Text Transmission

The purpose of this weblog is to share with other scholars the results of my researches in the history of text transmission, especially in these area: early history of the Slavs and the Huns, long distance trade in the early middle ages, and classical scholarship during the middle ages.

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Philologist specialist of Byzantium and the Slavs in the middle ages, and the Huns in antiquity; material culture (crossbow). If you wish to get in touch with me, in order to share scholarly information, please leave a comment. You may also write to me directly at: nicole.petrin@gmail.com or at nicolepetrin@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Incunabula, O-R

Oates, John Claud Trewhard. A Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge UP, 1954. Pims Z 240 C167. Orosius: 2154; 2155; 2670; 3010 (I). Avienus Aratea 1832; 1833. Astronomica 2189; 2190. Includes accession numbers. History of collection, 1-48.

Obrist, Barbara. «Le diagramme isidorien des saisons, son contenu physique et les représentations figuratives.» MEFREM 108 (1996) 95-164.

Obrist, Barbara. «Wind Diagrams and medieval Cosmology.» Speculum 72 (1997) 33-84.

Ohly, Kurt, and Vera Sack. Inkunabelkatalog der Stadt‑ und Universitätsbibliothek und anderer öffentlicher Sammlungen in Frankfurt am Main. Vol 1 of Kataloge der Stadt‑ und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main. General Editor: Clemens Köttelwesch. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1966-67. Z 929 F73. Firmicus: § 1146. Orosius: § 2175; § 2176. Also: Aratus, Ptolemy, Priscian.

Olsen, Birger Munk. «Les titres dans les manuscrits des poètes classiques copiés du IXe au XIIe siècle.» In Titres et Articulations du texte dans les oeuvres antiques. Collection des Etudes Augustiniennes, Série Antiquité, 152. Paris: Institut des Etudes Augustiniennes, 1997. 511-527. PN 171 T5 C65.

Omont, Henri Auguste. Listes des recueils de facsimilés et des reproductions de manuscrits conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale. 2nd edition Paris: [....], 1912. 3rd ed by Philippe Lauer. Paris: BN, 1935. Pims Z 6601 A1 P5.

One Hundred Books Since 1471. An Exhibition of Fine Printing from the Collections of the Toronto Public Library, February 6 to March 4, 1967. Catalogue. Toronto: Public Library, 1967. Roba Z 121 T65. Orosius, 4 (Hxerox).

Oporinus, Joannes [Johann Herbster], ed. Pomponius Mela: [Cosmographia]; Solinus: [Collectanea]. Preface by Christian Wurstisen. Basileae: Per Sebastianum Henricpetri, 1595. VUPT Coleridge No. 163.

Title page: Pomponii Melae De orbis situ librii III [et] C. Iulii Solini Polyhistor.: quorum ille descriptionem singularum orbis terreni partium atq[ue] regionum: hic vero praeter, quae ubiq[ue] memoriabilia sint loca, animantia, plantae gemmae [et] similia, compendiose enerrat... indice sufficienti praefixo. Basileae: Per Sebastianum Henricpetri, 1595. Description: In-octavo; [32], 398, [2] p.: 30 maps (20 folded). «Annotationum in Pomponii Melae septem priora capita, fragmentum, Iohan. Oporino ... authore» 102-132.

Orne, J. «Transliteration of Modern Russian.» The Library Journal. 88 (1963). Z 671 L69?

Orelli, Johann Caspar von. Phaedri Fabulae . . . Germanici Aratea. Zurich, 1832. WCat 7.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. See Arnaud-Lindet, Bately, Burchard, Caesarius, Ekkehart, Fabricius, Hagendahl, Haverkamp, Janvier, Lautius, Le Rouge, Riese, Scottus, Vulpes, Zangemeister.

Orosius. Manuscript. St. Gall 621. See Clark. With eleventh century annotations.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Augsburg: Schüssler, 1471. ISTC # io00096000: 40+ copies. Editio princeps, Augustana.

Title: Historiae adversus paganos. Imprint: Augsburg: Johann Schüssler, 7 June 1471. Description: Folio.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Augsburg: Schüssler, 1471. ISTC # io00096000: 40+ copies. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 5 Chronicles and Historiography, Part II, CH 49. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1994.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Vicenza: Hermannus Liechtenstein, [about 1475]. ISTC # io00097000. Description: folio.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Vicenza: Hermannus Liechtenstein, [about 1475]. ISTC # io00097000. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 5 Chronicles and Historiography, Part II, CH 50. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1994.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Vicenza: Leonardus Achates de Basilea, [about 1480-82]. ISTC # io00097500. Description: folio. Also recorded as [about 1482] and [about 1489].

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Vicenza: Leonardus Achates de Basilea, [about 1480-82]. ISTC # io00097500. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 5 Chronicles and Historiography, Part II, CH 51. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1994.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Venice: Octavianus Scotus, 1483. ISTC # io00098000. Copies in Mtl, BNQ; Québec, Législature; Toronto, Metropolitan Library Board of Ontario, Special Collections, 930.O68.11.

Title (first line of text): Pauli Orosii uiri doctissimi historiarum initium Ad Aurelium Augustinum. Colophon: Pauli Orosii uiri clarissimi ad Aurelium Augustinum episcopum & doctorem eximium libri septimi ac ultimi finis. Impressi Venetiis: opera & expensis Octaviani Scoti Modoetiensis, Anno ab incarnatione domini M.cccc.lxxxiii. Tertio kalendas sextilis Mocenico inclito Venetiarum duce. Description: Folio; 79 leaves. Signatures: ap4s, bp3s-mp3s, np2s[a, bp6s missing]. Toronto Metropolitan Library copy has book plate «Baron Hambro». Rubricated capitals missing. Half-bound in dark calf over paper boards; spine lettered in gilt against a brown label affixed to upper spine; decorative rules and florets in gilt on spine; lower cover patterned in red-and-white rectangles; upper cover has contemporary manuscript pasted over board «... a defense of Christianity against the pagan writers». Scholarship: Goff O‑98.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Venice: Octavianus Scotus, 1483. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 4 Chronicles and Historiography, Part I, CH 52. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1994.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Paris: Vérard, 1491. ISTC # io00102000: 10+ copies. See Macfarlane §16 for colophon, description; Winn. Woodcuts, Hind, 656-659, 667.

