Text Transmission

The purpose of this weblog is to share with other scholars the results of my researches in the history of text transmission, especially in these area: early history of the Slavs and the Huns, long distance trade in the early middle ages, and classical scholarship during the middle ages.

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Philologist specialist of Byzantium and the Slavs in the middle ages, and the Huns in antiquity; material culture (crossbow). If you wish to get in touch with me, in order to share scholarly information, please leave a comment. You may also write to me directly at: nicole.petrin@gmail.com or at nicolepetrin@yahoo.com.

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Name of the Alans: BIB 6

Sack, Vera. «Die erste Lyoner Terenz-Ausgabe (1491) des Jodocus Badius Ascensius.» Gutenberg-Jahrbuch. 1972:90-97. VUCR Z 119.5 G8.

Saenger, Gregor. «.» Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosveshchniia. Microform; L 451 A55 incomplete; RBSC D-11 02350.

Saenger, Gregor. «.» Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosveshchniia.

Saenger, Gregor. Statius: Silvae. St. Petersburg: Ex Officina Senatus, 1909. PA 6697 A3.

Sajó, Géza, and Erszébet Soltész. Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Hungariae asservantur. 2 vols. Budapest: Academy of Sciences, 1970. SMC Z 240 S27. Firmicus: 1332. Orosius: 2477; 2478; 2479; 2480. Pliny.

Sallander, Hans. Neuerwerbungen seit dem Jahre 1907. Vol 1 of Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Universitätsbibliothek zu Uppsala. Bibliotheca Ekmaniana, 59. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1953. Roba Z 240 U66; Pims Z 240 U77. Supplement to Collijn (may be in VUCR). Dionysius Periegetes bound with Mela (1913). Firmicus: 1722 (Bevilaqua 1497). Hyginus: 1778 (Ratdolt 1482). Lucan 1832 (Milan 1499, Important). Mela: 1913 (AD 1482); 1914 (Barbarus/Pensis, 1500). Orosius: 1126 (Augsburg 1471); 1127 (Venice 1499). Ptolemy 1920 (Opera Venice: Scottus, 1493). Solinus: 1958 (Brescia, 1498).

Sallmann, Klaus Günther. Die Geographie des älteren Plinius in ihrem Verhältniss zu Varro: Versuch einer Quellenanalyse. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1971. PA 6614 S2.

Samaran, Charles, and Robert Marichal. Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine, portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste. Tome I: Musée Condé et bibliothèques parisiennes. With Monique Garand, Josette Metman, Marie-Thérèse Vernet. Paris: CRNS, 1959. Vol 1: text; vol 2: plates. Z 6605 L3 S3.

Samaran, Charles, and Robert Marichal. Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine, portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste. Tome II: Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin. With Monique Garand, Madeleine Mabille, Josette Metman, Marie-Thérèse Vernet. Paris: CRNS, 1962. Vol 1: texte; vol 2: plates.

Samaran, Charles, and Robert Marichal. Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine, portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste. Tome III: Bibliothèque nationale. With Monique Garand, Madeleine Mabille, Josette Metman, Marie-Thérèse Vernet. Paris: CRNS, 19.... Vol 1: texte; vol 2: plates.

Samaran, Charles, and Robert Marichal. Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine, portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste. Tome IV: Bibliothèque nationale. With Monique Garand, Madeleine Mabille, Josette Metman, Marie-Thérèse Vernet. Paris: CRNS, 19..... Vol 1: texte; vol 2: plates.

Samaran, Charles, and Robert Marichal. Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine, portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste. Tome V: Est de la France. With Monique Garand, Madeleine Mabille, Josette Metman, Marie-Thérèse Vernet. Paris: CRNS, 19..... Vol 1: texte; vol 2: plates.

Samaran, Charles, and Robert Marichal. Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine, portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste. Tome I: . With Monique Garand, Josette Metman, Marie-Thérèse Vernet. Paris: CRNS, 19..... Vol 1: texte; vol 2: plates.

Samse, Robert. Interpretationes lucaneae. Göttingen: Dieterichs, 1905. PA 6480 S3. Maeotis, 33. Scythicos, 56. No commentary on verses concerning Alans or Massagetae.

Samse, Robert. «Zu Lukan II 691-698.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 41 (1921) 549-552. Astronomy.

Samse, Robert. «Zu Lukan III 284-288.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 41 (1921) 1125-1128. Greek models.

Samse, Robert. «Zu Lukan VII 746ff.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 42 (1922) 667-669.

Samse, Robert. «Glossen und andere Eindringlinge in Lukans Text.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 42 (1922) 765-768. VIII:341; IX:36; VIII:243; IX:269; X:311.

Samse, Robert. «Zu Lukan IX 481-495.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 43 (1923) 283-287. Interpolation helps sort two families of mss.

Samse, Robert. «Zu Lukan X 417-421.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 43 (1923) 597-599. Possible interpolation at 10:419, cf M and U.

Samse, Robert. «Zu Lukan V 790-801.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 44 (1924) 616-619. Compares mss.

Samse, Robert. «Die Textlücken im Montepessulanus Lukans.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 44 (1924) 763-767.

Samse, Robert. «Zu Lukan VII 152-160.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 45 (1925) 524-527.

Samse, Robert. «Zu Lukan VII 192-206.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 45 (1925) 1194-1199.

Sander, Max, Le livre à figures italien depuis 1467 jusqu'en 1530: essai de sa bibliographie et de son histoire. 6 vols. New York, 1941; Kraus Reprints, 1969. RBSC Z 1023 S25.

Sandys, John Edwin. A History of Classical Scholarship. 3 vols. Cambridge UP, 1918. PA 51 S3.

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «Lucan and his Roman Critics.» Classical Philology. 26 (1931) 233-257. Biblio.

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «Lucan and Civil War.» Classical Philology. 28 (1933) 121-127. «Did any classical writers before Orosius suggest the reverse side of victories in externa bella?» (127).

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «Quotations from Lucan in Mediaeval Latin Authors.» American Journal of Philology. 55 (1934) 3-19. PA 1 A5. Biblio. Anything on Sidonius?

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «The Manuscripts of Lucan: Accessus and Marginalia Speculum 9 (1934) 278-295.

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «Propaganda and Censorship in the Transmission of Josephus.» Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 66 (1935) 127-145. P 11 A5. Biblio. Slavonic Josephus used by Judaizers, 143.

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «Contrasting Views of the Roman Empire.» American Journal of Philology. 58 (1937) 437-451. Appian, Trogus, etc.

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «The Eastern Question in Lucan's Bellum civile In Classical and Mediaeval Studies in Honor of Edward Kennard Rand. Ed: Leslie Webber Jones. New York: the editor, 1938. 255-264. PA 26 R3.

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «Nero and the East.» Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 48 (1947) 75-103. PA 25 H28. Biblio. Lots on Lucan, Scyths, Alans, Caspian Gates.

Sanford, Eva Matthews. «Renaissance Commentaries on Juvenal.» Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 79 (1948) 92-112. P 1 A5 or P 11 A53 ???

Saumaise, Claude [1588-1653]. Plinianae exercitationes. 2 vols, in-folio. Paris: Morel, 1629. WCat. Commentary on Solinus.

Saumaise, Claude. Plinianae exercitationes. 2 vols, in-folio. Utrecht: J. vande Water, 1689. WCat. Commentary on Solinus.

Saumaise, Claude. Plinianae exercitationes. Included in Leipzig edition of 1778-1791, see under Pliny.

Scaliger, Joseph Juste [1540-1609].

Scaliger, Joseph Juste. «Prolegomena». In his Manilius. Paris: Estienne, 1579. VUCR PA 6500 M4 1579. Attacks Lucan's geography and astronomy. Notes on Pliny included in Leipzig edition of 1778-1791, see under Pliny.

Scaliger, Joseph Juste. Opus de emendatione temporum. 1583. PA 85 S3 A4? Chronologie.

Schalit, Abraham. «Josephus und Justus: Studien zur Vita des Josephus.» Klio 26 (1933) 67-95.

Schalit, Abraham. «Josephus Flavius.» EJ 10:251-263. Rejects Behrendts and Eisler concerning the Aramaic source for the Slavonic Josephus, 255. Brief biblio, page 265.

Schalit, Abraham. «Die Erhebung Vespasians nach Flavius Josephus, Talmud und Midrasch.» Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. II,2 (1975) 208-327. Pims DG 209 T36.

