Text Transmission

The purpose of this weblog is to share with other scholars the results of my researches in the history of text transmission, especially in these area: early history of the Slavs and the Huns, long distance trade in the early middle ages, and classical scholarship during the middle ages.

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Philologist specialist of Byzantium and the Slavs in the middle ages, and the Huns in antiquity; material culture (crossbow). If you wish to get in touch with me, in order to share scholarly information, please leave a comment. You may also write to me directly at: nicole.petrin@gmail.com or at nicolepetrin@yahoo.com.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Crusades, A-K

The Crusades: Working Bibliography From The Rise of the Comneni To the Fall of Constantinople

Projects feeding from this bibliography: research on the Barberini Psalter, St. Sava in Jerusalem, Pope Innoent III, Venice and the Albanians, articles on travel and international commerce (including fur trade, the mystery pigment known as prasinos), the engagement ring of Stephen Radoslav and Anna, the life of Alexander Nevsky, the Bogomils.

Ahrweiler, Hélène. L'administration...

Ahrweiler, Hélène. Byzance et la mer. Paris: PUF, 1966. DF 552 A65.

Ahrweiler, Hélène. «Course et piraterie dans la Méditerranée orientale aux XIV-XVe siècles (Empire byzantin).» In Course et piraterie. Ed: Michel Mollat. Paris, 1975. 1:21.

Aimé du Mont-Cassin [Amato di Montecassino]. L'Hystoire de li Normant. Latin original lost, XIVth century French translation survives. Eds: De Bartholomaeis, Delarc. Parapinakes, VII:26, p. 297.

Albert of Aachen. Historia Hierosolymitana. See Beaumont, Kugler, Meyer, Molinier.

Alexander, Paul J. «A Chrysobull of the Emperor Andronicus II Palaeologus in favour of the see of Kanina in Albania.» Byzantion 15 (1940/41) 167-207. Knin.

Allen, Thomas William. «The Origin of the Greek Minuscule Hand.» Journal of Hellenic Studies. 40 (1920) 1-12, 3 ills. See also Incuna.bib.

Altmann, Wilhelm. Die Urkunden Kaiser Sigmunds. DD 3...

Amadi. Chronique. 2 vols. Page 166. DF 613.8 A5.

Amargianakis, George. «An Analysis of Stichera in the Deuteros modes: The Stichera Idiomela for the month of September in the Modes Deuteros, Plagal Deuteros, and Nenano transcribed from the manuscript Sinai 1230 (A.D. 1365).» Cahiers de l'Institut du moyen-âge grec et latin. 22 (1977) 1-119; 23 (1977) 123-263. PA 1009 C64.

Anastasijevic, Dragutin N. «Dve Dusanove greke chrisobule.» Spomenik Srpske Kralevske Akademiji. 55/NS 47 (1922) 32-36. DR 303 S75, Incomplete, title varies.

Anderson, Jeffrey C. «The Date and Purpose of the Barberini Psalter.» Cahiers archéologiques. 31 (1983) 35-67. CC 3 C34.

Anderson, J. G. C. «The Road-System of Eastern Asia Minor.» JHS 17 (1897) 22-44. Evidence from Byzantine campaigns.

Andreeva, M. A. Ocherki po kul'ture vizantiiskago dvora . . . Prague, 1927. PIMS DF 553 A5.

Andressohn, John C. The Ancestry and Life of Godfrey of Bouillon. Indiana U Publications, Social Sciences Series, 5. Bloomington, IN, 1947. D 183.3 A64. Travels through Hungary, Belgrade, Nish.

Anné, Lucien. Les rites de fiançailles et la donation pour cause de mariage sous le Bas-Empire. Louvain: Desclée de Brouwer, 1941. K 88 B4 A6. «Tertullien ... désigne la solennité des fiançailles par sa cérémonie la plus marquante, la remise de l'anneau.» (14).

Anonymous of Bari. Ed by Pertz in MGH; ed by Muratori in RIS. Ignoti civis Barensis sive Lupi Protospatae Chronicon ab anonymo auctore Barensi. RIS 5. Milan, 1724. 147-156. See also DG 975 B252 A574 1991. Sirsiprint.

Anonymus Vaticanus. See Muratori.

Anscombe, A. «The Paschal Canon Attributed to Anatolius of Laodicea.» EHR 10 (1895) 515-535. See also Krusch, Turner. Anatolius mentioned by Eusebius HE vii,32 and Jerome De Viris Ill., 73. History of calendar, EMA.bib.

Ansbertus. Historia de expeditione Frederici Imperatoris. Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Scriptores 5:1-90. Vienna, 1863.

Antonovic, M. «Danilo I.» ZRVI 39 (1995) 106-115.

Archer, T. A. «On the Accession Dates of the Early Kings of Jerusalem.» EHR 4 (1889) 89-105. Corrects the dates of William of Tyre. «it seemed as though the very qualities to which Mahomet's religion owed its first triumphs were to find their full development in the followers of another creed, and as though warrior saints were to take the earthly type of the kingdom of heaven by violence» (89).

Argenti, Philip Pandely. The occupation of Chios by the Venetians. 1935. WorldCat.

Argenti, Philip Pandely. The Occupation of Chios by the Genoese and their administration of the island (1346-1566). Cambridge, 1958. Reviewed Pistarino, Geo. «Nella "Romania" Genovese tra i Greci e i Turchi: l'isola di Chio.» Rivista storica italiana. 73 (1961) 69-84.

Ashtor, Eliyahu. «Les lainages dans l'Orient médiéval.» Atti della seconda settimana di studio, Istituto F. Datini. Florence 1976. Reprinted.

Ashtor, Eliyahu. «Il commercio levantino di Ancona nel basso Medioevo.» Rivista Storica Italiana. 88 (1976) 213-253. Reprinted. Ragusa.

Ashtor, Eliyahu. Studies on the Levantine Trade in the Middle Ages. London: Variorum Reprints, 1978. Reprints articles with added notes. HF 3756 Z7 E93.

Ashtor, Eliyahu. Studies on the Levantine Trade in the Middle Ages. London: Variorum Reprints, .... HF 3756 Z7 A83.

Ashtor, Eliyahu. East-West Trade. London: Variorum Reprints, 1986. HF 3756 Z7 E92.

Babic, Gordana. Kraljeva crkva u Studenici. Belgrade, 1989.

Balard, Michel. «L'activité économique des ports du Bas-Danube au XIV siècle.» Travaux et mémoires. 8 (1981) 35-44. DF 503 C45. Slave trade.

Balard, Michel. «Les républiques maritimes italiennes et le commerce en Syrie-Palestine (XI-XIII siècles).» Anuario de estudios medievales. 24 (1994) 313-348. D 111 A57.

Balard, Michel, Angeliki E. Laiou[-Thomadakis], and Catherine Otten-Froux. Les Italiens à Byzance: Edition et présentation de documents. Paris: Sorbonne, 1987. DF 630 B25.

Baldacci, Antonio. Itinerari Albanesi (1892-1902). Rome: Royal Italian Geographic Society, 1917. Rev: Geographic Journal 5 (1918) 183-184. Author is botanist. Very rare item, only two listings on WorldCat.

Baldwin, Marshall W., ed. The First Hundred Years. Vol of ??? A History of the Crusades. 1955.

Balletto, Laura. «Chio dei Maonesi sulla fine del Trecento (dagli Atti del notaio Donato di Chiavari).» Anuario de estudios medievales. 20 (1990) 133-148. D 111 A57.

Balletto, Laura. «Chio dei Genovesi tra rivolta Maonese: Corsari cataluni ed attacchi veneziani.» Anuario de estudios medievales. 24 (1994) 479-490. D 111 A57.

Banasevic, Nikola. Letopis popa Dukljanina i narodna predanje. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1971. D 147 D56 B35.

Banescu, Nikolaus. «Unbekannte Statthalter der Themen Paristrion und Bulgarien: Romanos Diogenes und Nikephoros Botaneiates.» BZ 30 (1929) 439-444. HXEROX.

Barisic, F. «L'importance des filigranes dans les editions des actes diplomatiques.» ZRVI 10 (1967) 59-62.

Barnes, J. S. [Captain, Royal Flying Corps]. «The future of the Albanian State.» Read at the Meeting of the Society, 8 April 1913. Geographic Journal. 52 (1918) 12-30, with map, 4 photos, and discussion of paper by Society members, 27-31. Cites Durham, Balducci. See EMA-Notes for citation and discussion. Check page numbers.

Bartal, A., ed. Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis regni Hungariae. Leipzig, 1901. PA 2893 H3 B3.

Bartusis, Mark C. «Brigandage in the late Byzantine Empire.» Byzantion 51 (1981) 386-409.

Bartusis, Mark C. «State Demands for the Billeting of Soldiers in Late Byzantium.» ZRVI 26 (1987) 115-124.

Bartusis, Mark C. «The Kavallarioi of Byzantium.» Speculum 63 (1988) 343-350.

Bartusis, Mark C. «Urban Guard Service in Late Byzantium: The Terminology and the Institution.» Macedonian Studies. 5,1 (1988) 52-77. DR 1 M23.

Bartusis, Mark C. «The Megala Allagia and the Tzaousioi: Aspects of Provincial Military Organization in Late Byzantium.» REB 47 (1989) 183-207.

Bartusis, Mark C. «On the Problem of Smallholding Soldiers in Late Byzantium.» DOP 44 (1990) 1-26.

Bartusis, Mark C. The Late Byzantine Army: Arms and Society, 1204-1453. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992. Strange book which uses evidence from medieval kingdom of Werbia to imagine a Byzantine army which did not exist at the time.

Bartusis, Mark. «The Settlement of the Serbs in Macedonia in the Era of Dushan's Conquests.» In Studies on the Internal Diaspora of the Byzantine Empire. Ed: Hélène Ahrweiler and Angeliki Laiou. Dumbarton Oaks Research, 1998. DF 52 S78. Rev: Martin Arbagi Speculum 76 (2001) 130-2.

Basilaces, Nicephoros. Encomio di Adriano Comneno. Ed. Ant. Garzya. Naples, 1965.

Basic, Milivoje M., tr. Teodosije: Zivot sv. Save. Stare srpske biografije. 3 vols. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1924-1936. DR 316 S8.

Basic, Milivoje M. Iz stare srpske knjizevnosti. Belgrade: 1931.

Basil of Choumna. Chronicle of Crusades. See Chabot.

Bass, George Fletcher, and Frederick H. van Doorninck. «An 11th century shipwreck at Serçe Liman, Turkey.» International Journal of Nautical Archaeology. 7 (1978) 119-132.

Bass, George Fletcher, and Frederick H. van Doorninck. Yassi Ada: A Seventh Century Byzantine Shipwreck. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1982. DS 156 Y37 B37.

Baumstark, Anton. «Die Heiligtümer des byzantinischen Jerusalem nach einer übersehenden Urkunde.» Oriens Christianus. 5 (1905) 282-289. DS 1 O65. Monastery of St Sabas.

Baumstark, Anton. «Frühchristlich-palästinensische Bildkompositionen in abendländischer Spiegelung.» BZ 20 (1911) 177-196.

Baumstark, Anton. «Der Cherubhymnus und seine Parallelen.» Gottesminne 6 (1911-12) 10-22. Wcat: 6 listings.

Baumstark, Anton. Vom geschichtlichen Werden der Liturgie. Ecclesia Orans, 10. Freiburg i/Braisgau: Herder, 1923. Only at TRINSTOR 264/Bau and VUEX UH/B327. Cited by scholars.

Baumstark, Anton. «Denkmäler der Entstehungsgeschichte des byzantinischen Ritus.» Oriens Christianus. 3,2 (1927) 1-32. Monastery of St Sabas.

Baumstark, Anton. «Die sonntägliche Evangelienlesung im vorbyzantinischen Jerusalem.» BZ 30 (1929/30) 350-359.

Beaumont, André Alden, Jr. «Albert of Aachen and the County of Edessa.» In Crusades and Other Historical essays presented to Dana C. Munro by his Former Students. Ed: Louis John Paetow. New York: Crofts, 1928. 101-138. D 6 C7.

Beazley, C. Raymond, ed. «Directorium ad faciendum passagium transmarinum.» American Historical Review. 12 (1906-1907) 810-57; 13 (1907-1908) 66-115, with English summary.

Beck, Hans-Georg. Kirche und Theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich. Byzantinisches Handbuch im Rahmen des Handbuchs der Altertumswissenschaft, XII, 2,1. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1959. Roba BX 300 B4; VUPT PA 25 H24. Nicetas of Heracleia, 651ff.

Bees, Nikos. «Serbika kai byzantiniaka grammata Meteôrou.» Byzantis 2 (1911-12) 1-100.

Bekker, Immanuel, ed. Nicetas Choniates: Historiae Byzantinae. Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Bonn, 1835. Events around AD 1204.

Bekker, Immanuel, ed. Ioannes Skylitzes: Historiae Byzantinae. Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Bonn, 1839.

Bekker, Immanuel, ed. Georgios Cedrenus: Historiae Byzantinae. Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Bonn, 1839. Capture of Bari, 722.

Bekker, Immanuel, ed. Nicephorus Gregoras: Historiae Byzantinae. Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Bonn, 1855. For Russian Church and Metropolitan Kiril, cf Guilland.

Beldiceanu, N. HD 846 .5 B44; DR 39 B44; DR 27 A8 B4

Beldiceanu, N., ed. Actes de Mehmed II et de Bayezid du Ms Fonds turc ancien 39 de la B. N. de Paris. Paris: Mouton, 1960. DR 403 B4.

Beldiceanu, N., ed. Code de lois coutumières de Mehmed II. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1967. JN 9715 1967 A5. Text in old Turkish (dated ca 1500), intro, comment., table of content in French, but no translation of law code.

Beldiceanu, N. Recherche sur la ville ottomane au XV siècle: Etude et actes. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1973. Bits on slavery: see index. HT 147 T9 B44.

