Text Transmission

The purpose of this weblog is to share with other scholars the results of my researches in the history of text transmission, especially in these area: early history of the Slavs and the Huns, long distance trade in the early middle ages, and classical scholarship during the middle ages.

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Philologist specialist of Byzantium and the Slavs in the middle ages, and the Huns in antiquity; material culture (crossbow). If you wish to get in touch with me, in order to share scholarly information, please leave a comment. You may also write to me directly at: nicole.petrin@gmail.com or at nicolepetrin@yahoo.com.

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Name of The Alans, BIB 3

Haebler, Konrad. Die deutschen Buchdrucker des XV. Jh im Auslande. Munich: Rosenthal, 1924. VUCR Z 231 H13; RBSC duff f 00395 oversize. Lyon. Josephus by Mentelin, which he assigns to Paris.

Häkanson, Lennart. Statius' «Silvae»: Critical and Exegetical Remarks, with some Notes on the «Thebaid». Lund: Gleerup, 1969. PA 6698 H25.

Häkanson, Lennart. «Problems of Textual Criticism and Interpretation in Lucan's de bello civili Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. 25 (1979) 26-51. P 11 C2. Re Housman and Gotoff. Scyths.

Häkanson, Lennart. «Nochmals Lucan 2:554.» Eranos. 79 (1981) 151-152. PA 9 E7.

Häkanson, Lennart. «Miscellanea critica.» Phoenix 36 (1982) 237-242. Lucan.

Hagen, Hermann. «Zu den Berner Lucanscholien.» Neue Jahrbücher für classische Philologie und Pädagogik. 31 (1885) 277-288. PA 3 N65, 12th Apex. Reprinted in Usener.

Hagendahl, Harald. «Methods of Citation in Post-Classical Latin Prose.» Eranos 45 (1947) 114-128. PA 9 E7.

Hagendahl, Harald. Latin Fathers and the Classics: A Study on the Apologists, Jerome and Other Christian Writers. Göteborg: Elanders, 1958. Roba BR 67 H3; Pims BQ 5015 H22. Sidonius?

Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Theodor. Repertorium Bibliographicum. 2 vols. Stuttgart and Paris, 1826-1838.

Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Theodor. Repertorium Bibliographicum. 4 vols. Berlin: Altmann, 1925. Roba, Pims, RBSC Z 240 H15. Supplements by Reichling, Copinger, Burger, GW. Josephus vol 3 §9449-9457.

Halm, ed. The Annals of Tacitus. Fourth edition 1883. Used by Furneaux.

Hamblenne, Pierre. «Un complément à la description du MS Bruxelles, BR 5330-32.» Scriptorium 52 (1998) 193-195. Lucan manuscript; olim Gemblacensis. f 116 and 131 damaged, some corrections made in XVth century. «les gloses anciennes ont été copiées dan les marges extérieures (droite au recto, gauche au verso) et entre les lignes» (194). Pertes f 116 recto (9:682, 9:685 + glose; 9:687f; f 116 verso 9:714-719 + glose. «Aucun éditeur de Lucain n'a collationné directement le ms de Bruxelles, BR 5330» (195).

Hardie, Alex. Statius and the «Silvae». Liverpool: Cairns, 1983. PA 6697 A33 H27.

Harman, Marian. «Classical Elements in Early Printers' Marks.» In Classical Studies in Honor of William Abbott Oldfather. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1943. 60-72. Roba PA 26 O4. Biblio for incunabula.

Harmand, René. De Valerio Flacco, Apollonii Rhodii imitatore. PhD. Nancy: Berger-Levrault, 1898. WCat 16.

Harmand, René. «Valérius Flaccus et les Barbares.» Revue de philologie. 23 (1899) 37-50. Alans, 39. Harmand cites Argonautica 6,42 for Alans.

Harmand, René, tr. Guerre des Juifs, I-III. Vol 5 of Oeuvres complètes de Flavius Josèphe, traduites en français. General editor: Théodore Reinach. Paris: Leroux, 1911. DS 116 J674.

Harmand, René, tr. Guerre des Juifs, IV-VII. Vol 6 of Oeuvres complètes de Flavius Josèphe, traduites en français. General editor: Théodore Reinach. Paris: Leroux, 1932. DS 116 J674. Alans, text and notes, 18:4,4 = 18,97. Whole passage on the activities of the Alans, 7:244-251 = 7:7,4. «les Alains sont une tribu de Scythes, habitant aux bords du Tanaïs et du marais de la Méotide» (7:244 = 7:7,4).

Harries, Jill. Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome, AD 407-485. Oxford: UP, 1994. Pims, Roba DG 312.5 S5 H37.

Hartmann, Karl. «Ueber das Verhältnis des Cassius Dio zur Parthergeschichte des Flavius Arrianus.» Philologus 74 (1917) 73-91. Alans, 88ff.

Harvard College Library, Department of Printing and Graphic Arts. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Part I: French Sixteenth Century Books. Compiled by Ruth Mortimer. 2 vols. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1964. Massey BIB H339.35ca; FIS 655.24 H339. Lucan.

Harvard College Library, Department of Printing and Graphic Arts. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Part II: Italian 16th Century Books. Compiled by Ruth Mortimer. 2 vols. Cambridge, Belknap Press, 1974. Pims Z 881 H346. Intro, biblio. «The British Short-Title Catalogue records work of the Minuziano press for the Legnano brothers in the years 1515 to 1519» (1:195, §138). More useful for Fine Arts than Classics.

Haskins, Charles Edmund, ed. M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia. With introduction by William Emerton Heitland and notes by C. E. Haskins. London: Bell, 1887; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1971. PA 6478 A2. Haskins proposes Alani are really Albani, page 280. Heitland: «It is no part of my plan to speak of the 75 or 80 manuscripts (which I have never seen) or describe the numerous printed editions from 1469 to the present day» (xxxi).

Hauptvogel, Friedrich. Der Prager Kodex XIV A 14: Ein Beitrag zur Textkritik der lateinischen Uebersetzung der «Arkhaiologia» des Josephus. Cilli: Jahresbericht d. kk Staatsgymnasium, 1906-1907. 17-23. WCat 1.

Hauptvogel, Friedrich. Welche Handschriften sind für eine Ausgabe der lateinischen Uebersetzung der «Arkhaiologia» des Josephus besonders wertvoll? PhD 1913. 3 vols. Prague: Staatsgymnasium, 1913-1915. WCat 3 + mfm, 518 pages.

Haverkamp, Siwart [Sigebertus 1684-1742], ed. Flavii Iosephi Hebraei Opera omnia graece et latine. 2 vols. Amsterdam: Apud Wetstenios, 1726. Reprinted 1782-1784, see under Josephus. Appendices by Ezechiel von Spanheim.

Havet, Julien. «La mise en relief par disjonction dans le style latin.» In Mélanges Nicole: recueil des mémoires de philologie classique et d'archéologie offerts à Jules Nicole à l'occasion du 30e anniversaire de son professorat. Geneva: Kündig, 1905. 225-237. PA 26 N54.

Havet, Louis. Manuel de critique verbale, appliquée aux textes latins. Paris: Hachette, 1911. Z 40 H37 Pims, Roba.

«palimpseste d'un commentaire arien sur saint Luc» (§39)

«copie servile ... vérification matérielle» (§52)

«Mais jamais, sur une étendue notable, deux manuscrits d'un même texte ne coïncident exactement.» (§62)

«Tant qu'une faute reste inexpliquée, la bonne leçon demeure entachée d'un reste d'incertitude» (§67) Balkan travel.

