Text Transmission

The purpose of this weblog is to share with other scholars the results of my researches in the history of text transmission, especially in these area: early history of the Slavs and the Huns, long distance trade in the early middle ages, and classical scholarship during the middle ages.

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Philologist specialist of Byzantium and the Slavs in the middle ages, and the Huns in antiquity; material culture (crossbow). If you wish to get in touch with me, in order to share scholarly information, please leave a comment. You may also write to me directly at: nicole.petrin@gmail.com or at nicolepetrin@yahoo.com.

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Name of the Alans, BIB 4

Kämmel, H. «Erasmus in Deventer.» Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik. 110 (1874) 305-321. PA 3 N65 per.bib. Synthen.

Kahn, Jean-Luc. «Mentelin et l'imprimerie à Strasbourg jusqu'en 1475.» Bulletin de bibliophilie. 1990:345-370. Z 1007 B93. «En 1460 le premier volume de sa magnifique Bible à 49 lignes ... était en vente puisque c'est la date rubriquée sur l'exemplaire de la Bibliothèque de Fribourg-en-Brisgau» (346). «Les tirages de Mentelin sont estimés à 150 à 200 exemplaires par Schorbach» (359). IISTC: Mentelin produced 40 large editions in 20 years, many of them multi-volume; he died in 1478.

Kalinka, Ernst. «Analecta latina.» Wiener Studien. 16 (1894) 78-120; 254-313. Lucan, Panegyrists. «III: Ad Josephum latinum» 93-111; Scyths.

Keene, Charles Haines, ed., and George Francis Savage-Armstrong, tr. De reditu suo libri duo: The Home-Coming of Rutilius Claudius Namatianus from Rome to Gaul in the Year 416 AD. London: G Bell, 1907. PA 6652 R7.

Kenney, E. J. The Classical Text: Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. Roba P 47 K45; Pims PA 47 K4. Tacitus.

Kenyon, Sir Frederic George. The Palaeography of Greek Papyri. Oxford: Clarendon, 1899. PA 3343 K55.

Kenyon, Sir Frederic George. «.» Proceedings of the British Academy. 1903/04:166. AS 122 L5. Conjectures.

Kenyon, Sir Frederic George. «.» Journal of Hellenic Studies. 39 (1919) 3-4. DF 10 J82. Conjectures.

Kenyon, Sir Frederic George. Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford, 1932. Roba Z 112 K4; Pims Z 112 K38.

Kibbey, DM. «An Early Fragment of Josephus' Antiquitates Judaicae from Murbach Abbey (on Beinecke MS 964, a single folio of the early ninth century.» In New Studies on Yale Manuscripts from the Late Antique to the Early Modern Period. Ed: Robert Gary Babcock. The Yale University Library Gazette Occasional Supplement, 7. New Haven: The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 2005. Pages? ..... Try Roba Z 105 B44 1991 and Z 733 Y3 A3.

Kiechle, Franz. «Die Taktik des Flavius Arrianus.» Bericht der römisch-germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. 45 (1964) 87-189. DD 53 D42. Roman cavalry, includes translation and commentary.

Kindler, Augustus. De Lucani Pharsaliae versibus qui desunt in codicibus Montepessulano et Vossiano altero. PhD. Münster: Coppenrath, 1882. WCat 4, 39 pages. Check Bibliographies for articles by same author on same subject.

Kirsop, Wallace. Bibliographie matérielle et critique textuelle: Vers une collaboration. Paris: Lettres modernes, 1970. P 47 K5.

Klebs, Elimar [born 1852]. «Das lateinische Geschichtswerk über den jüdischen Krieg.» In Festschrift zum fünfzigjährigen Doktor-jubiläum Ludwig Friedländer. Leipzig: Hirzel, 1895. 210-241. WCat 2 + mfm (have text in gmail). See Sanford. Friedländer [1824-1909].

Klein, J. «Handschriftliches zu Lucanus.» Rheinisches Museum. NS 24 (1869) 121-126.

Kleywegt, Adrianus Jan. «Praecursoria Valeriana, I.» Mnemosyne 39 (1986) 313-349. Valerius Flaccus, 1:1-205.

Kleywegt, Adrianus Jan. «Praecursoria Valeriana, II.» Mnemosyne 40 (1987) 107-123. 1:205-349.

Kleywegt, Adrianus Jan. «Praecursoria Valeriana, III.» Mnemosyne 41 (1988) 355-372. 1:350-483

Kleywegt, Adrianus Jan. «Praecursoria Valeriana, IV.» Mnemosyne 42 (1989) 420-440. 1:484-692.

Kleywegt, Adrianus Jan. «Praecursoria Valeriana, V.» Mnemosyne 44 (1991) 137-159. 1:692-850.

Kleywegt, Adrianus Jan. Valerius Flaccus, Argonautice: Book 1, A Commentary. Leiden: Brill, 2005. PA 6791 V5 K57.

Klotz, Alfred, and R. Jahnke, eds. Statius. 3 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1898-1926. PA 6697 A5. With Scholiae.

Klotz, Alfred. Statius: Silvae. Leipzig: Teubner, 1902.

Klotz, Alfred. Quaestiones Plinianae geographicae. Quellen und Untersuchungen, 11. Berlin: Weidmann, 1906. WCat 30. For supplement, see his 1930. Re: Map of Agrippa.

Klotz, Alfred. «Zu Dionysius Periegetes.» Rheinisches Museum. NS 64 (1909) 474-475. Biographical.

Klotz, Alfred. «Die geographischen Commentarii des Agrippa und ihre Ueberreste.» Klio 24/ NS 6 (1931) 38-58; 386-466. Scythia, 422ff; Pontos 447ff.

Köhler, Ulrich. «Zu Orosius.» Philologus 17 (1861) 552-555. Livy as a source.

Koestermann, Erich, ed. Tacitus. 3 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1952-1957. PA 6705 A4.

Koestermann, Erich. «Codex Leidensis B PL 16 B. Tacitus XI-XXI.» Philologus 104 (1960) 92-115. Tacitus, see Mendell.

Koestermann, Erich, ed. Cornelius Tacitus: Germania, Agricola, Dialogus de Oratoribus. Leipzig: Teubner, 1970. Pims PA 6104 T2 G4.

Köttelwesch, Clemens, General Editor. Kataloge der Stadt‑ und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1966‑‑. Z 929 F73. Vol 1, Inkunabel, see Ohly. Vol 2-3 Manuscripts.

Kohler, Charles. «Inventaire de la bibliothèque de Saint-Gildas en Berry.» Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des chartes. 47 (1886) 98-105. § 111 Lucan, Pharsalia. Materials on Luke, Jerome, Ambrose, etc.

Kolb, Albert. Bibliographie des französischen Buches im 16. Jahrhunderte: Druck, Illustration, Einband, Papiergeschichte. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1966. Z 304 K65. Badius, 346ff, see also index.

Kornemann, Ernst. Die neue Livius-Epitome aus Oxyrhynchus. Klio Beiheft, 2. Leipzig, 1904. Orosius, Cimmmerian invasion.

Kortte, Gottlieb [Cortius], ed. Lucan. Leipzig, 1726-1731. RBSC B-11 4914. See Housman for details.

Krämer, Sigrid. Scriptores codicum medii aevi. CD-ROM. Augsburg: Erwin Rauner, 2003. Pims Z 6605 L3 K3.

Kramer, Otto, ed. Valerius Flaccus: Argonautica. Leipzig: Teubner, 1913. PA 6791 V4 1913a.

Krawczynski, Stamatia. «Zu Ueberlieferungsgeschichte des Flavius Josephus und Klemens von Alexandreia im 4.-6. Jahrhundert.» Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 57 (1964) 6-25.

Kristeller, Paul. «Humanism and Scholasticism in the Italian Renaissance.» Byzantion 17 (1944/45) 346-374.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, general editor. Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries, annotated lists and guides. 8 vols, with different editors. Union académique internationale. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1960-2003. GenR Z 7016 K96. «Strabo» by Aubrey Diller 2:225-233. «Arrianus» by Philip Stadter, 3:1-20. «Vegetius» by .......... 6:175ff. Lucan?

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600: A List of the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections. New, revised edition New York: Fordham University Press, 1960. GenR, SMC, Pims Z 6601 A1 K7. First published in Traditio 6 (1948) 227-317; 9 (1953) 393-418. Third ed: 1965; fourth 1993.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Iter Italicum: A Finding List of Uncatalogued or Incompletely Catalogued Humanistic Manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and other Libraries. London: Warburg Institute, 1963. VUCR, Roba, Pims Z 6611 H8 K7.

Vol 1: Italy, Agrigento to Novara. Vol 2: Italy, Orvieto to Volterra, Vatican City. Vol 3: (Alia itinera 1) Australia to Germany. Leiden: Brill, ??? Vol 6: Index.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600: A List of the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections. Third edition New York: Fordham University Press, 1965. GenR, SMC, VUCR, VUPR, Pims Z 6601 A1 K7 1965.