Title: Les histoires de Paul Orose [by anonymous translator]. Imprint: Paris: [Pierre Le Rouge] for Antoine Vérard, 21 Aug. 1491. Colophon: Cy finist orose Imprime a Paris ce xxie ior daoust mil quatre ce[n]s quatre vingts & onze por Anthoine verard libraire demoura[n]t sur le pont nre[n]dame a l'ymaige saint iehan leua[n]geliste ou au pallais en la grant sal le au premier pillier, etc. Description: Folio; 2 vols, double columns. Frequently found with Seneca (Mots dorez).

«The anonymous French translation, here printed and dedicated to Charles VIII, was more than a mere translaton; it was a revision and modernization which brought the history up to the 14th century.» Mongan-Wolff § 44, p. 65f, p. 66). Le Rouge printed books for Vérard, who was a merchant of luxury manuscripts.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Paris: Vérard, 1491. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 3 Image of the World: Geography and Cosmology, GC 92. Unit 4 Chronicles and Historiography, Part I, CH 54. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1993 and 1994.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Venice: Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello for Octavianus Scotus, 18 July 1499. ISTC # io00100000. Dalhousie UL, Halifax. Description: folio. Based on 1483 edition.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Venice: Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello for Octavianus Scotus, 18 July 1499. ISTC # io00100000. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 4 Chronicles and Historiography, Part I, CH 53. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1994.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Venice: Bernardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, 12 Oct 1500. ISTC # io00101000. Dalhousie UL, Halifax. Description: folio, 80 leaves. Vadian owned a copy of this edition, see Schenker-Frei §434.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Ed: Aeneas Vulpes. Venice: Bernardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, 12 Oct 1500. ISTC # io00101000. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 4 Chronicles and Historiography, Part I, CH 53. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1994. Same CH # as AD 1499.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Paris: Vérard, 1509. Winn, 185ff. Middle French.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Paris: Barbier, 1510. VUCS D 17 O7 1510.

Title page: Pauli Orosij historiographi clarissimi opus prestantissimum venundantur in vico divi Iacobi sub signo divi Martini. Colophon: Parhisijs: Impressum per Iohanne Barbier, 1510. Description: [15] 110 leaves.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Paris: Bernard Aubry, Aug 8 1517. VUCS D 17 O7 1517.

Title page: Pauli Orosii historiographi clarissimi opus prestantissimum. Venunda[n]tur Parrisius: apud collegium triquetti, 1517. Colophon: Impressum Parhisiis. Anno ab incarnatio[n]e. domini. M.d.xvij. die. viij. mensis. Augusti. Description: In-quarto, [6] 105 leaves. Local copy bound with Mela 1513 and Leto 1520. Suit l'édition donnée en 1510 par Jean Petit, selon Renouard 1:166f, §462.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Cologne: Hydorpij, 1526. Adams Cambridge 2:§300.

Orosius. See Burchard: [Chronicon universale]. Strasbourg: Kraft Müller, 1537. RBSC E‑10 3560.

Orosius, Paulus. Adversus paganos historiarum libri septem. Ed: J. Caesarius. Cologne, 1542. VUCS BR 65 O76 1542.

Title page: Pauli Orosij presbyteri Hispani uiri doctissimi Aduersus paganos (quos uocant) historiarum libri septem / nunc denuo cum manuscriptis Exemplaribus aliquot collati, dilige[n]tiusq[ue] multo q[uam] antehac unquam excusi; cum indice rerum in ipsis contentarum copiosissimo. Coloniae: Ex officina Iasparis Gennepaei, Anno 1542. Colophon: Impensa & aere M. Godefridi Hittorpij, ciuis Coloniensis, mense Augusto 1542. Description: In-octavo, [32] 516 [i.e. 518] pages. Text History: Cf British Museum 176.326.

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. Cologne: Cholinus, 1574. Adams Cambridge 2:§304.

Orosius, Paulus. Adversus paganos historiarum libri septem. Ed: Siwart Haverkamp with notes by F. Fabricius and L. Lautius. Leyden: Luchtmans, 1767. RBSC E-10 5880.

Title page: Adversus paganos historiarum libri septem : ut et apologeticus contra Pelagium de arbitrii libertate : ad fidem MSS. et praesertim Cod. Longob. antiquiss. Bibliothecae Florentinae Mediceae S. Laurentii / adjectis integris notis Franc. Fabricii Marcodurani et Lud. Lautii, recensuit suisque animadversionibus nummisque antiquis plurimis illustravit Sigebertus Havercampus. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Samuelem et Joannem Luchtmans, 1767. Description: [38], 634, [30] pages, ill. This copy has book labels: Ex bibliothec Raphaelis Mecenate [Bragaglia 1688]; Kimbolton Castle [seat of the Dukes of Manchester].

Orosius. [Adversus paganos]. King Alfred's Orosius. Preface by Daines Barrington; notes by Johann Reinhold Forster. London, 1773. RBSC B-11/9497; MICR mfm ESTC reel 2890, no 4.

Half title: King Alfred's Orosius. Title page: The Anglo-Saxon version from the historian Orosius by Aelfred the Great; together with an English translation from the Anglo-Saxon. London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols and sold by S. Baker and G. Leigh; T. Payne and B. White, 1773. Description: [3], xxxii, [1], 242, xii, 259, [1] p., [1] folded leaf of plates; map.

Ortroy, F. van. «Les sources scientifiques de la cartographie mercatorienne: Sources.» In Mélanges Henri Pirenne. Brussels: Vromant, 1926. 2:635-652. D 6 M44.

Oudendorp, Franciscus, ed. M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia sive de bello civili libri X. Leiden, 1728. 2 copies at RBSC D-10 O1765. Annotations on Lucan.

Owen, S. G. «Notes on Ausonius.» Classical Quarterly. 27 (1933) 178-181. «Peiper's convenient Teubner text (1886) which however cannot be regarded as an advance upon the scholarly edition of K. Schenkl (1883), on account of the editor's complicated and unconvincing theory regarding the history of the text» (178).