«Une littérature polémique donne rapidement matière non seulement à des fautes, mais à des altérations tendancieuses» (§85). For Athanasius and Arius.

«critique utilitaire... critique scientifique» (§115f)

Haywood, Mark S. «Some Geographical Etymologising in Claudian (BG I 504-526).» Mnemosyne 40 (1987) 425-426. Important for method.

Hazen, Allen Tracy. «One Meaning of the Imprint.» The Library. 5th series 6 (1951) 120-123. Z 671 L69. 17th cent England, see Shaaber.

Heckethorn, Charles William. The Printers of Basle in the XV and XVI centuries: Their Biographies, Printed Books and Devices. London: Unwin Bros, 1897. RBSC Z 176 B2 H4.

Hegesippus. Josephi de bello judaico. PL 15:1961-2224 (reprint of Gallandius with the works of Ambrose of Milan); CSEL 66, parts 1-2. Text: Lefèvre (Bade), Minutianus, Moretus, Wouters, Routh, Ussani and Mras; Weber and Caesar. Studies: Bell, Blatt, Caesar, Dwyer, Feldman, Gansweidt, Ihm, Landgraf, McCormick, Rönsch, Scholtz, Traube. Biblio of editions: Mras, Renouard. Biblio of mss: Omont, Pellegrin, Renouard.

Hegesippus. Josephi de bello judaico. Translation or adaption of Josephus? Did Hegesippus translate IV Macch? Was Melanchthon interested in Hegesippus?

Hegesippus. Josephi de bello judaico. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 5068 (fourteenth century?): BJ. Once the property of Francesco Pizzolpasso, Archbishop of Milan, (+ 1443), see Pellegrin 1955:221.

Hegesippus. Josephi de bello judaico. «Alani ... incolebant Scythicum Tanain finitimaque eius et Meotis palude» 5,50. Important, s/xerox whole chapter.

Hegesippus. Anacephalaeosis. Ed: Gallandius (PL 15:2205-2218), Grabe, Routh. Earliest editions: Lefebvre, Wouters. Studies: Backus, Linder (who thinks this is a Carolingian Easter sermon). Known from fragments in Eusebius, and others. Translation attributed to Ambrose of Milan; could it be a sermon by him? Relationship between Greek and Latin text?

Hegesippus. Anacephalaeosis. Known by several titles. Historia de excidio Hierosolymitanae ..bis Anacephalaeosis. id et, omnium pene quae in superioribus dicta sunt libri Repetitio. Check Linder.

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Paris: Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 1st June to 7th July, 1510. Editio princeps.

Title page: Aegesippi : Historiographi Fidelissimi Ac Disertissimi Et Inter Christianos Antiquissimi historia de bello judaico, sceptri sublatione, Judaeorum dispersione Et Hierosolymitano excidio, a divo Ambrosio Mediolanen. antistite E graeca latina facta cum Eiusdem Anacephaleosi Et Tabellis Congruentiarum cum Iosephi Libris etiam De gestis Machabeorum. Preface: edidit Ja. Faber Stapulensis ... Imprint: Parrhisiis, Jodocus Badius, ad nonas Iunias, 1510. Content: Hegesippus; IV Macch or concordance? Description: in-folio. Location: Niedersachs-Staats Univ (1); Phoenix PL; Harvard; Barcelona UB; Cambridge U; Oxford U. Source: Brunet; Renouard 1908; Renouard 1969; WorldCat; Adams § H-144. General Notes: According to letter by Badius to Beatus Rhenanus, Michael Humelberg did the concordance. «édition soignée par Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples» (Renouard 2:486). Based on which mss? Lefèvre spent from summer 1508 to spring 1521 at the Abbey of St-Germain-des-Prés and used its library (Linder 146n3). See Wiriath for Badius and Lefèvre. Rice 1962:147.

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Brescia: Joannes Antonius de Gardino for Antonius Moretus, 13 August 1511.

Title page: Aegesippi : historia de bello judaico, sceptri sublatione, Judaeorum dispersione et Hierosolymitano excidio, a divo Ambrosio Mediolanensi antistite et graeca latina facta (edidit Ja. Faber Stapulensis). Imprint: Brixiae: Joannes Antonius de Gardino, dictus de Caegulis [n~roqz impendio a pecunia (Adams)], Idib. Sextilibus, 1511. Description: in-folio. Content: ...... Location: Cambridge; New York PL. Source: Norton; Adams § H-145; WorldCat. General Notes: Reprint of Badius 1510. Moretus acknowledges French source of text on page a.i. (Linder 146n7). This printer not in Kristeller Verlegerzeichen. Peddie Brescia.

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Paris: Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 30th December, 1511 or 1st January, 1512.

Title page: Aegesippi : Historiographi Fidelissimi Ac Disertissimi Et Inter Christianos Antiquissimi historia de bello judaico, sceptri sublatione, Judaeorum dispersione E Hierosolymitano excidio, a divo Ambrosio Mediolanen. antistite et graeca latina facta cum Eiusdem Anacephaleosi Et Tabellis Congruentiarum cum Iosephi Libris etiam De gestis Machabeorum. Imprint: Parrhisiis, in aedibus ascensionis, 1511-1512. Content: Reprint of 1510 with added index by Badius. Description: in-folio. Location: Konink Bib; Michigan; Cornell; Yale. Source: Brunet; Renouard 1908; Renouard 1969; WorldCat. General Notes: Date uncertain, depends whether old or new style used, see Renouard 1969:82.

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Milan: Alexander Minutianus and Ludovicus Hornken Coloniensus, 1514.

Title page: Aegesippi : historia de bello judaico... Description: in-folio; printed or bound with Josephus, qv. Content: ........ Source: WorldCat. General Notes: For printer's device, see Kristeller 22, §72, where his name is Lodovic Hornken. Check Minutianus's role. Bound with Adam §J-353?

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. 1523. Cited by Panzer, according to Renouard, see Hegesippus 1524. Where in Panzer? Was it a pirate copy, or did it really not exist? Or is this a problem of old vs new style dating?

Title page: Aegesippi : Historiographi ... Imprint: ... Source: Panzer.

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Paris: Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 13 November 1524. VUCR DS 116 H47 1524; RBSC E-10 0769.

Title page: Aegesippi : Historiographi Fidelissimi Ac Disertissimi Et Inter Christianos Antiquissimi historia de bello judaico, sceptri sublatione, Judaeorum dispersione E Hierosolymitano excidio, a divo Ambrosio Mediolanen. antistite et graeca latina facta cum Eiusdem Anacephaleosi Et Tabellis Congruentiarum cum Iosephi Libris etiam De gestis Machabeorum. Imprint: Parrhisiis, in aedibus ascensionis, 1524. Preface ... Description: in-folio. Content: Concordance by Michael Humelberg. Location: Wichita; Harvard; Toronto, Fisher; Toronto, Victoria College. Source: Brunet; Renouard 1908; Renouard 1969; WorldCat; UTL Cat. General Notes: Reprint of 1510, without the epistle to Beatus Rhenanus. «Ce jam tertium de la souscription prouve que l'édition citée par Panzer sous la date de 1523 n'existe pas» (Renouard 2:489).

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Cologne: in aedibus Eucharii Ceruicorni impedio & aere Godefridi Hittorpii, 1525.