Kristeller, Paul. Die italienischen Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen bis 1525. Strassburg: Heitz, 1893; reprint Naarden: van Bekhoven, 1969. RBSC Z 236 I8 K9 oversize. Check Moretus for Hegesippus 1511.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Medieval Aspects of Renaissance Learning: Three Essays. Ed, tr: Edward P. Mahoney. Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1974. SMC, Pims, VUCR, VUPT, Roba B 775 K69. Biblio 115-120. «The Scholar and his Public in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance» (..........).

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, FS. Itinerarium Italicum: The Profile of the Italian Renaissance in the Mirror of its European Transformation. Ed: Heiko Augustinus Oberman and Thomas A. Brady. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, 14. Leiden: Brill, 1975. B 776 I8 I86.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600: A List of the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections. Fourth revised edition by Sigrid Krämer. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Hilfsmittel, 13. Munich, 1993. Pims Z 6601 A1 K7 1993; Pims DD 3 M84 v 13. Robarts?

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, and Ferdinand Edward Cranz. A Microfilm Corpus of the Indexes to Printed Catalogues of Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600. Third edition New York: Fordham University Press, 1965; microfilm edition New London: Conn.: [s.n.] 1982‑. VUCR, Pims Z 6601 A1 K72 Folio.

Kronenberg, Maria Elizabeth. Campbell's Annales de la typographie néerlandaise au XVe siècle: Contributions to a New Edition. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1956. Z 240 C183 K7. With additions and losses. Not Orosius. Josephus by Mentelin, 746a.

Kubiak, David P. Bellum civile IX. Bryn Mawr, 1985. WCat 65. Commentary on Lucan.

Kulakovskii, Iulian Andreievich. See Avarkhon.bib.

Kulakovskii, Iulian Andreievich. Izbrannye trudy po istorii Alanov i Sarmati. Ed: S. M. Perevalov. St Petersburg: Aleteia, 2000. DS 34 A4 K83.

L., J. H. «Thomas May, the Author of the Supplement to Lucan.» Notes and Queries. 1,3/70 (March 1, 1851) 167. Roba AG 305 N7; VUPT PER. See Cooper, Price.

Lagarde, Paul de. «Die Handschriftensammlung des Grafen von Ashburnham.» Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft und der Georg-August Universität zu Göttingen. 1884:14-31. AS 182 G8127.

Lagrange, Marie-Joseph. «Jean-Baptiste et Jésus d'après le texte slave du Livre de la Guerre des Juifs de Josèphe.» Revue biblique. (1930) 29-46. BS 410 R3.

Lake, Kirsopp, and Silva Lake. Dated Greek Minuscule Manuscripts to the Year 1200. 10 vols. Boston: The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1933-1939. Z 113.8 L33. See Follieri. Josephus?

Lamberz, Erich. «Zwei Flavius-Josephus-Handschriften des Athoskloster Vatopedi (Vatop 386 und 387).» Rheinisches Museum. 139 (1996) 295-307. Notes under Fl Josephus, mss.

Lambrino, Scarlat. Bibliographie de l'antiquité classique, 1896-1914. 2 vols. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1951. GenR, Pims, VUPT Z 7016 L2. Vol 2 not at GenR. See Marouzeau.

Lammert, Friedrich. «Die römische Taktik zu Beginn der Kaiserzeit und die Geschichtsschreibung.» Philologus, Supplementband. 23,2 (1931). Goths, Alans.

Lammert, Friedrich. «Griechische Kriegswesen, Bericht über das Schrifttum der Jahre 1918-1938.» Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bursians. 274 (1941) 1-114. PA 3 J3. Index by scholars.

Lampros, Spyridon Paulou [1851-1919]. Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts on Mount Athos. 2 vols. Cambridge: UP, 1895-1900; reprint Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1966. Pims Z 6605 G7 L22; Roba Z 6605 G7 L3. Josephus.

Lampros, Spyridon. «John of Antioch.» Neos Hellenomnemon. 1 (1904) 7-31. AS 201 N512.

Lampros, Spyridon. «.» Neos Hellenomnemon. 6 (1909) 486-488. AS 201 N512.

Lampros, Spyridon. «.» Neos Hellenomnemon. (1911) 91. AS 201 N512.

Lampros, Spyridon. «.» Neos Hellenomnemon. 18 (1924) 295-297. AS 201 N512.

Lampros, Spyridon, FS. «.» Eis mnemen Spyridonos Lamprou. Athens: his heirs, 1935. DF 503 E56, storage?

Landgraf, G. «Die Hegesippus-Frage.» Archiv für lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik. 12 (1902) 465-472. Old Class P LaCl A; VUPT per.

Langen, Peter. Argonauticon libri octo. Berlin: Calvary, 1896-1897. B2 Old Class LL V164 L. Valerius Flaccus.

Laqueur, Richard. Der jüdische Historiker Flavius Josephus: ein biographischer Versuch auf neuer quellenkritischer Grundlage. Giessen: Münchow, 1920; reprint Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1972. DS 115.9 J6 L368.

Latham, Robert Gordon, ed, cm. The Germania of Tacitus. London: Taylor, Walton and Maberly, 1851. PA 6706 G4.

Lauer, Philippe. Listes des recueils de facsimilés et des reproductions de manuscrits conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale. 2nd edition by Henri Auguste Omont. 3rd edition Paris: BN, 1935. Pims Z 6601 A1 P5.

Laufer, Roger. Introduction à la textologie: Vérification, établissement, édition de textes. Paris: Larousse, 1972. Roba, VUPT Z 1001 L35.

Laufer, Roger, ed. La bibliographie matérielle. Paris: CNRS, 1983. Z 1001.3 T33.

Laurand, Louis. «Etablissement et Interprétation des textes.» In Compléments, Atlas, Tables. Vol 3 of Manuel des études grecques et latines. Revised and corrected edition by P. d'Hérouville. Paris: Picard, 1946. HC. «Pour collationner les manuscrits d'un ouvrage, on prend l'édition critique la meilleure, puis on la compare mot par mot avec chacun des manuscrits» § VII-187.

Le Bonniec, Henri. Bibliographie de l'«Histoire naturelle» de Pline. Collection d'études latines, série scientifique, 21. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1946. WCat 65, pamphlet.

Ledeboer, Adrianus Marinus. Notices bibliographiques des livres imprimés avant 1525 conservés dans la bibliothèque publique de Deventer. Deventer: de Lange, 1867. VUCR Z 240 D49.

Leeman, A. D. «Structure and Meaning in the Prologues of Tacitus.» Yale Classical Studies. 23 (1973) 169-208. PA 25 Y3.

Leeming, Henry, and Katherine Leeming, eds: Josephus' Jewish War and its Slavonic Version. A synoptic comparison of the English translation by H. St J. Thackeray with the critical edition by N. A. Meshcherskij of the Slavonic version in the Vilna Manuscript translated into English by H. Leeming and Lyubov V. Osinkina. Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 46. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Roba DS 122.8 J6613 2003; VUEM oversize DS 122.8 J7339 2003. With translation of commentary by Meshcherskii.

Lefebvre, J. «Imprimeurs lyonnais et imprimeurs bâlois à la fin du XVe siècle.» In Imprimerie, Commerce et littérature. Actes du congrès, Lyon, mai 1962. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1965. 23-29. Z 145 L9 C6. Badius. 2 articles on Voltaire.

Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques [Jacobus Faber Stapulensis 1450-1536]. Controversial writer protected by Francis I. Calvinist tendencies. His life and works: Amann, Bayle, Graf, Hugues, Renaudet, Rice.

Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques, ed. [Hegesippus: Josephi de bello judaico]. Paris: Badius, 1510. Reprinted 1511-1512; 1524. Full entry under Hegesippus.

Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques, ed. Hegesippus: [Josephi de bello judaico]. 1511; 1514. Italian editions by Moretus, and by Minutianus. Reprint or pirated copies?

Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques, ed. Hegesippus: [Josephi de bello judaico]. Cologne: Hittorpius, 1525; 1530. Reprint.

Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques, ed. Hegesippus: [Josephi de bello judaico]. Cologne: Gennepaeus, 1544. Revised by Wouters, qv.

Lejay, Paul. «Notes latines. VI Paulus Constantinopolitanus.» Revue de philologie. NS 18 91894) 53-59.

Lejay, Paul, ed. M. Annaei Lucani de bello civili liber primus. Paris: Klincksieck, 1894. Biblio. PA 6478 A2 1894. Best description of mss, see under Lucan. Life of Lucan by Vacca, xiv-xx. Florus and Lucan, lxxv. Appian, lxxvi. Scholiasts, lxxvi et sqq. «il y a dans la Pharsale une place considérable faite à la science proprement dite, à la philosophie physique» (xlii).