Palm, Jonas. «Ekphrase.» Kungl. Hum. Vetenskap-Samf. i Uppsala. Arsbok, 1965-66. 108-211. ??? Q 64 V43 Pass, per.bib.

Panichi, Emilio. Gli Aratea e i Phaenomena. Milan: Dante Alighieri, 1969. PA 6296 A6 P3. Notes to Cicero's translation.

Panzer, Georg Wolfgang. Annales typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD. 11 vols. Nurnberg, 1793-1803. Orosius: 3; 195; 702. Re Toronto copy.

Papillon, . «Saumaise.» In his Bibliothèque des auteurs de Bourgogne. Dijon, 1745.

Papius, Andreas, 1542-1581. Commentary on Dionysius Periegetes. With 1697 edition.

Parguez, Guy. Bibliothèques de la Région Rhône-Alpes. Part I: Ain, Ardèche, Loire, Rhône. Vol 9 of Catalogues régionaux des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France. Paris, 1991. RBSC Z240 F72. Orosius: 765.

Parroni, Petrus Georgius [Piergiorgio], ed. Vibii Sequestris de fluminibus fontibus lacubus etc. Milan: Varese, 1965. PA 6965 V35. Some have supposed that the author was Epirote, but it does not seem likely (8).

Parroni, Piergiorgio. «Il proemio della Chorographia di Pomponio Mela.» Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. 96 (1968) 184-197.

Parroni, Piergiorgio. «Per il testo e l'esegesi della Chorographia di Pomponio Mela.» Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. 103 (1975) 157-182. PA 9 R55.

Parroni, Piergiorgio. «Il contributi dei codici umanistici al testo di Pomponio Mela.» Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. 107 (1979) 157-179. PA 9 R55.

Parroni, Piergiorgio. «Animadversiones in Pomponium Melam.» Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. 109 (1981) 424-432. PA 9 R55.

Parroni, Petrus Georgius, ed, cm. Pomponii Melae de Chorographia libri tres. Storia e letteratura, 160. Rome, 1984. PA 6512 A2. Consult for biblio, history of mss.

Parthey, Gustav Friedrich Constantin, ed. See Pinder 1860.

Parthey, Gustav, ed. Hieroclis Synecdemos et Notitiae Graecae Episcopatuum. 1866; reprint Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967. PA 4013 H4.

Parthey, Gustav, ed. Pomponius Mela De Chorographia libri tres. Berlin: in aedibus Friderici Nicolai, 1867; reprint Graz: Akademie-Verlag, 1969. Roba PA 6512 A2.

Paschoud, François. Roma Aeterna: Etudes sur le patriotisme romain dans l'Occident latin à l'époque des grandes invasions. Bibliotheca Helvetica Romana, 7. Rome, 1967. DG 312 P37. Dates Orosius to AD 416-417, p. 276-292.

Paschoud, François. Discussion, 364-372. In Christianisme et formes littéraires de l'antiquité tardive en Occident. Ed. Olivier Reverdin. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, 23. Vandoeuvres-Genève, 1976. BR 67 C5. «L'oeuvre de Prudence ne constitue pas seulement la récupération par les chrétiens de la poésie profane sous toutes ses formes, mais aussi la récupération de l'idéologie impériale de Roma aeterna.» (369).

Patriarca, Emilio. Catalogo degli incunabuli della biblioteca Guarneriana di S. Daniele del Friuli. Udine: Del Bianco, 1954. WCat 8.

Pauli, Reinhold [1823-1882]. König Aelfred und seine Stelle in der Geschichte Englands. In translation. London: Bell, 1902. DA 153 P 313.

Pauli, Reinhold. The Life of Alfred the Great. With Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius and a literal English English translation, and an Anglo-Saxon alphabet and glossary. Tr: B. Thorpe. Bohn's Antiquarian Library. London: G. Bell, 1902. UNIV, ROBA DA 153 P313.

Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. New edition by Georg Wissowa. 24 vols in 49. Stuttgart: Druckenmüller, 1893-1963. DE 5 P3 1893.

Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Supplement. 1980-present.

Pease, E. M. «The Greetings in the Letters of Cicero.» In Studies in honour of Basil L. Gildersleeve. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1902. 395-404. PA 26 G5.

Peddie, Robert Alexander. Place Names in Imprints. London, 1932; reprint Detroit: Gale Research, 1968. GenR Z 125 P37.

Pédech, P. «L'analyse géographique chez Posidonius.» In Littérature gréco-romaine et géographie historique: Mélanges offerts à Roger Dion. Ed: R. Chevallier. Paris: Picard, 1974. 31-43. Roba PA 26 L58.

Pedersen, Olaf. «The Theorica Planetarum-Literature of the Middle Ages.» Classica et mediaevalia. 23 (1962) 225-232. Textbooks of the 14th and 15th centuries.

Pegg, Michael A. «Incunables in the National Library of Scotland: Accessions 1946-1966.» Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde. 3rd series 3 (1967) 93-106. RBSC Z 240 B2.

Peiper, , ed. Ausonii Epistolae. Teubner, 1886. PA 6221 A25. See Owen.

Péligry, Christian. Biblothèques de la Région Midi-Pyrénées. Vol 3 of Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Bordeaux: Société des bibliophiles de Guyenne, 1982. RBSC Z 240 F72. Firmicus: 355. Orosius: 598.

Pellechet, Marie Léontine Catherine, and M. Louis Polain. Catalogue général... 23 vols. Nendeln, 1970. GenR Z 240 P38. Vol 1? Aratus: 1673. Orosius: 8783 (8648); 8784 (8649); 8785 (8650); 8786 ((8651); 8787 (8652); 8788 (8653); 8789 (8654); 8791-8792 (8656-8657) (I).

Pellegrin, Elizabeth, general editor. Catalogue des manuscrits classiques latins de la bibliothèque vaticane. Paris: CNRS, 1975‑‑. Roba, Pims Z 6621 V32 L26. No Orosius, because not classical enough. Vol 1 (1975) Capella, Priscian, Pomponius Laetus. Vol II:1 (1978) Solinus. Vol II:2 (1982) Avienus, Priscian, page 640f. Mela, 223 (225?). Several Solinus. Orosius, 62 (not indexed). Vol III:1 (1991).