Belic, Aleksandar. «Ucesce sv. Save i njegove skole u stvaranju nove redakcije srpskih cirilickih spomenika.» Svetosavski zboornik. I. Srpska kraljevska akademija. 114 (1936). BX 719 S35 B4.

Bent, J. Theodore. «The Lords of Chios.» EHR 4 (1889) 467-480. How the fierce, cut-throat competition between Genoese and Venetian undermined the leadership and very structure of the Latin adventure in the Levant.

Benzo Bishop of Alba. MGH SS, 11. Letter to Heinrich re: Normans of Sicily, 616, 616f. See Giesebrecht.

Berardus of Naples, papal notary. See Delisle.

Berchem, Max van. «Notes sur les croisades.» JA 9th series 19 (1902) 385-456. Re Röhricht.

Bertonière, Gabriel. The Historical Development of the Easter Vigil and Related Services in the Greek Church. Ph.D. Dissertation, Rome, 1970. Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 193. Rome, 1972. BX 101 O7. Biblio. For the original of Stavrou, 43, see 5n34 and 15. Bring letter opener to library, pages uncut.

Bertrand, S. La tapisserie de Bayeux. Bayeux, 1966.

Bertrandon de la Broquière. Le voyage d'outremer. Re: the mines of Novo Brdo.

Bezobrazov, P. V. «Ne izdannyi brachnyi dogovor Mikhaila Duki c Robertom Gviskarom.» Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosveshchniia. Otd., 2. 265 (Sept 1889) 23-31. MICR.

Birnbaum, Henrik. «Byzantine Tradition Transformed: The Old Serbian Vita.» Aspects of the Balkans: Continuity and Change. The Hague: Mouton, 1972. 243-284. Not in the classical tradition.

Birnbaum, Henrik. «Trends and Traditions in Medieval Serbian Bio­graphy.» Slavic Poetics: Essays in Honor of Kiril Tara­novsky. The Hague: Mouton, 1973. 41-48. PG 3041 S5. HX

Birnbaum, Henrik. «Serbian Models in the Literature and Literary Language of Medieval Russia.» Slavic and East European Journal. 23 (1979) 1-13. HX.

Bizilli, P. «The Version of Novgorod of the Fourth Crusade.» Istoricheskiia Izvestiia. 3, 4 (1916).

Blancard, Louis. «Le besant d'or sarrazinas pendant les croisades.» 151-188. Offprint of lecture 4 Nov 1879. CJ 1247 B5. Source? Check Journal asiatique, WorldCat.

Bloch, H. «Monte Cassino, Byzantium and the West.» DOP 3 (1946) 165-224.

Boase, T. S. R. «The Arts in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute. 2 (1938/39) 1-21. AS 122 L8515.

Bodnar, Edward W. «Ciriaco's Cycladic Diary.» In Ciriaco d'Ancona e la cultura antiqua dell'umanesimo: Congress at Ancona 1992. Ed. Gianfranco Paci and Sergio Sconocchia. Isonzo: Diabasis, 1998. 49-68. CC 115 C57 C57. Bibliography.

Böhlig, Gertrud. Untersuchungen zum rhetorischen Sprachgebrauch der Byzantiner mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schriften des Michael Psellos. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1956. Roba PA 1056 B64.

Bogdanovic, Dimitrije. «Prolosko zitije svetog Simeona.» Prilozi KJIF. 42 (1976) 9-19. PG 1203 M35 A2.

Bogdanovic, Dimitrije. «Jos jedan prilog istrazivanju proloskog zitija svetog Simeona.» Zbornik Matice srpske za knjizevnost i jezik. 2 (1976) 391-393. PG 1203 M35 A2.

Bogdanovic, Dimitrije. «L'évolution des genres dans la littérature serbe du XIIIe siècle.» In Byzance et les Slaves: Etudes de civilisation. Mélanges Ivan Dujcev. Ed: Suzy Dufrenne. Paris: Association des amis des études archéologiques des mondes byzantino-slaves et de christianisme oriental, 1979. 40-58. DF 531 B85.

Bogdanovic, Dimitrije. Istorija stare srpske knjizevnosti. Volume 1 of Istorija srpske knjizevnosti. PG 1401 I88. Rev: Michel Aubin RES 56 (1984) 477-480.

Bogdanovic, Dimitrije. Istorija stare srpske knjizevnosti. 2nd edition. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1991. HCopy.

Boissonade, Jean François, ed. Anecdota Graeca. 5 vols. Paris, 1829-1833; reprint Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1982. PA 5171 B6.

Bojovic, Bosko I. L'idéologie monarchique de l'Etat dans les hagio-biographies dynastiques du moyen âge serbe. Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 248. Rome, 1995. BX 101 07. Abstract RES 63 (1991) 837-843.

Bolton, Brenda. «For the See of Simon Peter: The Cistercians at Innocent III's Nearest Frontier.»

Bolton, Brenda. «Too Important to Neglect: The Gesta Innocentii PP III.»

Bolton, Brenda. «A Mission to the Orthodox? The Cistercians in Romania.»

Bolton, Brenda. Innocent III: Studies on Papal Authority and Pastoral Care. Aldershot: Variorum, 1995. BX 1236 B65.

Bon, Antoine. Le Péloponnèse byzantin. Paris: PUF, 1951. DF 552 B6.

Bon, Antoine. La Morée franque. Paris, 1969.

Bongars, J., ed. Secreta Fidelium Crucis. Vol 2 of Gesta Dei par Francos. Hannover, 1611. Sanudo.

Bopp, Franz. For biography, see Lefmann.

Bopp, Franz. «Ueber das Albanesische in seinen verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen.» Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philos-hist Klasse. 1854:459-549. AS 182 B343. Reprint 1972.

Bopp, Franz. Analytical Comparison of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic languages, shewing the original identity of their grammatical structure. Date? Reprint Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1974. P 649 B6.

Bopp, Franz. Kleine Schriften zur vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft. Leipzig: Zentralantiquariat, 1972. P 27 B63. Anastatic reproduction retains earlier pagination.

Bopp, Franz. A Comparative Grammar of IE. 1862. PK 663 A2 B6.

Bornert, René. Les commentaires byzantins de la divine liturgie. Archives de l'Orient chrétien, 9. Paris: Institut français des études byzantines, 1966. PIMS BQX 5803 A7. Icones.

Bozic, I. «Ekonomski i drustveni razvitaz Dubrovnika u XIV-XV veku.» Istoriski glasnik. 1 (1949) 50.

Bradley, Heith R. «The problem of Slavery in Classical Culture.» Classical Philology. 92 (1997) 273-282.

Brand, Charles M. «A Byzantine Plan for the Fourth Crusade.» Speculum 43 (1968) 462-475. Chrysoberges. HC.

Bratianu, Georges I. «Le thème de Bulgarie et la chronologie de l'anonyme hongrois.» Acta Historica (Dacoromania). 10 (1972) 105-112. D6 A3.

Bresc, Henri. Un monde méditerranéen: économie et société en Sicile, 1300-1450. BEFAR, 262. 2 vols. 1986. HC 307 S5 B74 PIMS and Roba.

Brightman, Frank Edward. Eastern Liturgies. Vol 1 of Liturgies Eastern and Western. Oxford: Clarendon, 1896. BV 186 H35. Text of Cherubicon, 377.

Brock, Sebastian P. «The Thrice-holy hymn in the liturgy.» Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review). 7,2 (1985) 24-34, plate of Pantokrator at Suzdal. SMC PER.

Brown, Horatio F. «The Venetians and the Venetian Quarter in Constantinople in the Close of the Twelfth Century.» JHS 40 (1920) 68-88. Venetian competition with Normans for Byzantine territories; Venetian intrusion in Jerusalem causes rift with Byzantium.

Brown, Horatio F. Studies in the history of Venice. Date? DG 676 B89.

Brun, Robert. «A 14th century Merchant of Italy: Francesco Datini of Prato.» Journal of Economic and Business History. 2 (1929-30) 451-466. OLD CLASS 9th floor.

Brun, Robert. «Le Commerce d'objet d'art en France et principalement à Avignon à la fin du XIVe siècle.» BEC 95 (1934) 327-346.

Brun, Robert. «Le Commerce d'armes à Avignon au XIVe siècle.» BEC 109 (1951) 209-231. Métallurgie, caravanes de mulets.

Brun, Robert. «Les archives de Datini à Prato.» MEFR 40 (1923) 103-113.

Bruno. Life of Peter of Agnani. AASS. Sent by Alexander II to meet Michael Parapinakes.

Bryennius, Nicephorus. History. See Gautier.

Buchon, Jean Alexandre C. Nouvelles recherches historiques sur la principauté française de Morée et ses hautes baronnies fondées à la suite de la quatrième croisade, pour servir de complément aux éclaircissements historiques, généalogiques et numismatiques sur la principauté française de Morée.

Buchon, Jean Alexandre C. Chronique de la prise de Constantinople et de l'établissement des François en Morée écrite en vers politiques par un auteur anonyme dans les premières années du XIVe siècle et traduite pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits grecs inédits. Paris: Verdière e Cariz, 1825. HF .C B921c #47. Includes «Chronique de Morée» by Guillaume de Champlitte.

Buchon, Jean Alexandre C. Histoire de l'Empire de Constantinople sous les empereurs français jusqu'à la conquête des Turcs. By Charles Du Fresne, sieur Du Cange [1610-1688]. 2 vols. Paris: Verdières et Cariz, 1826. HF .C B921c #46, #48.

Buchon, Jean Alexandre C. Chronique de la prise de Constantinople par les Francs, suivie de la continuation d'après les mémoires de Henri de Valenciennes. By Geoffroi de Villehardouin [d. ca 1212]. Paris: Verdière, 1828. HF .C B921c # 45. Also includes: «Discours de Nicétas Choniates sur les monuments détruits ou mutilés par les croisés en 1204» 323-338. Mouskes, Philippe «Chroniques métriques de la Conquête de Constantinople par les Francs» 339-405 [mispaginated 305].

Buchon, Jean Alexandre C. Recherches et matériaux pour servir à une histoire de la domination française. Paris, 1840.

Buchon, Jean Alexandre C. Chroniques étrangères relatives aux expéditions françaises pendant le XIIIe siècle.

Buchon, Jean Alexandre C. Series title: Collection des chroniques nationales françaises écrites en langue vulgaire du 13me au 16me siècle: avec notes et éclaircissements. Paris 1824‑28. 48 vols, unmatched set, vol # part of shelf mark, not of edition. HF .C B921c.

Bühler, W. «Zu Manuel Straboromanos.» BZ 62 (1969) 237-242.

Bünemann, Richard. «L'assedio di Bari, 1068-1071: Una difficile vittoria per Roberto il Guiscardo.» Quaderni medievali. 27 (1989) 39-68. HX. «I marinai saranno stati Greci o Illiri...» (59). Cites Amato V,xxvii, p. 253; Guillaume de Pouille, III,vv. 113-116, p. 170. Check sources and sort out these Illyrians.

Burkitt, Francis Crawford. «The Early Syriac Lectionary System.» Proceedings of the British Academy. 10 (1921/23) 301-338. AS 122 L5. Notes with Cherubicon.

Burkitt, Francis Crawford. «The Old Lectionary of Jerusalem.» Journal of Theological Studies. 24 (1922/23) 415-424. VUEM, everywhere but Robarts.

Burr, M., tr. «The Code of Stephan Dusan.» Slavonic and East European Review. 28 (1949-1950) 198-217; 516-539.

Bury, John Bagnell. «The Lombards and Venetians in Euboia.» JHS 7 (1886) 330.

Bury, John Bagnell. «Roman Emperors from Basil II to Isaac Comnenos.» EHR 4 (1889) 251-285. Psellus.

Bury, John Bagnell. «The Treatise De Administrando Imperio.» Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 15 (1906) 518-577; 19 (1910) 12 . . . . «doulikôs hypotetagmenos». Gross error, needs rectification.

Busquet, R.. and Régine Pernoud. Histoire du commerce de Marseille. Paris: Plon, 1949. DC 801 M36 B8.

Busse, Heribert. Jerusalemer Heiligtumstradition in altkirchilicher und frühislamischen Zeit. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1987. DS 109.28 B87.

Butterfield, Herbert. The Whig interpretation of History. 1931. Reprint New York: Norton, 1965. D 13 B8 Roba. «history is the study not of origins but of mediations» (58).

Byrne, Eugene Hugh. Genoese Shipping in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. 1970. HF 414 B88.

Byrne, Eugene Hugh. «The Genoese Colonies in Syria.» In Crusades and Other Historical essays presented to Dana C. Munro by his Former Students. Ed: Louis John Paetow. New York: Crofts, 1928. 139-157. D 6 C7. Opens with captatio benevolentiae: «departure... in consequence of the successful preaching of Urban II's two bishops...» (139) and closes with «A chapter in the history of colonial expansion and commercial penetration had been written.» (482) Indeed... but not a single page on missionary work.

Cabanes, Pierre. Review of Wilkes, Illyrians. Revue archéologique. (1993) 405f. Sweetheart review by another pro-Albanian propagandist. Assumes that Anna Comnena's Arbanitai were the Shiptar, whereas Byzantine sources applies this name to Slavic-speaking people.

Cabanes, Pierre. Passions albanaises. Paris, 1999. DR 941 C33. See ema.bib for more by this disingenuous author.

Cahen, C. «La campagne de Manzikert d'après les sources musulmanes.» Byzantion 9 (1934) 613-62.

Canak-Medic, M., and Dj. Boskovic. Arhitektura Nemanjog doba. 1986.

Canard, M. «La guerre sainte dans le monde islamique et dans le monde chrétien.» Revue africaine. 79 (1936) 605-623. DT 271 R???.

Canart, P. «Nouveaux inédits de Michel Psellos.» REByz. 25 (1967) 54ff.