Lenhart, John Mary. Introduction to Check-lists of Names of Places where Typography was Applied, of Master-Printers, Printers, Workmen, Publishers, Promoters, etc. St. Louis, Mo: Catholic Central Union, 1959. Pims, VUCR Z 231 L4.

Le Paulmier de Grentemenil, Jacques. See Palmerius. Notes to Lucan's astronomy and geography.

Lepreux, Georges. Gallia typographica: ou, Répertoire biographique et chronologique de tous les imprimeurs de France depuis les origines de l'imprimerie jusqu'à la Révolution. 5 vols. Paris: Champion, 1909-1914. RBSC Z 144 L59. Originally published in Revue des bibliothèques, suppl 1-3, 5, 7-8, 12. Z 671 R45.

Leue, Gustav. «Zeit und Heimath des Periegeten Dionysius.» Philologus 42 (1884) 175-178. PA 3 P5. Dates him to Hadrien (117-138 AD).

Levi, Mario Attilio. «Il prologo della Pharsalia Rivista di Filologia [e di Istruzione] Classica. NS 27 (1949) 71-78. PA 9 R55.

Lewis, Bryna E. «The Significance of the Location of Valerius Flavius' Second Proem.» Mnemosyne 4th series 40 (1987) 420-421. Imitation of Vergil.

Liberman, Gauthier. «Fragmentum Valerianum Duacense.» Revue de philologie. 64 (1990) 127-141. Flaccus.

Liberman, Gauthier. Valerius Flaccus: Argonautiques. Paris: 2 vols, one I have not seen. Belles Lettres, 1992. PA 6791 V4 A36. Biblio. «La datation du proème des Argonautiques et de l'oeuvre elle-même a fait couler beaucoup d'encre» (xviii). échos des Argonautiques «dans le poème dit Hylas de Dracontius, chez Sidoine Apollinaire et, peut-être, dans l'Alethia de Marius Victorinus» (civ). «Les premières éditions imprimées, toutes des incunables, ont procédé à un premier toilettage du texte» (cviii).

Library of Congress. Website. Incunables?

Library of Congress. The Rosenwald Collection: A Catalogue of Illustrated Books and Manuscripts, of Books from Celebrated Presses, and of Bindings and Maps, 1150-1950. The Gift of Lessing J. Rosenwald to the Library of Congress. With introduction by Frederick Richmond Goff. Washington, DC: ......, 1954. Roba Z 881 U5. Emphasis on the history of the illustrated book (v). Orosius 1491: § 346, bound with St. Martin of Braga 1491. Printer of Basilius § 967.

Liébaert, Paul. Specimina codicum. 1968. See Ehrle.

Liebeschuetz, John Hugo Wolfgang Gideon. «The System Rejected: Lucan's Pharsalia 149-155. Reprinted in his 1979.

Liebeschuetz, John Hugo Wolfgang Gideon. Continuity and Change in Roman Religion. Oxford: Clarendon, 1979. BL 802 L53, Roba, VUPT.

Lietzmann, Iohannes. Specimina codicum graecorum Vaticanorum. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1929. Pims Z 113.8 S67. See Franchi de Cavalieri.

Linder, Amnon. «Ps Ambrose's Anacephalaeosis: A Carolingian Treatise on the Destruction of Jerusalem.» Revue d'histoire des textes. 22 (1992) 145-158. Z 108 R45. History of editions, 146; history of manuscripts 147f.

Lindsay, Wallace Martin. «A New Clue to the Emendation of Latin Texts.» Classical Philology. 11 (1916) 270-277, plate. PA 1 C66. Abbreviations.

Lindsay, Wallace Martin. «Ancient Notae and Latin Texts.» Classical Quarterly. 11 (1917) 38-41. Abbreviations cause confusion in text transmission, especially technical texts, less so for literature.

Lindsay, Wallace Martin, ed. Palaeographia Latina. 6 vols. 1922-1929. Pims Z 114 P15; Roba Z 114 P3.

Lindsay, Wallace Martin. «Transmission of Texts.» In his Palaeographia Latina. 2 (1923) 53-55. Scribes sought «to transcribe the standard exemplar» (53).

Lindsay, Wallace Martin. «Deletion.» In his Palaeographia Latina. 3 (1924) 65-66. Mostly indicated by a dot above or below the letter to be deleted.

Lindsay, Wallace Martin. A Supplement to «Notae Latinae». 1936. Pims. See Doris Bain.

Lindskog, Claes. «Ueber die sogen. Attractio inuersa im Lateinischen.» Eranos. 1 (1896) 48-56. PA 9 E7. Orosius.

Littré, Emile, tr. Pline: Histoire naturelle. 2 vols. Paris: Didot, 1865. PA 6613 F5 L59.

Liublinskii, Vladimir Sergeievich, and Elizaveta Ivanovna Bobrova. Katalog inkunabulov. Moscow: Nauka, 1963. Pims Z 240 Z35. Lucan? Josephus?

Livius, Titus [59 BC - AD 17]. Ab urbe condita. Ed: Bussi (4 incunabula); Bayet, Conway/Walters, Walsh. Studies: Baehrens, Briscoe, Jullian, Marti, Shipley, Syme, Zetzel, Zingerle. Loeb? Less than one third survives plus excerpts and epitomes. Source for Lucan. Pompey?

Livy. Basternae XL.5, 57, 58; XLI, 19, 23; XLIV,26f. «The Scordisci would readily give a passage to the Bastarnae for they were not very different in either language or manners» (XL,lvii,7). Has lots on the Bastarnae's relations with the Macedonians. Mentions the Nervii only in fragments, no geographic or chronological context; check out difference between Neuroi and Nervii.

Livy. Epitome. Basternae 134. See Kornemann.

Livy. Periochae. Known only from fragments on papyrus. Ed: Jal, vol 34 of the Budé edition.

Löffler, Karl, and Joachim Kirchner. Lexicon des gesamten Buchwesens. With Wilhelm Olbrich. 3 vols. Leipzig: Hiersemann, 1935-1937. Pims Z 118 L67.

Löffler, Karl, and Joachim Kirchner. Lexicon des gesamten Buchwesens. With Wilhelm Olbrich. Second edition by Joachim Kirchner. 4 vols. Leipzig: Hiersemann, 1952-1956. Roba Z 118 L65.

Löwe, Heinz. Religiosität und Bildung im frühen Mittelalter: Ausgewählte Aufsätze. Weimar: H. Böhlaus, 1994. 327-347. BR 253 L64. Reprints. Anything for text transmission?

Lowe, Elias Avery [Loew, E. A.] The Beneventan Script: A History of the South Italian Minuscule. Oxford: Clarendon, 1914. Z 115 I8 L67. «Tacitus Historiae (i-v) and Annales (xi-xvi) depend upon the single MS. Flor. Laurent. 68.2 saec. xi. med., written at Monte Cassino» (16).

Lowe, Elias Avery. «Some Facts About our Oldest Latin Manuscripts.» Classical Quarterly. 19 (1925) 197-208. Very detailed statistics.

Lowe, Elias Avery. «More Facts About our Oldest Latin Manuscripts.» Classical Quarterly. 22 (1928) 43-62.

Lowe, Elias Avery. «The Unique Manuscript of Tacitus' Histories Casinensia (1929) 266-267. Reprinted 1 (1972) 297.

Lowe, Elias Avery. Paleographical Papers 1907-1965. Ed: Ludwig Bieler. 2 vols, with plates. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972. Roba Z 109 L68. Biblio 594-611. Companion to his other works.

Lowry, Martin. The World of Aldus Manutius: Business and Scholarship in Renaissance Venice. Oxford: Blackwell, 1979. Z 232 M28 L68.

Loyen, André. «L'Albis chez Claudien et chez Sidoine Apollinaire.» Revue des études latines. 11 (1933) 203-211. PA 2002 R4. See Macé.

Loyen, André. Recherches historiques sur les panégyriques de Sidoine Apollinaire. BEPHE, 285. Paris: Champion, 1942. Biblio. «au Ve siècle, le patrice, c'est-à-dire le généralissime, le plus souvent d'origine germanique» (15).

Loyen, André. Sidoine Apollinaire et l'esprit précieux en Gaule aux derniers jours de l'empire. Collection d'études latines, série scientifique, 20. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1943. Roba PA 6694 S8 L6. Lucan?

Loyen, André. «Sidoine.» I Goti in Occidente: Problemi. Settimane, 3. Spoleto, 1956. 11-33. CB 351 C46.

Loyen, André, ed., tr. Sidoine Apollinaire. 3 vols. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1960-70. Roba PA 6694 S7. Incomplete.