Title page: Egesippi historiographi inter scriptores ecclesiasticos vetustissimi, de rebus a Judaeorum principibus in obsidione fortiter gestis deque excidio Hierosolymorum, aliarumque civitatum adjacentium, libri V. Description: in-folio. Location: Utrecht; Cambridge? Source: Brunet, WorldCat, Adams §H-147; VD 16 H 1253. General Notes: Reprint of Badius 1510. See Hobson for printer.

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Cologne: Soter and Hittorpius, March 1530.

Title page: Egesippi historiographi inter scriptores ecclesiasticos vetustissimi, de rebus a Judaeorum principibus in obsidione fortiter gestis deque excidio Hierosolymorum, aliarumque civitatum adicetium, libri V. Description: in-folio. Location: Mennonite; Harvard; Cambridge. Source: Brunet; Renouard 1908; Renouard 1969; WorldCat; Adams §H-148; VD 16 H 1254. General Notes: Reprint of Badius 1510.

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Cologne: Gennepaeus, 1544.

Title page: Egesippi historiographi inter scriptores ecclesiasticos vetustissimi, de rebus a Judaeorum principibus in obsidione fortiter gestis [deque excidio Hierosolymorum, aliarumque civitatum adicetium, libri V???]. Description: in-folio. Imprint: Apud sanctam Coloniam, excud. Iaspar Gennepaeus, 1544. Content: preliminary dedication by Philip Melanchthon. Location: Oxford; Cambridge. Source: Brunet; Renouard; WorldCat; Adams §H-149. VD 16? General Notes: Reprint of Badius 1510.

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples; revised by Cornelius Wouters. Cologne: Cholianus, 1559. RBSC B-10 2897.

Title page: Hegesippi scriptoris gravissimi de bello Iudaico et urbis Hierosolymitanae excidio libri quinque. Accesserunt nunc primum annotationes, quibus ab innumeris mendis auctor vindicatur, obscuriora loca commode explicantur, ac scholijs illustrantur per Cornelium Gualtherum Gandauensem, Coloniae MDLIX apud Maternum Cholianum. Contents: Annotated with signed dedicatory epistle; index, concordance. Description: in-octavo. Location: Cambridge; Toronto, Fisher (incomplete, index and annotations only); Stanford; WorldCat (4), etc. Source: Adams § H-150; Mras; UTL Cat. VD 16? General Notes: Biography of Wouters (Gualteruzzi) by Moroni. Weber edition based on Wouters, eventually reprinted by Gallandius and PL (Linder). Wouters' revision based on manuscript which he discovered in the Cistercian monastery of Ter Doest (Linder 147).

Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples; revised by Cornelius Wouters. Cologne: Cholinus, 1575.

Title page: Hegesippi scriptoris grauissimi de bello Iudaico et urbis Hierosolymitanae excidio libri quinque. Accesserunt nunc primum annotationes, quibus ab innumeris mendis auctor vindicatur, obscuriora loca commode explicantur, ac scholijs illustrantur per Cornelium Gualtherum Gandauensem, Coloniae MDLXXV, apud Maternum Cholianum. Description: in-octavo. Contents: Annotated with signed dedicatory epistle; index, concordance. Location: Cambridge; see also WorldCat (5). Source: Adams §H-151; Mras; WorldCat. VD 16? General Notes: Reprint of 1559.

Heinsius, Nicolas [1620-1681], ed. C. Valerii Flacci Setini Balbi Argonautica : Nic. Heinsius rec. e codicibus vetustis. Amsterdam: apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1680. WorldCat 20.

Heinsius, Nicolas, ed. C. Valerii Flacci Setini Balbi Argonautica. Revised edition by Pieter Burman. Utrecht: Willem vande Water, 1702. WorldCat 20.

Heinsius, Nicolas, ed. C. Valerii Flacci Setini Balbi Argonautica. Revised edition by Pieter Burman and J Ant Volpius [1686-1766]. Patavii: J Cominus, 1720. WorldCat 14.

Heinsius, Nicolas, ed. C. Valerii Flacci Setini Balbi Argonautica. Revised edition by Peter Burman. Leiden: Luchtmans, 1724. WorldCat 38.

Heitland, William Emerton. Introduction. Lucan. Ed: C. E. Haskins. London: Bell, 1887; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1971. PA 6478 A2. Full entry under Haskins.

Heitland, William Emerton. «Hosius' Edition of Lucan.» Classical Review. 8 (1894) 34-58.

Heitland, William Emerton. «Francken's Lucan.» Classical Review. 11 (1897) 35-43. Important description of mss.

Heitland, William Emerton. «Notes on Lucan VIII,7.» Classical Review. 11 (1897) 206-207. post terga.

Heitland, William Emerton. «Prof. Housman, Bentley, Lucan.» Classical Review. 15 (1901) 78-80. Albis vs Alps, 1:481.

Heitz, Paul, and Karl August Barack. Elsässische Büchermarken bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts. Strasbourg, 1892; reprint Naarden: Bekhoven, 1984. VUCS Z 236 G3 H35.

Heitz, Paul, and Otto Zaretzky. Die Kölner Büchermarken bis Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts. Strasbourg, 1898; reprint Naarden; Bekhoven, 1970. RBSC Z 236 G3 H4 (folio?).

Hellinga, Lotte, and Wytze Gerbens Hellinga. «Additions and Notes to Campbell's Annales and GW Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde. 3rd series 1 (1965) 76-86. RBSC Z 240 B2.

Hellinga, Lotte, and Wytze Gerbens Hellinga. The Fifteenth-Century Printing Types of the Low Countries. 2 vols. Amsterdam: Hertzberger, 1966. RBSC duff f 00068. Abbreviated as HPT. Josephus by Mentelin, 1:30; 2:480.

Hellinga, Lotte, general editor. Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Microfiche. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1993-1994. Full entry under title.

Helm, Rudolf. «Lucanus.» Lustrum 1 (1956) 163-228. PA 3 L8, 12th Apex.

Henderson, Bernard William. «The Chronology of the Wars in Armenia, AD 51-63.» Classical Review. 15 (1901) 159-165; 204-213; 266-274.

Henderson, Bernard William. The Life and Principate of the Emperor Nero. London: Methuen, and Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1903. DG 285 H45. Eastern frontier, 153ff. Lesser Armenia = Armenia on the western side of the Kara Su (Western branch of the Euphrates) 153. Dariel pass, through the Caucasus range, in Georgia, just north of Tbilissi (map). For Rome, Armenia is the keystone of the Eastern Frontier, 156. AD 51-54: the pro-Roman Mithridates dies and is replaced by Tiridates, brother of the Parthian ruler Vologeses (162). Roman forces can proceed against Armenia from Pontus (Trebizond) or Isoghli (Melitene) on the Euphrates (164). AD 55: Corbulo appointed C-in-C by Nero, campaign starts (164). After successful campaign, Corbulo exits through pass which runs west of Lake Van, from Bitlis to Sert, and connects Armenia with Diarbekr (175). AD 60: the Cappadocian Tigranes is made king of Armenia by Rome, but only lasts one year (178ff). AD 62: disaster at Rhandeia (183-189). Corbulo and Pompeius (190). The Pisones want to make Corbulo emperor, death of Corbulo, and many others.

Henderson, John G. W. «Lucan/The Word at War.» Ramus 16 (1987) 122-164. PA 1 R26. Literary.

Hercher, Rudolf, and Alfred Eberhard, eds. Arriani Nicomedienses scripta minora. Leipzig: Teubner, 1885. WCat 80 (McMaster) + mfm. This edition was soon replaced by Roos's, and appears to be forgotten.