Caracciolo, Alberto. Le port franc d'Ancône: Croissance et impasse d'un milieu marchand au XVIIIe siècle. Ecole pratique des hautes études, 9. Paris: SEVPEN, 1965. HF 3590 A6 C3. Mentions trade with Ottoman Albania.

Chabot, Jean Baptiste. Manuscrits syriaques conservés par la bibliothèque du Patriarcat grec. Paris: 1894. Z 6605 S9 C53. Liturgical mss.

Chabot, J. B., ed., tr. «Histoire de Mar Jabalaha III, patriarche des Nestoriens (1281-1317), et du moine Rabban Çauma, ambassadeur du roi Argoun en Occident (1287).» Revue de l'Orient Latin. 2 (1894) 82-87.

Chabot, Jean-Baptiste, ed. Chronique de Michel le Syrien, Patriarche jacobite d'Antioche (1166-1189). Vol 4: Texte syriaque. 1910; reprint Paris: Culture et Civilisation, 1963. BR 161 M534.

Chabot, Jean Baptiste. Basile de Choumna. CSCO, Scriptores Syri, 15. 1917.

Chabot, Jean Baptiste. «Edesse pendant la première croisade.» CRAI 1918:431-442. Matthew of Edessa.

Chabot, Jean Baptiste. Basile de Choumna. CSCO, Scriptores Syri, 14. 1920.

Chalandon, F. Histoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sicile. Paris, 1907; reprint New York, 1969.

Champollion-Figeac, J.-J., ed. Chronique de Robert Viscart et de ses frères. Paris, 1835.

Charanis, Peter. «On the Question of the Hellenization of Sicily and Southern Italy during the Middle Ages.» American Historical Review. 52 (1946/47) 74-86.

Charanis, Peter. «The Monastic Properties and the State in the Byzantine Empire.» DOP 4 (1948) 51-119.

Charanis, Peter. «Byzantium, the West and the Origin of the First Crusade.» Byzantion 19 (1949) 17-36.

Charanis, Peter. «Piracy in the Aegean during the Reign of Michael VIII Paleologus.» Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'histoire orientales et slaves. Mélanges Henri Grégoire. 10 (1950) 127-136. PJ 4 B7. Repr 1973.

Charanis, Peter. «The Armenians in the Byzantine Empire.» Byzantinoslavica 22 (1961) 196-240.

Charanis, Peter. Social Economic, and Political Life in the Byzantine Empire. London: Variorum, 1973.

Cheynet, Jean-Claude. «Du stratège de thème au duc (XIe siècle).» Travaux et Mémoires. 9 (1985) 181-194. HX, file on Ill. Topogr.

Chauffier, [Abbé]. «Lettre inédite d'Innocent III du 12 mai 1200.» BEC 33 (1872) 595-605.

Chibnall, M., ed. Ordericus Vitalis: Historia ecclesiastica. Oxford, 1969.

Chomatenos, Demetrios. Analecta Sacra et Classica. Ed. J. B. Pitra. Rome, 1981. Vol. 6. BR 160 A1 P57, HXp.

Chrestou, P., ed. Nicetas Stethatos: Opuscula. Niketa Stethatou mystika suggram­mata. Thessaloniki, 1957.

Ciggaar, K. N. «L'émigration anglaise à Byzance après 1066.» REB 32 (1974) 301f.

Cirkovic, Sima M. Srednjovekovna srpska drzave: izabrani izvori. Zagreb: Skolska Knjiga, 1959. DR 336 C57.

Cirkovic, Sima M. Istorija srednjovekovne bosanske drzave. Belgrade, 1964.

Cohn, W. Die Geschichte der normannisch-sicilischen Flotte, 1060-1154. Breslau, 1910.

Colin, Jean. Cyriaque d'Ancône: Le voyageur, le marchand, l'humaniste. Paris: Maloine, 1981. CC 115 C57 C6. Contains 75 ills (some by Cyriacus), and maps. Chronological table 561-599. Noël à Butrinto, 159. «Ciriaco passe l'hiver 1430-1431 à Andrinople, centre de la puissance ottomane en Thrace [...] Ciriaco remarque une jeune esclave, épirote comme l'indique son nom (Chaonia), que les Turcs, au cours d'une razzia dans les Balkans, avaient ramenée avec eux sous les coups [...] Il achète Chaonia... pour l'arracher aux griffes des barbares. En fait, il se livrait certainement lui-même à ce trafic» (54f).

Comnena, Anna. See Leib, Sewter.

Corovic, Vladimir, ed. Spisi sv. Save. Spomenici na srpskom jeziku, 17: Dela starih srpskih pisaca. Belgrade and Karlovci: Srpska monastirska stamparija, 1928. BX 715 S3. Edition of several texts by St. Sava or attributed to him, including the Life of St. Simeon, and the Liturgy in his honour.

Corovic, Vladimir. Sveta gora i Hilandar do sesnaestog veka. Belgrade; Hilander, 1985. BX 385 A82 C54.

Corovic, Vladimir. Scripta minora: Neobjavljeni rukopisi. Valjevo: Valjevska stampa, 1998. DR 1961 C67.

Couret, . «Jérusalem.» Revue de l'Orient chrétien. 2 (1897) 163.

Cowdrey, H. E. J. «The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.» History. 57 (1972) 228-234. D1 H815. Review article, see Prower 1969.

Cremosnik, Gregor, ed. Kancelariski i notariski spisi 1278-1301. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences, 1931.

Cremosnik, Gregor. «Pravni polozaj naseg roblja u Srednjem veku.» GZM NS 2 (1947) 69-74.

Cremosnik, Gregor, ed. Spisi dubrovacke kancelarije. Zagreb: Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Art, 1951.

Cremosnik, Gregor. «Die serbische diplomatische Minuskel.» Studien zur älteren Geschichte Osteuropas: Wiener Archiv für Geschichte des Slawentums und Osteuropas. (1959) 103-115. DR 2 S75. Check title.

Cremosnik, Gregor. «Srpska diplomatska minuskula.» Slovo 13 (1963) 119-136. PG 1 S65.

Critoboulos. On the Mines of Serbia.

Cuk, Ruza. Srbija i Venecija u XIII i XIV veku. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1986. DR 1976 I8 C85 Pims. Commerce.

Curcic, Slobodan. «The Nemanjic Family Tree in the Light of the Ancestral Cult in the Church of Joachim and Anna at Studenica.» ZRVI 14/15 (1973) 191-196.

Curcic, Slobodan, ed. Art and Architecture: Bibliography. 1984. Z 5961 B28 C87.

Curcic, Slobodan, ed. The Twilight of Byzantium. 1991. NX 449 T85. Congress.

Çurita, Geronymo [Zurita]. Chronicle of Aragon. 1585. DP 302 A67 B53. Sirsi.print. Cited Radojcic, 224f, for autocephaly of Serbia.
Cyriacus of Ancona [1391-1452]. Ciriaco of Ancona, Ciriaco d'Ancona, Cyriacus Anconitanus. Also known as Pizzicolli. See Bodnar, Colin, Essen.

Cyriacus of Ancona. Epigrammata reperta per Illyricum a Cyriaco Anconitano apud Liburniam. Epigramma Iaderae prope maritima Ciuitatis mulieris, in quo Tubicen ille aequorei Numinis . . . Rome: C. Moroni, 1664. Copies in British Museum, London University, Warburg Institute. Available on Microfilm from British Mesum Photographic Service.

da Musca, G. «L'espansione urbana di Bari nel secolo XI.» Quaderni medievali. 2 (1976) 65.

Dain, Alphonse. «Le partage du butin de guerre d'après les traités juridiques et militaires.» Actes du VIe congrès international d'études byzantines, Paris 1948. Paris: Ecole des hautes études, 1950. I:347-354.

Dalton, Ormonde Maddock. Byzantine Art and Archaeology. 1911; reprint Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961. N 6250 D2. P. 544, fig 329 for Stephen Radoslav. Also for Prasinos.

Dalton, Ormonde Maddock. Catalogue of the Finger Rings, Early Christian, Byzantine, Teutonic, medieval and later, bequeathed by Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks, K. C. B. London: British Museum, 1912. NK 7442 L6 B7. «Rings were worn over gloves especially by eclesiastics, but also by other persons. Pictures in the National Gallery illustrate the custom» (xxv). Radoslav.

Dalton, Ormonde Maddock. East Christian Art: A Survey of the Monuments. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1925. N 6250 D25.

Damascius the Syrian. 3 vols. 1965. Roba B 557 D23 G34.

Danicic, Djuro, ed. Zivoti kraljeva i arhiepiskopa srpskih. Zagreb, 1866; reprint London, 1972. DR 316 D34.

Danicic, Djuro. «Hvalov rukopis.» Starine jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. 3 (1871) . Volume not here.

Danicic, Djuro. Nikolska jevandjelje. Belgrade, 1864.

Danicic, Djuro, ed. «Apokalipsa iz Hvalov rukopisa.» Starine jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. 4 (1872) 86-109.

Darrouzès, Jean. «Notes de littérature et de critique. I. Nicétas d'Héraclée ho tou Serron.» REB 18 (1960) 179-194. HX.

Darrouzès, Jean, ed. Tornikès, Georges et Démétrios. Lettres et discours. Paris: CNRS, 1970. PA 5385 T6, HF.

Darrouzès, Jean, ed. Notitiae Episcopatuum Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae. Paris: Institut français des études byzantines, 1981. Roba and Pims.

Day, Peter D. The Liturgical Dictionary of Eastern Christianity. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1993. Roba and SMCR BX 106.2 D38.

De Bartholomaeis, V., ed. Amato di Montecassino: Storia de' Normanni volgarizzata in antico francese. FSI, 76. Rome, 1935. DG . . .

Delaborde, H.-François. Chartes de Terre Sainte provenant de N.-D. de Josaphat. BEFAR, 19. Paris: Thorin, 1880.

Delaville le Roux, J. La Rance en Orient au XIVe siècle: Expéditions du Maréchal Boucicaut. 2 vols. BEFAR, 44-45. Paris, 1886. Covers AD 1290-1408, see Sanudo. «Comment espérer qu'au moment de la catastrophe qui chasse les Chrétiens de Terre Sainte [la perte de Saint Jean d'Acre en 1291], il [Raymond Lull] fera prévaloir les conseils de la modération, et comprendre qu'on doit renoncer à la voie des armes, créer des monastères où l'on enseignera les langues orientales, et fonder des écoles de propagande?» (44:28).

Delbrück, . From Smail. «It was Delbrück's opinion that the principles of strategy could not be applied to crusading warfare, because the Crusades were born of mystical rather than political motives.»

Delisle, Léopold. «Mémoire sur les actes d'Innocent III.» BEC 19 (1857) 1-73. «Règles pour ne pas confondre les actes d'Innocent III avec les actes d'Innocent II et d'Innocent IV.» 60-68.

Delisle, Léopold. «Lettres inédites d'Innocent III.» BEC 37 (1873) 397-419. P. 408ff letters re: CPL, Montferrat, Thessaloniki.

Delisle, Léopold. «Notice sur cinq manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale, et sur un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de Bordeaux, contenant des recueils épistolaires de Bérard de Naples.» Notices des manuscrits. 27,2 (1877). Offprint, Author's presentation copy to E. M. Thompson, at RBSC 1 E-10/2722. Berardus of Naples.

Delisle, Léopold, ed. Nouveau recueil des lettres d'Innocent III.

Deloche, Max. «Le port de l'anneau dans l'antiquité romaine et dans les premiers siècles du moyen âge.» Mémoires de l'Institut national des inscriptions et belles-lettres. 35 (1896) 169-280.

Delort, Robert. «Un aspect du commerce vénitien.» Le moyen-âge. 71 (1965) 29-70; 247-273.

Demus, Otto. «Probleme byzantinischer Kuppel-Darstellung.» In Studies in Byzantium, Venice and the West. 2 vols. London: Pindar, 1998. 1:139-149. N 6250 D458.

Devresse, Robert. «Les anciens évêchés de Palestine.» Mémorial Lagrange. Paris: Librarie Lecoffre, 1940. 217-227. Roba BS 413 M475; SMC BS 487 L2.

Diehl, Charles. «L'histoire et les monuments en Bosnie-Herzégovine.» In La Bosnie et l'Herzégovine. Ed: . . . Paris: A. Colin, [1901]. 59-82. DR 1660 B68.

Dieten, Jan Louis van. Geschichte der griechischen Patriarchen von Konstantinopel. Amsterdam: A.M. Hakkert, 1972. BX 410 D54 v 4.

Dinic, Mihailo J. «Prilozi za istoriju vatrenog oruzja u Dubrovniku i susednim zemljama.» Glas Srpske kraljevske akademije. 83/161 (1934) 55-97.

Dinic, Mihailo J. «Odluke veca dubrovacke republike.» Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i knjizevnost srpskog naroda. 15 (1951) 1380-1383. Bombards.

Dinic, Mihailo J. Za istoriju rudarstva u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji i Bosni. Belgrade: SANU, 1955.

Dinic, Mihailo J. «Za hronologiju Dusanovih osvojanja byzantiskih gradova.» ZRVI 4 (1956) 1-11.

Dinic, Mihailo J. « . . . .» Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i knjizevnost srpskog naroda. 17 (1957).

Dinic, Mihailo J. «Domentijan i Teodosije.» Prilozi KJIF. 25 (1959) 5-12.

Dinic, Mihailo J. «Spanski najamnici u srpskoj sluzbi.» ZRVI 6 (1960) 15-28.

Dinic, Mihailo J. « . . . .» Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i knjizevnost srpskog naroda. 20 (1963).

Dinic, Mihailo J. «Iz Dubrovackog arhiva.» Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i knjizevnost srpskog naroda. 22 (1967) 5-236. DR 303 S7. «Gradja o trgovini robljem» 5-180. «Gradja o patarenima» 181-220. «Acta consiliorum de Patarenis» 221-236. Check for Bulgarian raids under Asen.

Dinic, Mihailo J. Humsko-trebinjska vlastela. DB 242 D55.