Loyen, André. Recherches historiques sur les panégyriques de Sidoine Apollinaire. 1942. Reprint or new edition in Studia historica, 43. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 1967. PA 6694 S8 L48 1942A.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus [39-65]. Pharsalia. Mentions both the Alani and the Massagetae, but as separate peoples. Alans, 8:222ff, 10:454ff. «duros aeterni Martis Alanos: when I marched towards the Caspian Gates and pursued the hardy Alans, ever at war, I suffered the Parthians to ride at will over the Persian plains» (8:222-224). «quem non violasset Alanus: Alans, or Scythians or Moors who mock the stranger by fixing him as a target for their arrows» (10:454-455).

Lucan. Pharsalia. «Massageten Scythicus non adliget Ister: que l'Hister scythique n'emprisonne plus le Massagète» (2,50). «Les peuples de Scythie ... que Bactros enferme de son gouffre gelé et l'Hyrcanie de ses vastes forêts» (3,267-268). Sarmatians ... Phasis ... Colchis ... Halys ... Tanais ... Black Sea ... «Longaque Sarmatici solvens ieiunia belli // Massagetes quo fugit equo: puis le courageux Arien et le Massagète qui apaise les longs jeûnes des guerres sarmates avec le cheval qui sert à sa fuite et les rapides Gélons» (3,282-283).

Lucan. Pharsalia. Incunabula: Giovanni Andrea Bussi; commentaries by Omnibonus Leonicenus, Sulpitius, Taberius. Early editions by Bentley, Burmann, Cumberland, Farnaby, Grotius, Kortte, Oudendorp, Schrevelius, Weber (for history see Housman). Modern editions: Barratt, Bourgery/ Ponchont/ Jal (BL), Duff (Loeb), Francken, Haskins, Housman, Hosius, Lejay, Postgate, Shackleton Bailey. Tr: Brébeuf, Delatour; Graves, Braund, May (Engl).

Lucan. Pharsalia. Concordance: Deferrari. Commentaries: Barratt, Gelsomino, Mooney, Pichon, Sanford. Studies: Ahl, Anderson, Arnaud, Bruère, Due, Ferguson, Fischli, Fletcher, Fraenkel, George, Getty, Gotoff, Grimal, Haekanson, Heitland, Helm, Henderson, Herrmann. Holmes, Hosius, Hudson-Williams, Hübner, Jennings, Jullian, Kalinka, Liebeschuetz, Lucas, Marti, Mendell, Morford, Nisbet, Nock, Ollfors, Palmerius (in Oudendorp), Perrin, Postgate, Samse, Sanford, Scaliger (astronomy), Semple, Skutsch, Schuster, Souter, Steinhart, Tremoli, Weise, Wessner, Westerburg, Wilson, Withof, Witkom.

Lucan. Ancient life and commentary by Vacca. Full record under Vacca.

Lucan. Ancient and medieval Commentaries on the Pharsalia. Gotoff dates the Commenta Bernensia and the Adnotationes super Lucanum to the fifth and sixth centuries (1). Were they Gallo-Roman in origin? Studies: Genthe, Rinkefeil, Werner, Wessner, Wilson. Commenta Bernensia, see below under MSS.

Lucan. Adnotationes super Lucanum. Text: Endt, Cavajoni.

Lucan. Arnulfus Aurelianensis: Glosule super Lucanum. Text: Marti. Full record under Arnulf.

Lucan. Renaissance commentators: Omnibonus Leonicenus Vincentinus = Ognibene de Lonigo, died 1493; Cionus Magnale of Florence; Sulpitius Verulanus = Sulpizio de Veroli, fl 1475; Johannes Taberius.

Lucan. Ms Studies: Bick, Bourgery, Delisle, Detlefsen, Endt, Hamblenne, Hosius, Lejay, Manitius, Genthe, Heitland, Stampini, Tremoli. See Francken for photostat samples of Ashburnhamensis, Montepessulanus and Vossianus I. Palimpsests, 4-5th century, see Bick, Detlefsen.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Rome, Palatino-Vaticanus 24 (fourth century): Lucan palimpsest fragments VI;21-26; 228-267; VII:458-537. Siglum: /lambda/. Studies: Detlefsen.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Vienna, Hofbibliothek 16 (fifth century): palimpsest fragments include Lucan (V:31-91; 152-211; 272-301; VI:215-274; 305-354), Pelagonius, Acta apostolica. Dioscurides, Fragmentum medicum. Codex Palat. Vindobonensis 16, olim Bobbiensis; siglum: /nu/. Studies: Bick 1908, Detlefsen, Souter, Steinhart 1860. Composed of remnants from two codices (Bick 3). Known to scholars by AD 1500 (Bick 5). Irish origin, St Columban found in Bobblio (Bick 4, 6). History of ownership (Bick 7ff). «Die Schrift is rein kapital » (Bick 11). Could be influenced by recension by Paulus of CPL (Bick 15). Greek words spelled correctly (Bick 15f).

Lucan. Pharsalia. Naples, Royal Library, IV a 8 (fifth century): same origin as Vienna fragments. Contains Lucan V:331-390; 631-660; VI:153-163; 168-178; 395-424; 545-576; 667-698. Siglum /nu/. Studies: Detlefsen.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, nouv. acq. lat. 1626 (early ninth century): Poem with vitae. Description by Lejay, Francken; 145 folios, 27-30 lines per page; folios 144-145 added in 12th cent. Siglum: A, olim Ashburnhamensis, fonds Libri 28. Oldest complete ms, but with many later corrections and repairs. Lejay collated it; Francken seems to have been the first to use it in an edition and provides photostat sample of script.

§ Lucain. -- Ce volume, composé de 145 feuillets, a une origine suspecte, puisqu'un faussaire a pris la peine d'ajouter, à la fin, la note "Sancte Justine de Padua". La garde du commencement est un moreau de charte carlovingienne dont la date est encore visible: "Sub die lunis, in mense februaro, anno XIIe regnante Karulo rege". From Appendix «Liste des manuscrits du fonds Libri et du fonds Barrois qui, dans le projet de traité avec le Musée britannique, en 1883, devaient être réservés à la France» Delisle 1886:103-114, page 105.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 10314 (ninth century): damaged, description by Lejay. Siglum: Z. From the Abbey of Epternach.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 10340 (ninth century): fragment.....

Lucan. Pharsalia. London, British Museum 2790 f 263 (ninth century): .... From Nevers. See Manitius 1892.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Berne, Bürgerbibliothek 45 (ca AD 900): Pharsalia with commentary. Siglum: B. See Bernensis 370 for modern editions and scholarship. Collated by Usener for Hosius. Fol 41 for the orbis quadratus and other figures of the earth (Stevens 1980:270n8).

Lucan. Pharsalia. Berne, Bürgerbibliothek 370 (ca AD 900): commentary only but complete. Siglum: C. Commenta Bernensia edited by Usener. Studies: Cavajoni, Genthe, Gotoff, Hagen.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Taurinensis d'Orvillii (twelfth century). Siglum: T. Used by Oudendorp and Francken.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Sangallensis 864 (... century): with glosses). Endt 1910.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Montpellier, Faculty of Medicine H 113 (ninth-tenth century). Siglum: M, Montepessulanus, olm Buherianus. Described by Steinhart. Collated by Genthe 1868. Sample of script in Francken 1890. Subscription: «Paulus Constantinopolitanus emendavi manu mea soleis.» For lacunae, see Kindler.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 7502 (tenth century): content of codex. Siglum: P. Souter 1932.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 7900 A (tenth century): .... From Puteanus. Siglum: Q.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 8029 (tenth century): content of codex.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Erlangen (Nürnberg), Universitätsbibliothek 304 (tenth century): Pharsalia with Suetoni vita Lucani, Epitaphius Lucani. 147 folio. Siglum: E, Erlangensis 304 olim Heilsbronnensis 199. Collated by Genthe, used by Francken. Lacuna from X 376 to the end, replaced by 15th century hand. Subscription at the end: «Marci Annaei Lucani lib. X finit complet. fratre iohanne Sailer, anno 1468 mens. ianuar.».

Lucan. Pharsalia. Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Vossianus latinus XIX Q N 51 (tenth century): Poem plus scholiae. Siglum: V, Vossianus Primus. 163 folio. Collated by Steinhart in Hosius.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Vossianus XIX f 63 (tenth century): .... Siglum: U, Vossianus alter. 129 folio. For lacunae, see Kindler.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Vossianus XIX q 16 (tenth century).

Lucan. Pharsalia. Bruxelles, Bibliothèque de Bourgogne 5330 (tenth century): Pharsalia, plus anthology of other poets. 134 folios. Description by Thomas 1896, Lejay, Hamblenne. Siglum: G, Bruxellensis olim Gemblacensis, From the Abbey of Gembloux, damaged, see Hamblenne. See also Endt. Collated by Usener, and used in Hosius. Collated by Wageningen for Francken.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Rome, Palatino-Vaticanus 869 (tenth century): Pellegrin?

Lucan. Pharsalia. Rome, Vaticanus 3284 (F) (eleventh century): Pellegrin? Siglum: F.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Florence, Laurentianus s. Crucis plut. XXIV sin. cod. 3 (eleventh century). Siglum: L.