Schanz, Martin von, and Carl Hosius. Geschichte der römischen Literatur. Vol 2 by Carl Hosius: Die römische Literatur in der Zeit der Monarchie bis auf Hadrian. Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Munich, 1935. Roba PA 6007 S3. Lucan 2:492-505, § 389-392. Vol 1920.

Schemmel, Fritz. «Schulen ... Caesaria.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 42 (1922) 620-624.

Schemmel, Fritz. «Die Schulen von Constantinopel vom 9-11 Jahrhundert.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 43 (1923) 1178-1191.

Schemmel, Fritz. «Schulen.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 45 (1925) 236-239.

Schemmel, Fritz. «Schulen.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 45 (1925) 1277-1280.

Schenkl, Karl. «Studien zu der Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus.» Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte. 68 (1871) 271-382. AS 142 A53. Index, biblio. Mss and early editions. Battista Pio, 279, 307.

Schissel von Fleschenberg, Otmar. Claudius Rutilius Namatianus gegen Stilicho, mit rhetorischen Exkursen zu Cicero, Hermogenes, Rufus. Janus, Arbeiten zur alten und byzantinischen Geschichte, 2. Vienna: Braumüller, 1920. PA 6652 R8 S33.

Schlatter, Adolf. Kleine Schrifte zu Flavius Josephus. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1970. DS 115.9 J6 S35.

Schmelzer, Menahem. «Freimann, Aron.» EJ 7:136-137.

Schmidt, Charles. Répertoire bibliographique strasbourgeois jusque vers 1530. 9 vols. Strasbourg: Heitz, 1893-1958. CRRS Z 148 S8 S3.

Schmidt, W. «De Flavii Josephi Elocutione.» Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum. Supplement. 20 (1894) 245ff. PA 3 N664. Or PA 3 N65, 12th Apex.

Schmitz, Wolfgang. Die Kölner Einblattdrucke des 15. Jahrhunderts. Cologne: Wamper, 1979. Z 148 68 S35. Hornken?

Schneider, Georg. Handbuch der Bibliographie. Leipzig: Hiersemann, 1930. Z 1001 S35. Incunabula, Slavic.

Scholderer, Victor. «The Petition of Sweynheim and Pannartz to Sixtus IV.» The Library. Series 3, 6 (1915) 186-190.

Scholderer, Victor. «Printing at Milan in the Fifteenth Century.» The Library. Series 4, 7 (1926) 355-375. «Milanese typography up to the year 1477 is dominated by Zarotus and Lavagnia» (363). Minutianus supervised princeps of Cicero Opera omnia, Suidas (Bissolus and Manguis, 1499), pages 366f.

Scholz, Otto. Die Hegesippus-Ambrosius-Frage. PhD Breslau. Königshütte: Gaertner, 1913. Old Class Pamph LL H, B2.

Schonfield, Hugh. «Some Jottings on the Slavonic Josephus.» The Quest. 18 (1927/28) 133-139. BL 1 Q47 incomplete. Theological.

Schorbach, Karl. Der Strassburger Frühdrucker Johann Mentelin, 1458-1478: Studien to seinen Leben und Werken. Mainz: Gutenberg Gesellschaft, 1932. RBSC duff 00881. Appendix with description of all Mentelin's works.

Schreckenberg, Heinz. Bibliographie zu Flavius-Joseph. Leiden: Brill, 1968. Z 8457.45 S3. Includes abbreviated list of early editions (1-30).

Schreckenberg, Heinz. Die Flavius-Joseph-Tradition in Antike und Mittelalter. Leiden: Brill, 1972. PA 4224 S32. Rufinus and Cassiodorus, 58-61.

Schreckenberg, Heinz. Rezeptionsgeschichtliche und textkritische Untersuchungen zu Flavius Josephus. Leiden: Brill, 1977. DS 116 J87 S37. Slavonic Joephus, 43ff.

Schreckenberg, Heinz. Bibliographie zu Flavius-Joseph: Supplementband mit Gesamtregister. Leiden: Brill, 1979. Z 8457.45 S3.

Schrevelius, Cornelius, ed. M. Annaeus Lucanus de bello civilis. With notes by Hugo Grotius and Thomas Farnaby. London: Priestley, 1818. PA 6478 A2. «duros aeterni Martis Alanos.» Note on 8:222, page 358: «Caspia claustra: Caspiae portae sunt fauces montium Caspiorum inter Medos et Parthos. Sed de aliis furcis ceu faucibus Armeniam versus est intelligendum : cum Pompeius huc non pervenerit. uti nec ad Alanos Scythiae Europaeae pop. sed Albanos potius, qui Caspiis claustris et Parthis viciniores. De his item Plut. in Pomp. et Tacit. Annal. 12.13.15 atque ita legendum apud Suet. in Domitiano cap. 2.» Nothing much on 10:454, page 483.

Schüling, Hermann. Die Drucke der Kölner Offizin von Johannes Prael, 1530-1537. Cologne: Greven, 1963. Roba Z 232 P75 S34; VUCR Z 232 P915 S3. Prael published Didymus of Alexandria, Isidore of Seville, Hraban Maur, Terence, John of Damascus, Bede, etc.

Schulte. William Henry. Index verborum Valerianus. Dubuque: by the author, 1935; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1965. PA 6791 V5 S35. Flaccus.

Schuster, Mauriz. «Zu Lucanus.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 44 (1924) 1118-1119. Notes on Bk 1.

Schuster, Mauriz. «Lucanus.» Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursian's. 212 (1931) 103-115.

Schweder, E. Beiträge zur Kritik der Chorographie des Augustus. 3 vols in 1; 2 parts. Kiel, 1877-1883. WCat 4.

Schweder, E. Die Concordanz der Chorographie des Pomponius Mela und des Plinius. 1879. WCat 2, 18 pages.

Schweder, E. «Ueber die gemeinsame Quelle der geographischen Darstellung des Mela und des Plinius.» Philologus 46 (1888) 276-321. Agrippa. Check Choamani.

Schweder, E. «Plinius, Mela.» Geographisches Jahrbuch. 14 (1891) 155. P Geog P; G 1 G43 [33 (1910) - 60 (1950)].

Schweder, E. «Die römische Chorographie als Hauptquelle der Geographieen des Mela und des Plinius, I.» Philologus 54 (1895) 528-559.

Schweder, E. «Die römische Chorographie als Hauptquelle der Geographieen des Mela und des Plinius, II.» Philologus 56 (1897) 130-162. Varronian hypothesis, 143ff. Scyths, 156ff.

Schweiger, Frank Ludwig Anton. Bibliographisches Lexicon der gesamten Literatur des Römer. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1834; reprinted Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1962. Pims Z 7026 S3.

Semple, William Hugh. «Observations on the First Book of Lucan by Mr. R. J. Getty (CQ April 1936). A Reply.» Classical Quarterly. 31 (1937) 16-17. Points of the compass.

Serruys, Daniel. «Souscriptions et signatures dans les manuscrits des X-XIIIe siècles conservés au monastère de Vatopédi (Athos).» Revue des Bibliothèques. 14 (1904) 71. Z 671 R45. Josephus.

Serruys, Daniel. «Apo phônês.» Revue de philologie. 1911:71-74. Scholies. L'expression désigne non l'auteur, mais l'intermédiaire.

Seznec, Jean. «Erudits et graveurs au XVIe siècle.» Ecole française de Rome: Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire. 47 (1930) 118-137. D 111 E4. Illustrations for the Classics.

Shaaber, Matthias Adam. «The Meaning of Imprints in Early Printed Books.» The Library. 4th series 24/25 (1943/44) 120-141. Z 671 L69. «the imprint ... the statement on the title-page which names the printer or the publisher or both and usually states the address at which copies may be bought» (120). Mostly English, and later in date.

Shackleton Bailey, David Roy. «Notes, Critical and Interpretative, on the Poems of Sidonius Apollinaris.» Phoenix. 30 (1976) 242-251. PA 1 P58.

Shackleton Bailey, David Roy. «On Valerius Flaccus.» Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 81 (1977) 199-215. PA 25 H28.

Shackleton Bailey, David Roy. «Notes, Critical and Interpretative, on the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris.» Phoenix. 36 (1982) 344-357. PA 1 P58.

Shackleton Bailey, David Roy, ed. «On Lucan.» Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. 28 (1982) 91-100.

Shackleton Bailey, David Roy, ed. «Lucan Revisited.» Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. 33 (1987) 74-91. P 11 C2.

Shackleton Bailey, David Roy, ed. M. Annaei Lucani de bello civili libri x. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1988. PA 6478 A2 1988. With biblio of emendations. See Watt on Sidonius. «duros aeterni Martis Alanos» «quem non violasset Alanus».