Dinic, Mihailo J. Srpske zemlje u srednjem veku: istorijsko-geografske studije. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1978. DR 336 D56. Biblio.

Dinic-Knezevic, Dusanka. Dubrovnik i Ugarska u srednjem veku. Novi Sad: 1986. Pims DR 1546 H9 D5.

Dizdar, Mak. Stari bosanski tekstovi. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1969. PG 1417 B6 D5.

Djuric, Ivan. «Théophylacte d'Achrida sous la tente d'Aaron.» ZRVI 27/28 (1989) 69-91.

Djuric, J., and R. Ivanisevic. «Jevandjelje Divosa.» ZRVI 7 () 153-160.

Djuricic, Milutin. «Albanian Voivodes of Serbian Medieval Monasteries.» Anali Pravnog Fakulteta. 42 (1994) 369-387. K B4297 A6.

Dmitrievsky, Aleksei Afanasievich. «Tipika: Addenda et Corrigenda.» Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii. 35 (1896) 527-545. BX T783 MICR mfe g.

Dmitrievsky, Aleksei Afanasievich. Opisanie liturgicheskikh rukopisei khranjashchikhsia v bibliotekakh pravoslavnago vostoka. 3 vols. Kiev, 1901; reprint Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1965. Pims BX 350 A2 D6; MUSI BX 350 A2 D6. Cherubicon, 2:471.

Dmitrievsky, Aleksei Afanasievich. «Drevneishii Khilandarski Sinaksar po ustavu Ierusalimskomu.» Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii. 2 (1905) 473-493.

Dmitrievsky, Aleksei Afanasievich. Drevneishie patriarshie tipikony: Sviatogrobskii Ierusalimskii i Velikoi Konstantinopol'skoi Tserkvi. Kiev, 1907. Mark of Otranto, 63.

Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaia, Olga Antonovna [O. Dobiache-Rozdestvensky 1874-1939]. The Epoch of the Crusades: The West in the Crusading Movement. Petrograd, 1918. In Russian. Other works on the West, but not this one.

Dodu, Gaston Jacques. Histoire des institutions monarchiques dans le royaume latin de Jérusalem 1099-1291. Paris: Hachette, 1894. D 182 D6. See my notes on Smail. Patriarch Eracles, 322; citations: Ernoul, chap VIII, p. 86, 87; Mar. San. liv. III, pars VI, Chapt xxiv, p. 172. «l'Eglise latine, loin de mettre sa force morale au service de la monarchie, sépara ses intérêts de ceux du trône et eut l'ambition de former un Etat dans l'Etat.» (307) «Le clergé était le plus grand propriétaire du royaume.» (311) «malgré sa richesse, [l'Eglise] ne contribua qu'en de très faibles proportions à la défense du royaume» (318).

Dölger, Franz, ed. Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des Oströmischen Reiches. 1. Teil: Regesten von 565-1026. 2. Teil: Regesten von 1025-1204. 3. Teil: Regesten von 1204-1282. Munich and Berlin, 1924-1932.

Dölger, Franz. «Anulus pronubus.» Antike und Christentum. 5 (1936) 188-206. Pims BR 128 A2 A5. Rings.

Domentijan. PG 705 D6 A6.

Dondaine, A. Un traité néo-manichéen du XIIIe siècle. Rome, 1939.

Doorninck, Frederick H. van, Jr. «An 11th century shipwreck at Serçe Liman, Turkey: 1978-81.» The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration. 11 (1982) 7-11. CC 1 I62.

Dorez, L., and Charles de la Roncière. «Lettres inédites et mémoires de Marino Sanudo l'Ancien.» Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes. 56 (1895) 21-44.

Douglas, D. C. The Norman Achievement, 1050-1100. London, 1969.

Downey, Glanville. «The Christian Schools of Palestine: A chapter in literary history.» Harvard Library Bulletin. 12 (1958) 297-319. Z 881 H 3385. Education.

Dragojlovic, D. «Jereticke crkve Dalmatiae i Sclavoniae.» Balcanica 12 (1981) 27-38.

Dragojlovic, D. «Zbornik Krstjana Hvala i problem crkve bosanske.» Balcanica 13-14 (1982-83) 73-84.

Dragojlovic, D. «Sizmaticki popovi [...] u Bosni.» Balcanica 16-17 (1985-86) 43-56.

Dragojlovic, D. «Hijerarhija crkve bosanske.» Balcanica 15 (1984) 55-68.

Dragojlovic, D. «Archevêché d'Ohrid dans la hiérarchie des grandes églises chrétiennes.» Balcanica 22 (1991) 43-56.

Draskovic, Cedomir S. «Die kirchliche Ausbildung der Serben zur Zeit der Nemanjicen.» Ostkirchliche Studien. 8 (1959) 230-239. BX 100 0765 Red Apex.

Drinov, Marin Stepanovich. «O nekotorykh trudakh Dimitriia Khomatiana kak istoricheskom materiale.» Vizantiiskii Vremennik. 1 (1894) 319-340; 2 (1895) 1-23.

Drinov, Marin Stepanovich. Collected Works, see Zlatarsky. DR 55 D75.

Dubrovnik chronicles. Diplomatarium Ragusianum. Roba DB 879 R257; Pims DR 1645 D8 J84.

Ducange, . Appendix. Under «proximos» quote from Nicetas of Heracleia.

Duchataux, V. Eustathe, Archevêque de Thessalonique: Sa vie, ses oeuvres, son histoire du siège et de la prise de Thessalonique par les Normands siciliens. Travaux de l'Académie nationale de Reims, 108. Reims, 1902. Periodical, WCat: 5 listings, offprint at Dumbarton Oaks.

Ducellier, Alain. «Note sur l'île de Sazan (Saseno) du XIIIème au XVème siècle.» Byzantinische Forschungen. 5 (1977) 17-25. Butrint.

Ducellier, Alain. La Façade maritime de l'Albanie au moyen âge: Durazzo et Valona du XIe au XVe siècle. Ecole pratique des hautes études, 13. Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1981. DR 955 D8. «la Macédoine albanaise (régions de Prizren, Pristina, Dibra)» (xi).

Ducellier, Alain. «Albania, Serbia and Bulgaria.» In The New Cambridge Medieval History. Vol 5: C. 1198-c. 1300. Ed: David Abulafia. Cambridge UP, 1999. 779-795. D 117 N48. Rev: Bachrach 1999.

Duchesne, Louis. «L'Illyricum ecclésiastique.» BZ 1 (1892) 531-550.

Duchesne, Louis. «Le provincial romain au XII siècle.» MEFRA 24 (1904) 75-123. D11 E4. Dioclia, 82. Calixte II et les Nemanjides «on peut conclure que la liste est du temps de Calixte II, et plus précisément, du commencement (1119) de son pontificat» (87).

Dujcev, Ivan, ed. «Innocentii III epistolae ad Bulgariae historiam spectantes.» Godishnik na Sofiiskiia Universitet, Ist.-Fil. Fak. (Annuaire de l'université de Sofia, Fac. hist.-phil.) 38 (1942) no 9:30-1; 16:44-6. Includes facsimile.

Dujcev, Ivan. «Le grand tournant historique de l'an 1204.» ZRVI 16 (1975) 63-68.

Dulaurier, E., tr. «Extrait de la chronique de Michel le Syrien.» JA 12 (1848) 281-334; 13 (1849) 315-375.

Dulaurier, E., tr. Matthieu d'Edesse. In Bibliothèque historique arménienne.

Dulaurier, E., tr. Extrait de la chronique de Michel le Syrien. In volume 1 of Recueil des Historiens des Croisades: Historiens orientaux des Croisades. D 151 R312 folio.

Duncalf, Frederic. «The Pope's Plan for the First Crusade.» In Crusades and Other Historical essays presented to Dana C. Munro by his Former Students. Ed: Louis John Paetow. New York: Crofts, 1928. 44-56. D 6 C7. Urban II's 1095 propaganda.

Durham, Edith. High Albania. Delirious propaganda. See Barnes 18 for comment by her: «Durazzo and . . . have never, I believe, figured as large trade ports» (30). Also writes: the Albanians «each time burst loose and regained their independence.» (29).

Dvornik, Francis. «Quelques données sur les Slaves extraites du tome IV Novembris des Acta Sanctorum.» Byzantinoslavica. 1 (1929) 35-47. Gratia, Tryphon, Michael of Alexandria.

E., A. J. «Vlachs.» In Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Chicago, 1892. 24:268-270. HX.

Eberhardt, . «Letters of Psellus.» Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. 3 (1877) 550-551. Roba PA 3 J3 Gerstein.

Edbury, Peter W. «The Ibelin Counts of Jaffa: A previously unknown passage from the Lignages d'Outremer.» EHR 89 (1974) 604-610. Repr 1999.

Edbury, Peter W. «John of Ibelin's Title to the County of Jaffa and Ascalon.» EHR 98 (1983) 115-133. Repr 1999.

Edbury, Peter W. John of Ibelin and the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1997. D 181 G56 E33. Rev: Hamilton.

Edbury, Peter W. Kingdoms of the Crusaders: From Jerusalem to Cyprus. Aldershot, Hants: Variorum, 1999. D 176 E33.

Edler, Florence. Glossary of Mediaeval Terms of Business. Italian series. 1200-1600. Cambridge, Mass.: . . . 1934. Roba, Pims HF 1002 E3.

Edson, C. F. «The Location of Cellae and the route of the Via Egnatia in Western Macedonia.» Classical Philology. 46 (1951) 1-16. PA 1 C66.

Egenolff, P. «Die orthographischen Stücke der byzantinischen Literatur.» Monograph? Article? Leipzig: Teubner, 1888. Niketas of Heracleia, 28-29.

Eickhoff, E. Seekrieg und Seepolitik zwischen Islam und Abendland, 650-1040. Berlin, 1966. EMA.bib.

Eraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem. Estoire d'Eracles. In vol 2 of RHC: Historiens occidentaux. D 151 R312 folio. For monastery of St. Sabas, 441, 443.

Ernoul. See Dodu.

Esposito, Mario. «Notes on the early history of the Mariner's Compass.» Geographical Journal. 52 (1918) 308-311.

Esposito, Mario. Itinerarium Symonis Semeonis ab Hybernia ad Terram sanctam. Dublin, 1960. D 975 S9.

Essen, C. C. van, ed. «Cyriaque d'Ancône en Egypte.» Mededeelingen der Koninklijke nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeling Letterkunde. 21,12 (1958) 291-306. AS 244 A52; also PIMS AA 8485 C63 C6. Editor of Strabo.

Estienne, J. «Une affiche d'indulgence de 1323.» BEC 24 (1923) 428-430. For Letopis PD: «Andreas Antibarensis archiepiscopus» (428).

Eustathius. Prise de Thessalonique. PG 136. See Hunger.

Falkenhausen, V. von. Untersuchungen über die byzantinische Herrschaft in Süditalien vom 9. bis ins 11. Jahrhundert. Schriften zur Geistesgeschichte des östlichen Europa, 1. Wiesbaden, 1967. DG 847.11 F3.

Fallmerayer, . Das albanesischen Element in Griechenland. Reprinted in Gesammelte Werke. 3 vols. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1970. DS 49 F3. Written at the time of negotiations over Berlin-Bagdad railway. Discredited by dialect studies, yet still treated as valid.

Faral, Edmond. «Geoffroy de Villehardoin: La question de la sincérité.» RH 177 (1936) 530-582.

Faral, Edmond, ed, tr. Chronique de la prise de Constantinople par les Francs par Geoffroi de Villehardouin. Paris 1938-39.

Farlati, Daniele. Illyricum Sacrum. 1751-1819. Pims mfm. Knin.

Favreau, Marie-Luise. «Die italienische Levant-Piraterie und die Sicherheit der Seewege nach Syrien im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert.» Vierteljahrschrift für Social und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. 65 (1978) 461-510. H5 V6. Definitions. First Christian pirates were the so-called Crusaders.

Federici, Vincenzo, ed. Chronicon vulturnense del monaco Giovanni. Fonti per la storia d'Italia, 58-60. 3 vols. Rome, 1925. Roba, PIMS DG 403 F7.

Fell, Christine. «Anglo Saxon emigration to Byzantium.» Anglo-Saxon England. 3 (1975) 179. DA 152 A6.

Ferjancic, Bozidar. «Les débuts du royaume de Salonique (1204-1209).» ZRVI Mélanges Ostrogorski. 101-116.

Ferjancic, Bozidar. «Rapports entre Grecs et Latins après 1204.» ZRVI 10 (1967) 171-176.

Ferjancic, Bozidar. «Notes sur la diplomatique byzantine.» ZRVI 10 (1967) 251-.

Ferjancic, Bozidar. «Avtokefalnost Srpske crkve i Ohridska arhiepiskopija.» In Sava Nemanjic - Sveti Sava: Istorija i predanje. Belgrade, 1979. 65-72. Pims BX 719 S35 M2.

Ferjancic, Bozidar. «Les états et les rapports internationaux.» In The 17th International Byzantine Congress: Major Papers. Washington DC, 1986. New York: ????, 1986. 639-668. DF 501.5 I57.

Ferjancic, Bozidar. «Srbija i vizantijski svet u prvoj polovini XIII veka (1204-1261).» ZRVI 27/28 (1989) 103-148.

Ferluga, Jadran. Vizantiska uprava u Dalmaciji. Belgrade; Naucno delo, 1957. DG 59 D4 F4.

Ferluga, Jadran. Untersuchungen zur Byzantinischen Provinzverwaltung: VI-XIII Jahrhundert. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1992. DF 553 F53.

Ficker, G. «Eine Sammlung von Abschwörungsformeln.» ZKG 27 (1906) 443-464. VUEM.

Fine, John V. A., Jr. The Bosnian Church. New York: Eastern European Quarterly, 1975. Roba BR 967 B67 F56. Hysterical.