Lucan. Pharsalia. New Haven, CT, Yale University, Beinecke 673 (eleventh century). See Werner. Olim what?

Lucan. Pharsalia. Munich, ........, Monacensis 14505 (eleventh century). Siglum R. Cavajoni, Old German glosses.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 8040 (eleventh century): description and content of codex.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 9346 (eleventh century): description and content of codex.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 17901 (eleventh century). Siglum N: olim Nostradamensis.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 13045 (late eleventh century). Siglum S: olim Sangermanensis. Souter 1932.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 10403 (... century): Adnotationes super Lucanum. Endt 1909.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Cassellanus Ms poet fol 5 (twelfth century): description and content of codex. Siglum: K.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Florence, Laurentianus 35, 15 (twelfth century): ... Frankael.

Lucan. Pharsalia. London, British Museum, Royal 15 A xxiii (twelfth century): ... Passages match Bobbio fragments, see Souter.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Berlin, Berolinensis fol 35 (thirteenth century). Siglum D. Cavajoni, Old German glosses.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 15146 (thirteenth century): ... Souter. Formerly at the Abbey of St Victor, shelf mark 728.

Lucan. Pharsalia. London, British Museum, Additional 14799 (fourteenth-fifteenth century): ... Listed by Souter.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Deventer, Public Library No 5399 (fifteenth century). Siglum D: Daventriensis used by Oudendorp, (Francken 61f, also 1:xxii); also Francken 1889. Supplements lacunae in Montepessulanus and Vossianus II.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Colbertinus 160 (...century). Source Genthe 1894:11.

Lucan. Pharsalia. Sources for early editions: WorldCat, UTL catalogue, IISTC. Goff. Hain, vol 3 § 10277 sqq.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: Giovanni Andrea Bussi, bishop of Aleria. Rome: Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz, 1469. Editio princeps.

Colophon: Hoc Conradus opus Suueynheym ordini miro Arnoldusque simul Pannarts una aede colendi gente Theotonica Romae sodalis, 1469. Contents: Index, vitae, notes? Location: Chantilly, Huntington. Source: IISTC § il00292000; Mfm Unit 10; WorldCat; Mead §......; Delisle, Chantilly, 1122; Brunet 3:1195. General Notes: Based on what ms(s)? Studies on Bussi by Charlet.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Printer of Basilius, about 1471.

Colophon: .... Contents: Index, vitae, commentaries, notes? Location: Huntington, Chantilly. Source: IISTC § il00293000; Mfm unit 8; Mead §......; Delisle 1123. General Notes: Based on what ms(s)? This anonymous printed Basil of Caesaria, Plutarch's Moralia, Varro's De Lingua latina, Horace's Opera, all within 1471-1472; 11 hits on IISTC. Check Masséna, figures, §122; Rosenwald, Lib Congress, § 196; Walsh, Harvard, §1599, 1600; Delisle § 754, 967.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Louvain: Johann Veldener, about 1475-1476.

Colophon: .... Contents: Index, vitae, commentaries, notes? Source: IISTC § il00294000. Location: Yale. General Notes: Study on this printer by Juchhoff.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: Giovanni Andrea Bussi. Milan: Philippus de Lavagnia, 24 Feb 1477.

Colophon: .... Contents: Index, vitae, commentaries, notes? Location: Huntington. Source: IISTC § il00295000; Mead §......; General Notes: for printer, see Motta 1898; Scholderer 1926.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Juvenis Guerinus, 1477.

Title: from incipit. Colophon: Quam veniant grandis Lucani in carmina Musae? Ergo cape... & iuuenem Guerinum ad sydera tollas Lucanum Veneta docte qui impresserit urbe. Impressum est hoc opus anno a Nativitate Christi M.CCCC.LXXVII die xiiii mensis Maii. Location: Harvard. Source: IISTC § il00296000; BMC; WorldCat; Walsh, Harvard, §....... General Notes: According to BMC this is the only recorded book by this mysterious printer.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: Giovanni Andrea Bussi. Milan: Antonius Zarotus, 25 May 1477.

Colophon: Opus impressum & diligenter emendatum sublimi ingenio Magistri Antonii Zaroti. Location: Yale, Oxford (Bodley). Source: IISTC § il00297000; WorldCat. General Notes: for printer, see Scholderer 1926.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Edited: .... Verona: Giovanni and Alberto Alvise, 1478-1479.

Colophon: ...... Location: Huntington. Source: IISTC § il00298000; Mead §......

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Vicenza: Johannes de Rheno, 11 May 1482.

Colophon: .... Contents: Index, vitae, commentaries, notes? Location: Harvard. Source: IISTC § il00299000; Walsh, Harvard §.......

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Parma: Deiphoebus de Oliveriis, 22 May 1483.

Colophon: .... Contents: Index, vitae, commentaries, notes? Location: Huntington. Source: IISTC § il00300000; Mead §.......

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Brescia: Jacobus Britannicus, 2 May 1486. RBSC.

Contents: Dedicatory epistle by Jacobus Britannicus. Commentary by Omnibonus Leonicenus revised by Johannes Taberius. Location: Yale; Toronto, Fisher, inc f. Source: IISTC § il00301000; UTLink. General Notes: Peddie Brescia.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Antonius and Nicolaus Battibovis, 13 May 1486.

Title (from incipit): [1b] M. Annaei Lucani Vita ex commentario antiquiss/ [2a] Omnibonus Vincentinus in Lucanum / [b] Ella per aemathios plusquam civilla capos & caetera. Contents: Commentary by Omnibonus Leonicenus. Location: Huntington, Yale. Source: IISTC § il00302000; WorldCat; Mead §....... General Notes: The only edition known to have been printed by Antonius and Nicolaus together.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Milan: Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 10 Nov 1491.

Colophon: ...... Contents: Commentary by Omnibonus Leonicenus. Location: Huntington. Source: IISTC § il00303000; Mead §....... General Notes: ...

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Bartholomaeus de Zanis, for Octavianus Scotus, 31 Mar 1492.

Contents: Commentary by Omnibonus Leonicenus, revised by Joannes Taberius. Location: Yale. Source: IISTC § il00304000; WorldCat. General Notes: ...

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 31 Jan 1493-1494.

Contents: Commentaries by Omnibonus Leonicenus, revised by Johannes Taberius, and by Sulpitius. Location: Harvard, Huntington. Source: IISTC § il00305000; WorldCat; Walsh, Harvard, §......; Mead §....... General Notes: ...

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Leipzig: Martin Landsberg, [before 30 Aug 1496].

Contents: Prelim: Petrus de Windsheim (Eolicus). Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus Poemata. Source: IISTC § il00306000. Location: ....... General Notes: This edition used by Weise. Printer involved in Reformation (Luther). Who was Eolicus?

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 20 Oct 1498.

Contents: Commentaries by Omnibonus Leonicenus, revised by Johannes Taberius, and Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus. Location: Harvard, Yale. Source: IISTC § il00307000; WorldCat; Walsh, Harvard §....... General Notes: ...

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Milan: Leonardus Pachel, 4 May 1499.

Contents: Commentary by Omnibonus Leonicenus, revised by Johannes Taberius, and Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus. Location: ...... Source: IISTC § il00308000. General Notes: ...

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Aldo Manuzio, 1502. RBSC B-10 9446.

Colophon: Venetiis, Apud Aldum, 1502. Content: ...... Location: Toronto, Fisher; Cambridge. Source: UTLink; Brunet 3:1198; Adams § L 1557; Isaac 12775.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Lyon: Guillaume Huyon per Balthazard de Gabiano, ca 1504. VUCS PA 6478 A2 1504a.

Colophon: ... Location: Toronto, Victoria College; Cambridge. Source: UTLink; WorldCat; Baudrier 7:7; Brunet 3:1198; Renouard Alde 306; Adams § L 1558. General Notes: A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1502.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Strasbourg: Prüss, ca 1509. VUCS PA 6478 A2 1509.

Colophon: Marci Annei Lucani cordubensis poetae Pharsaliae seu belli civilis libri / Sulpitiana interpretatione explanati. lanquia denuo longe accuratius reuisi ... Imprint: Argentorati: Opera Ioanni Pruesz, 1509. Content: .... Location: Toronto, Victoria College. Source: UTLink. General Notes: used by Weise. For printer, see Ritter 1955:68f.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Augustino de Zanis, 1511. TPL Special Coll, 4th floor.

Title-page: Annei Lucani Bellorum civilium scriptoris accuratissimi Pharsalia : antea temporum iniuria difficilis ac mendosa, novissime autem a viro docto expolita... Imprint (from colophon): [Venice]: Impressum per Augustinum de Zanis de Portesio, impensis & opera Melchioris Sessae, 1511. Contents: Commentary by Omnibonus Leonicenus and Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus. Location: Toronto, Public Reference Library, 873.2 01. Source: Toronto Public Library catalogue. General Notes: Reprint?