Shackleton Bailey, David Roy, ed. Statius: Silvae. Loeb. Cambridge, Mass: Heinemann, 2003. PA 6697 E5 S5.

Shaw, David J. «The Lyons Counterfeit of Aldus's Italic Types.» In The Italian Book 1465-1800: Studies Presented to Dennis E. Rhodes on his 70th Birthday. Ed: Denis Vincent Reidy. London: British Library, 1993. 117-133. Z 8 I8 I83. Biblio. All counterfeited works classics.

Shaw, David J. «Badius' Octavo Editions of the Classics.» Gutenberg-Jahrbuch. 1973:276-281. VUCR Z 119.5 G8.

Sheppard, Leslie Alfred. A Catalogue of XVth Century Books in the Bodleian Library. Unpublished manuscript, 1954-1971. Information incorporated into the ESTC / IISTC databases. Now being updated by Jensen. Josephus by Mentelin, 7265.

Shipley, Frederick William. «Certain Sources of Corruption in Latin Manuscripts. A Study Based upon two Manuscripts of Livy: Codex Puteanus (fifth century), and its copy Codex Reginensis 762 (ninth century).» American Journal of Archaeology. 2nd series 7 (1903) 1-25; 157-197; 405-428. CC 1 A6. Reprinted with corrections 1904.

Shipley, Frederick William. Certain Sources of Corruption in Latin Manuscripts. A Study based upon two manuscripts of Livy: Codex Puteanus (fifth century), and its copy Codex Reginensis 762 (ninth century). New York: Macmillan, 1904. Old Class LL.H S5574c, retr. «The letters liable to confusion in uncial writing of the fifth century may be arranged in groups, on the basis of some common element of similarity among them [...] These groups are [...] (2) C E G O U» (34). «(C E). Here confusion is very common; the only difference between the letters is the horizontal stroke of the E, which was usually written quite high» (39). Ammianus: Eusenos = Cusenos. In the ninth century «there was no such wholesale tampering with the text as is to be found in manuscripts of the fifteenth century, which were not infrequently copied by scholars of the Renaissance, whose main aim was to produce a readable text» (69). The 9th cent introduced a new factor in the making of mss: «the division of the text into words, which now for the first time comes into general practice» (7). «transcription from manuscripts [of the fifth century] in majuscule writing into Caroline minuscule with divided words» (8). «Examples of more or less conscious emendation on the part of these ninth-century scribes are, however, not wanting» (69). «conscious substitutions of one word for another, and alterations in the forms of individual words, are not at all uncommon. Such emendations are not of a critical nature, and almost all of them are entirely superficial in character» (70). «in the case of unfamiliar words, particularly unusual proper names» (75). «The Carolingian scribe, in copying, rarely grasped the meaning of a long sentence as a whole, and was likely in consequence, mentally, to divorce parts of the sentence from the whole, and to alter them to suit some idea suggested to him by the general meaning of the immediate context, or by a neighboring word without any thought of how such alteration would affect the entire sentence» (76f).

Shutt, RJR. «Critical Notes on Josephus' Antiquities Classical Quarterly. 31 (1937) 170-177.

Shutt, RJR. «Critical Notes on Josephus' Antiquities Classical Quarterly. 33 (1939) 180-183.

Shutt, RJR. Studies in Josephus. London: SPCK: 1961. DS 115.9 J6545.

Sidonius, C. Sollius Modestus Apollinaris. Text: Anderson, Loyen, Luetjohann, Mohr. Loyen Roba PA 6694 S7, Luetjohann (vol 8 of MGH AA), Mohr (Teubner). Transl: Baret, Dalton. Studies: Allard, Bardy, Harries, Horvath, Shackelton Bailey, Sanford, Stevens, Syme, Watt.

Sidonius. Carmina. Carmen II: «Anthemius», 243-268 for the Huns. 2:364 «Vandalicas turmas et iuncti Martis Alanos» imitation of Lucan. Carmina. VII, Attila, Avitus, Albis (verses 390-391). Bastarnae, Carmina V,474; VII,323. Gepids in Attila's army. On the eating habits of his Barbarian neighbours, see TeBrake 20n66. échos des Argonautiques ... chez Sidoine Apollinaire (Liberman 1992:civ).

Sidonius. Epistolae V,7,4 «pelliti [...] castorinati.» For a rosy picture of Roman economy, cited by Latouche. «la péninsule armoricaine toujours tremblante dans la crainte de voir paraître le pirate saxon [...] dans des barques de cuir cousu»: Avitus a délivré le littoral de cette crainte.

Siegmund, Albert. Die Ueberlieferung der griechischen christlichen Literatur in der lateinischen Kirche bis zum zwölften Jahrhundert. Munich: Filser Verlag, 1949. Roba BR 67 S5; Pims BQ 421 S37. Josephus, 102-107.

Silberman, Alain. «Le périple d'Arrien.» Revue des études grecques. 91 (1978) 158-164.

Silberman, Alain. «Arrien, Périple du Pont-Euxin: Essai d'interprétation et d'évaluation des données historiques et géographiques.» Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. 2:34,1 (1993) 276-311. Pims DG 209 T36. Biblio. Ms unique (277n1). Ecrit en début de carrière (285) après la mort de Cotys II en 131/132 (284).

Silberman, Alain, ed. Arrien: Le périple du Pont-Euxin. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1995. PA 3935 F7 P47. Text history, biblio.

Silvestre, Louis Catherine. Marques typographiques. 2 vols. Paris: Jannet, 1853; reprint Brussels: Culture et civilisation, 1966. RBSC Z 236 F8 S5.

Simonetti, Manlio, ed. Rufinus Aquileiensis: Opera. CCSL, 20. Turnhout: Brepols, 1962. Rev: Courcelle Latomus 21 (1962) 216-217. Waszink Vigilia Christiana 16 (1962) 106-108. Josephus?

Singels, Nicolaas Jan [Nicolaus Ioannes]. De Lucani fontibus ac fide commentatio. Leiden: Van Duesburgh, 1884. WCat 9.

Skeat, Theodore Cressy. «The Use of Dictation in Ancient Book Production.» Proceedings of the British Academy. 38 (1952) 179-208. AS 122 L5. Cf. Dain.

Skeat, Theodore Cressy. The Use of Dictation in Ancient Book Production. London: OUP, 1956. WCat.

Skeat, Theodore Cressy. The Catalogues of the Manuscript Collections. 1953; London: British Museum, 1962. GenR Z 6621 B844.

Skutsch, Otto. «Lucan and Sedulius Scottus.» Classica & Mediaevalia. 23 (1962) 133. Mss?

Slater, DA. «Statius.» Journal of Philology. 30 (1907) 133.

Slater, DA. «Statius, Poggio and Politian.» Classical Review. 32 (1918) 166-167.

Squarzaficus, Hieronymus [Girolamo Squarciafico], ed. [Josephus: De bello judaico]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Venice: Reynaldus of Novimagio, 1481.

Squarzaficus, Hieronymus, ed. [Josephus: De bello judaico]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Venice: Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis, 1486.

Squarzaficus, Hieronymus, ed. [Josephus: De bello judaico]. Tr: Rufinus Aquileiensis. Venice: Heirs of Scottus, 1499.

Smyth, WR. «Statius 2,1,130.» Classical Review. 56 (1942) 112-113. Tunica, Cf Jerome.

Sobius, Jacobus [Sobbe 1493-1527/28]. Editor of Josephus, 1524; was first to print IV Macch by Erasmus with Josephus. Eminent classicist, central figure of the Cologne humanist movement, corresponded with Erasmus. Also edited Livy (Cologne, 1525). Source: Schweiger 1:528; VD 16 L 2092.

Solinus. Ed: Mommsen. PA 6696 S5 A123.

Souter, Alexander. A Study of Ambrosiaster. Texts and Studies, VII,4. Cambridge: UP, 1905. Pims BQ 5620 Z6 S7 or L6?

Souter, Alexander. «Statius' Silvae IV,3,48.» Classical Review. 44 (1930) 116-117. gomfis, gomphis, gonfis.

Souter, Alexander. «Lucan V, 197.» Classical Review. 44 (1930) 174. Bobbio Fragment.

Souter, Alexander. «Notes on the Transmission of Lucan's Text.» Classical Review. 46 (1932) 150-151.

Souter, Alexander. «Three New Lines of Lucan.» Classical Review. 46 (1932) 150-151.