Reg. lat. 1650 f 1-10v: «Commentarius in Pauli Orosii Historias adversus paganos» II;1, p. 337. See Lehmann.

Percival, W. Keith. Studies in Renaissance Grammar. Aldershot: Variorum, 2004. PA 2047 S78. Several articles on Nebrija.

Peri, V. «La Cosmographia dell'Anonimo di Histria et il suo compendio dell'VIII secolo.» In Vestigia: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Billanovich. Ed: Rino Avesani et al. 2 vols. Rome, 1984. 2:503-558. PB 14 B54 V47. Aethicus. See Gautier.

Perret, Jacques. Recherches sur le texte de la «Germanie». Paris: Belles Lettres, 1950. PA 6706 G4 P4. See Tacitus.bib for more.

Perrin, B. «Lucan as historical source for Appian.» American Journal of Philology. 5 (1884) 325-330. PA 1 A5.

Pertz, Carolus Augustus Fridericus. De Cosmographia Ethici libri tres. Berlin, 1853. Rev: Kunstmann.

Petersen, K. [Chr]. «Die Cosmographie des Kaisers Augustus und die Commentarien des Agrippa, I.» RhM 8 (1853) 161-210; 377-403. Its place in later authors, such as Mela and Aethicus.

Petersen, K. [Chr]. «Die Cosmographie des Kaisers Augustus und die Commentarien des Agrippa, II.» RhM 9 (1854) 85-106; 422-442.

Pfeiffer, R. History of Classical Scholarship from the beginnings to the end of the Hellenistic age. 1968.

Philipp, Hans, tr. Die Geographie des Erdkreises von Pomponius Mela. 2 vols. Leipzig: Voigtländer, 1911-1918. WCat 11.

Pichon, René. Les sources de Lucain. Paris: Leroux, 1912. PA 6480 P48.

Picot, Emile. Le duc d'Aumale et la bibliothèque de Chantilly. 1897. Roba Z 989 A85 P53.

Pigulevskaia, Nina Viktorovna. Vizantiia na putiakh v Indiiu. Moscow: Nauka, 1951.

Pigulevskaia, Nina Viktorovna. Ellinisticheskii Blizhnii Vostok, Vizantiia i Iran. Moscow: Nauka, 1967. DS 62 A454.

Pigulevskaia, Nina Viktorovna. Blizhnii Vostok, Vizantiia i Slaviane. Moscow: Nauka, 1976. DS 42.5 P5.

Pinder, Moritz, and Gustav Parthey, eds. Ravennatis Anonymi Cosmographia et Gvidonis Geographica. Berlin, 1860. GA 6 G37.

Pisanus, Victor, ed. [Geographi. Carmen medicinale.] Venice: Antonius de Strata, 25 Oct. 1488. ISTC §ia01432000.

Pisanus, Victor, ed. Rufus Festus Avienus: [Opera]. Venice: Antonius de Strata, November 1488.

Pliny the Elder. Naturalis Historia. Beaujeu-Ernout...

Poel, Marc G. M. van. Rodolphe Agricola: Ecrits sur la dialectique et l'humanisme. Paris: . . . , 1997. CRRS B 781 A291 P6.

Poetae bucolici et didactici. General editor: C. Fr. Ameis. Paris: Didot, 1862. LGr.C.A Old Class, retrieved. 4 vols in one, each with separate pagination, and its own half title page; several editors.

Main title page: Poetae bucolici et didactici. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, recognovit et praefatus est C. Fr. Ameis; Nicander, Oppianus, Marcellus de piscibus, poeta de herbis, edidit F. S. Lehr; Phile de animalibus, Elephante, Plantis, etc. edidit Fr. Dübner; Poetarum de Re physica et medica reliquias collegit U. Cats. Bussemaker; Aratus, Manethonis, Maximi et aliorum astrologica recensuit et dissertatione instruxit Arminius Koechly. Graece et latine. Parisiis, editore Ambrosio Firmin Didot, Institute imperialis Franciae typographo. M DCCC LXII.

Pokora, Timoteus. «Das älteste Papier in der Welt und seine Probleme.» Das Altertum. 31 (1985) 113-119. DE 1 A36. Silk, hemp, bark, bamboo, used early.

Polain, M.-Louis. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique. 5 vols. RBSC, VUCR Z 240 P76. Brussels, 1932-1978. Aratus: 445. Firmicus: 3475. Orosius: 4619; 2932; 2933; 2934; 2935; 2936.

Polheim, Karl. Die lateinische Reimprosa. Berlin: Weidmann, 1925/1963. PA 2881 P6.

Poliakova, S., and I. Felenkovskaia. «Anonimyi geograficheskii traktat...» VV 8 (1956) 277-305. Expositio.

Pollard, Alfred William. Last Words on the History of the Title Page, with Notes on some Colophons, and twenty-seven facsimiles. London: Nimmo, 1891; reprint New York: Franklin, 1971. RBSC duff f; FIS 686.2252 P771L.

Pollard, Alfred William. An Essay on Colophons. 1905; reprint New York: Franklin, 1968. CRRS Z22 C7 P6.

Pollard, Alfred William, and Walter Wilson Greg. «Some points in bibliographic description.» Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. 9 (1901?) 31-52. Massey Per 1-15 (1892-1919). Incunabula.

Pollard, Alfred William, and Gilbert Richard Redgrave. A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad, 1475-1640. GenR Z 2002...

Porcacchi, Thomaso, [ca 1530-1585], tr. Pomponius Mela: [Cosmographia]. 1557. RBSC.

Posset, Denis, and Charles-Philippe seigneur de Champarmoy et de Grandchamp. Le Voyage de la Terre Sainte. Ed: Ch. Schefer. Vol 11 of Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir à l'histoire de la géographie: Depuis le XIIIe jusqu'à la fin du XVIe siècle. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1890. DS 106 P67. See ema.bib for excerpts. Schefer's edition includes extracts from Thevet, Grand Insulaire.

Postgate, J. P. «Vindiciae Propertianae.» CR 15 (1901) 40-44; 406-413. Rivers.

Postgate, J. P. «On Manilius III:590-617.» Classical Quarterly. 2 (1908) 182-183. Numbers.