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Paris: Le Rouge, 1512. RBSC.

Colophon: Marci Annei Lucani ... Pharsalia : cum familiari atque perlucida annotatione Petri de Ponte ... Parrhisiis : Per Guielmum Le Rouge ... expensis vero Dionisii Roce ..., 1512. Contents: Commentary by Peter de Ponte, who is he? Location: Toronto, Fisher, B-11/8159; Harvard. Source: UTLink; Mortimer, Harvard, § 358.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: G. Versellanus. Paris: Jean Petit for Jodocus Badius, 1514. WorldCat 1.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Aldo Manuzio, 1515.

Colophon: Venetiis, in aedibus Ald et Andreae soceri, mense julio M.D.XV. Content: ...... Location: .... Source: Delisle, Chantilly §1125; Brunet 3:1199.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Venice: Fontaneto, 1520. RBSC; TPL, Special Coll, 4th floor.

Title-page: [in red and black]: An. Lucani Bellorum civilium scriptoris accuratissimi Pharsalia : antea temporum iniuria difficilis ac mendosa, novissime autem a viro docto expolita, et opprimet plusquam bis mille locis emendata, scribentibus Joanne Sulpitio... Imprint (from colophon): [Venice]: in aedibus Guilielmi de Fontaneto Montisferrati 20 Oct 1520. Location: Toronto, Fisher, E-10 1707; Toronto, Public Reference Library, 873 L77 1520. Contents: Commentary by Omnibonus Leonicenus and Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus. Source: UTLink; Toronto Public Library catalogue. General Notes: Reprint of Venice 1511?

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Paris: Robertus Stephanus, 1545. RBSC B-10 7047; WorldCat 30. Content: Vita, notes. Anderson 1916:102f.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: Hugo Grotius. With index by Theodore Pulman. Lugduni Batavorum: Ex Officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1614. RBSC B-10 4075. For re-editions, see under Grotius and Schrevelius.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: Thomas Farnaby. London: Field, 1618. RBSC stc 0256. For re-editions, see under Grotius and Schrevelius.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: Gottlieb Kortte [Cortius]. 1726-1731. RBSC. Full entry under Kortte.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: Franciscus van Oudendorp. Leiden: Luchtmans, 1728. RBSC D-10 O1765, 2 copies. With annotations on Lucan, including May and Palmerius.

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. [Pharsalia; sive, De bello civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri X]. Ed: Pieter Burmann. Leyden: Wishoff, Goetval & Wishoff, 1740. VUPT PA 6478 A2 1740; RBSC D-10 5373. Used a lot by scholars.

Lucas, Frank Lawrence. «The Battlefield of Pharsalos.» Annual of the British School at Athens. 24 (1920) 34-53, plate. Orosius 6,15,27 refers to Old Pharsalos, 36. Lucan.

Luce, T. James. «Tacitus' Conception of Historical Change.» In Past Perspectives: Studies in Greek and Roman Historical Writing. Eds: I. S. Moxon, J. D. Smart and A. J. Woodman. Conference in Leeds, 6-8 1983. Cambridge: UP, 1986. 143-158. DG 205 G37.

Ludovici, Samek. «Sweynheim, Pannartz, Giovanni Andrea Bussi e Niccolò Cusano.» Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde. 3rd series 4 (1969) 163-168. RBSC Z 240 B2.

Luetjohann, Christianus [Lütjohann], ed. Sidonius Apollinaris: Epistulae et carmina. In vol 8 of MGH AA. Berlin: Weidmann, 1887. Died in 1884, edition was completed by Mommsen and Friedrich Leo, and Krusch.

Luetjohann, Christianus, ed. Sidonius Apollinaris: Panegyricus. In vol 8 of MGH AA. Berlin, 1887.

Lund, Allan A., ed. P. Cornelius Tacitus: Germania. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1988. PA 6706 G4.

Maas, Paul. «Leitfehler und stemmatische Typen.» Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 37 (1937) 289-294. S/xerox.

Macchabees, Fourth Book [IV Macch]. Passio SS Maccabeorum. Also titled The Empire of Reason. History of Latin text. Feldman 1984: «Ever since Eusebius ... the Christian tradition has ascribed IV Macchabees to Josephus» (390). Only in the 17th century was this rejected. Often edited either with the Septuagint or Josephus, in codices and early printed books. Bardenhewer, 3:505ff. Early translations and editions: Hegesippus, Erasmus, Lefèvre d'Etaples, Dörrie (with important studies), Frische. Studies: Beurlier, Bois, Freudenthal, Morin. Check if Rufinus translated this, also Vetus latina.

Macchabees, Fourth Book [IV Macch]. [Sacrae scripturae veteris novaeque omnia0. Argentorati apud Vuolfium Cephalaeum, 1526. In vol 3. Source: Dupont-Sommer, 6. Used by Swete, Rahlfs.

Macchabees, Fourth Book [IV Macch]. Check: Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum, Soc. Litt. Gottingensis, 14. Göttingen: Vanderhoeck and Ruprecht, 1939. BS 741 R35.

Macé, Alcide, and André Loyen. «Qu'est-ce que l'Albis Revue des études latines. 11 (1933) 321-326. Sidoine.

MacKay, Louis Alexander. «Pharsalus and the Roman Fate.» Phoenix 6 (1952) 147-150. Lucan 7:387-389.

MacKay, Louis Alexander. «Lucan I, 280-285.» American Journal of Philology. 79 (1958) 183-187. PA 1 A5.

Magie, David. Roman Rule in Asia Minor. 2 vols. Princeton UP, 1950. DS 155 M3. Alani in AD 21, 1:575, cf Bosworth.

Maizières, Gilles de [Aegidius Maserius]. Ed: Val Fl Argonautica.

Malclès, Louise-Noëlle. Manuel de bibliographie. Paris: PUF, 1963. Z 1001 M34. Avant 1633 «les nomenclatures de livres sont désignées sous l'un ou l'autre des noms: Bibliotheca, Catalogus, Repertorium, Inventarium, Index» (6).

Mallon, Jean. L'écriture latine de la capitale romaine à la minuscule. Paris: Arts et métiers graphiques, 1934. Pims Z 114 M25; Roba Z 114 M28.

Mallon, Jean. «Notes paléographiques à propos de CIL II 5411.» Emerita Miscelanea Nebrija. 13 (1945) 213-280. Reprinted 1982.

Mallon, Jean. Paléographie romaine. Scripturae monumenta et studia, 3. Madrid, 1952. Pims Z 114 M26. Writes on inscriptions and charters.

Mallon, Jean. «Notes paléographiques à propos de CIL II 5411.» In his De l'écriture: recueil d'études publiées de 1937 à 1981. Paris: CNRS, 1982. 74-109. Roba Z 240 M25; Pims Z 40 M25. Cursive sur marbre, 75.

Manitius, Maximilianus. «Zur Quellenkritik der Germania des Tacitus und der Chorographie des Mela.» Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte. 22 (1882) 417-422. DD 3 F73. Parallel texts, s/xerox.

Manitius, Maximilianus. «Philologisches aus alten Bibliotheken (bis 1300).» Rheinisches Museum. Ergänzungsheft. NS 47 (1892). Separate pagination. Lucan mss 54-57. Very difficult to use, all abbreviations.

Manitius, Maximilianus. «Scholien zu Lucan aus einer Dresdener Handschriften.» Philologus 61 (1902) 317-320.

Manitius, Maximilianus. Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalter. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, IX:2. 3 vols. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1923-1973. VUPT PA 25 H24; Roba PA 8035 M3.

Manitius, Maximilianus. Handschriften antiker Autoren in mittelalterlichen Bibliothekskatalogen. Beiheft zum Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, 67. Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1935. Pims Z 7026 M28. Josephus 207-213.

Marastoni, Aldo, ed. P. Papini Stati Silvae. Leipzig: Teubner, 1961/1970. PA 6697 A3. Lots on mss.

Margolin, Jean-Claude. Douze années de bibliographie érasmienne, 1950-1961. Paris: Vrin, 1963. Pims, Roba, VUCR Z 8268 M3.

Margolin, Jean-Claude. Neuf années de bibliographie érasmienne, 1962-1970. Paris: Vrin, 1977. Pims, Roba, VUCR Z 8268 M32.

Margolin, Jean-Claude. Cinq années de bibliographie érasmienne, 1971-1975. Paris: Vrin, 1997. Pims, Roba, VUCR Z 8268 M27.

Marichal, Robert. «De la capitale romaine à la minuscule.» In Somme typographique. Ed: Marius Audin. 2 vols. Paris: Dupont, 1947-1949. 1:63-111. Pims Z 116 A2 A9.

Marichal, Robert. «L'écriture latine du Ier au Ve siècle.» Revue des études latines. 27 (1949) 45-46. Abstract of lecture on papyrology.

