoration in itself was no longer an important aim. His use of woodcuts was largely technical» (460 and 462). Ratdolt, 458ff; Avienus, 467. Hyginus, 462. Ptolemy, 313.

Hinman, Charlton J. K. «New Uses for Headlines as Bibliographic Evidence.» The English Institute Annual. 1941 (1942) 207-222. Try TRIN PN 35 E5, storage.

Hipparchus of Bithynia [BC 162-126]. See Berger, Dicks, Manitius. Commentary on Aratus.

Hoefer, Ulrich. «Zur alten Geographen.» RhN NS 73 (1920) 342-349. Mela, Danube, etc.

Hoefer, Ulrich. «Pseudo-Skymnos und Eratosthenes.» RhM NS 77 (1928) 127-152.

Hoepli, Ulrico. Editori e stampatori italiani del Quattrocento: note bibliografiche. Milan, 1929. RBSC Ref Z 240 Z9 H69. Orosius: Cat (1929) p. 105.

Hoffmann, Friedrich Lorenz. Bibliography of Materials on the History of Printing in Italy. Compiled in 1852. Chicago: Public Library, 1941. Z 155 H6.

Holder, Alfred, ed. Rufi Festi Avieni Carmina. Innsbruck: Wagner, 1887. Old Class LL A957c, retrieved. Reproduces editio princeps; includes history of editions, organized by poems. See Woestijne for severe critique.

Holder, Alfred, ed. Rufi Festi Avieni Carmina. Innsbruck: Wagner, 1887; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1965.

Holder-Egger, Oswald, and Bernhard von Simson, eds. Die Chronik des Propstes Burchard von Ursberg. Scriptores rerum germanicarum in usum scholarum ex Monumentis Germaniae historicis separatim editi, 16. 2nd ed Hannover: Hahn, 1916. DD 3 M82, V 16; Roba DD 145 B87.

Holmes, Nigel. «Notes on Lucan.» CQ NS 41 (1991) 272-274. Phoceus.

Holtrop, J. W. Monuments typographiques des Pays-bas au quinzième siècle. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1868. RBSC duff f 00504. Facsimiles.

Hommel, Fritz. Geographie und politische Geschichte des klassischen Altertums: Mit einer Einleitung über die Nördlingen. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, 3,1,1. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1889. Roba, Pims DE 24 G4. Attila.

Honigmann, Ernst. Die Sieben Klimata und die poleis episêmoi. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1929. G 82 H6. Review Isis 14 (1930) 270-276. Klima: a cross between latitude and isotherm.

Horst, Koert van der. Illuminated and Decorated Medieval Manuscripts in the University Library, Utrecht: An Illustrated Catalogue. Cambridge: UP, 1991. nROBA ND 2920 H67 1989. Maps?

Hortzschansky, Adalbert. «Schriftwesen und Handschriftkunde.» In his Bibliographie des Bibliotheks- und Buchwesens. Beiheft zum Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, 29. Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1905. Z 1002 B59.

Hosius, Carolus, ed. M. Annaei Lucani belli civilis libri decem. Leipzig: Teubner, 1892/1913. PA 6478 A2. Verses 444-446 for Teutatis.

Hosius, Carl. «Lucan und Seneca.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. 29 (1892) 337-356. PA 3 N65.

Hosius, Carl. «Inschriftliches zu Seneca und Lucan.» RhM NS 47 (1892) 462-465.

Hosius, Carl. «Lucan und seine Quellen.» RhM NS 48 (1893) 380-397. S/b xeroxed.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «The Manuscripts of Propertius.» Journal of philology. 21 (1892) 101-197.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «The Manuscripts of Propertius.» Journal of philology. 22 (1893) 84-128.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «The Aratea of Germanicus.» The Classical Review. 14 (1900) 26-39. Emendations.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «Pharsalia nostra.» The Classical Review. 15 (1901) 129-131. Lucan.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «Emendation in the Aratea of Cicero and Avienus.» The Classical Review. 16 (1902) 102-107.