Fine, John V. A., Jr. The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth century to the Ottoman conquest. Ann Arbour: U of Michigan P, 1987. NOT critical.

Fink, Harold S. «Fulcher of Chartres, historian of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Studies in Medieval Culture. 5 (1975) 53-60. CB 351 S83. Recruiting propaganda; ends in AD 1127.

Fletcher, R. A. «Three early Byzantine hymns and their place in the liturgy of the Church of Constantinople.» BZ 51 (1958) 53-65.

Florinskii, Timofei Dmitrievich. Iuzhnye Slaviane i Vizantiia vo vtoroi chetverti chetyrnadtsatogo vieka. ... DR 338 F54 Pims; Roba DR 338 / 1308 F54.

Folda, Jaroslav. «The Fourth Crusade, 1201-1204.» ByzSl. 26 (1965) 277-290.

Folda, Jaroslav. «Manuscripts of the History of Outremer by William of Tyre: A Handlist.» Scriptorium 27 (1973) 90-95.

Folda, Jaroslav. «Crusade.» Speculum 54 (1979) 621.

Folda, Jaroslav. «Images of Queen Melisende in the Manuscripts of William of Tyre's History of Outremer: 1250-1300.» Gesta 32 (1993) 97-112. N 6280 G4.

Folz, Robert. «La papauté médiévale vue par quelques-uns de ses historiens les plus récents.» Revue historique. 218 (1957) 32-67. Important pour Innocent III et les Némanjides. CR Caspar, Haller, p. 56 ssq.

Fortescue, A. «Cheroubicon.» DACL 3 (1913) 1281-1286.

Fotheringham, John K. «Genoa and the Fourth Crusade.» The English Historical Review. 25 (1910) 20-57. Italian pirates, slave traders and extortionists, ruthless competition undercuts any possibility of joint action.

Frazee, Charles A. «The Christian Church in Cilician Armenia: Its relations with Rome and Constantinople to 1198.» Church History. 45 (1976) 166-184.

Freeman, Edward Augustus. The History of Sicily. Oxford, 1891. DG 55 S5 F7.

Galántai, Elisabeth, and Julius Kristó, eds. Johannes de Thurocz: Chronica Hungarorum. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1985. DB 924 T46.

Gardasevic, B. «Kanonicnost sticanja autokefalnosti srpske crkve 1219 g.» In Sveti Sava: Spomenica povodom 800-godisnjice rodjenja. Belgrade, 1977. Where?

Gardner, A. The Lascarids of Nicaea: The Story of an Empire in Exile. London, 1922.

Garzya, Antonio. «Quattro epistole di Niceforo Basilace.» BZ 56 (1963) 228-233.

Gautier, Paul. «L'épiscopat de Théophylacte Héphaistos, archevêque de Bulgarie. Notes chronologiques et biographiques.» Revue des Etudes Byzantines. 21 (1963) 159-178.

Gautier, Paul, ed. «Un récit inédit du siège de Constantinople par les Turcs (1394-1402).» REB 23 (1965) 100-117.

Gautier, Paul. «Le dossier d'un haut fonctionnaire byzantin d'Alexis Ier Comnène, Manuel Straboromanos.» REB 23 (1965) 168-204.

Gautier, Paul, ed. Michel Italikos: Lettres et discours. Paris, 1972. PA 5319 M5G3, Hf, xerox.

Gautier, Paul, ed. Nicéphore Bryenne: Histoire. CFHB, 9. Brussels, 1975.

Gautier, Paul, ed., tr. Théophylacte d'Ohrid: Discours, traités, poésies. Thessaloniki, 1980. Roba: BX 659 T5 A2; Pims.

Gautier, Paul, ed., tr. Théophylacte d'Achrida: Correspondance. Series?... Thessaloniki: Association de recherches byzantines, 1986. Pims Sathas DF 503 C6, vol. 16,2.

Gavran, Ignacije. «Odlomak iz Beniceva Ljetopisa franjevackog samostana u kraljevoj sutjesci.» Godisnjak instituta za knjizevnost (Sarajevo). 6 (1977) 289-300.

Gay, Jules. «Notes sur la conservation du rite grec dans la Calabre et dans la terre d'Otrante au XIVe siècle: listes de monastères basiliens (d'après les archives du Vatican).» ByzZ 4 (1895) 59-66.

Gay, Jules. L'Italie méridionale et l'empire byzantin depuis l'avènement de Basile I jusqu'à la prise de Bari par les Normands (867-1071). BEFAR, 90. 2 vols, with folding map. Paris, 1904. DG 867 .13 G3.

Gay, V., and H. Stein. Glossaire archéologique. 2 vols. Paris: 1887-1929. CC 70 G3. Engagement rings.

Gelzer, H. «Ungedruckte und wenig bekannte Bistümerverzeichnisse der orientalischen Kirche.» Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 1 (1892) 245-282. 2 (1893) 22-72. l:257 and 2:50 for Kanina.

Gerish, Deborah. «Ancestors and Predecessors: Royal continuity and identity in the First Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Anglo-Norman Studies. 20 (1997) 127-150. DA 195 B382.

Gibaldi, Joseph, ed. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. 5th edition. New York: Modern Language Association, 1999. For electronic materials 178‑202.

Giesebrecht, . «Annales Altahenses», 216. Re Benzo of Alba.

Goar, J. Euchologion sive rituale graecorum. 2nd edition. Venice, 1730; reprint Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlaganstalt, 1960. BX 375 E75. Cherubikon, 92, 113.

Godfried Malaterra. Muratori. Parapinakes, III:13.

Gosic, Nevenka. «Some essential characteristics of Bosnian medieval literature (XII-XV century).» Godisnjak instituta za knjizevnost. 3/4 (1974/75) 9-14. (Sarajevo, in Serbian with English summary).

Grabar, André. L'empereur dans l'art byzantin. Publications de la Faculté des lettres de Strasbourg. 1936. N 6250 G7.

Grabar, André. «L'archéologie des insignes médiévaux du pouvoir.» Journal des savants. 1956:5-19; 77-92, etc.

Grabar, André. «Deux témoignages archéologiques sur l'autocéphalie d'une Eglise: Prespa et Ochride.» ZRVI 8,2 (1964) 166-168.

Granic, B. «Kirchenrechtliche Glossen zu den von Kaiser Basileios II...» Byzantion 12 (1937) 395-415.

Grickat, Irena. «Divosevo jevandjelje: filoloska analisa.» Juznoslovenski filolog. 25 (1961-62) 227-293. In Serbian, with summary in French.

Grierson, Philip. «From solidus to hyperperon: the names of Byzantine gold coins.» Numismatic circular. 74 (1966) 123-124.

Griffth, Sidney H. «From Aramaic to Arabic: The Languages of the Monasteries of Palestine in the Byzantine and early Islamic Periods.» DOP 51 (1997) 11-31.

Grothusen, K. D. «Die Stellung Serbiens in der Geschichte Südoseuropas.» In Beiträge zu Südosteuropa-Forschung. Munich, 1966. 429-444. DR 1 B4.

Grousset, René. Histoire des Croisades et du Royaume franc de Jérusalem. 3 vols. Paris, 1934-5. D 157 G75.

Grousset, René. L'empire du Levant: Histoire de la Question d'Orient. Paris, 1949. DS 62 G75.

Grujic, Radoslav. 1920.

Grujic, Radoslav M. «Jedno jevandjelje bosanskog tipa XIV-XV veka.» Mélanges linguistiques et philologiques offerts à M. Alexandre Belic. Belgrade: , 1937. 263-277. Old Class.

Grumel, Venance, ed. Les regestes des actes du patriarcat de Constantinople. Volume I: Les actes des patriarches. Fasc. 1: Les regestes de 381-715. Fasc II: les regestes de 715-1043. Paris: 1932-1936. BX 410 P3.

Grumel, Venance. «L'Illyricum.» Revue des études byzantines. 9 (1951) 5-46. Fourth century.

Grumel, Venance. «Cause et date de l'annexion de l'Illyricum oriental, de la Sicile et de la Calabre au patriarcat byzantin.» Studi bizantini et neoellenici. 7 (1953) 376.

Guéraud, Octave, and Pierre Nautin. Origène: Sur la Pâque. Traité inédit publié d'après un papyrus de Toura. Paris: Beauchesne, 1979. BV 55 O66. Peri paskha. La Pâque n'est pas la résurrection, c'est le sacrifice. Tige de Jessé, voir Hippolyte de Rome. Cherubicon.

Guilland, Rodolphe. «Hunyadi.» Etudes byzantines. 142. DF 503 G85.

Guilland, Rodolphe, ed. Correspondance de Nicéphore Grégoras. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1927.

Guilland, Rodolphe. Titres et fonctions de l'Empire byzantin. London: Variorum Reprints, 1976. CR 3968 G84.

Gyoni, Mathias. L'évêché vlaque de l'archevêché bulgare d'Achris aux XI-XIV s. Budapest, 1948.

Hadjopoulos, Dionysios. Le premier siège de Constantinople par les Ottomans (1394-1402). Diss. Université de Montréal, 1980.

Hafner, Stanislaus. Studien zur altserbischen dynastischen Historiographie. Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 62. Munich, 1964. Wcat?

Hafner, Stanislaus. Serbisches Mittelalter: Altserbische Herrscherbiographien. 2 vols. Graz-Vienna-Cologne: Styria, 1962. 1:16 and 31-32. Volume 1 Stefan Nemanja nach den Viten des hl. Sava und Stefans des Erstgekrönten. Volume 2 Danilo II. und sein Schüler: Die Königsbiographien. DR 316 H315.

Hageneder, Othmar, and Anton Haidacher, eds. Die Register Innocenz' III. Graz and Cologne, 1964. BX 870 1198.B. Pope Innocent III.

Hagenmeyer, , ed. Ekkehardi Hierosolymitana. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1877.

Haller, Johannes. Das Papsttum, Idee und Wirklichkeit. 3 vols. Stuttgart, 1934-45. History of a political idea.

Hamilton, Bernard. «The Crusader Kingdom and its guardians.» International History Review. 21 (1999) 104-116. D1 I5. See Riley-Smith, Edbury.

Hammerschmidt, Ernst. «Probleme der orientalische Liturgiewissenschaft.» Ostkirchliche Studien. 10 (1961) 28-47. BX 100 0765 Red Apex.

Hammond, Nigel G. L. «The Western Part of the Via Egnatia.» Journal of Roman Studies. 64 (1974) 185-194.

Hanotaux, G. «Les Vénitiens ont-ils trahi la chrétienté en 1202?» RH 4 (1887) 74-102.

Harris, Simon. «Two chants in the Byzantine Rite for Holy Saturday.» Plainsong and medieval music. 1 (1992) 149-166. MUSI ML 27 G7 P423.

Hartmann, Ludo [Ludwig] Moritz. Geschichte Italiens im Mittelalter. 1887? HI H333g.

Hartmann, Ludo [Ludwig] Moritz. Corporis Chartarum Italiae. 1902. HI H333c.

Hartmann, Ludo [Ludwig] Moritz. Fragmente einer italienischen Chronik. 1903. H Cl B.

Hartmann, Ludo [Ludwig] Moritz. The early medieval state, Byzantium Italy and the West. London, 1949. JC 101 H313. Useful pamphlet.

Hase, Charles-Benoîr, ed. Timarion. Paris, 1813. Recent translation with notes by Calgary professor. PA 5000...

Haymaro Monaco, Patriarch. Relatio tripartita ad Innocentium III.

Hecht, W. «Der Bios des Patriarchen Leontios von Jerusalem als Quelle zur Geschichte Andronikos' I. Komnenos.» BZ 61 (1968) 40-43. Discussion of sources, events ca 1185.

Heers, Marie-Louise. «Les Génois et le commerce de l'alun à la fin du moyen âge.» Revue d'histoire économique et sociale. 32 (1954) 31-53. HB 3 R43.

Heichelheim, F. M., and H. A. Hickl-Szabo. «A Serbo-Byzantine Betrothal Ring.» Journal of the Warburg and Courtaud Institute. 28 (1965) 317-319, plate. AS 122 L8515.

Heinemann, L. von. Geschichte der Normannen in Unteritalien und Sizilien. Leipzig, 1894; Reprint Aalen, 1969.

Held, Joseph. Hunyadi: Legend and Reality. Columbia University Press, 1985. DB 930.7 H45.

Henkelmann, Norbert. Namenregister zu Miklosich-Müller: Acta et Diplomata: Res graecas italasque illustrantia. Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1986. DF 503 M552.

Heyd, Wilhelm von. Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen âge. Stuttgart, 1879. Tr: Furcy Raynaud. Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1936; [reprint Amsterdam, 1959]. HF 404 H6. Vol 1: Dark Ages. For Crusades and commerce, 2:3-253. Notes in Cherubicon.

Hiestand, Rudolf. «Chronologisches zur Geschichte des Königreiches Jerusalem um 1130.» Deutsches Archiv. 26 (1970) 220-229.

Hintmer, Dietmar. Die Ungarn ... Innozenz. BX 653 H56.

Holms, Paul A. «Nicholas I's reply to the Bulgarians Revisited.» Ecclesia Orans. 7 (1990) 131-143. PIMS PER. Wedding rites, Radoslav.

Hopf, C. [Karl], ed. Chroniques gréco-romanes inédites ou peu connues. Berlin, 1873. Sanudo.

Hopf, Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann, tr. The Chronicle of Novgorod. St. Petersburg, 1888. In Russian with Latin Transl. Chroniques gréco-romanes inédites ou peu connues. Berlin, 1873. RBSC D-10 1666.

Hopf, Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann. Bonifaz von Montferrat. 1877. PC 3330 R28 H6.

Hopf, Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann. Geschichte Griechenland. 2 vols. DF 757 H6.

Hopf, Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann. Veneto-Byzantinische Analekten. DG 677 H64.

Houmanidis, L. Th. «Staatswirtschaft und Handel in Byzanz.» Scripta Mercaturae. . . . (1972) 127-148. HF 352 S3.