Marichal, Robert. «L'écriture latine et l'écriture grecque du Ier au VI siècle.» L'antiquité classique. 19 (1950) 111-144. DE 1 A43.

Marichal, Robert. «Quelques apports à la tradition ancienne du texte de Virgile.» Revue des études latines. 35 (1957) 81-84.

Marichal, Robert. «Paléographie précaroline et papyrologie. II: L'écriture latine du Ier au VIIe siècle.» Scriptorium 4 (1950) 116-142. Z 108 S35. Biblio.

Marichal, Robert. Catalogue. 1959-. See Samaran.

Marichal, Robert. «Du volumen au codex.» In Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit. Ed: Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vezin. Paris: Promodis, 1990. 44-54. Roba Z 107 M57; Pims Z 107 M58.

Markland, Jeremiah, ed. P. Papini Statii libri quinque Silvarum. Ex vetustis exemplaribus recensuit et notas atque emendationes... First published London, 1728. Reprint Dresden: Libraria Wagneria, and London: Treutel and Wurz, 1827. PA 6697 A3. Notes 159-12; index 413-423. For editor, see Collard 1976.

Marouzeau, Jules, ed. Revue de comptes rendus d'ouvrages relatifs à l'antiquité classique. 1-16 (1910-1925). PA 2 R38.

Marouzeau, Jules. Chronique. Revue des Etudes latines. 3 (1925) 29-34. Aratea, 31.

Marouzeau, Jules. Dix années de bibliographie classique, 1914-1924. 2 vols. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1927. Pims, GenR Z 7016 M35. Both vols? Josephus 1:316-318.

Marshall, Robert G. Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in Italy, 1501-1600, Held in Selected North American Libraries. 3 vols. Boston: Hall, 1970. VUCR Z 2342 S56.

Marti, Berthe M. «Three New Glosses from Vacca's Commentary on Lucan.» Classical Philology. 36 (1941) 64-65.

Marti, Berthe M. «Literary Criticism in the Medieval Commentaries on Lucan.» Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 72 (1941) 245-254.

Marti, Berthe M. «The Meaning of the Pharsalia American Journal of Philology. 66 (1945) 352-376. PA 1 A5. Experimental poetry, resting on Stoicism, rejecting mythology; «not a single hero but a single theme» (353).

Marti, Berthe M. «Vacca in Lucanum.» Speculum 25 (1950) 198-214. Biblio. Jerome mentions a commentary on Lucan (198). Quote from Livy argues an early date for Vacca (203).

Marti, Berthe M., ed. Arnulfus Aurelianensis: Glosule super Lucanum. Papers and Monographs of the American Academy, 18. Rome: American Academy, 1958. PA 6478 A2. On geography, Arnulf «seems generally to have culled his information from sets of glosses compiled earlier» (xliv).

Marti, Berthe M. «La structure de la Pharsale.» In Lucain: Sept exposés suivis de discussion. Ed: Marcel Durry. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, 15. Vandoeuvres-Genève, 1968. 1-50. PA 6480 D85. Biblio.

Marti, Berthe M. «Lucan's Narrative Techniques.» La Parola del Passato. 30 (1975) 74-90. PA 9 P3.

Martin, Annick, and Micheline Albert, eds, trs. Athanase: Histoire acéphale. Paris: Le Cerf, 1985. BR 65 A8 A6814. Rev: Barnes 1986. Who translated into imperial Latin?

Martin, Henri-Jean. La naissance du livre moderne, XIV-XVIIe siècles: Mise en page et mise en texte des livres français. Paris: Cercle de la Librairie, 2000. RBSC duff f 0505.

Martin, Josef. «Ein mittelalterlicher Lucankommentar?» Traditio 11 (1955) 400-408. 12th century, cosmography.

Martin, Thomas. «Aus fuldischen Handschriften: Fragmente aus einer Handschrift der lateinischen Antiquitates Judaicae des Flavius Josephus (Marburg, Hessisches Staatsarchiv, Hr 2,5a-c.» Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte. 53 (2001) 447-522. WCat 56.

Mason, Steve, general editor. Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary. Vols? Leiden: Brill, 2000‑. DS 116 J7 2000. See individual editors: Barclay, Begg, Feldman. Incomplete. Roba has 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, the rest on order.

Masséna, Prince d'Essling, Victor. Les livres à figures vénitiens de la fin du XV siècle et du commencement du XVIe. 4 vols. Florence, 1907-1914; reprint Zurich, 1939. RBSC duff. Aratus: 431. Firmicus: 1186. Printer of Basilius § 122.

Mathieu, Georges, and Léon Herrmann, trs. Antiquités judaïques, XVI-XX. Vol 4 of Oeuvres complètes de Flavius Josèphe, traduites en français. General editor: Théodore Reinach. Paris: Leroux, 1929. DS 116 J674. Girdava?

Tibère persuada par le don de grosses sommes le roi des Ibères et celui des Albaniens (1) d'attaquer sans hésiter Artabane. Mais ils refusèrent, tout en livrant passage aux Alains (2) à travers leur territoire et en leur ouvrant les Portes Caspiennes pour les lancer contre Artabane.


(1) Géorgie et Daghestan. Il s'agit ici des Portes Albaniennes (défilé de Derbent), les Portes Caspiennes proprement dites étant bien plus à l'est (col de Girdava dans le Mazendéran). Tacite Annales VI,33) commet la même confusion.

(2) Alanoús, éd. princ. almanó E Skúthas Naber Scythas, trad. lat. Saumatas Tacite Ann. VI,33.

May, Thomas [1595-1650]. Translated Lucan into English verse. See Grotius, Schrevelius for his «Supplement». See Price, Cooper, L., J. H. for his career. Son of impoverished baronet, member of Ben Jonson's circle, felt slighted by King Charles, and joined the Presbyterians. Wrote History of Long Parliament, his memory still under a cloud but Heitland and Haskins admire his work (xxxi).

Mayer, Roland. Lucan: Civil War VIII. Warminster: Aris and Philiips, 1983. PA 6479 E5 M3.

Mayhoff, Karl Friedrich Theodor, ed. Plinius: Historia Naturalis. 6 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1892-1909. Pims PA 6104 P62. With index from edition by L. Jan.

McCormick, John Patrick. A Study of the Nominal Syntax and of Indirect Discourse in Hegesippus. Catholic University of America, 43. Washington, 1935. P LaCl C. Biblio, see Dwyer.

McCrindle, John Watson, tr. The Commerce and Navigation of the Erythraean Sea, being a translation of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea by an anonymous writer and of Arrian's account of the voyage of Nearkhos from the mouth of the Indus to the head of the Persian Gulf. London: Trübner, 1879. HF 386 M3

McCrindle, John Watson, tr. Ancient India as Described by Ptolemy. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink, 1885. G 87 P83 M27. Reprinted from the Indian Antiquary, 1884. Notes and other editions in a:\asiabib4.

McCrindle, John Watson, tr. Ancient India, as described by classical writers. DS 451 M13 1901.

McCrum, Michael, and Arthur Geoffrey Woodhead, eds. Select Documents of the Principates of the Flavian Emperors, Including the Year of Revolution, AD 68-96. Cambridge: UP, 1961. Roba, VUPT DG 286 M3.

McGann, MJ. «The Authenticity of Lucan Fr 12 (Morel).» Classical Quarterly. NS 7 (1957) 126-128.

McGuire, Donald T. Acts of Silence: Civil War, Tyranny and Suicide in the Flavian Epics. Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 1997. PA 6054 M37.

McKerrow, Ronald Brumless. An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927. Z 1001 M16. Best description of cataloguing, esp. 146ff. Description includes: Title page with imprint; Colophon, if any; Format (folio, quarto...); Collation, which is a list of signatures with indication of the number of leaves in each (146). Difficult Latin place-names, 337ff. The place name appears in the imprint in the genitive, if it is a first or second declension, and singular; otherwise in the ablative. Apud + accusative?

Mead, Herman Ralph. Incunabula in the Huntington Library. San Marino, Calif.: printed by the Adcraft Press, 1937. Roba, Pims, Z 240 M52. Indices. Josephus by Mentelin, 4522, lists it under Paris, Printer of Valerius Maximus, without any supporting study. Orosius: 4985. Lucan ...

Mehlis, C. «Zur Entdeckungsgeschichte des Rheinstromes.» Philologische Wochenschrift. 43 (1923) 885-888. Biblio.

Melanchthon, Philip [1497-1560]. Edition of Hegesippus by Wouters, preliminary dedication, 1544.

Melanchthon, Philip. Opera quae supersunt omnia. Ed: Carolus Gottlieb Bretschneider and Heinrich Ernst Bindseil. 28 vols (29 VUEM). Halis Saxonum: Schwetschke, 1834-1860. Old Class LL M5175B; VUEM BR 301 M4. Vols 1-10, epistles and prefaces; vol 28 indices.