Housman, Alfred Edward, ed. M. Manilii Astronomicon Liber Primus. London, 1903. PA 6500 M4.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «Greek Nouns in Latin Poetry.» Journal of philology. 31 (1910) 236-266. Old Class. Lucan.

Housman, Alfred Edward, ed. M. Manilii Astronomicon liber secundus. London: Grant Richards, 1912.

Housman, Alfred Edward, ed. M. Manilii Astronomicon liber tertius. London: Grant Richards, 1916.

Housman, Alfred Edward, ed. M. Manilii Astronomicon liber quartus. London: Grant Richards, 1920.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «The application of thought to textual criticism.» In Proceedings of the Classical Association. 18 (1921) 67-84. PA 11 C6.

Housman, Alfred Edward, ed. M. Annaei Lucani Belli Civilis libri decem. Oxford: Blackwell, 1926/1950. PA 6478 A2. «the manuscripts group themselves not in families but in factions; their dissidences and agreements are temporary and transient ... and the true line of division is between the variants themselves, not between the manuscripts which offer them» (preface).

Housman, Alfred Edward, ed. M. Manilii Astronomicon liber quintus. London: Grant Richards, 1930. 5:xvii for Germanicus, check.

Housman, Alfred Edward, ed. D. Iunii Iuvenalis Saturae. 2nd ed Cambridge, 1931. PA 6446 A2.

Hubay, Ilona. Incunabula der Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1966. Z 240 H83. Orosius: 1584; 1585.

Hubay, Ilona. Incunabula Eichstätter Bibliotheken. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1968. PIMS Z 240 H87; ROBA Z 240 H82. Orosius: 767.

Hubay, Ilona. Incunabula aus der Staatlichen Bibliothek Neuburg/Donau. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1970. Z 240 H82. Not Orosius.

Hubay, Ilona. Incunabula der Staats‑ und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1974. RBSC 1 duff; PIMS Z 240 A1 H8. Aratus: 247. Orosius: 1534 (3 copies, all AD 1471); 1535.

Hubbard, Margaret. Propertius. London: Duckworth, 1974. PA 6646 H78.

Hübner, Ulrich. «Eine übersehene Metonymie in Lucans Pharsalia.» Hermes 103 (1975) 200-211.

Hübner, Ulrich. «Zu Lucan 7,566f.» Philologus 120 (1975) 302-307.

Hudson, John [1662-1719]. Geographiae veteris scriptores graeci. Cum interpretatione latina, dissertationibus, ac annottionibus. 3 vols. Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1698-1702-1712. RBSC B-10 2953. Wing H3260. With notes by Dodwell. Includes: Hanno, Scylax, Agatharchides, Arrian, Nearchus, Marcianus, Artemidorus, Menippus, Anonymous Red Sea, Anonymous Black Sea, Dicaearchus, Isidorus Characenus, Scymnus, Pseudo-Plutarch, Agathemerus, Strabo, Dionysius Byzantinus, Chrisococcus, Ptomelaeus, Abulfeda. Expositio (vol3).

Hudson-Williams, A. «Notes on some Passages of Lucan.» AJPh 97 (1976) 139-137.

Hudson-Williams, A. «On some Passages of Lucan.» In Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. Ed: Carl Deroux. Brussels: Latomus, 4 (1986) 492-498. PA 6011 S78, series 1979-.

Huisman, Gerda. Rudolph Agricola: A Bibliography of Printed Works and Translations. Nieuwkoop: . . . , 1985. CRRS Z 8020.14 H84; ROBA Z 8020.131 H94. Correspondence.

Hulley, K. «Principles of Textual Criticism known to St. Jerome.» Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 55 (1944) 87-109.

Hummel, Heribert. Katalog der Inkunabeln in Bibliotheken der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993. Roba Z 240 H925. Orosius: 480.

Hunger, Herbert, et al, eds. Antikes und mittelalterliches Buch- und Schriftwesen. Ueberlieferungsgeschichte der antiken Literatur. Vol 1 of Geschichte der Textüberlieferung der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur. 2 vols. Zurich: Atlantis, 1961. Roba, Pims Z 6602 G4. Includes Bible, Byzantium. Orosius cites Tacitus, who had become fashionable in his days, 413.