Souter, Alexander. «Notes on the Transmission of Lucan's Text.» Classical Review. 46 (1932) 114.

Spanheim, Ezechiel Freiherr von [1629-1710]. «Chronologia Josephi.» In Flavii Iosephi Opera omnia. Ed: Siwart Haverkamp. 1726; 1782-1784.

Stadter, Philip A. «Flavius Arrianus: The New Xenophon.» Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. 8 (1967) 155-161.

Stadter, Philip A. «Arrianus.» In Catalogus translationum et commentariorum. Ed: Paul Oskar Kristeller. Date? 3:1-20. GenR Z 7016 K96.

Stadter, Philip A. «The Ars Tactica of Arrian: Tradition and Originality.» Classical Philology. 73 (1978) 117-128.

Stadter, Philip A. Arrian of Nicomedia. Chapel Hill: U of Carolina Press, 1980. DF 212 A77 S7. Biblio in footnotes. Ectaxis, 45-49. Single ms found «immediately following the Tactica» (46).

Staerk, Antonio. Les manuscrits latins du Ve au XIIIe siècle conservés à la Bibliothèque impériale de Saint-Petersbourg. 2 vols. St Petersburg: Franz Krois, 1910; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1976. Z 6621 L56 L3.

Stampini, E. «Il codice Torinese di Lucano del sec. XII.» Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. 26 (1898) 294-307.

Starr, RJ. «The Circulation of Literary Texts in the Roman World.» Classical Quarterly. 37 (1987) 213-223.

Statius, Publius Papinius [ca 40 - ca 96]. Text: Frère and Izaac (BL); Garrod and Phillimore, Courtney (Oxford); Klotz and Jahnke, Marastoni (Teubner); Mozley, Shackleton Bailey (Loeb); Markland, Saenger. Studies: Bright, Buchheit, van Dam, Häkanson, Hardie, McGuire, Mensching, Newmyer, Vollmer, Wagenvoort. Ms Studies: Ellis, Engelmann, Marastoni, Slater, Smyth, Souter, Thielscher, Vollmer, Wasserstein, Willis.

Statius. Genethliacon Lucani ad Pollam. Silvae 2,7 135 (verses). To Polla Argentaria. Chief source on Lucan's life and works.

Statius. Silvae. Réunit en 5 livres, 32 poèmes de circonstance. «Ponticis nucetis» I,6,12.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. Venice, 1472. Princeps.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. Ed: F. Puteolanus. 1473.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. Milan: Philippus de Lavagnia, 1475. Source: RBSC.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. Ed: Domitius Calderini. Rome: Arnoldus Pannartz, 1475. Source: IISTC § is00697000.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. Florence: Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, 1480. Source: IISTC § is00699500.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. Ed: Domitius Calderini. Venice: Printer of Cicero, ca 1481-1482. Source: IISTC § is00698000.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Opera]. Venice: Octavianus Scottus, 2 Dec 1483. Source: IISTC § is00691000.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Opera]. Venice: Jacobus de Paganinis, 24 Dec 1490. Source: IISTC § is00692000; Sajó.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Opera]. Venice: Bartholomaeus de Zanis, 15 Mar 1494. Source: IISTC § is00693000.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Opera]. Venice: Petrus de Quarenglis, 1498-1499. Source: IISTC § is00694000.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. Ed: H Avantinus. 1498.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. 1500.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Silvarum libri V]. Venice: Aldo, 1502. WCat.

Statius, Publius Papinius. [Opera]. Paris: Thomas Kees, 1513. Source: § is00699700.

Steele, Robert. «What Fifteenth Century Books are About.» The Library 4 (1903) 337-355; 5 (1904) 337-358; 6 (1905) 137-172; 8 (1907) 225-238. Z 671 L69.

Stein, Henri. «L'origine champenoise de l'imprimeur Nicolas Jenson.» Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes. 48 (1887) 566-579. Plus edition of his will.

Steiner, G. «The Textual Tradition of the Ovidian Incunabula.» Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 83 (1952) 312-318.

Steinhart, Heinrich Wilhelm. De emendatione Lucani: Commentatio philologia. PhD. Bonn: Carthaus, 1854. WCat 6 + mfm. Considered Montepessulanus the best. «in qua comparatis V et Vossiano II (U) hunc verba poetae melius conservasse ostenditur» (Genthe 1894:5).

Steinhart, Heinrich Wilhelm. De Lucani schedis rescriptis Vindobonensibus. Magdeburg, 1860. WCat 3 + mfm. «Hinc igitur praestantia et autoritas schedarum sat demonstrantur simul autem eas nullo cognationis vinculo neque cum B neque cum ullo alio codice cohaerere consequtur» (page 22, cited Bick 14).

Steinhart, Heinrich Wilhelm. «De Lucani codice Montepessulano.» In Symbolae philologorum Bonnensium in honorem Friderici Ritschelii collecta.... 2 vols. Leipzig: ... 1864-1867. 1:287-300. PA 26 R6 S86. Description of ms.

Steinhart, Heinrich Wilhelm. Collation of Lucan. 1868. Results included in Hosius, Lucan.

Stender-Petersen, Adolf. Geschichte der russischen Literatur. 2 vols. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1957. Josephus, 1:91-96, 149.

Stenger, Jean. «Réflexion sur le manuscrit unique.» Scriptorium 40 (1986) 54-80. Tacitus, Mela; Biblio.

Stern, Menahem. Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism. Jerusalem: Israel Academy, 1976. Roba DS 102 G7. Valerius Flaccus, 502-503.

Stevanovic, Vladimir, ed. Arheografski Prilozi. Belgrade: Narodna Biblioteka Srbije, 1979. Z 115.5 S45 A73.

Stevens, Courtenay Edward. Sidonius Apollinarius and his Age. Oxford: Clarendon, 1933. Roba DG 312.5 S 5 S8; Pims BQ 6212 S72 S8. Chronology.

Stokes, Roy. Esdaile's Manual of Bibliography. Fifth revised edition. Scarecrow Press, 1981. Z 1001 E75. No index. Badius, 76. Biblio, 23ff; 54ff; 91ff; 131ff. «no printer at so early a period [incunabula] remained for eleven years at the same level of accomplishment, since the art was then in the pioneer stage and rapidly advancing» (17). «The sixteenth century on the Continent was the age of the scholar-printer-publisher» (76).

Stotz, Peter. Handbuch zur lateinischen Sprache des Mittelalters. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, II:5. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1996. PA 2616 S76 Roba and VUPT? Pims PA 25 H24.

Studies in Bibliography. Z 1008 V55. From 3 (1950) to 27 (1974), done first five vols.

Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. «T. Flavius Domitianus.» In XII Caesares. Text: Ailloud, Graves, Jones, Mooney, Rolfe. PA 6700 A25. DG 277 SY G7. Maps in private use. Passage cited by Schrevelius important for the Alans, but not for Pompey. The political background can be dated from Cassius Dio to AD 75 -- even though the incident involving Domitian may be malicious court gossip. «Néanmoins, Vologèse. le roi des Parthes ayant réclamé des troupes de secours contre les Alains et prié qu'on leur donnât pour chef l'un des fils de Vespasien, [Domitien] mit tout en oeuvre pour leur être envoyé de préférence [à Titus]» (2,2).

Swete, Henry Barclay. The Old Testament in Greek. 3 vols. Cambridge UP, 1912. BS 41 S8. IV Macch.

Syme, Sir Ronald. «The Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus.» Classical Quarterly. 23 (1929) 129-137. PA 1 C68. Crucial article about the Sarmatians and the Limigantes dwelling between the Danube and the Theiss.

Syme, Sir Ronald. «The Senator as Historian.» In Histoire et historiens dans l'antiquité. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, 4. Vandoeuvres-Genève, 1956. 185-201. DE 8 H5. Tacitus.

Syme, Sir Ronald. Tacitus. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958. PA 6716 S93.

Syme, Sir Ronald. «Obituaries in Tacitus.» American Journal of Philology. 79 (1958) 18-31. PA 1 A5.

Syme, Sir Ronald. «Livy and Augustus.» Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 64 (1959) 65. PA 25 H28.

Syme, Sir Ronald. «Minor Emendations in Pliny and Tacitus.» Classical Quarterly. NS 30 (1980) 426-428. Corrects Pliny a/c misreading by Sidonius Apollinaris.

Syme, Sir Ronald. «The Career of Arrian.» Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 86 (1982) 181-211. PA 25 H28.

Synthen, Johannes [John Sintheim]. [Dates]. Teacher of Erasmus at Deventer. 120 hits on IISTC.