Mendell, Clarence W. «Dramatic Construction of Tacitus' Annals Yale Classical Studies. 5 (1935) 1-53.

Mendell, Clarence W. «Manuscripts of Tacitus XI-XXI.» Yale Classical Studies. 6 (1939) 39-70.

Mendell, Clarence W. «Lucan's Rivers.» Yale Classical Studies. 8 (1941) 1-22. PA 25 Y3. Lucan uses river names lyrically, i.e. the Nile for Aegypt (11). «The Albis stands for Germany, the Rhine for Germany...» (11). But see Arnulf ed: Marti for Surbi and Elbe.

Mendell, Clarence W., and S. A. Ives. «Ryck's Manuscript of Tacitus.» American Journal of Philology. 72 (1951) 337-345.

Mendell, Clarence W. «Leidensis B PL 16 B. Tacitus XI-XXI.» American Journal of Philology. 75 (1954) 250-270. See Koestermann.

Mensching, Eckart. «Lukans Schriftenverzeichnis by Statius (Silvae 2,7).» Hermes 97 (1969) 252-259. Lucan.

Mentelin, Jean. Printer at Strasbourg, 43 hits on IISTC. Studies: Colin, Freimann, Householder, Kahn, Meyer, Ritter, Schorbach.

Meshcherskii, Nikita Aleksandrovich. Istoriia iudeiskoi voiny Josifa Flaviia v drevnerusskom perevode. Moscow: Akademiia Nauk, 1958. Roba DS 122.8 J66192 1958; Pims DS 116 J861782. Slavonic Josephus. See Leeming.

Meyer, Michelle. Les premiers temps de l'imprimerie, Jean Mentelin. Strasbourg: Prospective, 1997. Z 232 M55 M48. Polemical and unscholarly.

Meyers, Johanna JM. Authors Edited, Translated or Annotated by Desiderius Erasmus: A Short-Title Catalogue of the Works in the City Library of Rotterdam. Rotterdam: Gemeentebibliotheek, 1982. VUCR Z 8268 R84. Rev: R. Breugelmans Quaerendo 14 (1984) 231-233. Massey Rare Books BIB Per Q.

Meyier, K. A. de. «Scribes grecs de la Renaissance.» Scriptorium 18 (1964) 258-266. Josephus?

Minutianus, Alexander [......]. For his career, Guillon, Isaac, Norton, Renouard, Scholderer. Minutianus was a career academic who became involved in publishing. He produced excellent editions in beautiful books. In 1514 he pirated the Roman edition of Tacitus, and got into trouble with the authorities. Nothing on Josephus or Hegesippus (from Guillon 1820).

Minutianus, Alexander [revisor? editor?]. Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Milan: Ludovicus Hornken Coloniensus, 1514. Full record under Hegesippus. General Notes: Printed or bound with Josephus, qv.

Mommsen, Theodor, ed. Die Chronik des Cassiodorus. MGH.

Mommsen, Theodor. «Die Chronik des Cassiodorus vom Jahre 519 nach den Handschriften herausg.» Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. 8 (1861) 547-696. AS 182 S213.

Mommsen, Theodor, ed. Cassiodorus: Variarum Libri Duodecim. In vol 12 of MGH AA. Berlin, 1894.

Mommsen, Theodor, ed. C. Iulii Solini Collectanea rerum memorabilium. Berlin: Weidmann, 1895. PA 6696 S5 A123. MSS, xxix sqq. For missing ms, see Bell. «Mons Saevo ipse ingens nec Riphaeis minor collibus initium Germania facit [???]. Inguaeones tenent, a quibus primis post Scythas nomen Germanicum consurgit. dives virum terra, frequens populis numerosis et inmanibus extenditur inter Hercynium saltum et rupes Sarmatarum. ubi incipit Danuvio, ubi desinit Rheno perfunditur. de internis eius partibus Alba Guthalus Viscla amnes latissimi praecipitant in Oceanum.» 95:18-96:4, chapter 20. Huns? Alans?

Mommsen, Theodor. Gesammelte Schriften. 7 vols. Berlin, 1905-1909. Roba DG 15 M64. Cassiodorus?

Monfasano, John. «The First Call for Press Censorship: Niccolò Perotti, Giovanni Andrea Bussi, Antonio Moreto, and the Editing of Pliny's Natural History Renaissance Quarterly. 41 (1988) 1-31. CB 361 R452. Reprinted DG 445 M66 1994. «the printed text became the standard recension of a work, driving out of circulation even superior manuscript recensions» (8).

Mohr, Paulus, ed. Sidonius Apollinaris. . . Leipzig: Teubner, 1895. PA 6694 S7.

Mooney, George William. Index to the «Pharsalia» of Lucan. Hermathena, Supplement, 44. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1927. Pims PA 6480 M6; Roba AS 121 H52, no 1. Index based on Heitland-Postgate.

Mooney, George William, ed. Suetonius. London: Longmans, Green, 1930. Roba PA 6700 A37. Includes Domitian.

Moore, Clifford Herschel, ed. Tacitus: Histories. 4 vols. Loeb Classic. London: Heinemann, 1925-; reprinted. PA 6705 A5. See Jackson.

Moreau, Brigitte. Inventaire chronologique des éditions parisiennes du XVIe siècle. 4 vols. Paris: Imprimerie municipale, 1972-1993. Z 305 M67.

Moreau, Jacques. «Observations sur l'Hypomnêstikon biblio Iôsêppou Byzantion 25/27 (1955/57) 241-276. Fourth century.

Moretus, Antonius, ed? Hegesippus. [Josephi de bello judaico]. Ed: Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples. Brescia: Joannes Antonius de Gardino, 13 August 1511. Full record under Hegesippus.

Morgan, John Pierpont. Catalogue of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from the Libraries of William Morris, Richard Bennett, and Bertram, Fourth Earl of Ashburnham. 4 vols. London: Chiswick Press, 1906-1907. MASS BIB M848.3 ca folio.

Morford, Mark P. O. The Poet Lucan: Studies in Rhetorical Epic. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1967. PA 6480 M6.

Morin, Germain. «L'opuscule perdu du soi-disant Hégésippe sur les Machabées.» Revue bénédictine. 31 (1914/1919) 83-91. PIMS PER. Biblio. L'empire de la raison = IV Mach «dans un certain nombre des manuscrits des Septante» (84). «l'Hégésippe latin ... connaît et utilise presque sûrement Ammien Marcellin» (82). See Rönsch.

Morison, Stanley. «Early Humanistic Script and the First Roman Type.» The Library. 4th series 24/25 (1943/45) 1-29, plates.

Moroni, Ornella. Carlo Gualteruzzi (1500-1577) e i corrispondenti. Studi e testi, 307. Vatican: Biblioteca Apostolica, 1984. Pims BX 4705 G83 M6. Re Hegesippus.

Mortimer, Ruth. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 2 parts/ 4 vols. 1964-1974. See Harvard College Library.

Motta, Emilio. «Di Filippo di Lavagna et di alcuni altri tipografi editori milanesi del Quattrocento: nuovi documenti.» Archivio storico Lombardo. Series 3, # 10, anno 25 (1898) 28-72. DG 651 A7.

Mozley, John Henry, ed. Statius. 2 vols. London: Heinemann, 1928. PA 6697 A2. Genethliacon Lucani, 2,7 (1:128-137).

Mozley, John Henry, ed. Valerius Flaccus: Argonautica. Loeb. London: Heinemann, 1934. PA 6791 V4. For text, see under Valerius.

Müntz, Eugène, and Paul Fabre. La bibliothèque du Vatican au XVe siècle d'après des documents inédits. BEFAR, 48. Paris: Thorin, 1887. «La nomination de Platina au poste de bibliothécaire marque une date capitale dans l'histoire de la Vaticane ... le 18 juin 1475» (136f). Only mss, no incunabula in Vat library. Lucan, 293.

Munk Olsen, Birger. L'étude des auteurs classiques latins aux XIe et XIIe siècles. 4 vols. Paris: CNRS, 1982-1985. PA 2045 M86. Biblio. Style sheet for mss. Lucan 2:17-83.

Murphy, Francis Xavier. Rufinus of Aquileia (345-411): His Life and Works. Washington: Catholic University, 1945. Roba BR 65 R86 M87; Pims BQ 6208 M97. Unsure about translation of BJ (217).

Muzerelle, Denis. Vocabulaire codicologique: Répertoire méthodique des termes français relatifs aux manuscrits. Paris: CEMI, 1985. GenR Z 111 M89.

Mynors, Roger Aubrey Baskerville [Sir], ed. Cassiodorus: Institutiones. Oxford: Clarendon, 1937/1961. See DG 506 C3713, C3613. Cosmography, 66.

Mynors, Roger Aubrey Baskerville [Sir], ed. P. Vergili Maronis Opera. Oxford: Clarendon, 1969. PA 6801 A2.


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