Hunger, Herbert, et al, eds. Ueberlieferungsgeschichte der mittelalterlichen Literatur. Vol 2 of Geschichte der Textüberlieferung der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur. 2 vols. Zurich: Atlantis, 1964. Roba, Pims Z 6602 G4. Includes medieval vernacular, medieval Latin.

Hyginus, C. Julius. Ed: Bunte. Butemy, Bursian, Manitius, Chatelain-Legendre.

Hyginus, C. Julius. [Poetica astronomica]. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 1482. ISTC § ih0056000. In-Quarto. Oates Cambridge §1752. Pictorial representation of the Constellations, Hind 462.

Hyginus, C. Julius. [Poetica astronomica]. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 1485. ISTC § ih00561000. In-Quarto. Oates Cambridge §1758. Reprint of 1482, Hind 462.

Hyginus, C. Julius. [Poetica astronomica]. Ed: Jacobus Sentinus and J. L. Santritter. Venice: Thomas de Blavis, 1488. ISTC § ih00562000. In-quarto, ills. Ub Wien § 304; Hain *9065; Polain 2041; BM V:318; Sander 3474; Essling § 287. Reprint of Ratdolt, more crudely cut copies (Hind 462).

Hyginus, C. Julius. [Poetica astronomica]. 1535. RBSC sci f 00160.

Ihlemann, Carolus [Carl]. De Rufi Festi Avieni in vertendis Arateis arte et ratione. Göttingen: Dieterich, 1909. WCat 3. See Tolkiehn for summary. Appreciation of his skills as translator.

Ihm, Max. «Lateinische Papyri.» Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 16 (1899) 341-357. GersteinR. Biblio, catalogue.

The Illustrated Incunabula Short-Title Catalogue [IISTC]. Reading: Primary Source Media, in association with the British Library, 1996‑. CD-ROM; available online by subscription.

Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae .... Wroclaw, ? Z 240 B82, check out.

Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur: Addenda: Indices. Wroclaw, 1993. Firmicus: 2190.

Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. A Comprehensive Microfiche Collection of Full-Text Incunabula. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1993-94. Also online? Full facsimiles of all 28,000 incunables planned, about 2,500 titles, occupying some 100,000 fiches, have been released.

Unit 3 Image of the World: Geography and Cosmology. 1993. Unit 4 Chronicles and Historiography, Part I. 1994. Unit 5 Chronicles and Historiography, Part II. 1994.

Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d'Italia. 6 vols. Rome, 1943-1981. Pims Z 240 R753. Aratus: 1131. Firmicus: 8846. Orosius: 7033; 7034; 7035; 7036; 7937; 7038.

International Medieval Bibliography. U of Minnesota. 1967-. SMCR D117 I55; ROBA Z 6203 I6. Also online.

Iriarte, Juan de. Catalog. Mss. Graec. Bibliothecae Regiae Matritensis. Madrid, 1769. MICR mfm Z M257. Aratos, 203-212.

Irigoin, Jean. «Les premiers manuscrits grecs écrits sur papier et le problème du bombycin.» Scriptorium 4 (1950) 194-204. Z 108 S35. «Le plus ancien ms arabe écrit sur papier est daté de 866; c'est le codex Warner 298, conservé à Leyde (no 1725 du catalogue de Dozy).» (196n1). «le Vaticanus gr. 2200, qui est le premier ms grec sur papier; il a sans doute été écrit à Damas, aux alentours de l'an 800.» (198).

Irigoin, Jean. «Stemmas bifides et états des manuscrits.» Revue de philologie. 3rd series 28/80 (1954) 211-217.

Irigoin, Jean. «Structure et évolution des écritures livresques de l'époque byzantine.» Polychronion: Festschrift Franz Dölger. Heidelberg, 1966. 253-265. PA 5003 P6.