Tacitus, P. Cornelius. Furneaux, rev: Fisher and Pelham; Goelzer (BL); Halm; Hutton, Moore and Jackson (Loeb), Koestermann (Teubner); Latham, Lund, Perret, Robinson, Winterbottom, Wuilleumier (BL). Renaissance editors: Bussi. Studies: Barnes, Beaujeu, Goodyear, Persson, Wölfflin, Syme, Ulery.

Tacitus. Ms studies. Lowe.

Tacitus. Annals. Calls Massagetae/Alans by their alternate name of Aorsi, 12,16,1; 12,19,1. This passage refers not to the Caucasian Mithridates who was hunted by Pompey, but to Mithridates, king of the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and a campaign against him under Claudius. «Aquila et Cotys ... envoyèrent une ambassade auprès d'Eunones, qui était à la tête du peuple des Aorses» (12,15,2). Alans, 6,36.

Täubler, Eugen. «Zur Geschichte der Alanen.» Klio 9 (1909) 14-28. Earliest sources.

TeBrake, William H. «Ecology and Economy in Early Medieval Frisia.» Viator 9 (1978) 1-29. HAVE offprint. Sidonius.

Telfer, W. «Was Hegesippus a Jew?» Harvard Theological Review. 53 (1960) 143-154. BR 1 H47 yellow Apex. Judaizer?

Ternaux, Jean-Claude. Lucain et la littérature de l'âge baroque en France. Paris: Champion, 2000. PQ 239 T47.

Thackeray, Henry St. John, Ralph Marcus, Allen Wikgren and Louis H. Feldman, eds and trs. Josephus: Works. Loeb Classical Library. 10 vols. Cambridge: Heinemann, 1926-1965. PA 4222 A2. CHECK history of edition, when reprinted. Vol 1 by Thackeray, The Life and Against Apion. Vol 2 Jewish War by Thackeray and Marcus. Vol 3 Jewish War, by Marcus. Vols 4 and 5, Jewish Antiquities, Marcus. Vols 6 and 7, Jewish Antiquities, Marcus and Wikgren. Vols 8 and 9 by Feldman, Jewish Antiquities. General index, vol 10.

Thielscher, Paul. «De Statii Silvarum Silii Manilii scripta memoria.» Philologus 66 (1907) 85-134.

Thielscher, Paul. «.» Philologus 82 (1927) 167-180.

Thielscher, Paul. «Remarks on the Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae Classical Quarterly. NS 7 (1957) 47-52.

Thienen, Gerard van, ed. Incunabula in Dutch Libraries. 2 vols. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1983. Roba, VUCR Z 240 A1 I52. Josephus by Mentelin, 1821. Notes that one of the Josephus in Madrid (not recorded in ICB by Garcia) has a printed Registrum in six columns on part of a sheet bound before folio 1.

Thilo, Georg. Valerius Flaccus: Argonautica. Halle, 1863. WCat 30.

Thomas, Paul. Catalogue des manuscrits des classiques latins de la Bibliothèque royale de Bruxelles. Université de Gand, Recueil de travaux, 14? Gand: Clemm, 1896. WCat. Lucan, Gemblacensis.

Thomas, Paul. «Notes critiques sur Velleius Paterculus et sur Tacite.» Bulletin de l'Académie royale de Belgique. 5th series 5 (1919) 305-320. AS 242 B3413.

Thompson, [Sir] Edward Maunde. Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography. 3rd ed London: Kegan Paul, 1906.

Thompson, [Sir] Edward Maunde. An Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1912; reprint 1965. Z 114 T472. Facsimiles.

Thompson, James Westfall. «Was There a Manuscript of Tacitus' Annales in Treves in the Ninth Century?» Classical Philology. 34 (1939) 68-69. HX.

Thomson, George. «The Intrusive Gloss.» Classical Quarterly. NS 17 (1967) 232-243.

Thomson, James Oliver. History of Ancient Geography. Cambridge UP, 1948; New York: Biblo and Tanner, 1965. G 84 T5.

Thuasne, Louis. «Josephus.» Revue des bibliothèques. 15 (1905) 5/7, 207. Roba Z 671 R45 incomplete. Correspondence with Erasmus.

Thylander, Hilding. Etude sur l'épigraphie latine, date des inscriptions, noms et dénomination latine, noms et origine des personnes. Lund: Gleerup, 1952. Roba CN 510 T58; VUPT stor CN T429e.

Tilmann, Godegroy, transl. [Flavius Josephus: de vita sua]. Paris, 1548. Full entry under Josephus.

Tonnet, Henri. «Les notes marginales et leur transmission dans quelques manuscrits de l'Anabase d'Arrien.» Revue d'histoire des textes. 3 (1973) 39-55. Z 108 R45. With editions of marginalia, which are from the 10th century.

Tonnet, Henri. Recherches sur Arrien, sa personalité et ses écrits atticistes. PhD dissertation. 2 vols. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1988. PA 3935 Z5 T65.

Toronto Public Library. Online catalogue . Early editions of Lucan and Josephus in the Toronto Reference Library.

Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. Massey Per 1-15 (1892-1919).

Traube, Ludwig. «Zum lat. Iosephus.» Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. NS 39 (1884) 477-478. Hegesippus.

Traube, Ludwig. «Ueberlieferungsgeschichte.» Chapter 3 of his Einleitung in die lateinische Philologie des Mittelalters. Vorlesungen und Abhandlungen, 2. 1911; Munich: Beck, 1965. SMC 27 T7 vol 2; see also Roba Z 105 T73. Praised by Lindsay. Check for Lucan.

Tremoli, Paolo. De Lucani codice Ravennati 100. Trieste, 1955. PA 6480 T72.

Tsavari, Isabelle On. Histoire du texte de la Description de la terre de Denys le Périégète. Jannina: Tsolis, 1990. PA 3968 D4 T734. Huns?

Tsavari, Isabelle On. Concordantia in Dionysii periegesin. Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 1992. PA 3968 D4 T73 1992.

Ulery, Jr., Robert W. «The Text of Tacitus in 15th-century Italy and the Guarnieri Brothers.» Res publica litterarum: Studies in the Classical Tradition. 12 (1989) 237-249. PN 2 R44. Bussi papal librarian in 1470's (239). Biblio: Perotti.

Ullman, Berthold Louis. Ancient Writing and its Influence. London: Harrap, 1932; New York, 1980. Z 105 U4.

Ullman, Berthold Louis. «The Transmission of Latin Texts.» Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica. FS Giorgio Pasquali. NS 27/28 (1956) 578-587. PA 9 S7.

Unger, Georg Friedrich. «Zu Josephos. I: Die unpassend eingelegten Senatusconsulte.» Königliche Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte. Munich, 1895. 551-604. AS 182 M823.

Unger, Georg Friedrich. «Zu Josephos. II: Die Regierungsjahre der makkabäischen Fürsten.» Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte. Munich, 1896. 357-382. AS 182 M823.

Unger, Georg Friedrich. «Zu Josephos. III: Regierungsjahre der Kaiserzeit.» Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte. Munich, 1896. 383-397. AS 182 M823. Regnal years.

Unger, Georg Friedrich. «Zu Josephus. IV: Die Republik Jerusalem.» Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte. Munich, 1897. 189-221. AS 182 M823.

Unger, Georg Friedrich. «Zu Josephus. V: Das verlorene Geschichtswerk.» Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte. Munich, 1897. 222-244. AS 182 M823. References to an earlier work in the Archaeology but not all these found in BJ. Book of Daniel, 225ff.

University of Sussex. Catalogue to the Travers Collection. Online. Nov 12, 2004; May 16, 2006. Josephus §85; §102; §218.

University of Toronto Libraries. Online Catalogue . Abbreviated: UTL.

Unterkircher, Franz. «Die Buchmalerei im Wiener Exemplar der ersten deutschen Bibel von Mentelin 1466.» Gutenterg-Jahrbuch. 1955:75-81. RBSC; VUCR.

Updike, Daniel Berkley. Printing Types, their History, Forms, and Uses. Cambridge, Mass: 1937. VUPT Z 250 A2 U6.

Usener, Hermann. «Paulus von Constantinopel.» Rheinisches Museum. 23 (1868) 497-507. Subscription found in Montepessulanus and Vossianus II. Traces historical background and other mss.

Usener, Hermann, ed. M. Annaei Lucani Commenta Bernensia. Leipzig: Teubner, 1869; reprint Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1967. PA 6480 U74. Includes reprint of Hagen. Albis fluvius Sueborum, 51.