Housley, Norman J. «The Mercenary companies, the Papacy and the Crusades, 1356-1378.» Traditio 38 (1982) 253-280.

Housley, Norman J. «Charles II of Naples and the Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Byzantion 54 (1984) 527-535.

Hrabak, B. Srednjevekovni rudnik i trg Rudista pod Avalom. Vol 3. Belgrade: Godisnjak Muzeja Grada Beograda, 1956. 99-106.

Hunger, Herbert, ed. Eustathe: Prise de Thessalonique. Graz, 1955.

Hunger, Herbert. «Zeitgeschichte in der Rhetorik des sterbenden Byzanz.» In Studien zur älteren Geschichte Osteuropas: Wiener Archiv für Geschichte des Slawentums und Osteuropas. Ed: . . . (1959) 152-161. DR 2 S75.

Hunger, Herbert. Geschichte der Textüberlieferung der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur. 2 vols. Zurich: Atlantis Verlag, 1961. PIMS Z 112 G4.

Hunger, Herbert. Reich der neuen Mitte: Der christliche Geist der byzantinischen Kultur. Graz: Verlag Styria, 1965. Roba DF 521 H77.

Hunger, Herbert. Byzantinische Geisteswelt von Konstantin dem Grossen bis zum Fall Konstantinopels. Geist des Abendlandes. Amsterdam: A. M. Hakkert, 1967.

Hunger, Herbert. Die byzantinische Literatur der Komnenzeit: Versuch einer Neubewertung. Graz: Böhlaus, 1968. PIMS PA 5125 H7; ROBA PA 5110 H8.

Hunger, Herbert. «Piraterie in der Aegaeis anno 1504: Brief Bajezids II. an Leonardo Loredan.» Byzantion 40 (1970) 361-376.

Hunger, Herbert. Byzantinische Grundlagenforschung: Gesammelte Aufsätze. London: Variorum Reprints, 1973. Roba DF 550 H8.

Hunger, Herbert. «Byzantinisches Eherecht im 14. Jahrhundert: Theorie und Praxis.» ZRVI 14/15 (1973) 65-80.

Hunger, Herbert. Die hochsprachliche profane Literatur der Byzantiner. Byzantinisches Handbuch im Rahmen des Handbuchs der Altertumswissenschaft, ???? 2 vols. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1978. Roba AC 35 H86.

Hunger, Herbert. Anonyme Metaphrase zu Anna Komnene, Alexias XI-XIII: Ein Beitrag zur Erschliessung der Byzantinische . . . Wiener byzantinische Studien, 15. Vienna: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981. ROBA PA 1050 A56; IMS DF 605 A6 A5.

Hunger, Herbert, FS: Byzantios [Vyzantios]: Festschrift für Herbert Hunger zum 70 Geburtstag. Ed . . . . Vienna: E. Becvar, 1984. Roba DF 521 V97; Sathas DF 552 B958.

Hunger, Herbert. «Eustathe.» ByzZ 83 (1990) 98-101.

Hunger, Herbert. «Rhetorik als politischer und gesellschaftlicher Faktor in Byzanz.» In Rhetorik zwischen den Wissenschaften: Geschichte, System, Praxis als Probleme der «Historischen Wissenschaft der Rhetorik». Ed: Gert Ueding. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1991. 103-107. P 301 R473. Biblio. Michael III, Alexius and the Barberini Psalter.

Hunyadi to Rakoczi, From. 1981. UA 829 H9 F76.

Hurmuzaki, E. de, and N. Densusianu, eds. Documente privitoré la Istoria Românilor. Bucharest, 1887. 1:10 (§10); 1:27 (§27).

Husmann, Heinrich. «Modulation und Transposition in den bi- und trimodalen Stichera.» Archiv für Musikwissenschaft. 27 (1970) 1-22. MUSI ML 5 A63, also mfm.

Husmann, Heinrich. «Die oktomodalen Stichera und die Entwicklung des Byzantinischen Oktoechos.» Archiv für Musikwissenschaft. 27 (1970) 304-325. MUSI ML 5 A63, also mfm.

Husmann, Heinrich. «Kontrafakturtechnik der Stichera.» Archiv für Musikwissenschaft. 29 (1970) 150-161; 213-234. MUSI ML 5 A63, also mfm.

Hussey, J. «Letters of Psellus.» Speculum 10 (1935) 81-90.

Hussey, J. Church and Learning in the Byzantine Empire 867-1185. London, 1937.

Hussey, J. «The Byzantine Empire in the XI century.» Trans of the Royal Hist Soc. 4th series 32 (1950) 71-85.

Huygens, R. B. C. «Guillaume de Tyr, étudiant.» Latomus 21 (1962) 811-829.

Ibn Jubair. In vol 3 of RHC: Historiens orientaux. See notes on Smail.

Ihm, Ch. Die Programme der christlichen Apsismalerei vom 4. Jahr. bis zur Mitte des 8. Jahr. Wiesbaden, 1960.

Illyinsky, G. «A Charter of Tsar John Asen II.» Transactions of the Russian Archaeological Institute at Constantinople. 7 (1901) .. In Russian. MICR Pims.

Innocent III. Letters. See Delisle, Mas Latrie, Migne, Dujcev, Hurmuzaki-Densusianu, Theiner, Smiciklas, ...

Iorga, Nicolas. «La politique vénitienne dans les eaux de la Mer Noire.» Bulletin de la section historique de l'académie roumaine. 2 (1914) 289-370. P Hist A 9th floor.

Italikos, Michel. See Gautier.

Italikos, Michel. Lettres et discours. Paul Gautier, ed. Paris, 1972. PA 5319 M5G3 HAVE FILE, ONE XEROX.

Iter Database for Medieval Studies. University of Toronto.

Ivanov, Iordan, ed. Bulgarski Starini iz Makedonija. Sofia, 1931. Roba DR 701 M3 I85; Pims DR 2171 I85, HX. «Basil II: Sigillia.» 550-562. Check 550-562 for Kanina.

Ivanov, Jordan. Bogomilski knigi i legendi.

Ivic, Pavle, and Milica Grkovic, eds. Decanske hrisovulje. Novi Sad, 1976.

Jacoby, David. «Quelques considérations sur les versions de la Chronique de Morée.» Journal des savants. 1968:133-189.

Jacoby, David. «Catalans, Turcs et Vénitiens en Romanie (1305-1332): un nouveau témoignage de Marino Sanudo Torsello.» Studi medievali. 3rd series 15 (1974) 217-261.

Jacoby, David. «Les Vénitiens naturalisés dans l'empire byzantin (XIII-XV).» Travaux et mémoires. 8 (1981) 217-236. DF 503 C45.

Jacoby, David. «The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the collapse of Hohenstaufen power in the Levant.» DOP 40 (1986) 83-101. Covers events from 1228-1242.

Jaffé, Philipe. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum 1198. 2 vols. Berlin, 1851; reprint Graz: Akademie-Verlag, 1956. BX 850 A6. Have partial xerox, folio file.

Jaffé, Philippe, S. Lowenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, and P. Ewald, eds. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum. 2 vols. Date? reprint Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlaganstalt, 1956. BX 850 A6.

Jagic, Vatroslav. «Opis i izvodi iz nekoliko juzno-slovenskih rukopisa.» Starine JAZU. 14 (1877).

Jagic, Vatroslav. «Grskovicev odlomak glagoslkog apostola.» Starine JAZU. 26 (1893). Volume not here.

Jagic, Vatroslav. «Analecta romana.» Archiv für slavische Philologie. 25 (1903) 1-47. Apokalipsa 20-36; Baptismal office 36-47.

Jagic, Vatroslav, ed. Ein unedierter griechischer Psalmen-Kommentar. Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil-hist Kl, 52,1. Vienna, 1906. AS 142 A5. 2 See also Strzygowski.

Jakobson, Roman, ed. Fragmenta Chilandarica Paleoslavica. Copenhagen, 1956.

Janeras, Sebastià. Le Vendredi-Saint dans la tradition liturgique byzantine: Structure et histoire de ses offices. Studia Anselmiana, 99; Analecta Liturgica, 13. Rome, 1988. BX 4711.163 J34 Pims.

Janin, R. «Bulgarie.» DHGE 1938. 10:1120-1151. Boris?

Jankovic, Dragoslav. The Historiography of Yugoslavia 1965-1975. Belgrade: 1975. DR 316.7 S3 GenR.

Jankovic, Marija. Episkopije i mitropolije srpske crkve u srednjem veku. Belgrade: Istorijski Institut, 1985. Reviewed W Vucinich, Speculum, 62 (1987) 758-9. PIMS BX 713 J3. Important for the administrative divisions of the the Church. Toponyms.

Jerkovic, V. Cajnicko jevandjelje. Ph.D. dissertation. Novi Sad, 1971.

Jerkovic, V. «Glagolski oblici u Manojlovom jevandjelju.» Prilozi proucavanju jezika. 5 (1969).

Jirecek, Josef Konstantin. Heerstrasse. Prague, 1871. DR 14 J6.

Jirecek, Josef Konstantin. Die Handelstrassen und Bergwerke von Serbien und Bosnien während des Mittelalters, Prague, 1879.

Jirecek, Constantine. «Beiträge zur ragusanischen Literaturgeschichte.» Archiv für slavische Philologie. 21 (1899) 399-542. Wills in Serbian; Nikoleta 529; Lettere rassiane: 433.

Jirecek, C. DR 317 J514.

Jirecek, Josef Konstantin. Vaznost Dubrovnika u trgovackoj povijesti srednjega vijeka. Tr: B. Cvjetkovic. Dubrovnik, 1915. Slave trade, 36-37.

Jirecek, Josef Konstantin. La civilisation serbe au moyen âge. Paris: Bossard, 1920. DR 317 J514.

Joannou, P., ed. «Le sort des évêques réconciliés. Un discours de Nicétas de Serrès contre Eustrate de Nicée.» Byzantion 28 (1958) 1-130.

John of Venice. Johannis Chronicon Venetum. Ed: ??? MGH SS 7:5-69 HXp.

John of Volturno. Chronicle. See Bolzaretti, Federici.

Kämpfer, Frank [also Kempfer]. «Ungelöste Probleme in der Biographie des heiligen Sava von Serbien.» Byzantinoslavica 46 (1985) 153-167.

Kalezic, Dimitrije M. Sveti Sava. Belgrade, 1996. BX 719 S35 K25.

Kalic-Mijuskovic, Jovanka. Beograd u srednjem veku. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1967. DR 386 K35.

Kamel-Altevarykh. In vol 1 of RHC: Historiens orientaux.

Karadzic, Vuk, tr. Bible. BS 218 D3; BS 2190 D3.

Karger, M. K. «K istorii vizantiiskoj sfragistiki.» Levchenko Sbornik 260-264. HX.

Karpozilos, Apostolos D. The Ecclesiastical Controversy between the Kingdom of Nicaea and the Principality of Epirus (1217-1235). New Haven, 1971. Roba DF 625 K37; Sathas DF 625 K369.

Katele, Irene B. See Queller.

Katele, Irene B. «Piracy and the Venetian State: The Dilemma of Maritime Defense in the Fourteenth Century.» Speculum 63 (1988) 865-889. HX.

Katic, L. «Split.» Starohrvatska prosvjeta. 3 (1956) 150. DR 1522 S71 Pims.

Katicic, R. «Korespondencija Teofilakta Ohridskog kao izvor za historiju srednjovjekovne Makedonije.» Zbornik RVI 8/2 (1964) 177-190.

Kavrus, I. «Imperatorskii skriptorii.» VV 49 (1988) 134-142. Psellus?

Kedar, Benjamin Z. «The general tax of 1183 in the crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem: Innovation or adaptation?» EHR 89 (1974) 339-346. Repr 1993.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. Merchants in Crisis: Genoese and Venetian men of Affairs and the Fourteenth-Century Depression. New Haven, Conn.: 1976. HF 413 K4.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. «The Patriarch Eraclius.» In Outremer: Studies in the History of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem Presented to Joshua Prawer. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, 1982. 177-204. D 159 O9. Repr 1993.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. «Gerald of Nazareth, a neglected twelfth-century writer in the Latin East: A Contribution to the intellectual and monastic history of the crusader states.» DOP 37 (1983) 55-77.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. «Muslim Conversion in Common Law.» Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Medieval Canon Law. Berkeley 1980. Ed: S. Kuttner and K. Pennington. Vatican City: Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, 1985. 321-332. Repr 1993. For slaves, 327ff.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. «Symbolic meaning in crusader architecture: The twelfth-century dome of the Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem. Cahiers archéologiques. 34 (1986) 109-117.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. «The Subjected Muslims of the Frankish Levant.» In Muslims under Latin Rule, 1100-1300. Ed: J. M. Powell. Princeton: University Press, 1990. 135-174. Notes with Cherubicon.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. The Franks in the Levant, 11th to 14th Centuries. London: Variorum, 1993. D 179 K43.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. «Crusade Historians and the Massacres of 1096.» Jewish History. 12 (1998) 11-31.

Kedar, Benjamin Z. «On the Origins of the Earliest Laws of Frankish Jerusalem: The canons of the Council of Nablus, 1120.» Speculum 74 (1999) 310-335.

Kedar, Benjamin Z., Jonathan Riley-Smith, and Rudolph Hiestand, eds. Montjoie: Studies in Crusade History in Honour of Hans Eberhard Mayer. Aldershot: Variorum, 1997. D 159 M65.

Kekelidze, Korneli [Kornelii Samsonovich Kékélidze]. Liturgicheskie gruzinskie pamiatniki. Tiflis: Bratstvo, 1908. BX 350 K4.

Kekelidze, Korneli. Ierusalimskii kanonar' VII veka. Tiflis, 1912. Check Monumenta Georgica. Rev: Conybeare JTS 15 (1914) 285-288 VUEM; Peeters, P. AB 31 (1912) 349-350 PIMS.