Irigoin, Jean. «Quelques réflexions sur le concept d'archétype.» Revue d'histoire des textes. 7 (1977) 235-245. Z 108 R45.

Irigoin, Jean. «Titres, sous-titres et sommaires dans les oeuvres des historiens grecs du 1er siècle avant J.-C. au Ve siècle après J.-C.» Titres et Articulations du texte dans les oeuvres antiques. Collection des Etudes Augustiniennes, Série Antiquité, 152. Paris: Institut des Etudes Augustiniennes, 1997. 127-134. PN 171 T5 C65.

Isidore of Seville. Editions: PL 81-83; Arevalus, Becker, Fontaine, Lindsay.

Isidore of Seville. PL 81-83. Chronica majora. PL 83:1056. MGH: AA 11:479.

Italian Books Before 1601. 605 reels. Lexington, KY: Erasmus press, n.d. Roba mfm AC 1734. Based on but not restricted to the BM's Short-Title Catalogue.

Jacob, Christian, tr. La Description de la terre habitée de Denys d'Alexandrie ou la leçon de géographie. With preface by Marcel Detienne. Paris: Albin Michel, 1990. PA 3968 D32.

Jaeger, Werner. «Ennius Annal. Frg. 222 Vahlen.» Hermes 51 (1916) 310-313. Glosses in Orosius.

Jagic, Vatroslav. Der erste Cetinjer Kirchendruck vom Jahre 1494. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften, 43,2. Vienna, 1894. AS 142 A5.

Jagic, Vatroslav. Der erste Cetinjer Kirchendruck vom Jahre 1494. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften, 43,4. Vienna, 1894. AS 142 A5.

Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursian's. PA 3 J3, currently in Gerstein Reserve. Biblio. «Ethnologia, geographia, topographia.» (1915) 129-133.

Jal, Paul. «Le rôle des barbares dans les guerres civiles de Rome, de Sylla à Vespasien.» Latomus 21 (1962) 8-48.

Jal, Paul. La guerre civile à Rome: Etude littéraire et morale. Paris: PUF, 1963. DG 256.2 J3.

Jammes, B. Bibliothèque de l'Institut de France, Bibliothèque Thiers, Paris. Vol 7 of Catalogues régionaux des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France. Paris, 1990. RBSC Z 240 F72?? Firmicus: F-2.

Janan, Micaela Wakil. «The Ethics of Evil: Arethusa to Lycotas (4,3).» Chapter 3 of The Politics of Desire: Propertius IV. Berkeley: U of California Press, 2001. PA 6644 B43 J36. Biblio. Maps, 65f.

Jannoray, Jean. Ensérune: Contribution à l'étude des civilisations préromaines de la Gaule méridionale. BEFAR, 181. Paris: Boccard, 1955. D5 B4. Celts.

Jannsen, Franz A. Technique and Design in the History of Printing: 26 Essays. 't Goy: Houten, Hes & de Graff, 2004. Anything on maps? Check out original articles.

Jannsen, Martina. Unter fälschem Namen: Eine kritische Forschungsbilanz frühchristlicher Pseudepigraphie. FFM: Lang, 2003.

Janvier, Yves. La géographie d'Orose. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1982. D 17 O 6524.

Jenkinson, Francis John Henry. The Hisperica Famina. Cambridge: UP, 1908/1921. Pims PB 1397 H5. See Herren's edition. Limited use.

Jennings, Margaret. «Lucan's Medieval Popularity: The Exemplum Tradition.» Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale. 16 (1974) 215-233. per.bib.

Jennings, Oscar. Early Woodcut Initials. London: Methuen, 1908. PIMS ND 3335 J4.

Jensen, Kristian, ed. Incunabula and their Readers: Printing, Selling and Using Books in the fifteenth Century. London: British Library, 2003. ROBA Z 240 I45 2003, carrel loan.

Jensen, Kristian, Alan Coates, Cristina Dondi, and Bettina Wagner. A Catalogue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century Now in the Bodleian Library. Update of Sheppard. Oxford: . . . , 1992‑.