Ussani, Vincenzo. «Il testo Lucaneo e gli scolii Bernensi.» Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica. 11 (1903) 29-83.

Ussani, Vincenzo. «Il prologo.» Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica. 11 (1903) 463-469.

Ussani, Vincenzo. «La questione e la critica del cosi detto Egesippo.» Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica. 14 (1906) 245-361. PA 9 S7. Alan cavalry, 271; 288.

Ussani, Vincenzo. «Per l'edizione Teubneriana delle Adnotationnes super Lucanum Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. 319 (1911) 256-. PA 9 R55. Source: Schuster.

Ussani, Vincenzo. «Questioni Flaviane.» Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. 319 (1911) 399.

Ussani, Vincenzo. «Su la più antica storia del testo de Flavio Giuseppe.» Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. 42 (1914) 417.

Ussani, Vincentius, ed. Hegesippi qui dicitur historiae libri V. CSEL, 66, part 1. Vienna 1932.

Ussani, Vincentius, and Carolus [Karl] Mras. Hegesippi qui dicitur historiae libri V. CSEL, 66, part 2. Vienna 1940. Preface, history of text and editions (xlviii-l), indices.

Ussani, Vincenzo. Studio su Valerio Flacco, Studi e saggi, 6. Rome: Signorelli, 1955. PA 6791 V5 U75 1955.

..... «Judaisants.» In Dictionnaire de théologie catholique. Ed: Alfred Vacant, Eugène Mangenot, and Emile Amann. 15 vols in 30. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1930-1950. GenR Z 7016 E58; Roba BX 841 D682.

Vacca [undated commentator]. Life of Lucan. Lejay, xiv-xx. Studies: Marti. Vacca of paramount importance for geography; has preserved many passages from Livy (Marti 1950:211).

Vadianus, Joachim [Joachim von Watt, 1484-1551. Edited Solinus and other cosmographies. VD 16: 125 hits.

Vadianus, Joachim, ed. Plinius: [Historia Naturalis]. Vienna: Hieronymus Vietor and Johann Singriener, 1513. Source: VD 16 P3559.

Vadianus, Joachim, ed. Plinius: [Historia Naturalis]. Vienna: Johann Singriener, 1515. Source: VD 16 P3527.

Vadianus, Joachim, ed. Pomponius Mela: [Cosmographia]. Vienna, 1518. Source: VD 16 ....; Gollob Holzschnitten § 164; Adams Cambridge §1053. General Notes: Used by Frick. The first good edition, according to Romm 1988.

Vadianus, Joachim, ed. Pomponius Mela: [Cosmographia]. With commentary. Basel: Andreas Cratander, 1522. Source: VD 16 M2314; WorldCat. See Schenker-Frei Bibliotheka Vadiani §368. General Notes: Vadian used Mela to elucidate St. Paul's travels (Bonorand 91ff, 100ff).

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius [wrote under Vespasian or perhaps Domitian, died maybe AD 90]. Argonautica. Text: 26 early editions, Heinsius, Burman; Kramer (Teubner), Liberman (Budé), Mozley (Loeb). Concordance: Schulte. Comm: Langen, Ussani. Studies: Cambier, Clark, Ehlers, Harmand, Kleyvegt, Lewis, Schenkl, Shackleton Bailey, Syme, Wistrand. Sarmatians, Celts, Scyths, Alans.

Valerius Flaccus. Argonautica. Important Proem, with dedication to Vespasian. Several mentions of Albani, and they are unimpeachable. List of leaders and peoples: «The fiery Alani and fierce Heniochi had Anausis...» (6,42, Mozley's tr). «O would that it had been my lot to find a home among the Sarmatians, to dwell amid the grim frosts and to follow a waggon» (2,176-178, Mozley's tr). «the Sarmatian who puts a rein upon his huge lance = ingentis frenator Sarmata conti» (6,162, Mozley's tr). «Thence speeds he away, and comes to the hapless Alani who already know him well» (6,655-656, Mozley's tr).

Valerius Flaccus. Argonautica. All manuscripts descended from Vaticanus 3277 (ninth century). Poggio and St Gall, see Clark.

Valerius Flaccus. Argonautica. Leiden, Leidensis BPL 560. See Cambier.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Bologna: Ugo Rugerius and Doninus Bertochus, 7 May 1474. Editio princeps. Location: Yale U; NY, Pierpont Morgan. Source: IISTC § iv00020000; WorldCat; Delisle 1905:1918.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Florence: Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, [about 1481]. Location: Harvard; NY, Pierpont Morgan. Source: IISTC § iv00021000; WorldCat; Walsh, Harvard.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Bologna: Benedictus Hectoris, 12 April 1498. Location: Yale U. Source: IISTC § iv00021300; WorldCat.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Venice: Christophorus de Pensis de Mandello, 10 June 1500. Location: NY, Columbia U, Butler Lib. Source: IISTC § iv00021500; WorldCat.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Gervais Aumen [Gervasius Amoenus]. Paris: Badius, 1500. Location: . Source: Liberman; WorldCat. General Notes: Allen, Erasmus § 2082 for Aumen.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Venice: Christophorus de Pensis de Mandello, 1501. Location: Yale U. Source: WorldCat (6).

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Benedictus Philologus [Benedetto Ricardini]. Florence: F. di Giunta, 1503. Location: NY Columbia. Source: WorldCat.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Gervais Aumen [Gervasius Amoenus]. Paris: Badius, 1511. Location: . Source: Liberman.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Gervais Aumen [Gervasius Amoenus]. Paris: Badius and Raruus, 1512.

Colophon: Impressum in Parrhisiorum Lutecia communibus Iodoc Badii Ascensij & Iohannis Rarui expensis in preto Caesareo. Anno domni M.CCCC duodecimo nonis Ianuariis. Location: NY Columbia. Source: Liberman; WorldCat.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Benedictus Philologus [Benedetto Ricardini]. Florence: F. di Giunta, 1517.

Colophon: Florentiae sumptu Philippi Juntae. Location: NY Columbia. Source: WorldCat.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Petrus ... Gillis [1486-1535]. Paris: Badius, 1517. Location: Princeton. Source: WorldCat.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Giovanni Battista Pio and Pietro Crinito [1465-1504]. Bononiae: Hieronymo Platonico [de Benedictis], 1519. Source: WorldCat. General Notes: For Pio, see Schenkl 1871:279, 307.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Gilles de Maizières [Aegidius Maserius]. Paris: Badius, 1519.

Location: Sp Coll Hunterian Bq.2.11. Source: Univ Glasgow; WorldCat. General Notes: Sumptuous illustrations, richly decorated, from the collection of William Hunter.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Giovanni Battista Pio and Pietro Crinito [1465-1504]. Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi and Andreae Asulani soceri, May 1523. CRRS PA 6791 V4 1523.

Imprint from colophon. Location: Toronto, Victoria; Yale U; Washington LC; Boston PL; Princeton; Harvard. Source: UTLink; WorldCat; Adams U77; Walsh .... General Notes: For Pio, see Schenkl 1871:279, 307.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. [Argonautica]. Ed: Philip Engelbrecht [Engentinus]. Paris: Simon de Colines, 1532. RBSC B-12 6481.

Imprint: Parisiis: apud Simonem Colinaeum, 1532. Location: Toronto, Fisher. Source: UTLink; WorldCat. General Notes: Colines died in 1546, see Renouard 1894 for his production.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. Argonautica. Ed: Nicolas Heinsius. Utrecht, 1702. WCat. Important notes.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. Argonautica. Ed: Pieter Burman. Leiden: Luchtmanns, 1724. VUPS PA 6791 V41 1724. Includes notes by Heinsius.

Valk, Marchinus van der. «Manuscripts and Scholia: Some Textual Problems.» Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. 25 (1984) 39-49. Stephanus Byz, Apol Rh.

Vander Haeghen, Ferdinand. Bibliotheca erasmiana: Répertoire des oeuvres d'Erasme. Gand, 1893; reprint Nieuwkoop: de Graaf, 1972. Roba, Pims, VUCR Z 8268 H16. Josephus 2:27.

Van de Vyver, André. «Cassiodore et son oeuvre.» Speculum 6 (1931) 244-292. Translations, 264ff. «Sans préciser davantage [Cassiodore] met au compte "de ses amis" la traduction des Antiquités juives de Fl. Josèphe. Cette vaste entreprise fut, sans doute, une oeuvre collective» (265f). Cf Inst 1133c. «Dans son exposé du Ps xiv, il renvoie à à la description du Tabernacle que Fl Josèphe donne dans ses Antiquitates iudaic.» (272). Cf 109AB (PL 70). «Depuis le IV siècle, la substitution du codex au volumen, qui ne contenait généralement qu'un seul livre d'un ouvrage, permettait de réunir des matières semblables dans un même manuscrit» (276).