Kekelidze, Korneli [Kornelii Samsonovich Kékélidze], ed. Commentarii in Ecclesiasten Metrophanis Metropolitae Smyrnensis. Monumenta Georgica, I; Scriptores ecclesiastici, 1. Tiflis, 1920.

Kempfer, Frank [Frank Kämpfer]. «O nekim problemima starosrpske hagiografije.» Istorijski glasnik. 2 (1969) 29-52. DR 301 I78. Incomplete, but this volume should be there.

Kempfer, Frank [Frank Kämpfer]. «Sava.» Prilozi KJIF. 35 (1969) 77-81. PG 1203 M35 A2.

Kennedy, Benjamin Hall. The Revised Latin Primer. Ed: James Mountford. Harlow, Essex: Longman House, c1962. Seventeenth impression 1988. For misreading of itinerary.

Khitrovo, B. de. Vie et pèlerinage de Daniel, hégoumène russe (1106-1107). In Itinéraires russes en Orient. Société de l'Orient latin, Série géographique, 5. 1889.

Kissas, Sotirios. «Concerning the Date of the Marriage of Stephen Radoslav and Anna Comnena.» ZRVI 18 (1978) 131-140.

Kodov, Chr. «L'original du codex du patriarcat d'Ochride.» Byzantinoslavica 25 (1964) 270-278.

Kolias, George. «Les raisons et le motif de l'invasion de Robert Guiscard à Byzance.» Congrès 3:357-361. DR 2 C6 1966.

Koneski, B. «Ohridska knjizevna skola.» Slovo 6-8 (1958) 177-194. PG 1 S65.

Kostrencic, Marko, ed. Lexicon latinitatis medii aevi iugoslaviae. 2 vols. Zagreb: JAZU, 1973-4. PA 2356 L4. Ref.bib.

Kovacevic, Desanka. «Dans la Serbie et la Bosnie médiévales: Les mines d'or et d'argent.» Annales ESC. 15 (1960) 248-258. With map. AP 20 A58. HX.

Kovacevic, Desanka. «Zore Boksic: Dubrovacki Trgovac i protovestijiar bosanskih kraljevo.» Drustvo istoricara Bosne i Herzegovine Godisjnak. 13 (1962) 289-310. Check DB 231 I8.

Kozhukharov, Stefan, ed. «Jedan redak slucaj himnografske kompilacije u nepoznatom paraklisu Simenonu Nemanji i Savi Srpskom.» In Stara srpska knjizevnost. Ed: Vojislav J. Djuric. Volume 10 of Zbornik istorije knjizevnosti: Odelenje jezika i knjizevnosti. 10 (1976) 41-51 and plate. HC.

Krekic, Barisa. «Le rôle de Dubrovnik (Raguse) dans la navigation des 'Mudae' vénitiennes au XIV siècle.» Travaux et mémoires. 8 (1981) 247-254.

Krekic, Barisa. Dubrovnik i Levant (1280-1460). [Dubrovnik and the Levant (1280-1460).] Belgrade: Naucno delo, 1956. DB 879 R2 K67. In Serbian with summary in English 159-165. See Notes.

Kretschmar, Georg. «Die frühe Geschichte der Jerusalemer Liturgie.» Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie. 2 (1956) 22-46. VUEM ML 3168 J3.

Kretschmayr, Heinrich. Geschichte von Venedig. 3 vols. Gotha: Perthes, 1905-1920. Stuttgart: Perthes, 1934. HI K927 ge Old Class.

Krey, Augustus Charles. «A neglected Passage in the Gesta and its bearing on the literature of the First Crusade.» In Crusades and Other Historical essays presented to Dana C. Munro by his Former Students. Ed: Louis John Paetow. New York: Crofts, 1928. 56-78. D 6 C7. Original texts and events were manipulated for the recruiting campaign in Europe.

Krey, Augustus Charles. «William of Tyre. The Making of an Historian in the Middle Ages.» Speculum 16 (1941) 149-66.

Krey, Augustus Charles, tr. A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea. 2 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. D 152 G813.

Krikone, Christos Th., ed. Synagoge pateron eis to kata Loukan evangelion hypo Niketa Herakleias (kata ton Kodikon Iveron 371). Thessaloniki, 1973. Pims BS 2595 N52 K7.

Kropf, Lewis L. «Pope Sylvester II and Stephen I of Hungary.» EHR 13 (1898) 290-295.

Krumbacher, Karl. «Ein serbisch-byzantinischer Verlobungsring.» Sitzungsberichte der Bayr. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philos-, Philol., Hist. Kl. Munich, 1906. 421-451. AS 182 M823.

Kuch, Heinrich. Kriegsgefangenschaft und Sklaverei bei Euripides. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1974. Slave trade.

Kugler, ed. Alberti Aquensis Historia Hierosolymitana. Stutgart, 1885.

Kuhn, Hans-Joachim. Die byzantinische Armee im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert: Studien zur Organisation der Tagmata. Vienna: Fassbänder, 1991. U 37 K84.

Kulin, Ban. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti B i H. Osamsto godina povelje bosanskog bana Kulina, 1189-1989. Posebna izdanja HS. Knj 23. Sarajevo, 1989.

Kuljbakin, St. M. «Paleografska i jezicka ispitivanja o Miroslavljevom jevandjelju.» Srpska kraljevska akademija. 52 (1925).

Kuna, Herta. Hrestomatija starije bosanske knjizevnosti. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1974. PG 1417 B6H7. Include Ljetopis fra Nikole Lasvanina 209-225.

Kuna, Herta. «Fragmenti parimejnika bosanske provenijencije.» Slovo 20 (1970) 97-102. PG 1 S65. This manuscript now in Kiev, at the Central Scientific Library, is a fragment of an Orthodox liturgical text and in the author's opinion it is of Bosnian origin.

Kuna, Herta. «Redakcije staroslovenskog kao literarni jezik Srba i Hrvata.» Slovo 15-16 (1965)

Kuna, Herta. «Srednjovjekovna bosansko-hercegovacka knjizevnost.» Pisana rijec 49-84.

Kuna, Herta. «Bosnian Franciscan Literature of the XVIIe century.» Godisnjak instituta za knjizevnost (Sarajevo, in Serbian with English summary). 3/4 (1974/75) 39-50. PG 1417 B6 I5.

Kuna, Herta. «Radosav's manuscript and the Bosnian medieval literature.» Godisnjak instituta za knjizevnost. 6 (1977) 9-25. (Sarajevo, in Serbian with English summary).

Kuna, Herta. «Apostelbriefe Panteleimons ... bosnischen Literatur.» Godisnjak instituta za knjizevnost. 17 (1988) 9-18. (Sarajevo, in Serbian with German summary).

Kuna, Herta. Jezik ... franjevaca. PG 1413 L33 Z74.

Kuna, Herta. «Hvalov Zbornik.» Godisnjak instituta za knjizevnost. 14 (1985) 9-20. (Sarajevo, in Serbian with English summary).

Kunstmann, Friedrich. «Studien über Marino Sanudo den Aelteren.» Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Historische Klasse. 7,8 (1855) 765, 804. AS 182 M8175 is not the correct call number because it is Phil-Hist Kl, date and name checked on WorldCat.

Kunz, George Frederick. Rings for the Finger. Philadelphia and London: Lippincott, 1917. GT 2270 K86.

Kupelwieser, L. Die Kämpfe Ungarns mit den Osmanen bis zur Schlacht bei Mohács, 1526. Vienna and Leipzig, 1895.

Kurtz, E., ed. «Letters of Psellus.» ByzZ 3 (1894) 632. Parapinakes.

Kurtz, E. Review of Pavlov, Nicetas of Heracleia. BZ 5 (1896) 248f. HAVE XEROX (in file on Serbian translation)

Kurtz, E., ed. «'O bios Nikonos tou Metanoeite.» Neos Hellenomnemon. 3 (1906) 129-228. HX.

Crusades, L-Z

Labriola, Antonio. Essais sur la conception matérialiste de l'histoire. Paris, 1897. HX 291 L27.

Lacour-Gayet, Jacques. Histoire du commerce. 6 vols. Paris: SPID, 1950-1955. HF 352 L3.

Lägreid, Annelies. «Einige Grundsätze hesychastischer Hagiographie nach den Proömien zweier Viten des Patriarchen Kallistos.» In Festschrift für Linda Sadnik zum 70. Geburtstag. Ed: . . . Freiburg im Breisgau: U. W. Weiher, 1981. 243-248. PG 615 F4.

Laiou[-Thomadakis], Angeliki E. «Contribution à l'étude de l'institution familiale en Epire au XIIIe siècle.» Fontes Minores. 6 (1954) 275-323. K F68327. Re: Chomatianos, Apokaukos, Despotate of Epirus.

Laiou[-Thomadakis], Angeliki E. «Marino Sanudo Torsello, Byzantium and the Turks: The Background to the anti-Turkish League of 1332-1334.» Speculum 45 (1970) 374-392. HC. Marino Sanudo (1270-1343), 220, year 1254 St. Saba's Monastery. See Bongars.

Laiou[-Thomadakis], Angeliki E. «The Byzantine economy in the Mediterranean Trade system: Thirteenth-fifteenth centuries.» DOP 35/34 (1980/81) 177-222.

Laiou[-Thomadakis], Angeliki E. «Observations on the results of the Fourth Crusade: Greeks and Latins in port and market.» Mediaevalia et humanistica. 12 (1984) 47-60.

Laiou[-Thomadakis], Angeliki E. «Imperial marriages and their critics in the eleventh century: the Case of Skylitzes.» DOP 34/35 (1980/81) 177-222. Check if anything on Parapinakes and the Guiscards.

Lampros, Spiridon. Michael Acominatos.

La Monte, John L. «To what extent was the Byzantine Empire the Suzerain of the Latin Crusading States?» Byzantion 7 (1932) 253-264.

La Monte, John L. Feudal Monarchy in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America, 4. 1932; reprint New York: Kraus, 1970.

La Monte, John L. The Wars of Frederick II against the Ibelins in Syria and Cyprus. New York: Columbia UP, 1936. PIMS D 181 P5 A32.

La Monte, John L. «John d'Ibelin, the Old Lord of Beirut, 1177-1236.» Byzantion 12 (1937) 418.

Lane, Frederic Chapin. «Recent Studies in the Economic History of Venice.» Journal of Economic History. 23 (1963) 312-334. HC 10 J64.

Lane, Frederic Chapin. «The Economic Meaning of the Invention of the Compass.» American Historical Review. 68 (1963) 605-617. E 171 A57. Reprint 1966.

Lane, Frederic C. «Venetian Merchant Galleys, 1300-1334: Private and Communal Operations.» Speculum 38 (1963).

Lane, Frederic Chapin. «Maritime Law and Administration, 1250-1350.» In Studi in onore di Amintore Fanfani. Ed: . . . Vol 3. Milan, 1966. . . . HB 30 S75.

Lane, Frederic Chapin. Compass. UNIV VK 18 L26.

Lane, Frederic Chapin. Navires. ROBA VM 80 V4 L314.

Lane, Frederic Chapin. Venice. DG 676 L28.

Lane, Frederic Chapin. Venice and History: Collected Papers. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. HF 3589 V4 L35. Biblio and bio. Prasinos.

Lane, Frederic Chapin. «The Crossbow in the Nautical Revolution of the middle ages.» Explorations in Economic History. 2 (1969) 161-171. Reprinted 1987.

Lane, Frederic C. Venice: A Maritime Republic. Baltimore, 1973. See also Cherubicon.bib for this author.

Lane, Frederic Chapin. Studies in Venetian Social and Economic History. London: Variorum, 1987. HC 308 V4 L36. Also Incunabula biblio.

Lanz, K., ed. Bibliothek des literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, 8. Stuttgart, 1844. Chronicles of Crusades?

Lascaris, Michel. «Sceau de Radomir Aaron.» Byzantinoslavica 3 (1931) 410-412.

Lascaris, Michel. «Actes serbes de Vatopédi.» Byzantinoslavica. 6 (1936) 166-185. Slave trade.

Laurent, Joseph. L'Arménie et Byzance après l'Islam. BEFAR, 107. Paris, 1919. D 1...

Laurent, Joseph. Etudes d'histoire arméniennes. Louvain: Peeters, 1971. DS 186 L38. Reprint of articles, with bibliographie.

Laurent, Vitalien. «La prosopographie de l'empire byzantin. La famille byzantine des Aaron et ses homonymes.» Echos d'Orient. 33 (1934) 394.

Laurent, Vitalien. «L'idée de guerre sainte et la tradition byzantine.» Revue historique du Sud-est européen. 23 (1946) 71-98.

Laurent, V. «Le thème byzantin de Serbie au xie siècle.» Revue des études byzantines. 15 (1957) 185-...

Laurent, Vitalien. «La succession épiscopale de la métropole de Thessalonique dans la première moitié du XIIe siècle.» BZ 56 (1963) 284-296.

Laurent, Vitalien, ed. Le corpus des sceaux de l'Empire byzantin. Paris, 1963. CD 5381 L35.

Leclerq, H. «Anneaux.» DACL I,2:2174-2223.

Leeb, Helmut. «Die Gesänge des Weihnachtsfestes im Gemeindegottesdienst von Jerusalem nach dem georgischen Lektionar.» Liturgisches Jahrbuch. 19 (1969) 239. PIMS PER & KNOX A7.

Leeb, Helmut, Die Gesänge im Gemeindegottesdienst von Jerusalem (vom 5. bis 8. Jahrhundert). Wiener Beiträge zur Theologie, 28. Vienna: Herder, 1970. BV 310 L44. After Constantine and Helena, Jerusalem became a centre for liturgical diffusion. In the 10th century, the CPL liturgy started to replace Jerusalem's native liturgy which is now only known from the Georgian lectionary, Egeria, and a few fragments (22f).

Lees, Beatrice A., ed. Anonymi Gesta Francorum et Aliorum Hierosolymitanorum. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924.