Herrmann, Léon, tr. Flavius Josèphe. 1929. See Mathieu.

Herrmann, Léon. «Deux allusions contemporaines dans le livre III du De bello civili de Lucain.» Revue des études anciennes. 32 (1930) 339-341. PA 2 R4. Lucan. Execution of Octavia and attempted drowning of Agrippina.

Herrmann, Léon. «Le prologue de la Pharsale.» Latomus 6 (1947) 91-94.

Herter, H. «Danube.» Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursians. 1944-1955, 1956. 381-385. PA 3 J3 Roba.

Hertz, Joseph Herman, Chef Rabbi of the British Empire. Festschrift on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday September 25, 1942 (5703). See Freimann for article on Josephus incunabula. See Jewish Encyclopedia for Hertz's career (Mado).

Herwerden, Heinricus van. «Commentationes Flavianae duae.» Mnemosyne 21 (1893) 225-263. Josephus, AJ, bk 18, 232f. Collation with Bekker's ed, 236-263.

Hobson, ARA. «Review of book on Hittorp of Cologne. The Library. 14 (1959) 135-137. Roba, SMC Z 671 L69; this vol at SMC.

Hodgkin, Thomas, tr. The Letters of Cassiodorus. London: H. Frowde, 1886. DG 506 C32 A413. Transl of Variae.

Hodgkin, Thomas. Italy and Her Invaders. 5 vols. Oxford, 1895. DG 503 H69.

Hölscher, Gustav. Die Quellen des Iosephus für die Zeit vom Exil bis zum jüdischen Kriege. PhD Marburg. Leipzig: Teubner, 1904. 85 pages. WCat mfm, 18.

Hölscher, Gustav. «Flavius Josephus.» In RE, Pauly-Wissowa. 18 (1916) 1934-2000.

Hoffken, Peter. «Hiskija und Jesaja bei Josephus.» Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period. 29 (1998) 37-48. BM 176 J6.

Hoffmann, Friedrich Lorenz. Bibliography of Materials on the History of Printing in Italy. Compiled in 1852. Chicago: Public Library, 1941. Z 155 H6. See index for Milan.

Holliday, Vivian L. Pompey in Cicero's Correspondence and Lucan's «Civil War». The Hague: Mouton, 1969. DG 258 H6.

Holmes, Nigel. «Notes on Lucan.» Classical Quarterly. NS 41 (1991) 272-274. Phoceus.

Holmes, Nigel. «Two Notes on Lucan.» Rheinisches Museum. 139 (1996) 369-371. 1:498-f; 6:452ff.

Holmes, Thomas Rice. «The Battlefield of Old Pharsalus.» Classical Quarterly. 2 (1908) 271-292, maps. Sources.

Holwerda, J. H. «Observationes criticae in Flavii Josephi Antiquitatum libri XVIII.» Mnemosyne 2 (1853) 111-141.

Hoppe, Heinrich. «Rufinus als Uebersetzer.» In Studi dedicati alla memoria di Paolo Ubaldi. Milan: Vita e pensiero, 1937. 133-150. WCat 26.

Horst, Koert van der. Illuminated and Decorated Medieval Manuscripts in the University Library, Utrecht: An Illustrated Catalogue. Cambridge: UP, 1991. Roba ND 2920 H67 1989.

Horvath, Agnes T. «The Education of Sidonius Apollinaris in the Light of his Citations.» Acta classica universitatis scientiarum Debreceniensis. DE 2 D36. Lucan?

Hosius, Carl. «Lucan und Seneca.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. 29 (1892) 337-356. PA 3 N65.

Hosius, Carl. «Inschriftliches zu Seneca und Lucan.» Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. NS 47 (1892) 462-465. CIL VI:11252, and others. Unreadable article.

Hosius, Carl. «Zu den Handschriften des Lucanus.» Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum. 147 (1893) 337-353. PA 3 N664.

Hosius, Carolus, ed. M. Annaei Lucani belli civilis libri decem. Leipzig: Teubner, 1892/1913. PA 6478 A2 1892. History of mss.

Hosius, Carl. «Lucan und seine Quellen.» Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. NS 48 (1893) 380-397. S/b xeroxed. «Seine Hauptquelle is Livius» (384). Geography 389ff.

Householder, Fred W. «The First Pirate.» The Library. 4th series 24/25 (1943/45) 30-46. Z 671 L69. Strasbourg and Mainz. Methodology, Mentelin.

Housman, Alfred Edward. See Anderson, Diggle, Fraenkel, Goold, Gotoff, Haekanson, Nisbet.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «Pharsalia nostra.» The Classical Review. 15 (1901) 129-131. Lucan.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «Greek Nouns in Latin Poetry from Lucretius to Juvenal.» Journal of Philology. 31 (1910) 236-266. Old Class. Lucan on Boreas, 255, 256f.

Housman, Alfred Edward. «The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism.» Proceedings of the Classical Association. 18 (1921) 67-84. PA 11 C6.

Housman, Alfred Edward, ed. M. Annaei Lucani Belli Civilis libri decem. Oxford: Blackwell, 1926; corrected re-impression 1927. PA 6478 A2 1926. «Astronomical Appendix» 325-338, deals with astronomical problems and refers to Scaliger and Palmerius for problems of geography. Rev: Anderson. Contains critical history of editions. Ashburnhamensis? Not much on the mss themselves because he establishes the high worth of earliest editions: «the true line of division is between the variants themselves, not between the manuscripts which offer them» (vii). «The manuscripts group themselves not in families but in factions; their dissidences and agreements are temporary and transient» (vii). Commenting on 1:8-12: «not one word or letter is in fault, and both vices have been imported by punctuation» (vi). Lucan's «earliest interpreters are still in many respects his best» (vi). «even now it is often necessary to abandon Cortius and Oudendorp and the rest of his successors and return to the text of Grotius» (xxxi). «an idle yet pretentious game ... Ueberlieferungsgeschichte ... a longer and nobler name than fudge» (xiii).

Housman, Alfred Edward. «Three New Line of Lucan?» The Classical Review. 46 (1932) 150.

Hoyois, Emmanuel. «Notice sur Josse Bade (Badius).» Mémoires et publications de la Société des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainaut. 2 (1841/42) 195-216. Mons, 1843. Vol 1, part 3, 8vo, 22 pages. WCat: publication started in 1839; Connecticut and Illinois have this volume; Berkeley has mfm. Source: Bigmore 1:346; Kolb 347.

Hoyoux, Jean. «Les moyens d'existence d'Erasme.» Biblio­thèque d'humanisme et de renaissance. 5 (1944) 1-59. CB 361 B5. Copyright, income from royalties.

Hudson, John [1662-1719]. Notes on Josephus, see Haverkamp.

Hudson, John [1662-1719]. Geographiae veteris scriptores graeci. Cum interpretatione latina, dissertationibus, ac annotationibus. 3 vols. Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1698-1702-1712. RBSC B-10 2953. Wing H3260. With notes by Henry Dodwell. Includes: Hanno, Scylax, Agatharchides, Arrian, Nearchus, Marcianus, Artemidorus, Menippus, Anonymous Red Sea, Anonymous Black Sea, Dicaearchus, Isidorus Characenus, Scymnus, Pseudo-Plutarch, Agathemerus, Strabo, Dionysius Byzantinus, Chrisococcus, Ptolemaeus, Abulfeda. Expositio (vol 3).