Postgate, J. P., ed. Lucan. 2 vols. Cambridge UP, 1913-1917. PA 6478 A2.

Pozzi, G., ed. Hermolai Barbari Castigationes Plinianae et in Pomponium Melam. 4 vols. Padua, 1973-1979. PA 6614 A2 B3. Reprint of Mela 1493.

Préaux, Jean. «Les manuscrits principaux de Martianus Capella.» In Lettres latines du moyen-âge et de la Renaissance. Ed: Guy Cambier. Collection Latomus, 158. Brussels, 1978. 76-128. ROBA, PIMS PA 8023 LA.

Préaux, Jean, ed. Martianus Capella. See Dick 1925/1969.

Préaux, Jean. «Le commentaire de Martin de Laon sur l'oeuvre de Martianus Capella.» Latomus 12 (1953) 437-459.

Premerstein, Anton von. «Die Dreiteilung der Provinz Dacia.» In Wiener Eranos. Congress held in Graz 1909. Vienna: Hölder, 1909. 256-269. PA 26 V38. Trajan.

Prete, Serafino. «Un episodio del sacco gotico di Roma del 410 (Hieron. Ep. 127,3 -- Orosii Historia VII,39.» In Storiografica e storia: Studi in onore Eugenio Dupré Theseider. 2 vols. Rome, 1974. 2:529-540.

Prinz, Otto. «Untersuchungen zu Ueberlieferung und zur Orthographie der Kosmographie des Aethicus.» DA 37 (1981) 474-510. DD 126 A1 D4. Review of Löwe's scholarship, misses the evidence provided by early printed editions. Would make the author a German and not Irish.

Prinz, Otto, ed. Die Kosmographie des Aethicus. Vol 14 of MGH: Quellen der Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters. Munich: MGH, 1993. Roba G 87 A52.

Priscianus Caesariensis. Translator of Dionysius Periegetes. See Mela, bound-with; often included either with other geographical works, or with his own grammatical works. Eds: Bernhardy, Brognolus, Cuspinian, Francini, Leto, Twaites, Krehl, Woestijne. See also: Papius. See print-out from ISTC. Frequently edited with the original by Dionysius.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Vindelinus de Spira, 1470. ISTC §ip00960000. Folio. Editio princeps. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius.

Contents: De octo partibus orationis; De constructione; De duodecim carminibus; De numeris; De ponderibus et mensuris; De Versibus comicis; De declinationibus. Add: Pseudo-Priscianus: De accentibus. Pseudo Hermogenes: De praeexercitamentis rhetorices. Rufinus Antiochensis: De metris comicis; De litteraturis; de compositione et metris oratorum. Dionysius: De situ orbis, tr: Priscianus.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Vindelinus de Spira, 1470. ISTC §ip00960000. Full-text Microfiche on Incunabula. Unit 8 Printing in Italy before 1472, Part II, PI 62. Reading: Primary Source Media, 1995?

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Rome: Ulrich Han [Udalricus Gallus], ca 1470/71. ISTC §ip960500 ??. Folio. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Vindelinus de Spira, 1472. ISTC §ip00961000. Folio. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Milan: Printer of Servius, 1475. ISTC §ip00963000. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula. See Ganda for printer.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 1475-1476. ISTC §ip00963000. Folio, 2 volumes. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Jacobus de Fivizzano Lunensis for Marcus de Comitibus and Gerardus Alexandrinus, 1476. ISTC §ip00965000. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: for Michael Manzolus, 15 Dec 1481. ISTC §ip00966000. Folio. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula.

Priscian. [De situ orbis]. Translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 1482. ISTC §im00452000. Oates Cambridge §1751 (several copies). Bound with Mela, Cosmographia.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Hannibal Foxius et Socii, 22 Sept. 1485. ISTC §ip00967000. Folio. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, 4 Dec 1488. ISTC §ip00968000. Folio. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula. Ottaviano Scotto?

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Philippus Pincius, 20 June 1492. ISTC §ip00969000. Folio. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula.

Priscian. [De situ orbis]. Translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius. Ed: Johann Cuspinian. Vienna: Winterburg, [1494/95]. IISTC §id0025800.

Title page: Dionisij Alexandrini de situ orbis / translatio per Pristia / num grammaticorum principem /. Colophon: Impressum Vienne a Joanne Winterburg Emendatum autem a/ L. Joanne Cuspiniano artium / et humanitatis professoris qui / publice hunc libellum in studio / Viennensi interpretatus est. Note: This taken from Woestijne 1959; edition closely related to editio princeps, Venice, 1475. Folio or in-quarto? Ub Wien §210; Hain *6224; BM III:813; GW 8430.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Venice: Philippus Pincius, 20 Oct 1495. ISTC §ip00970000. Folio. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out; also Microfiche Incunabula.

Priscian. [De situ orbis]. Translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius. Ed: Pomponio Leto. Rome: Johann Besicken, ca 1497/98. ISTC §id00259200. Description: In-quarto, Latin.

Priscian. [Opera]. Ed: Benedictus Brognolus. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, after April 1497. ISTC §id00259100. In-quarto, Latin. Includes De situ orbis, translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius, see print-out.

Priscian. [De situ orbis]. Translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius. Cologne: Cornelis de Zierikzee, 31 Aug 1499. ISTC §id00259300. In-quarto.

Priscian. [De situ orbis]. Translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius. Deventer: Richardus Pafraet, between 30 Oct 1499 and 6 June 1500. ISTC §id00259400. In-quarto. Also recorded as 1495.

Priscian. [De situ orbis]. Translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius. Ed: Antonio Francini. Venice, 1513. Reprinted at Florence, 1519.

Priscian. [De situ orbis]. Translation of the Periegesis by Dionysius. Ed: Antonio Francini. Florence, 1519. RBSC & VUCS. Reprint of Venice 1513.

Pritchard, J. P. «Fragments of the Geography of Strabo in the Commentaries of Eustathius.» Classical Philology. 29 (1934) 63-65. Eustathius preserved fragments missing on Thrace.

Proclus Diadochus of Lycia. De sphaera. Many ancient editions, almost nothing modern, except Manitius. See Felty, Siorvanes. No separate editions of his Astrolabe, see Vinet, Manitius.