Jerome of Stridona. Epistles. See Hilberg. Authors file.

Jocelyn, H. O. «Plautus, Poenulus 200-202 and the ballistarium.» Liverpool Classical Monthly. 14 (1989) 5-8. PA 1 L57. Cites ancient editors, s/b xeroxed. Bert.

Johnson, Alfred Forbes. Selected Essays on Books and Printing. Amsterdam: van Gendt, 1970. RBSC duff. Holbein border in Chrysostom, 221, 12.

Johnson, Walter Ralph. Momentary Monsters: Lucan and his Heroes. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1987. PA 6480 J64. Biblio. «the poem's material is violently intractable» (x). «a poem about inhuman forces in history» (xi).

Johnston, A. E. M. [Ms]. «The Earliest Preserved Greek Map: A New Ionian Coin Type.» JHS 87 (1967) 86-94, plates. Inconclusive.

Joly, Robert. Le tableau de Cébès et la philosophie religieuse. Collection Latomus, 61. Bruxelles-Berchem: Latomus, 1963. PA 3948 C2 Z753.

Jones, Alexander R. «William of Moerbeke, the Papal Greek Manuscripts, and the Collection of Pappus of Alexandria in Vat. Gr. 218.» Scriptorium 40 (1986) 16-31. Text transmission.

Jones, Alexander. «Pliny on the Planetary Cycles.» Phoenix 44 (1990) 82-83; 148-161. PA 1 P58. NH 2:59ff.

Jones, Alexander. «Hipparchus' Computations of Solar Longitudes.» JH Astronomy. 22 (1991) 101-125. per.bib. HNotes.

Jones, Charles W. «The Flat Earth.» Thought 9 (1934) 296-307. AP 2 T333. Abundant biblio of sources.

Josephus. See Burchard: [Chronicon universale]. Strasbourg: Kraft Müller, 1537. RBSC E‑10 3560.

Jouguet, Pierre. «Les papyrus latins d'Egypte.» REL 3 (1925) 35-50.

Juchhoff, Rudolf. Drucker- und Verlegerzeichen des XV. Jahrhunderts in den Niederlanden, England, Spanien, Böhmen, Mähren und Polen. Munich: Verlag der Münchner Drucke, 1927. VUCR Z 235 J91.

Jullian, Camille. «Notes gallo-romaines IV: Lucain historien. Les préliminaires du siège de Marseille.» Revue des études anciennes. 1 (1899) 301-317. PA 2 R4. Lucan and Livy.

Jullian, Camille. «Notes gallo-romaines VII: Lucain historien II.» Revue des études anciennes. 2 (1900) 329-345.

Jullian, Camille. «Notes gallo-romaines CII: Lucain historien. La forêt sacrée du terroir marseillais.» Revue des études anciennes. 26 (1924) 115-122.

Juneaux, Marcel. «Une matière d'enseignement: les figures de pensée et de style.» Mélanges offerts à A.-M. Desrousseaux par ses amis et ses élèves. Paris: Hachette, 1937. 239-251. PA 85 D38 M4. Izbornik.

Jung, Julius [1851-1910]. Grundriss der Geographie von Italien und dem Orbis romanus. 2nd enlarged edition. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, 3,8. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1897. Roba DG 30 J8.

Juret, A. Rev; Svennung. REA . . . (1928) 248.

Justinian I, Flavius Anicius, Emperor. Novellae. «Novella 11: De Privilegiis Archiepiscopi Primae Iustinianae, Apr 14, 535.» In his Novellae. See Schoell-Kroll (KJA 1112.2), Lingenthal KJA 1-62.1 Hx); Alföldi II:92. HXp. See also Novella 131.

Kaibel, . «Rose des vents.» Hermes 2 (1885) 579-624.

Kaplan, H. G. A First Census of Incunabula in Australia and New Zealand. Sidney, 1966. MC 093 AN532F, Massey?