Hudson-Williams, A. «Two Passages of Lucan.» Classical Review. NS 1 (1951) 68-71. 1:463-465; 8:560-567.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Lucan 1:76-77.» Classical Review. NS 2 (1952) 68-69.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Notes on Lucan, Book VII.» Classical Quarterly. 48 (1954) 187-193.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Lucan VII, 504-505.» Classical Quarterly. 51 (1957) 112.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Additional Notes on Claudian.» Classical Quarterly. 9 (1959) 193-196.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Imitative Echoes and Textual Criticism.» Classical Quarterly. 9 (1959) 61-72.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Some Notes on Lucan.» Classical Review. 19 (1969) 134-138.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Notes on some Passages of Lucan.» American Journal of Philology. 97 (1976) 130-137. PA 1 A5. Winds, sailing, warships.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Notes on some Passages of Lucan.» Classical Quarterly. 34 (1984) 452-463.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Notes on Lucan.» American Journal of Philology. 36 (1986) 280. PA 1 A5. Re 4:664.

Hudson-Williams, A. «On some Passages of Lucan.» In Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, 4. Ed: Carl Deroux. Latomus, 196. Brussels, 1986. 492-498. PA 6011 S78. Refers to Graves' translation. Habitual infinitives, cf Claudian Carm min 30,89-92.

Hudson-Williams, A. «Lucan I:683f.» Classical Quarterly. 40 (1990) 578-579.

Hübner, Ulrich. «Eine übersehene Metonymie in Lucans Pharsalia.» Rheinische Museum. 117 (1974) 350-357.

Hübner, Ulrich. «Eine übersehene Metonymie in Lucans Pharsalia.» Hermes 103 (1975) 200-211.

Hübner, Ulrich. «Zu Lucan 7,566f.» Philologus 120 (1975) 302-307.

Hughes, PE. Lefèvre: Pioneer of Ecclesiastical Renewal in France. 1984.

Hutton, Maurice, tr. Tacitus: Dialogus, Agricola, Germania. Loeb Classical Library. London: Heinemann, 1914. PA 6706 A2.

Huxley, George. «Sogdian Tanais in Aristobulus.» Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. 22 (1985) 117-121, map. PA 3339 A54. Re: Arrian, Anab 3.30.7; Strabo 11,7,4. Don, Tanais, Danuvius, Danastris, Danapris = dan/don river, running water in Iranian [could be IE, cf Danaids, River Don in Scotland].

Ihm, Maximilian. «Studia Ambrosiana.» Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. Supplement. 17 (1890) 1-124. PA 3 N65, 12th Apex. Hegesippus.

Ihm, Maximilian. «Lateinische Papyri.» Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 16 (1899) 341-357. Biblio, catalogue.

The Illustrated Incunabula Short-Title Catalogue [IISTC]. Reading: Primary Source Media, in association with the British Library, 1996‑. CD-ROM; available online by subscription.

Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. A Comprehensive Microfiche Collection of Full-Text Incunabula. General Editor: Lotte Hellinga. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1993-1994. Media Commons Z 240 I483 1992. Full facsimiles of all 28,000 incunables planned; about 2,500 titles, occupying some 100,000 fiches, have been released.

Incunabula. Unit 3 Image of the World: Geography and Cosmology. 1993.

Incunabula. Unit 4 Chronicles and Historiography. Part I. 1994.

Incunabula. Unit 5 Chronicles and Historiography. Part II. 1994.

Inscriptions, Latin. See Dessau; Corpus inscriptionum latinarum. Biblio: Perret; Année épigraphique. Studies: Thylander.

International Mediaeval Bibliography. Leeds. 1967-present. SMCR D 117 I55; Pims Z 6203 I6. IMB.

International Mediaeval Bibliography. Brepolis. Online.

International Medieval Bibliography. University of Minnesota. 1967-present. Roba Z 6203 I6; online. IMB.

Irigoin, Jean. 241 hits on AnPhil. Important article from 1960's.

Irigoin, Jean. «Les premiers manuscrits grecs écrits sur papier et le problème du bombycin.» Scriptorium 4 (1950) 194-204. Z 108 S35. «Le plus ancien ms arabe écrit sur papier est daté de 866; c'est le codex Warner 298, conservé à Leyde (no 1725 du catalogue de Dozy)» (196n1). «le Vaticanus gr. 2200, qui est le premier ms grec sur papier; il a sans doute été écrit à Damas, aux alentours de l'an 800» (198).

Irigoin, Jean. «.» Revue des Etudes grecques. 6 (1953) xiv. DF 10 R4. Mss produced in CPL in X-XIth century include four surviving Josephus. Check Marcel Richard.

Irigoin, Jean. «Stemmas bifides et états des manuscrits.» Revue de philologie. 3rd series 28/80 (1954) 211-217.

Irigoin, Jean. «Les manuscrits grecs.» Lustrum 7 (1962) ... PA 3 L8.

Irigoin, Jean. «Quelques réflexions sur le concept d'archétype.» Revue d'histoire des textes. 7 (1977) 235-245. Z 108 R45.

Irigoin, Jean. «Les origines de la capitale typographique grecque, 1476-1550.» In Greek Letters: From Tablets to Pixels. Ed: Michael S Macrakis. 1996. Z 251 G7 G74.

Irmischer, Johann Konrad. Handschriftenkatalog der Universitätsbibliothek zu Erlangen. 1852. WCat 1: U Marburg. Lucan, page 324.

Isaac, Francis Swinton. MD1-MDXX: Section 2, Italy. Part 2 of An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. Ed: Robert GC Proctor. London: Holland Press, 1938. VUCR Folio Z 240 P96; Roba Z 240 P96. Post 1500. List of publications by Minutianus of Milan, 93f.

Istrin, Vasilii Mikhailovich, ed. La prise de Jérusalem de Josèphe le Juif. French translation by Pierre Pascal. Lexicon by André Vaillant. 2 vols. Textes publiés par l'Institut d'Etudes slaves, no 2. Paris: Institut d'Etudes slaves, 1934-1938. DS 122.8 J66. Slavonic Flavius Josephus. «On connaît aussi la nation des Alains [Iasy], et on sait qu'elle est née des Pétchéniègues, qui vit le long du Tanaïs et de la mer Méotide. A cette époque, ils décidèrent d'entrer dans le pays des Mèdes pour le piller et ils demandèrent le passage au roi d'Hyrcanie. Celui-ci en effet était maître du débouché que jadis le roi Alexandre ferma d'une porte de fer» (VII,vii,4; 2:228-229).

Jackson, John, ed. Tacitus: Annals. 4 vols. Loeb Classic. London: Heinemann, 1925-1937; reprinted. PA 6705 A5. See Moore.

Jacob, Christian, tr. La description de la terre habitée de Denys d'Alexandrie, ou, la leçon de géographie. Paris: Albin Michel, 1990. PA 3968 D72. Dionysius Periegetes.

Jacob, W., and R. Hanslik, eds. Cassiodorus:.... CSEL, 71. Vienna 1952. Which works?

Jacoby, Felix. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. 3 vols with many fascicles. Berlin: Weidmann; Leiden: Brill, 1923‑‑. PA 3490 J3. Arrian's Ectaxis.

Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursian's. «Ethnologia, geographia, topographia.» ..... (1915) 129-133. PA 3 J3 Roba.

Jal, Paul. «Le rôle des Barbares dans les guerres civiles de Rome, de Sylla à Vespasien.» Latomus 21 (1962) 8-48. Pompey and Parthians, 34. Vespasian and Parthian cavalry, 41. Good backgrounder.