Proclus Diadochus. [De sphaera]. Ed: Franciscus Niger. Venice, Aldus Manutius, 1499. Copy at McGill, see under Manutius.

Proclus Diadochus. [De sphaera]. Ed: Jacobus Micyllus. Basel: Herwagen, 1535. RBSC sci f 0160.

Title: C. Iulii Hygini, Augusti liberti, Fabularum liber ... Eiusdem Poeticon astronomicon libri quatuor. Quibus accesserunt similis argument, Palaephati De fabulosis narrationibus liber I. F Fulgenti Placiadis ... Mythologiarum libri III. Eiusdem de uocum antiquarum interpretatione liber I. Arati Phaenomenon fragmentum, Germanico Caesare interprete. Eiusdem Phaenomena graece cum interpreatione latina. Procli De Sphaera libellus, graece. Basileae, Apud I. Heruagium 1535. Description: includes illustrations. Errors in paging.

Proclus Diadochus. [De sphaera]. Basel: Herwagen, 1535. Reprint The Renaissance and the gods, 6. New York: Garland Publ, 1976. VUCR PA 6445 H8 A6 1976. Printed with Hyginus and Aratus.

Proclus Diadochus. [De sphaera]. Ed: Elie Vinet. Paris, 1557. Many editions, WCat. Supposed to contain Astrolabe.

Proclus Diadochus. [De sphaera]. Ed: Ignazio Danti. Florence, Giunti, 1573. RBSC sci 02 101.

Proclus Diadochus. [De sphaera]. Ed: Elie Vinet. Paris, 1583. Many editions, WCat.

Proctor, Robert George Collier [1868-1903]. Jan van Doesborgh, Printer at Antwerp: An Essay in Bibliography. Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Monograph, 2. London: Chiswick Press, 1894. Z 232 D65 P76.

Proctor, Robert George Collier. «List of the Founts of Type and Woodcut Devices used by the Printers of the Southern Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century.» London, 1895. Reprinted 1905.

Proctor, Robert George Collier. From the Invention of Printing to the Year MD: With Notes of those in the Bodleian Library. Vol 1 of An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. London: Holland Press, 1898. VUCR Folio Z 240 P96. Aratus; 4593. Firmicus: 5570. Orosius: 1591; 4576 (Toronto); 5249; 5536; 7125; 7144. 4 supplements, 1899-1902.

Proctor, Robert George Collier. MD1-MDXX: Section 1, Germany. Vol 2 of An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. Reprint London: Holland Press, 1960? VUCR Folio Z 240 P96. POST ISTC, Important. Added title: An index of German books 1501-1520 in the British Museum.

Proctor, Robert George Collier. The Printing of Greek in the Fifteenth Century. Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Monograph, 8. London: Printed for the Bibliographical society at the Chiswick Press, 1900. RBSC duff.

Proctor, Robert George Collier. «The French Royal Greek Types and the Eton Chrysostom.» Reprinted 1905.

Proctor, Robert George Collier. Bibliographical Essays. Ed: Alfred William Pollard. London: Chiswick Press, 1905. RBSC duff. Reprint of all essays and papers.

Proctor, Robert George Collier, and Konrad Burger. An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. Reprint London: Holland Press, 1960. Roba Z 240 P96.

Proctor, Robert George Collier, and Francis Swinton Isaac. An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. With Notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 4 parts. London: K. Paul, Trench Trübner, 1903-1938. Roba Z 240 P96. Same as VUCR Z 240 P96?

Proctor, Robert George Collier, and Francis Swinton Isaac. MD1-MDXX: Section 2, Italy. Vol 2 of An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. London: B. Quaritch, 1938. VUCR Folio Z 240 P96. POST ISTC, Important.

Proctor, Robert George Collier, and Francis Swinton Isaac. MD1-MDXX: Section 3, Switzerland and Eastern Europe. Vol 2 of An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. London: B. Quaritch, 1938. VUCR Fo Z 240 P96. POST ISTC, Important.

Prontera, Francesco, ed. Tabula Peutingeriana: Le antiche vie del mondo. Biblioteca di geographia antiqua, 3. Florence: Olschki, 2003. With facsimile.

Provenance Evidence: Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing. Prepared by the Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1980.

Prussia. Kommission für den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Nachträge zu Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum und seinen Fortsetzungen. Leipzig: R. Haupt, 1910. RBSC Z 240 H15 S3 1.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Cosmographia. See Bagrow-Skelton for history of incunabula editions, 1985:77-97. First translation into Latin by Emanuel Chrysoloras and his pupil Jacopo d'Angiolo (Jacobus Angelus), finished in 1406 (77). 48 codices of the Cosmographia are known (78). «the first great advance in comparative cartography was the introduction of printing in the 15th century. Before this a map was subject to as many stages of possible corruption as there were hand-copies» (89).