Katzenstein, Ranee, and Emilie Savage-Smith. The Leiden Aratea: Ancient Constellations in a Medieval Manuscript. Malibu, CA: J. Paul Getty Museum, 1988. Roba, Pims, SMC ND 3399 L413 K38. University Library at Leiden, Ms. Voss. lat Q79.

Kawecka-Gryczowa, Alodia, ed. Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur. 2 vols. Wroclaw: Ossolineum, 1970. Z 240 A1 I54. Aratus: 721. Orosius, vol 2: 4055; 4056; 4057; 4058; 4059; 5757.

Kenyon, Sir Frederic George. The Palaeography of Greek Papyri. Oxford, 1899. Z 114 K424p.

Kenyon, Sir Frederic George. Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford, 1932. ROBA Z 112 K4; PIMS Z 112 K38.

Kiehl, EJ. [Bursiano Kiehlius]. «Hygini Anecdoton.» Mnemosyne 2 (1853) 82-96. Astronomy, mss.

King, David A., and George Saliba, eds. From Deferent to Equant: Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient and Medieval Near East in Honor of E. S. Kennedy. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 500. New York, 1987.

Kirsop, Wallace. Bibliographie matérielle et critique textuelle: Vers une collaboration. Paris: Lettres modernes, 1970. P 47 K5. bibliographie matérielle = physical bibliography (7).

Kittel, Gerhard, ed. Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Stuttgart, 1932-. Reviewed Nock: contains «essays which any learned journal would have been glad to print» (1:341)

Klebs, Arnold Carl. Incunabula scientifica et medica: Short-Title List. Bruges, 1938; Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1963. PIMS Z 240 K62. Aratus: 137.1. Firmicus: 405.1.

Kleinlogel, Alexander. «Das Stemmaproblem.» Philologus. 112 (1968) 63-82. PA 3 P5.

Kline, Mary-Jo. A Guide to Documentary Editing. 1987; 2nd edition Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1998. Z 113.3 K55. Biblio. Accession number «an identifying number that indicates the order in which the document or its copy was added to the project's files» (57). «numerical extensions to the original accession number (1000.1)» (58).

Kloos, Rudolf M. «Bamberger Orosiusfragmente des 9. Jahrhunderts.» In Festschrift Bernhard Bischoff zu seinem 65. Geburtstag dargebracht von Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern. Eds: Johanne Authenrieth and Franz Brunhölzl. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1971. 178-197. PA 2802 F47. Fragments corrrespond to Book 7, 33,1 to 37,10 of Zangemeister. Italian origin, mention of Danube, Vienna. Check carefully, Huns should be mentioned twice here.

Klotz, Alfred. See also Otto Seel.

Klotz, Alfred. Quaestiones Plinianae geographicae. Quellen und Forschungen zur alten Geschichte und Geographie, 11. Berlin: Weidmann, 1906. WCat 18, plus mcrf.

Klotz, Alfred. «Die Insel Thea.» Hermes 43 (1908) 314-320. Date of Pliny and Mela.

Klotz, Alfred. «Agrippa.» Berliner Philologischer Wochenschrift. 1908:1051. Old Class. Starts in 1913. ILL.

Klotz, Alfred. «Die Caesarüberlieferung.» RhM NS 64 (1909) 224-234.

Klotz, Alfred. «Die Schlacht von Munda.» Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum. 23 (1909) 560-573.

Klotz, Alfred. Cäsarstudien, nebst einer Analyse der Strabonischen Beschreibung von Gallien und Britannien. Leipzig: Teubner, 1910. WCat 38, + mcrf. Try PA 6246 S43. Offprint of next?

Klotz, Alfred. «Caesarstudien.» Göttingischen Gelehrte Anzeigen. . . . (1910) 483. AS 182 G8. This vol not here, ILL. Finished by his student Seel.

Klotz, Alfred, ed. Caesaris Commentarii. Leipzig: Teubner, 1921/1964. PA 6235 A2. Rev: Constans Rphil NS 49 (1925) 192-194. Celts. Rev: Castiglioni.

Klotz, Alfred, ed. Commentarii belli civilis. Vol 2 of C. Iulii Caesaris commentarii rerum gestarum. With Otto Seel. 1921; second, enlarged and corrected edition Leipzig: Teubner, 1964. PA 6235 A2.