Jal, Paul, ed. Abrégés des livres de l'«Histoire romaine» de Tite-Live (Periocae transmises par les manuscrits). Vol 34 in two parts of Tite-Live: Histoire romaine. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1984. PA 6454 B3.

Jal, Paul, ed. Lucain: La guerre civile (La Pharsale). 1993. See Bourgery.

Jan, Ludwig von, ed. Plinius: Historia Naturalis. 6 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1856-1870. TRINSTOR. His index was retained by Mayhoff.

Jennings, Margaret. «Lucan's Medieval Popularity: The Exemplum Tradition.» Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale. 16 (1974) 215-233. PA 9 R5.

Jeudy, Colette. Les manuscrits classiques latins des bibliothèques publiques de France. Paris: CNRS, 1989. Roba, Pims Z 6605 L3 J48. Lucan?

Johnson, Alfred Forbes. The First Century of Printing at Basle. London: Benn, 1926. RBSC duff 2613.

Johnson, Alfred Forbes. The Italian Sixteenth Century. Periods of Typography. London: Benn, 1926. RBSC duff 00529; B2 Bb J. Not Josephus.

Johnson, Alfred Forbes. French Sixteenth Century Printing. Periods of Typography. London: Benn, 1928. RBSC duff 00528; B2 Bb J.

Jones, Alan H. Independence and Exegesis. Tübingen: JCB Mohr, 1983. BR 165 J6. Loisy, Guignebert, Goguel.

Jones, Brian W., ed. Suetonius: Domitian. With commentary and bibliography. London: Bristol Classical Press, 1996. PA 6700 A25 1996.

Josephus, Flavius. Opera. Editions: Bekker, Boysen (CSEL), Clementz, Haverkamp (notes by Hudson). Naber, Niese. Trs: Thackeray et al (Loeb); Mason (Brill); Nodet, Pelletier (BL), Reinach, Schlatter, Whiston, Williamson. General Studies: Allen, Barish, Dindorf, Edmondson, Feldman, Hölscher, Petersen, Rappaport, Sanford, Schalit, Schreckenberg, Shutt, Siegmund, Unger, Villalba, W Weber.

Josephus, Flavius. Incunabular and Early Editions. Editors: Arlenius, Cendrata, Gelenius, Goullet, Platina, Squarzaficus, Sobius. Studies: Amelung, Armstrong, Bühler, Colin, Freiman, Thienen, Thuasne, Vander Haeghen. Collections Canada (Lowy).

Josephus, Flavius. Latin Josephus. See Rufinus, Cassiodorus, Hegesippus. Editions: Blatt. Over 200 medieval mss. Latin ms, see Dobiache-Rojdestvensky. Studies: Bulhart, Witty. Erasmus believed this translation was by Rufinus (Allen, Correspondence).

Josephus, Flavius. Slavonic Josephus. Old Russian text: Istrin and Pascal, Leeming and Osinkina. Studies: Arendzen, Behrendts (rev Posner), Bouquet, Creed, Eisler, Goguel, Lagrange, Meshcherskii, Osinkina, Sanford, Schonfield, Stender-Petersen. «Thus its original title was presumably On the Fall of Jerusalem, perí halôseôs, as was that of the first Greek draft, which is the original of an extant Slavonic version» (Blatt 10).

Josephus, Flavius. Jewish War. [AD 75-79]. 7:244 and 251 for the Scyths. These events are dated to the reign of Vespasian. «The Alani -- a race of Scythians, as we have somewhere remarked, inhabiting the banks of the river Tanais and the Lake Maeotis -- contemplating at this period incursions into Media and beyond, entered into negotiations with the King of the Hyrcanians, who was master of the pass which King Alexander had closed with iron» (7:244 Thackeray). «The Alani [...] returned once more to their own land» (7:251, Thackeray). Thackeray suggests that this was taken from a non-Jewish source. Could it be a Flavian commentary?

Josephus, Flavius. Jewish Antiquities. [AD 93-94]. Daniel's vision, 10,269-277, cf Chrysostom. Prasinos 19.4.4., faction. 18:97-98 and 18:4,4, for the Alans. «the kings of both the Iberians and of the Albanians [...] did bring in the Alani against Artabanes by allowing them free transit through their own territory after throwing open the Caspian Gates» (18:97), Thackeray). Tacitus very close: are both using the Flavian commentaries?

Josephus, Flavius. Contra Apionem. [Post AD 100]. Greek text survives in one XIth cent ms that lacks sections 51-113 of Book 2: L Codex Laurentianus plut. lxix.22. For Latin tr by Cassiodorus, see mss history by Boysen. Early editors: Cendrata, Goullet, Minutianus, Squarzaficus, Sobius. Studies: Feldman, Gutschmidt.

Josephus, Flavius. Epitome Antiquitatum. In Zonaras (10th cent). See Schreckenberg 1972:128-130; 141-144.

Josephus, Flavius. Epitome Antiquitatum. Codex Barocccianus 143 (14th cent). See Allen 1988.

Josephus, Flavius. Greek manuscripts. Diller 1963; Herwerden 1893; Irigoin; Lamberz 1996; Lambros; Omont 1894; Rudberg. Check Marcel Richard.

Josephus, Flavius. Rome, Vaticanus graecus, 1304 (..... cent). Annotated by E Barbaro. See Diller 1963.

Josephus, Flavius. Milan, Ambrosianus D 56 (... cent). Collated by Herwerden (1893) against Bekker.

Josephus, Flavius. Venice, Marcianus 383 (... cent). Collated by Herwerden (1893) against Bekker.

Josephus, Flavius. Florence, L Codex Laurentianus plut. lxix.22 (eleventh century). Only Greek ms which contains Contra Apionem. Lacks Book 2:51-113.

Josephus, Flavius. Athos, Vatopedi 386 (thirteenth century): Epitoma Antiquitatum Iudaicarum, VIII-XX, folio 1r-215r; Bellum Iudaicum, 216r-406v; Vita, 406v-410v. All incomplete; fragments have been found elsewhere, Vatop 1213, etc. Description: 36 x 26 cm, 410 folio. Source: Lamberz.

Josephus, Flavius. Athos, Vatopedi 387 (.... century): AJ, I-X. 326 folios.

Josephus, Flavius. Florence, Laurentianus 69,23 (fourteenth century): ...

Josephus, Flavius. Vienna, Vindobonensis hist. gr. 22 (ca 1400): ...

Josephus, Flavius. Berlin, Berolinensis Phil. gr. 222 (22 Dec 1540): ...

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: . Augsburg: Johann Schüssler, 28 June 1470; 23 August 1470. Editio princeps.

Colophon (from Hain): Iosephi Historiographi viri clarissimi. libri antiquitatum numero viginti. per Iohannem Schussler, cive Augustensem finiunt feliciter non scriptorum quidem arte sed qua nostra tandem etas dotata et. impressoria sc; exarati. Anno a nativitate currente dominica, Millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo kalendas vero iulias quarto. Description: in-folio. Location: Chantilly; Ottawa, Lowy §47 (both works); Guarnaschelli, Italy (3) §5385. Source: Coll Canada; Hain §9451; Delisle §1019; Goff §J-481; IISTC § ij00481000; García, Madrid, § 3317; Walsh, Harvard § 527. General Notes: BJ and AJ printed on separate dates. Should I have separate records? Zapf, Augsburgs Gt.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: . Strasbourg: Jean Mentelin, [before 1475].