Van Name, Addison. Catalogue of the William Loring Andrews Collection of the Early Books in the Library at Yale University. New Haven: Yale UP, 1913. RBSC Z 240 Y2.

Vernadsky, George. «Sur l'origine des Alains.» Byzantion 16 (1942/43) 81-86.

Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts. Ed: Irmgard Bezzel. ? vols. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1983-. Hegesippus, vol 8, 1987. Z 2000 V47 folio.

Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts. Abbreviated as VD 16. Online through Gateway Bayern 18 Dec 2007. Sixteenth century Cologne.

Vessereau, Jules, and François Préchac, eds. Rutilius Namatanius: Sur son retour. Paris: Le Cerf, 1933. Pims, Roba PA 6652 R71.

Vial, J. «Imprimeurs parisiens et lyonnais des 15/16 siècles.» Gutenberg-Jahrbuch. 1951:81-86. VUCR Z 119.5 G8.

Villalba i Varneda, Pere. The Historical Method of Flavius Josephus. Leiden: Brill, 1986. DS 115.9 J6 V55 1986.

Vincent, Jean Barthélémy. Essai sur l'histoire de l'imprimerie en Belgique depuis le 15me jusqu'à la fin du 18me siècle. Brussels: Delfosse, 1867. WCat 20 + mfm.

Vogel, Friedrich. De Hegesippo qui, dicitur, Josephi interprete. Munich [Erlangae]: Deichert, 1880. WCat 6, 62 pages.

Vollmer, Friedrich, ed. Poetae latini minores. See Baehrens.

Vollmer, Friedrich. Statius: Silvae. Leipzig: Teubner, 1898; reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1971. PA 6697 A3.

Vollmer, Friedrich. «Zur Ueberlieferung von Statius' Silvae Hermes 38 (1903) 134-139.

Volpati, Carlo. «Gli Scotti di Monza tipografi-editori in Venezia.» Archivio storico Lombardo. 59 (1932) 365-382. DG 651 A7.

Voulliéme, Ernst. Die Inkunabeln der Königlichen Bibliothek (Preussischen Staatsbibliothek) und der anderen Berliner Sammlungen. Beiheft zum Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, 30. Leipzig, 1906. Z 1002 B59. Three suppl: 1914, 1922, 1937.

Voulliéme, Ernst. «Zur ältesten Buchdruckergesellschaften Strassburgs.» Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 32 (1915) 309-321.

Wackernagel, Rudolf. Rechnungsbuch der Froben & Episcopius, Buchdrucker und Buchhändler zu Basel, 1557-1564. Basel: Schwabe, 1881. Z 176 B2 F7.

Wageningen, J. van. Collated Lucan Bruxellensis olim Gemblacensis, see Francken 1:xxii-xxiv; Hamblenne. Does he mean Jean Wageningen?

Wagenvoort, H. «Ad Statii Silv I adnotationes.» In Ut pictura poesis: Studia latina Petro Iohanni Enk septuagenario oblata. Ed: ...... de Jonge. Leiden: Brill, 1955. ......... PA 6011 U8.

Wagner, Sr M. Monica. Rufinus the Translator .... Catholic University of America, 73. Washington, 1945. Pims BQ 6208 W2; Roba P LaCl C.

Wagner, Ph. «Emendationes Valeriana.» Philologus 20 (1863) 617-647.

Walde, Alois. Lateinisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. 3rd edition by J. B. Hofmann and Elsbeth Berger. Heidelberg: Winter, 1930-1956. Register GenR PA 2342 W34.

Walser, Gerold. Rom, das Reich und die Fremden Völker in die Geschichtsschreibung der frühen Kaiserzeit. Baden-Baden: Verlag für Kunst und Wissenschaft, 1951. PA 6716 W35.

Walsh, James E. A Catalogue of the Fifteenth Century Printed Books in the Harvard University Library. 5 vols. Binghamton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1991‑1997. Roba, Pims Z 240 H37. Detailed, though not complete descriptions. Josephus, see under editions.

Walsh, Patrick Gerard, ed. Titi Livi ab urbe condita. Leipzig: Teubner, 1986. PA 6452 A7.

Wasserstein, A. «The Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae Classical Quarterly. NS 3 (1953) 69-78. Poggio, Politian.

Wasserstein, A. «Politian's Commentary on the Silvae of Statius.» Scriptorium 10 (1956) 83-89.

Wasserstein, A. «The Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae: A Reply.» Classical Quarterly. NS 8 (1958) 111-112.

Waters, KH. «The Second Dynasty of Rome.» Phoenix 17 (1963) 195-218.

Waters, KH. «The Character of Domitian.» Phoenix 18 (1964) 49-77.

Watt, William S. «Notes on Sidonius Apollinaris.» Revue bénédictine. 109 (1999) 5-16. PIMS PER. Letters and Poems. See Shackleton Bailey.

Weber, Karl Friedrich [1794-1861, ed. Hegesippus qui dicitur sive Egesippus De bello judaico ope codicis Casselani recognitus. Marburg: Elwert, 1864. WCat 27 + mfm. Based on Wouters 1559. Published in fascicles 1857-1863, then completed by KJ Caesar after Weber's death.

Weber, Wilhelm. Josephus und Vespasian: Untersuchungen zu dem jüdischen Krieg des Flavius Josephus. Berlin: Kohlhammer, 1921. DS 115.9 J6 W3.

Weber, Wilhelm Ernst, ed. Lucanus. In his Corpus poetarum latinorum. 1833. PA 6121 A2. Original date 1821. Housman calls it "perfectly useless" (xxxiii).

Wehmer, Carl. «Inkunabelkunde.» Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 57 (1940) 214-232.

Weiler, . «Flavius Josephus and Dio Cassius.» Klio 50 (1968) 151.

Weill, Julien, tr. Antiquités judaïques, I-IV. Vol 1 of Oeuvres complètes de Flavius Josèphe, traduites en français. General editor: Théodore Reinach. Paris: Leroux, 1900. DS 116 J674.

Weill, Julien, tr. Antiquités judaïques, VI-X. Vol 2 of Oeuvres complètes de Flavius Josèphe, traduites en français. General editor: Théodore Reinach. Paris: Leroux, 1926. DS 116 J674.

Weinberger, Wilhelm. «Bericht über Paläographie und Handschriftenkunde (1911-1915).» Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursian's. 172 (1915) 1-30.

Weinberger, Wilhelm. «Bibliographie der lateinischen Buchschrift (bis 1050) 1911-1922.» Palaeographia latina. Ed: Lindsay. 2 (1923) 74-93.

Weise, Carl Hermann. Pharsaliae libri 10: ad meliorum librorum fidem recensuit scholiisque interpretatis.... Quedlinburg: G Bassus, 1835. PA 6478 A2. Lucan mss.

Wells, C.M. The German Policy of Augustus: An Examination of the Archaeological Evidence. Oxford: Clarendon, 1972. DD 53 W45.

Werner, Shirley. «The Scholia to Lucan in Beinecke MS 673.» Traditio 45 (1990) 347-364.

Werner, Shirley. «The Text of Beinecke MS 673, an Eleventh Century Manuscript of Lucan.» Rheinisches Museum. 140 (1991) 299-308.

Werner, Shirley. «On the History of the Commenta Bernensia and the Adnotationes super Lucanum Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 96 (1994) 343-368. PA 25 H28.

Wessner, Paul. «Kommentare und Scholien. VI: Zu Lucanus.» Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursian's. 113 (1902) 212-213. Roba PA 3 J3.

Wessner, Paul. «Kommentare und Scholien: f) Lucanscholien.» Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursian's. 139 (1908) 183-186.

Wessner, Paul. «Kommentare und Scholien: f) Lucanscholien.» Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursian's. 188 (1921) 221-228. Mss study.

West, Martin Litchfield. Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable to Greek and Latin Texts. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1973. Pims, Roba PA 47 W4.

Westerburg, Eugen. «Lucan, Florus und Pseudo-Victor.» Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. NS 37 (1882) 35-49. Civil war.

Wheeler, Everett L. «The Occasion of Arrian's Tactica Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. 19 (1978) 351-365. Hadrian's vicennalia.