Ptolemy. Claudii Ptolemaei Geographia. Ed. C. F. A. Nobbe. Leipzig: C. Tauchnitz, 1843. Have partial xerox.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Claudii Ptolemaei Cosmographia Tabulae. Leicester, 1990. RomU G 1005 1466 P 7613 1990 folio. Facsimile of ms Codex Lat V532 (15th century) Naples.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Vicenza: H. Liechtenstein, 13 Sept 1475. ISTC §ip01081000.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Bologna: Dominicus de Lapis, 1477. ISTC §ip01082000. Maps with copper engravings, Hind. 26 maps; date misprinted 1462 in colophon.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Bologna: Dominicus de Lapis, 1477. Facsimile edition with introduction by R. A. Skelton. Amsterdam: Theatrum orbis terrarum, 1963. Metro Ref fo 912 T3374 1st series, vol 1; VUCR folio G 1005 1966. Reproduction of copies held by the Pierpont-Morgan Library in New York, and the Map Room of the British Museum, London.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Rome: Arnoldus Buckinck, 1478. ISTC §ip01083000 See Skelton, Hind. 27 copperplate maps.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Rome: Arnoldus Buckinck, 1478. Facsimile edition with introduction by R. A. Skelton. Amsterdam: Theatrum orbis terrarum, 1966. Metro Ref fo 912 T3374 2nd series, vol 6. Reproduction of a copy at the Newberry Library, Chicago.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Tr: Jacobus Angelo; ed: Donnus Nicolaus Germanus. Ulm: Lienhart Holle, 1482. ISTC §ip01084000. Title-page: Claudii Pthlolomei Cosmographi liber. Description: Lavish illustrations. First atlas printed in Germany, the first to use woodcut maps. Contains 31 double and one single page maps, including a map of the world. Mongan-Wolff §20, p. 35. Woodcut maps, Hind 313.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Ulm: Lienhart Holle, 1482. Facsimile edition with introduction by R. A. Skelton. Amsterdam: Theatrum orbis terrarum, 1963. Metro Ref fo 912 T3374 1st series, vol 2. Reproduction of copies held by the Stadt-Bibliothek Nürnberg and the Stadtbibliotheek at Bruges.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Ulm: Reger, 1486. ISTC §ip01085000. Reprint of Holle; maps have headlines, Hind 317. Acquired stock from Holle.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. Translated into Latin by Jacobus Angelus and Johann Reger. Rome: Petrus de Turre, 1490. ISTC §ip01086000. Folio, maps. Ub Wien §508; Hain 13541; BM IV:133; Sander 5976, pl 750; Hind.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Opera]. Venice: Octavianus Scottus, 1493. ISTC §ip01089000. Sallander §1920.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. . . . Post 1500. Facsimile edition at Metro Reference.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. . . . Post 1500. Facsimile edition at Metro Reference.

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Cosmographia]. . . . Post 1500. Facsimile edition at Metro Reference.

Pueschel, Albertus. Vibii Sequestris libelli geographi fontibus et compositione. Halle: Burkhardt, 1907. Pamph Lat Lit V, Karl.

Quaritch, Bernard. Catalogue of Books Printed in Eruope durint the 15th and 16th Centuries. CRRS Z 999 C3.

Quasten, Johannes. Patrology. 2 vols. Westminster, ML: The Newman Press, and Utrecht: Spectrum Publishing, 1951-53. BR 67 Q 37.

Raingeard, P. «Le manuscrit grec 22 à la bibliothèque municipale de Caen.» FS Desrousseaux. 393-399. Aratos.

Ranstrand, Gunnar, ed. Pomponius Mela: De Chorographia. Studia Graeca et latina Gothoburgensia, 28. Stockholm, 1971. PIMS PA 6512 A2. Also Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.

Ranstrand, Gunnar. Textkritische Beiträge zu Pomponius Mela. Studia Graeca et latina Gothoburgensia, 29. Stockholm, 1971.

Rasmus, Eduard. «Ueber eine Handschrift des Solin.» Hermes 12 (1877) 320-325. Codex Westermannianus, not used by Mommsen.

Raymond, Irving Woodsworth, tr. Paulus Orosius: Seven Books of History Against the Pagans. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. Huns, VIII,33,10. Subjected to severe criticism.

Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum. GenR BR 131 R42. RAC.

Redgrave, Gilbert Richard. Erhard Ratdolt and his Work at Venice. Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Monograph, 1. London: Chiswick Press, 1894. RBSC duff.

Reichard, Christian Gottlieb. Kleine Geographische Schriften. 1836. G1 A4.

Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium Bibliographicum: Additiones et emendationes. 2 vols, 2 suppls. Munich: Rosenthal, 1905-1911. RBSC

Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium Bibliographicum: Supplementum (maximam partem e bibliothecis Helvetiae collectum) cum indice urbium et typographorum. Accedit index auctorum generalis totius operis. Vols . . . ? Monasterii Guestphalorum: Sumptibus Theissingianis, 1914/1953. GenR, VUPT Ref, VUCR, RBSC Z 240 H15 S2 1.

Reinhold, Meyer. Marcus Agrippa: A Biography. Geneva, NY: Humphrey Press, 1933. DG 291.7 A3 R4. Geography 142-148.

Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Vols? Tübingen, 1957-1962. ROBA BL 31 R4.

Rémy d'Auxerre. Correspondence. Mentions the Hungarians in Letter 1 to Dado of Verdun, PL 131:968A. PIMS. No separate edition, check MGH.

Rémy d'Auxerre. Remigii Autissiodorensis Commentum in Martianum Capellam. See Lutz.

Rémy d'Auxerre. Commentary of Boethius, De Consolatione philosophiae. For partial editions, see: Stewart, Silvestre, Silk. See Manitius 1911:504-519 for a survey of his many commentaries, with biblio.

Renard, Marcel. «Du chaudron de Gundestrup aux mythes classiques.» Latomus 13 (1954) 38-389, plates. Celts.

Renard, Marcel, FS. Hommages à Marcel Renard. Ed: Jacqueline Bibauw. Collection Latomus, 101-103. 3 vols. Brussels, 1969. DE 3 H67.

Renouard, Antoine Augustin. Annales de l'imprimerie des Alde. Paris: Renouard, 1834; reprint New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Books, 1991. Massey BIB R419an 1991. One vol, various pagings.

Renouard, Philippe. Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens du XVI siècle. In progress. Paris, 1964‑. GenR Z 305 R4.

Reuter, A. «Untersuchungen zu den römischen Technographen Fortunatian, Julius Victor, Capella und Sulpitius Victor.» Hermes 28 (1893) 73-134. «Für den Gebrauch der Rhetorschule sind sie geschrieben» (73).

Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique: Bibliographie. Robarts GenR Z 7837 R4.

Reynolds, John, Canon of Exeter [fl. 1711], ed. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis libri tres. Exeter: typis Farleanis apud Philippum Bishop, 1711.

Reynolds, John, ed. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis libri tres: ad omnium Angliae & Hiberniae codicum MSS fidem, summa cura & diligentia recogniti & collati. Iscae Dunmoniorum [Exeter]: typis Farleanis apud Philippum Bishop, 1711. MICR mfm ESTC reel 1631, no. 05.

Reynolds, John, ed. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis libri tres: ad omnium Angliae & Hiberniae codicum MSS fidem, summa cura & diligentia recogniti & collati: tabulisque, cuncta in eo scriptore gentium locorumque amplectentibus, Nunc primum illustrati. London: Gul. Taylor, 1719. RBSC D-11 0804. A reissue, with cancel t.p. of the edition published at Exeter, 1711. RBSC copy has hand coloured maps.