Colophon: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Description: in-folio. Source: Hain §9449; Goff §J-482; IISTC § ij00482000; García, Madrid, § 3318. General Notes: Date known from accession record at BM. Attributed by Goff to Eponymous press, in the Southern Netherlands, 1475. To anonymous printer (Valerius Maximus) in Paris by Haebler. Is there a link between the Mentelin and the Brandis?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Bartholomaeus Platina. Rome: Arnoldus Pannartz, 25 Nov 1475.

Colophon (from WorldCat): Impressit clarus ac diligentiss. artifex Arnoldus Pannartz natione Germanus in domo viri nobilis Petri de Max. civis romani. Anno incarnati verbi M. CCCCLXXV. die vero XXV novem. seden Sixto IIII Ponti. max. anno eius V. Platyna emendavit. 176a Registrum huius libri. Description: in-folio, printed in a single column, 38 lines per page, spaces left for capitals at beginning of each book. Location: Yale; New York Public Library; Guarnaschelli, Italy (10) §5387. Source: BM 1500 IV, 62; Rhodes 1044; Proctor 3532; Hain §9457; Goff §J-488; WorldCat; IISTC § ij00488000; García, Madrid, § 3325. General Notes: Platina's mss?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Lübeck: Lucas Brandis, 1475-1476.

Colophon: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Description: in-folio. Source: Hain §9450; Goff §J-483; WorldCat; IISTC § ij00483000. General Notes: Schreckenberg dates it to 1490, but provides no reason. Wiki for biblio on Brandis, who was university educated, learned his trade at Strasbourg. He was not a major success as a printer even though he produced some 75 editions. Did he edit his own Josephus? Did he use a Strasbourg copy?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates Judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Ludovicus Cendrata. Verona: Petrus Maufer Gallicus, 25 December 1480. Is this the princeps for Contra Apionem?

Colophon: Impressum in inclyta civitate Veronae per Magistrum Petrum Maufer Gallicum Anno salutis. Mcccc.xxx octavo Kalendis ianuarii. Pontifice maximo Sixti Quarto. & illustrissimo Veneto duce Ioanne Mocegino. [Interprete Ruffino presbytero?]. Description: in-folio. Content: Some copies include dedicatory epistle by Cendrata to Antonius Donatus (first 2 folio). CA appended to AJ; Harvard does not report CA; WorldCat and Althorp do. Location: Chantilly; Guarnaschelli, Italy (about 35) §5388. Source: Hain §9452; Goff §J-484; Delisle § 1020; IISTC § ij00484000; García, Madrid, § 3319; Walsh, Harvard, § 3373, 3374; Dibdin, Aedes Althorpianae. General Notes: For date see Bühler 1970. This is the only signed edition by Maufer of Rouen, who worked first at Padua, and later in Venice. Studies: Gutschmid. Check Boysen, Cosenza. Cendrata was a student and relative of Guarino, see Nogarola. Is this the princeps for Contra Apionem?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem. Vita]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Hieronymus Squarzaficus. Venice: Reynaldus de Novimagio, 31 March 1481; 10 May 1481 or 1482.

Colophon: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Colophon: Gives second date as 1400. Description: in-folio. Location: Guarnaschelli, Italy (about 30) §5389. Source: Hain §9453; Goff §J-485; IISTC § ij00485000; García, Madrid, § 3320. General Notes: Important article by Armstrong. What is the relationship between this and the other Reynaldus?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Hieronymus Squarzaficus. Venice: [Giovanni Rosso] Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis, 23 Oct 1486.

Colophon: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Description: in-folio. Source: WorldCat (18 listings); Hain §9454; Goff §J-486; IISTC § ij00486000; Guarnaschelli, Italy, about 50, § 5386; García, Madrid, § 3321; Walsh, Harvard § 2207, 2208. General Notes: Goff would attribute this edition to Scotus but this has not been accepted. Harvard copy does not contain CA.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Hieronymus Squarzaficus. Venice: Albertus Vercellensis for the Heirs of Scotus, 23 October 1499.

Colophon: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Description: in-folio. Location: Guarnaschelli, Italy (about 30) §5390. Source: Hain §9455; Goff §J-487; IISTC § ij00487000; García, Madrid, § 3322. General Notes: ...

Josephus, Flavius. [Antiquitates judaicae. De vita sua]. Ed: Hieronymus Squarzaficus. Venice: Reynaldus de Novimagio, [sine anno]. Post 1500?

Colophon: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Description: in-folio. Source: Blatt; Hain §9456; Goff § not; IISTC § not. General Notes: What is the relationship with IISTC § ij00485000?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: ... Venice: Bernardinus Vercellensis, 1502.

Colophon: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Description: in-folio. Source: Blatt. General Notes: Is this Bernardinus de Vianis, as per Cosenza?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: ... Venice: Johannes et Gregorius De Gregoriis, 1510. TPL 935.J59.4 \b BR.

Colophon: Venetiis, excussit formis Gregorius de gregoriis Anno Salutis nostrae M.D.X. Die xxix Mensis octobris. Description: in-folio; errors in foliation. Location: Toronto Public Reference Library; Sussex U. Source: Blatt; Panzer 8.400.513; WorldCat (8 listings); TPL catalogue. General Notes: For printers, see Brown, Rhodes 1962. Kristeller §226, 227, 228, for their devices.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: ... Paris: Nicolas Des Prez [Du Pré], 1511.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Imprint: Parisiis: ex aedibus Nicolai de Pratis, 1511. Description: in-folio. Location: Utrecht; BM 4515 f.9. Source: Blatt; BM; WorldCat; Renouard 1898:113. General Notes: Blatt provides the imprint «Paris: Le Preux, 1511»; Jean Le Preux printed French translations at Geneva in 1597 and 1598 but the Paris edition of 1511 is by Nicolas Des Prez.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: ... Milan: Alexander Minutianus and Ludovicus Hornken, 10 January 1514 [= 1513].

Title page: Periocha viginti librorum Antiquitatis iudaicae, etc. Imprint: Mediolani, apud Alexandrum Minutianum Ludovico Hornk id in primis suadente, 10 Ian 1515. Collation: see Adams. Content: ... Description: in-folio. Location: Sussex U; Cambridge; BM. Source: WorldCat; Blatt; Adams §J-353; Isaac § 13566; Sussex §102. General Notes: Printed or bound with Hegesippus 1514, qv. See also Minutianus. Abridged edition?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Robert Goullet. Paris: Jean Barbier, François Regnault, Jean Petit, 30 March 1514.

Title page: Josephi Judei Historici praeclara opera: non parua accuratione & diligentia recenter impraessa necnon complusculis mendis quibus passim antea statebant tersa atque castigata. Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Colophon: Opera Ioannis Barbier & impressis Francisci Regnaut & Ioannis Petit librarijs impressum Parrhisij Anno domini Millesimo quinquentesimo decimo quarto, penultima Martij. Description: in-folio. Location: Cambridge; Yale; Georgetown; Cleveland. Source: WorldCat; Adams §J-354. For printers, see Claudin.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Robert Goullet. Paris: Regnault, Petit, 1519.