Wheeler, Everett L. «The Legion as Phalanx: Arrian's Acies.» Chiron 9 (1979) 303-318. CN 1 C5.

Whiston, William, tr. The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus. 3 vols. Edinburgh: Turnbull, 1801-1802. DS 116 J7 1801. «Upon Tiberius' writing thus to Vitellius, by the offer of great presents of money, he persuaded both the king of Iberia, and the King of Albania, to make no delay, but to fight against Artabanus; and although they would not do it themselves, yet did they give the Scythians a passage through their country, and opened the Caspian gates to them, and brought them upon Artabanus» (Ant 18:97-98).

Wikgren, Allen, ed. Vols 6 and 7 of Josephus: Works. With Ralph Marcus. Loeb. Date? PA 4222 A2.

Will, Edouard. Histoire politique du monde hellénistique (323-30 av. JC). 2 vols. Nancy: PU, 1966-1967. DF 235 W5. Geography of Asia, biblio.

Williamson, Geoffrey Arthur, tr. Josephus: The Jewish War. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1959/1969. Mado. «In an earlier chapter, we referred to the Alani, a Scythian tribe living near the Don and the Sea of Azov. At this stage in the story, as they planned a raid into Media and beyond in search of loot, they negotiated with the king of Hyrcania, as master of the pass which King Alexander had closed with gates of iron» (page 379).

Willis, James A. «The Silvae of Statius and their Editors.» Phoenix 20 (1966) 305-324.

Willis, James. Latin Textual Criticism. Illinois Studies in Languages and Literature, 61. Urbana, 1972. Downsview PA 6141 W55; VUPT PA 3013 W5; SMC PA 3013 W5.

Wilmart, André. «....» In Analecta Reginensia: Extraits des manuscrits latins de la reine Christine conservés au Vatican. Studi e testi, 59. Rome, 1933. Pims BQ 304 W74.

Wilmart, André. Codices Reginenses Latini. 2 vols. Vatican City: Biblioteca apostolica, 1937-1945. Z 6621 R78 L15.

Wilson, Nigel Guy. «The Libraries of the Byzantine World.» Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. 8 (1967) 69-71.

Wilson, Nigel Guy. «A Chapter in the History of Scholia.» Classical Quarterly. NS 17 (1967) 244-256.

Wilson, Nigel Guy. Mediaeval Greek Bookhands: Examples Selected from Greek Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries. 2 vols. Medieval Academy of America, 81. Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1973. Z 113.8 W45.

Wilson, Nigel Guy. «Variant Readings with Poor Support in the Manuscript Tradition.» Revue de l'histoire des textes. 17 (1987) 1-13.

Wilson, Nigel Guy. From Byzantium to Italy: Greek Studies in the Italian Renaissance. London: Duckworth, 1992. PA 78 W54.

Wilson, William Jerome. «Lucan.» Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 62 (1931) xxxv.

Wilson, William Jerome. «Manuscript Fragment of a Mediaeval Commentary on Lucan.» Speculum 8 (1933) 327-334. Fragments from school book cover 1:601-695 and 2:71-102, accessus. Commentators 330n2.

Wing, Donald Goddard. Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and British America, and of English Books Printed in other Countries, 1641-1700. Revised and edited by John J. Morrison and Carolyn W. Nelson, editors, and Matthew Seccombe, assistant editor. 3 vols. New York: MLA, 1994. GenR Z 2002 P773; VUPT Z 2002 W52.

Winterbottom, Michael, and Robert Maxwell Ogilvie, eds. Cornelii Taciti Opera Minora. Oxford: Clarendon, 1975. PA 6706 A2.

Winterfeld, Paul von. «De Germanici codicibus.» In Festschrift Johannes Vahlen zum siebzigste Geburtstag. Berlin: Reimer, 1900. 391-407. PA 26 V3. MS catalogue.

Wiriath, R. «Les rapports de Josse Bade Ascensius avec Erasme et Lefebvre d'Etaples.» Bibliothèque d'humanisme et de renaissance. 11 (1949) 66-71. CB 361 B5. Lefèvre «n'apparaît dans l'atelier de [Bade] que pour ... préparer [l'édition] de la Guerre des Juifs de Josèphe, traduite du grec en latin par saint Ambroise, imprimée une première fois en 1510, réimprimée en 1512 et en 1524» (66). «Lefebvre ne sortait guère du domaine de la philosophie et des questions religieuses» (66).

Wirth, Gerhard. «Arrianos ho philosophos.» Klio 41 (1963) 221-233. D 51 K6. Based on Photius.

Wirth, Gerhard. «Anmerkungen zur Arrianbiographie: Appian, Arrian, Lukian.» Historia 13 (1964) 209-245. D 51 H5. Re Anabasis.

Wistrand, Erik Karl Hilding. «Der Pontus und die Syrten.» Eranos 43 (1945) 347-356. Valerius Flaccus.

Wistrand, Erik Karl Hilding. Nach innen oder nach aussen? Zum geographischen Sprachgebrauch der Römer. Göteborgs Högskolas Aersskrift, 52:1. Göteborg: Elanders, 1946. PA 2347 W47. Ocean.

Wistrand, Erik Karl Hilding. «The Stoic Opposition to the Principate.» Studii clasice. 18 (1979) 93-101. PA 9 S8.

Wistrand, Erik Karl Hilding. Article. Ratis omnia vincit: Untersuchungen zu den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus. 3 vols. Hildesheim: Olms, 1991-2004. PA 6791 V5 R38.

Withof, Johan Hildebrand. In M. Ann. Lucanum Encaenia critica. Vesal, 1741. WCat 3: Niedersächsische Staats- und Univ; Cambridge; Victoria and Albert. Conjectures on Lucan.

Witkom, Paula P. «Hugo Grotius' Edition of Lucan.» Quaerendo. 12,4 (1982) 263-280. MASS BIB PER Q.

Witty, Francis Joseph. «Book Terms in the Vivarium Translations.» Classica folia. 28 (1974) 62-82. WCat. Cassiodorus, Josephus.

Wölfflin, Eduard von. Ausgewählte Schriften. Leipzig: Dieterich, 1933; reprinted Hildesheim: Olms, 1977. PA 27 W6. Tacitus 22-102.

WorldCat. Union Catalogue Online by subscription.

Wotke, Karl. «.» Zeitschrift für die österreichischen Gymnasien. Fasc 4 (1893). Old Class P LG Z. Lucan. Source: Genthe 1892:10.

Wouters, Cornelius [1500-1577]. Also Carlo Gualteruzzi; also Gualterus. Editor and commentator of Hegesippus. Biography by Moroni, under the name Gualteruzzi.

Wouters, Cornelius, ed. Hegesippus: [Josephi de bello judaico]. Cologne: Cholianus, 1559. Full entry under Hegesippus.

Wouters, Cornelius, ed. Hegesippus: [Josephi de bello judaico]. Cologne: Cholianus, 1575. Reprint.

Wuilleumier, Pierre, ed. Tacite: Annales. 4 vols. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1974-1978. PA 6708 A3 W8. Mss and editions, lii.

Wuilleumier, Pierre, Henri Le Bonniec, and Joseph Hellegouarch, eds. Tacite: Histoires. 3 vols. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1987-1992. DG 286 T314.

Yale University. Catalogue of rare books. Van Name, 1913. Check Goff, bibliography to find something more recent. Check Yale U Library Gazette.

Zandee, J. «Josephus: Contra Apionem Vigiliae Christianae. 15 (1961) 193-213. PER VUEM, REGIS, PIMS.

Zapf, Georg Wilhelm. Augsburgs Buchdruckerei Geschichte. Augsburg, 1786-1791. VUCR Rare Z 149 A9 Z21786. Schüssler?

Zetzel, James E. G. «The Subscriptions in the Manuscripts of Livy and Fronto and the Meaning of Emendatio Classical Philology. 75 (1980) 38-59.

Zetzel, James E. G. Latin Textual Criticism in Antiquity. Salem, NH: Ayer, 1981. Roba PA 3013 Z47. «By reducing mss to letters on a stemma, [Lachmann] eliminated the personal and intellectual forces that had created them» (5). Mela 216f; Solinus 215, 235, 250.

Zimmermann, Odo John. The Late Latin Vocabulary of the «Variae» of Cassiodorus. The Catholic University of America Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Latin Language and Literature, 15. Washington, 1944. PA 6271 C5 Z5.

Zingerle, Anton. «Beiträge zur Kritik des dritten Dekade des Livius.» Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte. 101 (1882) 555-563. AS 142 A53. Livy.


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