Klotz, Alfred, ed. Commentarii belli alexandrini, belli africi, belli hispanenses; accedunt C. Iulii Caesaris et A. Hirti fragmenta. Vol 3 of C. Iulii Caesaris commentarii rerum gestarum. With Otto Seel. 1927; reprint Leipzig: Teubner, 1964. PA 6235 A2.

Klotz, Alfred. «Zu Caes. bell. Gall. VII 75.» Philologus 83 (1927) 390-399.

Klotz, Alfred. Livius und seine Vorgänger. Leipzig: Teubner, 1940; reprint Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1964. PA 6459 K56. Also: Old Class retrieved.

Klotz, Alfred. Julius Caesar: De Bello Civili. 2nd Leipzig: Teubner, 1950; reprint 1982. PA 6235 A2.

Knoche, Ulrich. Review article on Juvenal, text transmission. Gnomon 4 (1924) 91-105.

Koechly, Arminius, ed. Arati Phaenomena et Prognostica. In Poetae bucolici et didactici. 4 vols in 1. Paris: Didot, 1862. 4:1-22. Recat. Greek with new Latin translation; remnants of Cicero and Germanicus 23-38. What is the place of this edition in the text's history?

König, Ingemar, ed. Aus der Zeit Theoderichs des grossen: Einleitung, Text, Uebersetzung und Kommentar einer anonymen Quellen. Darmstadt: WB, 1997. PA 6205 K65.

Köttelwesch, Clemens, General Editor. Kataloge der Stadt‑ und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1966‑‑. Z 929 F73. Vol 1, Inkunabel, see Ohly. Vol 2-3 Manuscripts.

Kollar, Adam Franciscus de Kereszten, ed. Commentariorum de augustissima bibliotheca caesarea vindobonensi. By Peter Lambeck. 8 vols. 2nd edition Vienna: 1766-1782. WCat 6.

Konrad von Lichtenau [Conradus Urspergensis, d. 1240]. See Burchard.

Kopp, Ulrich Friedrich, ed. Martiani Minei Felicis Capellae Afri Carthaginiensis De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, et de septem artibus liberalibus libri novem. Ad codicum manuscriptorum fidem cum notis Bon. Vulcanii, Hug. Grotii, Casp. Barthii, Cl Salmasii, H. J.Arntzenii, Corn, Vonckii, P. Bondami, L. Walthardi, Jo. Ad. Goezii, Henr. Susii, Marc Meibonii aliorumque. Partim integris partim selectis et commentario perpetuo edidit Ulricus Fridericus Kopp. Frankfurt/Main: Varrentrapp, 1836. PA 6511 M2 1836. Mss history (vi-x); commentary in footnotes, catena style. Book 6: Geometry, geography.

Kraner, Friedrich, and Heinrich Meusel, comm. De Bello Civili. Berlin: Weidmann, 1906; 12th ed 1959. PA 6238 B2. Caesar.

Krehl, Augustus, ed. Prisciani Caesarensis grammatici opera. Leipzig: Weidmann, 1819. Vol 1 at Robarts; nPA 662 A4. Does full edition include Dso?

Kristeller, Paul. Die italienischen Buchdrucker- und Verlagerzeichen bis 1525. Strassburg: Heitz, 1893; reprint Naarden: van Bekhoven, 1969. RBSC Z 236 I8 K9 (folio?). Devices for Scotto, 182-3; 281-286.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, general editor. Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries, annotated lists and guides. 7 vols, with different editors. Union académique internationale. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1960. GenR Z 7016 K96. Vegetius 6:175ff.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600: A List of the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections. New, revised edition New York: Fordham University Press, 1960. GenR, SMC, PIMS Z 6601 A1 K7. First published in Traditio 6 (1948) 227-317; 9 (1953) 393-418.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Iter Italicum: A Finding List of Uncatalogued or Incompletely Catalogued Humanistic Manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and other Libraries. London: Warburg Institute, 1963. VUCR, ROBA, PIMS Z 6611 H8 K7.