Title page: Josephi Judei Historici praeclara opera: non parua accuratione & diligentia recenter impraessa necnon complusculis mendis quibus passim antea statebant tersa atque castigata. Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Colophon: impressis Francisci Regnaut & Ioannis Petit librarijs impressum Parrhisij Anno domini Millesimo quinquentesimo decimo quarto, penultima Martij. Description: in-folio? Location: ... Source: Blatt. General Notes: Reprint of 1514. Barbier died in 1516, cf Renouard 1898:18.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Jacobus Sobius. Cologne: Cervicornus and Hittorpius, 1524. RBSC E-10 0612; VUCR DS 116 J7 1524.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Imprint: Apud sanctam Vbiorum Coloniam Agrippinam : in aedibus Eucharii Ceruicorni impendio & aere Godefridi Hittorpii, Cal. Feb. 1524. Content: Josephus, Opera (AJ, BJ, CA); IV Macchabees edited by Erasmus. Description: in-folio. Location: Toronto, Victoria; Toronto, Fisher; Cambridge; Chicago; Ottawa, Lowy § 48; WorldCat lists 6 but not Toronto copies. Source: Coll Canada; UTL Cat; WorldCat; Blatt; Adams §J-355; VD 16, Z V 8756. General Notes: In my article on the crossbow I called this an edition by Erasmus (1992:279); actually, the only work edited by Erasmus in this collected work is IV Macch. Cf his correspondence, and notes by Allen § 842. This is the first edition of Josephus which includes IV Macch. Sobius was a correspondent of Erasmus, and his letters sound like a devoted and intimate friend.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: ...? Basel: Froben, September 1524.

Title page (from VD 16): Flauii Iosephi, patria Hierosolymitana, religione Iudaei ... opera quaedam Ruffino presbytero interprete, in quibus ... loca nec pauca, nec omnino levis momenti ... restituta comperus lector. Description: in-folio. Content: Josephus, Opera (AJ, BJ, CA); IV Macch edited by Erasmus. Location: Cambridge. Source: Adams §J-356; VD 16, J956; WCat for this edition? General Notes: «the last edition of the Latin Josephus» (Blatt 17). Was Gelenius involved? Sobius?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Paris: Jean Petit, August 1528.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Description: in-folio. Location: Cambridge. Source: Adams §J-357. Was this edited by Goullet? Adams attributes this edition to Erasmus.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1528.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Imprint: Lugduni: Sebastianus Gryphius excud., 1528. Description: in-octavo. Location: Cambridge; BM 481.a.32; Gültlingen §58. Source: BM; Adams §J-358. General Notes: Editor?

Josephus, Flavius. [Opera quaedam...]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1528.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Imprint: Lugduni: Sebastianus Gryphius. Description: in-folio. Location: Gültlingen §56. Source: Gültlingen. General Notes: Editor?

Josephus, Flavius. [Antiquitates judaicae]. Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1528.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei De antiquitatibus Iudaeorum, libri decem posteriores. Imprint: Lugduni: Sebastianus Gryphius. Description: in-folio. Location: Cambridge; Gültlingen §57. Source: Adams §J-359. General Notes: Collation different from Adams §J-359.

Josephus, Flavius. [Antiquitates judaicae]. Ed: Jacob Sobius. Coloniae: ex edibus Eucharij Cervicorni, 1534.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Imprint: ... Contents: includes IV Macch. Location: Ottawa, Lowy § 48; McGill Presbyterian College RBAnt D F61 J84h, poor condition. Source: Coll Canada; McGill Catalogue. General Notes: Reprint?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Sigismund Gelenius. Basel: Jerome Froben and Nicholas Bischof, 1534.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Description: in-folio. Source: Adams §J-360; VD 16. General Notes: Relationship with earlier edition?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Paris: Jean II Petit, 1535.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Imprint: Luteciae, vaeneunt apud Ioannem Masseum, 1535. Content: Includes Erasmus' edition of IV Macch. Description: in-folio. Source: Adams §J-361; Vander Haeghen. General Notes: Goullet?

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Ed: Desiderius Erasmus and Sigmund Gelenius. Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1539. RBSC H-10 00350 (vol 2).

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Imprint: Lugduni: Sebastianus Gryphius, 1539. Description: in-octavo. Location: Cambridge, vol 1; Toronto, Fisher, vol 2 (not included in Gültlingen); Gültlingen §508-510. Source: Adams §J-362; Baudrier 8:126; UTL Cat. General Notes: Relationship with earlier edition? With Erasmus, check.

Josephus, Flavius. [Flavii Josephi opera, graece]. Eds: AP Arlenius and Sigmund Gelenius. Basel: Jerome Froben and Nikolaus Bischof, 1544. Editio princeps.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Description: 264 folio + 6 folio prelim. Location: Ottawa, Lowy § 46; WorldCat 9; Chantilly. Source: Adams §J-351; Delisle §1018; Brunet 3:569; Coll Canada; Vander Haeghen. General Notes: «The editio princeps of the Greek text (Basel, 1544) is of first-rate importance and seems to be derived in part from some ms unknown to Niese» (Thackeray 1:xix). Allen (Corr Erasmus) for history of mss.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1546.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Imprint: Lugduni: Sebastianus Gryphius, 1546. Description: in-octavo. Location: Cambridge; Gültlingen §934-936. Source: Adams §J-363. General Notes: Relationship with earlier edition?

Josephus, Flavius. [De vita sua]. Translated from the Greek by Godefroy Tilmann. Parisiis: ex off. Michaelis Fezandet in domo Abretica, 1548. Location: Cambridge; Harvard. Source: Adams §J-381; WorldCat.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Basel: Jerome Froben and Nicholas Bischof, 1548.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hebraei Historiographi clariss. opera... Interprete Ruffino presbytero. Description: in-folio. Location: Cambridge. Source: Adams §J-364; VD 16 . General Notes: Ed: Erasmus and Gelenius.

Josephus, Flavius. [Flavii Josephi opera, graece et latine]. Eds: AP Arlenius and S. Gelenius. Geneva: Petrus de la Rouvière, 1611. Editio princeps.

Title page: Flauii Iosephi Hierosolymitani sacerdotis opera quae extant... Imprint: Aurelia Allobrogum excudebat Petrus de la Rouviere. Content: Includes Erasmus' edition of IV Macch. Description: in-??? Location: Chantilly; Ottawa, Lowy § 49. Source: WorldCat; Coll Canada; Vander Haeghen. General Notes: Reprinted translation by Gelenius.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. 2 vols. Ed: Siwart Haverkamp. Amsterdam: Apud Wetstenios, 1726.

Josephus, Flavius. [De bello judaico. Antiquitates judaicae. Contra Apionem]. 2 vols. Ed: Siwart Haverkamp. Leipzig: Schwickert, 1782-1784. RBSC H-10 0573. Reprint of Amsterdam 1726 with notes by Franz Oberthür [1745-1811] and John Hudson [1662-1719].

Journal des sçavants. 1665-1792. RBSC H-10 00194 (vols 1-159, 1665-1751).

Juchhoff, Rudolf. Drucker- und Verlegerzeichen des XV. Jahrhunderts in den Niederlanden, England, Spanien, Böhmen, Mähren und Polen. Munich: Verlag der Münchner Drucke, 1927. VUCR Z 235 J91.

Juchhoff, Rudolf. «Johann Veldener in Löwen als Buchdrucker und Buchbinder.» Gutenberg-Jahrbuch. 1933:43-48. VUCR. Lucan.

Jullian, Camille. «Notes gallo-romaines IV: Lucain historien. Les préliminaires du siège de Marseille.» Revue des études anciennes. 1 (1899) 301-317. PA 2 R4. Lucan and Livy.


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