Reynolds, Leighton Durham, and Nigel Guy Wilson. Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature. 1968; 3rd ed Oxford: Clarendon, 1991. Z 40 R4. «Informative value of omissions in establishing a stemma; conjunctive and separative errors; vertical vs horizontal transmission.» Notes in Paleo file.

Rhodes, Dennis Everard. Incunabula in Greece: A First Census. Munich: Kraus, 1980. RBSC duff.

Rhodes, Dennis Everard. Studies in Early Italian Printing. With preface by G. Painter. London: Pindar, 1982. Z 155 R5. Reprints. Nothing on Scotto; article on colophons.

Rhodes, Dennis Everard. A Catalogue of Incunabula in all the Libraries of Oxford University Outside the Bodleian. Oxford, 1982. RBSC Z 1012 R56; VUCR Z 1012 R48; PIMS Z 240 R48. Firmicus: 777. Orosius: 1276; 1277.

Rhodes, Dennis Everard. La tipografia nel secolo XV a Vicenza, Santorno e Torrebelvicino. Vicenza, 1987.

Rhodes, Dennis Everard. Gli annali tipografici fiorentini del XV secolo. Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 113. Florence, 1988.

Rhodes, Dennis Everard, FS. The Italian Book 1465-1800: Studies Presented to Dennis E. Rhodes on his 70th birthday. Ed: Denis Vincent Reidy. London: British Library, 1993. Z 8 I8 I83.

Rhodes, Dennis Everard. Silent Printers: Anonymous Printing at Venie in the Sixteenth Century. London: British Library, 1995. VUCR Z 156 V4 R56.

Ricci, Seymour de. «Sur l'unification des fiches de catalogues dans les bibliothèques françaises.» Revue des bibliothèques. 41 (1935/36) 78-81. This vol at Gerstein. Numéro d'ordre = accession number.

Rice-Holmes, T. «The Battlefield of Old Pharsalus.» Classical Quarterly. 2 (1908) 271-292, maps. Sources.

Richard, Marcel. Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscripts grecs. Paris: CNRS, 1958. Roba Z 6605 G7 R5.

Richard, Marcel. Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscripts grecs: Supplément. Paris: CNRS, 1964. Roba Z 6605 G7 R5.

Richard, Marcel. Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscripts grecs. 3rd edition. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995. PIMS BZ 310 C85; SMC BQ 310 C68 R52.

Riese, Alexander, ed. Geographici Latini Minores. 1878; reprint Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1964. G 87 A1 R5. Orosius 56-70; Aethicus 71-103. HAVE XEROX Sequester, Divisio orbis terrarum.

Riese, Alexander. «Die Sueben.» Rheinisches Museum. NS 44 (1889) 331-346; 488. Capital.

Rinkefeil, Walter. De Adnotationibus super Lucanum. Dresden: Ramming, 1917. Old Class Pamph LL. L.B. R, Karl.

Rivers, Charles Anton. A System of an Ancient and Mediaeval Geography. New York: Harper, 1850.

Robinson, Fred C. Old English Literature: A Select Bibliography. Toronto, 1970. GenR, Roba Z 2012 R63.

Robinson, Pamela R. Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 888-1600 in London Libraries. London: British Library, 2003. Z 6620 G7 R63.

Roger, Maurice. L'enseignement des lettres classiques d'Ausone à Alcuin: Introduction à l'histoire des écoles carolingiennes. Paris: A. Picard, 1905. LA 96 47. Hesperica Famina, 238-256.

Roloff, Hans-Gert, ed. Die deutsche Literatur: Biographisches und bibliographisches Lexikon. Reihe II: Die deutsche Literatur zwischen 1450 und 1620. Bern: Peter Lang, 1991. RobaRef PT 41 D488. Only Letter A so far, includes facsimiles of incunabula title page, eg Agricola.

Romance Philology. PC 1 R6.

Romano, A. «Ricerche sulla Anonymi totius orbis descriptio.» Rivista di storia antica. NS 8 (190???) 1-14. PArchaeol &Philol R.

Romer, Frank E., tr. Pomponius Mela's «Description of the World». Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998. PA 6512 E5. Rev: Romm.

Romm, James. Review of Mela by Romer. Bryn Mawr Classical Review. 1988. 11.20. Online. Hx.

Rose, Herbert Jennings. «The Greek of Cicero.» JHS 41 (1921) 91-116. Lexicon.

Rose, Herbert Jennings. Modern Methods in classical Mythology. St. Andrews: Henderson, 1930. La Cl R.

Rose, Herbert Jennings. «Stella = sidus.» Classical Quarterly. 26 (1932) 194. Hyginus.

Ross, David John Athole. «Illustrated Manuscripts of Orosius.» Scriptorium 9 (1955) 35-56, facsimiles on plates 11-15. Z 108 S35. Not significant for history of text, though it contains detailed description of four mss. Missed 8th cent Albi mss with only geography, see Janvier 11n10.

Rougé, Jean. «Néron à la fin du IVe et au début du Ve siècle.» Latomus 37 (1978) 73-87. Capital for Nero, not for Orosius.

Rowland Jr, Robert J. «The biggest island in the world.» CW 68 (1975) 438-439. Sardinia and Sicily.

Roy, Bruno, and Hughes Shooner (+). «Arnulfi Aurelianensis Glosule de Remediis amoris.» Journal of Medieval Latin. 6 (1996) 135-196. PIMS PER, per.bib. Lucan, mss.

Ruge, Sophus. Die Litteratur zur Geschichte der Erdkunde vom Mittelalter an. Hildesheim: Olms, 1980. Z 6001 R84. Reprint of articles from Geographisches Jahrbuch 18 (1895); 20 (1897); 23 (1900); 26 (1903); 30 (1907); 41 (1926). With additional articles by Walter Ruge, pages 177-228, published in 1903-1907, and Konrad Kretschmer, 230-300, publ 1907-1925. Not much before Renaissance.

Rupprecht, Karl. «Apostolis, Eudem und Suidas: Studien zur Geschichte der griechischen Lexicon.» Philologus, Supplementband. 15,1 (1922).


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