Vol 1: Italy, Agrigento to Novara. Vol 2: Italy, Orvieto to Volterra, Vatican City. Vol 3: (Alia itinera 1) Australia to Germany. Leiden: Brill, ??? Vol 6: Index.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600: A List of the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections. Third edition New York: Fordham University Press, 1965. GenR, SMC, VUCR, VUPR, PIMS Z 6601 A1 K7 1965.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Early Florentine Woodcuts, AD 1490-1550. London: The Holland Press, 1968. Z 1023 K91. No geographers.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Medieval Aspects of Renaissance Learning: Three Essays. Ed, tr: Edward P. Mahoney. Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1974. SMC, PIMS, VUCR, VUPT, ROBA B 775 K69. Biblio 115-120. «The Scholar and his public in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.»

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, FS. Itinerarium Italicum: The Profile of the Italian Renaissance in the Mirror of its European Transformation. Ed: Heiko Augustinus Oberman and Thomas A. Brady. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, 14. Leiden: Brill, 1975. B 776 I8 I86.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600: A List of the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections. Fourth revised edition by Sigrid Krämer. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Hilfsmittel, 13. Munich, 1993. PIMS Z 6601 A1 K7 1993; Pims DD 3 M84 v 13. Check if series at Robarts.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, and Ferdinand Edward Cranz. A Microfilm Corpus of the indexes to printed catalogues of Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600. Third edition New York: Fordham University Press, 1965; microfilm edition New London: Conn.: [s.n.] 1982‑. VUCR, PIMS Z 6601 A1 K72 Folio.

Kronenberg, Maria Elizabeth. Campbell's Annales de la typographie néerlandaise au XVe siècle: Contributions to a New Edition. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1956. Z 240 C183 K7. With additions and losses. Not Orosius.

Kronenberg, Maria Elizabeth. «More Contributions and Notes to a New Campbell Edition.» Het Boek. 36 (1964) 129-139. The Hague.

Krüger, Nilüfer. Die Inkunabeln der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock: Mit den Inkunabeln der Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Schwerin und der Kirchenbibliothek Friedland. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003.

Krumbacher, Karl. Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur von Justinian bis zum Ende des oströmischen Reiches, 527-1453. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, IX:1. Munich: C.H. Beck, 1891. VUPT PA 25 H24; Roba PA 5110 K7.

Krumbacher, Karl. «Miscellen zu Romanos.» Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Historische Klasse, Abhandlungen. 24 (1909) 122-133. AS 182 M8175, per.bib, corr. Edition of texts.

Krusch, Bruno. «Zur Florians- und Lupus-Legende.» Neues Archiv. 24 (1899) 533-570. See Levison 1904.

Krusch, Bruno. Vita sancti Lupi Trecensis. In SS Rer Merov. 7,1 (1919).

Krusch, Bruno. Origo Francorum Duplex: Aethici Istri Cosmographi et codicis Bonnenses Leges Salicae. In SS Rer Merov. 7,2 (1920) 517-528. Excerpted from Wuttke 1853.

Kubitschek, Wilhelm. Review of Fischer. Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen. 10 (1935) 369-387. AS 182 G84, incomplete, WCat.

Kubitschek, Wilhelm. «Die sogennante B-Redaktion der ptolemäischen Geographie.» Klio 28 (1935) 108-132.

Kubitschek, Wilhelm. Studien zur Geographie des Ptolemäus. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 215,5. Vienna: Alfred Hölder, 1935. AS 142 A53. Sarmatia, 606.

Kukenheim, Louis. Contributions à l'histoire de la grammaire grecque, latine et hébraïque à l'époque de la Renaissance. Leiden: Brill, 1951. Old Class La K9676co, Karl.

Kunstmann, Friedrich. «Die Schriften über Aethicus von Avezac, Pertz und Wuttke.» Gelehrte Anzeigen. 38 (1854) 249-275. AS 182 M82. Frakturschrift.


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