Legrand, E., ed. La guerre de Troie. Poème du XIVe siècle en vers octosyllabes par Constantin Hermoniacos. Bibliothèque grecque vulgaire, 5. Paris, 1890.

Lehfeldt, Werner. «Ein arabisch-persisch-griechisch-serbisches Gesprächslehrbuch aus dem 15. Jahrhundert als Quelle für die Geschichte des Serbischen.» In Slavistische Studien zum X. Inter­nationalen Slavistenkongress in Sofia 1988. Vienna, 1988. 97-112. PG 11 I5. Biblio.

Lehfeldt, Werner. «Eine serbokroatische Aljamiado-Handschrift aus dem 15. Jahrhundert.» Zeitschrift für Balkanologie. 27 (1991) 133-156. per.bib.

Leib, B., ed., tr. Anne Comnène: L'Alexiade. ? vols. Paris: Belles-Lettres, 1937-1945.

Lemerle, Paul. L'émirat d'Aydin, Byzance et l'Occident. Paris, 1957. DR 494 L4.

Lemerle, Paul. «Prolégomènes à une édition critique et commentée des 'Conseils et récits' de Kekaumenos.» Mémoires de l'Académie royale de Belgique. 54 (1960).

Lemerle, Paul. Philadelphia. 1984. DF 633 P48 P48.

Lemerle, Paul. Actes de Kutlumus. Paris, 1988.

Leroy-Molinghen, Alice. «Prolégomènes à une édition critique des "Lettres" de Théophylacte de Bulgarie, ou de l'autorité de la "Patrologie grecque" de Migne.» Byzantion 13 (1938) 253-262. HX.

Leroy-Molinghen, Alice. «Du destinataire de la lettre Finetti I de Théophylacte de Bulgarie.» Byzantion 36 (1966) 431-437. HX.

Le Strange, Guy. Palestine under the Moslems. Cambridge, 1890. Atlas. DS 100 L6.

Le Strange, Guy, tr. Nasir-i-Khusrau: A Diary of a Journey through Syria and Palestine. Palestine Pilgrim's Text Society, 4. London, 1896.

Le Tourneau, Roger. Damas de 1075 à 1154: Traduction annotée d'un fragment de l'Histoire de Damas d'Ibn al-Qalanisi. Damascus, 1952. DS 99 D3 I2144.

Levchenko, Mitrofan Vasilevich, ed. Vizantiisky sbornik. Moscow and Leningrad: Akademiia Nauk, 1945. DF 552 V59. HX content and biblio.

Lisciandrelli, Pasquale. Trattati e negoziazioni politiche della republica di Genova (958-1797. Regesti. Atti della società ligure di storia patria, 75. Genoa, 1960. DG 631 S6.

Litavrine, G G [Litavrin]. «Les guerres dans les Balkans aux XIIe-XVe siècles et leurs conséquences économiques.» FS Moutsopoulos? 1075-1080. HX. «L'orthodoxie des autochtones était tenue par le chevalier occidental pour une sorte de justification morale de ses propres pillages et cruautés envers ces "schismatiques" (comme il appelait d'habitude les originaires du pays).» (1079)

Litavrin, G. G. «...» Bulletin de l'Institut d'Histoire de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences. 14-15 (1964) 511-527. Description du Codex Budapest.

Litavrin, G. G., ed, tr. Sovety i rasskazy Kekavmena. Moscow, 1972.

Ljubinkovic, Radivoje. «Iustiniana Prima.» Starinar 17 (1966) 61-76.

Ljubinkovic, Radivoje. «Samuel.» Starinar 19 (1968) 125-139.

Ljubinkovic, Radivoje. «Samuel.» La chiesa greca in Italia dall' VIII al XVI secolo. Italia sacra, 20-22. Padova, 1973. 927-969. BX 750 I8 C66.

Ljubinkovic, Radivoje. Studije iz srednjovekovne umetnosti i kulturne istorije. Belgrade: Arheoloski Institut, 1982. N 72 S4 L54.

Longworth, Ph. The rise and fall of Venice. 1974. DG 676 L58.

Lopez, Roberto S. «Aux origines du capitalisme génois.» Annales 9 (1937) 429-454. More by this author.

Lopez, Robert S. «The Dollar of the Middle Ages.» Journal of Economic History. 11 (1951) 209-234.

Lopez, Robert S. «The Trade of medieval Europe.» In Trade and Industry in the Middle Ages. Ed: M. M. Postan and E. E. Rich. Vol 2 of Cambridge Economic History. Cambridge UP, 1952. HC 240 C3.

Lopez, Robert S., and Irving W. Raymond. Medieval Trade in the Mediterranean World. Columbian University Press, 1955. HF 395 L633.

Lot-Borodine, M. «La doctrine de la déification dans l'église grecque jusqu'au xi s.» Revue de l'histoire des religions. 105 (1932) 5-43; 106 (1932) 525-574; 107 (1933) 8-55.

Lowe, Elias Avery. «Two Other Unknown Liturgical fragments on Mount Sinai.» Scriptorium 19 (1965) 10. Z 108 S35. Incunabula biblio.

Luchaire, Achille. Innocent III. 6 vols. Paris, 1908. D 202.4 L83. Bulgaria: 94-116 (volume 5?).

Lucic, Josip. «Daniele Farlati (1690-1773).» Historijski Zbornik. 25/26 (1972/73) 229-241.

Lucic, Josip. «Pomorsko-trgovacki odnosi Dubrovnika i Kotora u XIII stoljecu.» Pomorski zbornik. 6 (1968) 417-45. DR 301 P585.

Lupus Protospatharius. Annals. MGH SS, 5. Parapinakes, 60.

Luzzatto, Gino. «Les activités économiques du patriciat vénitien.» Annales ESC. 9 (1937) 26. AP 20 A58. Or Annales d'histoire économique et sociale.?

Madler, H. Theodora, Michael Stratiotikos, Isaak Komnenos: Ein Stück byzantinischer Kaisergeschichte. Plauen, 1894.

Magdalino, P. «The Byzantine Holy Man in the Twelfth Century.» In The Byzantine Saint. University of Birmingham Fourteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies Oxford, 1980. Ed: Sergei Hackel. San Bernardino, Calif: The Borgo Press, 1984. 51-66. BX 380 S64. «The ideal of the holy man had lost its attraction, at least among the literati.»

Mahnken, Irmgard. Dubrovacki Patricijat u xiv veku. Belgrade, 1960. CS 1058 D8 M3.

Mai, Angelo, ed. Novae patrum bibliothecae. 10 vols. Rome, 1852-1905. BR 60 A6.

Mai, Angelo, ed. Scriptorum veterum nova collectio. 10 vols. Rome, 1825-38.

Maksimovic, Ljubomir. Belgrade, 1977. DF 632 M3.

Maksimovic, Ljubomir. The Byzantine provincial administration under the Palaiologoi. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1988. DF 632 M37. Check for toponyms.

Malyusz, Elemér. Kaiser Sigismund in Ungarn (1387-1437). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1990. DB 930 M2915. Knin.

Mandic, D. Bosanska crkva. Chicago, 1962.

Mantello, Frank, tr. János Thuróczy: Chronicle of the Hungarians. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1991.

Marjanovic-Dusanic, Smilja. Vladarske insignije i drzavna simbolika u Srbiji od xiii do xv veka. Belgrade: SANU, 1994. Have copy.

Martin, [Abbé]. «Les premiers princes croisés et les Syriens Jacobites de Jérusalem.» JA 8th series 12 (1888) 471-490; 13 (1889) 33-79.

Martinov, J. «Letters of Psellus.» Revue des questions historiques. 1876:716-717.

Mas Latrie, comte Louis de, ed. «Lettre inédite d'Innocent III de l'an 1206.» BEC 33 (1875) 118-123. For which see also Archives de l'Orient latin. 2/1:209f.

Mas Latrie, Louis de. «L'Officium robarie ou l'office de la piraterie à Gênes au moyen âge.» BEC 53 (1892) 264-272. Slave trade.

Mascarenhas, José Freire de Monterroyo [1670-1760]. Relacam diaria do sitio de Corfu: com a descripcam desta importante praca, & da ilha em que esta situada: operacoens dos sitiados e dos turcos com todos os successos, que nelle houve ate estes se recolherem destruidos a sua armada: expugnacam, e rendimento do castello de Butrinto. Lisbon: Pascoal da Sylva, 1716. RBSC port pam MAS52 R35 1716. 23 pages, published anonymously, identifed by Fonseca, Subsidios see Incuna.bib.

Mas Latrie, comte Louis de, ed. Chroniques gréco-romanes. See Hopf [C. or Karl].

Mas Latrie, comte Louis de, ed. Trésor de chronologie. HChr M3977t de. Old C.

Mate, M. «High prices... causes and consequences.» Economic History Review. 28 (1975) 2-3. Foreign silver.

Matejic, Predrag, and Hannah Thomas, compilers. Catalogue of Hilandar Research Library of the Ohio State University. 1992. Review in SEER 1994. Z 6605 S49 H55.

Mathieu, M., ed. Guillaume de Pouille: La geste de Robert Guiscard. Istituto sic. di studi bizantini e neoellenici, testi 4. Palermo, 1961. Latin edition w/French translation.

Matons, José Grosdidier de. «Liturgie et hymnographie: Kontakion et Canon.» DOP 34/35 (1980/81) 31-43.

Matthew of Edessa. Armenian chronicler of the Crusades. See Chabot, Dulaurier.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Kreuzzüge. Hannover: Hahn, 1960. GenR Z 6207 C97 M3.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. «Zum Itinerarium Peregrinorum.»

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. «Zur Verfasserfrage des Itinerarium Peregrinorum.»

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. «Studies in the History of Queen Melisende of Jerusalem.» DOP 26 (1972) 93-182.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. «Ibelin versus Ibelin: The Struggle for the Regency of Jerusalem, 1253-1258.» Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 122 (1978) 25-57. B 11 A52. St. Sabas 48ff. Not Iter.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. «Latins, Muslims and Greeks in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.» History: The Journal of the Historical Association. 63 (1978) 175-192. D 1 H815, per.bib. «the Fatimid caliphs had created in Jerusalem an enormous Christian immunity [...] the whole north-western quarter of the city [...] expulsion of the Greeks» (187ff).

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. «.» In Outremer: Studies in the History of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem Presented to Joshua Prawer. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi,1982. D 159 O9.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. Kreuzzüge und lateinischer Osten. London: Variorum, 1983. D 157 M39.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. Probleme des lateinischen Königrreichs Jerusalem. London: Variorum, 1983. D 182 M35.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. Mélanges sur l'histoire du royaume latin de Jérusalem. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1984. D 183.5 M38.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. «The origins of the lordships of Ramla and Lydda in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Speculum 60 (1985) 537-552. Repr 1994.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. Varia Antiochena. Hannover: Hahn, 1993. DS 99 A6 Me9.

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. Kings and Lords in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. London: Variorum, 1994. D 182 M349.

McQueen, W. B. «Relations between the Normans and Byzantium: 1071-1112.» Byzantion 56 (1986) 427-476. When discussing this, I can add a footnote, completing my crossbow article.

Mead, G. R. S. Pistis Sophia: A Gnostic Miscellany. London, 1947. BT 1390 M57.

Mednikov, N. Palestine from its Conquest by the Arabs to the Crusades, based upon Arabic sources. 4 vols. St. Petersburg, 1897-1902. In Russian, ask Mary.

Meillet, Antoine. «Observations sur les méthodes de la philologie slave à propos d'une édition récente.» Revue des études slaves. 10 (1930) 181-185. HX.

Melcer, Bojana, Aleksandar Pavlovic and Sanja Acimovic. Manastir Zica: Bibliografija. Kraljevo: Narodni Muzej, 1998. Z 7842 A3 M45.

Metcalf, D. M. Coinage of the Crusades and the Latin East. 2nd, enlarged ed. London, 1995. CJ 1681 M45.

Meyer, Paul, ed. Alberti Aquensis Historia Hierosolymitana. In vol 4 of RHC: Historiens occidentaux.

Meyerdorff, John. «Christian Marriage in Byzantium: The Canonical and Liturgical Tradition.» DOP 44 (1990) 1-26.

Michael Syrus, Patriarch of Antioch, 1126-1191. See Dulaurier, Langlois, Nau.

Michel, D. «Die Botschaft Petros' III. von Antiocheia an seine Stadt über seine Ernennung.» ByzZ 38 (1938) 111-118.

Mickwitz, Gunnar. «Le problème de l'or dans l'antiquité.» Annales 6 (1934) 235-242.

Mickwitz, Gunnar. «Byzance et l'économie de l'Occident médiéval.» Annales 8 (1936) 21-28.

Migne, J. B., ed. Gesta Innocentii Papae III. PL 214:cxxv-cxxx. PIMS.

Migne, J. B., ed. Innocentii III Romani pontificis regestorum sive epistolarum. PL, 214-217.

Mihailovic, Konstantin. Memoirs of a Janissary. Tr: Benjamin Stolz, with comm: Svat Soucek. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press, 1975.

Miklosich, Franz. Lexikon palaeoslavenicum. Vienna: Braumüller, 1862-65. PG 693 M52. For place names.

Miklosich, Franz, ed. Monumenta Serbica Spectantia historiam Serbiae Bosniae Ragusii. Vienna: Braumüller, 1858. DR 303 M55.

Miklosich, Franz, and Joseph Müller, eds. Acta patriarchatus Constantinopolitani. Acta et diplomata graeca medii aevi. 2 vols. 1860; reprint Aalen: Scientia, 1968. DF 503 M55. See notes under Bogomils.

Miklosich, Franz, and Joseph Mueller, eds. Acta et Diplomata: Res graecas italasque illustrantia. 6 vols. Vienna: Gerold, 1865. DF 500... 3:25ff for Genoese pirates.

Mileusnic, Slobodan, ed. «Bosanska pravoslavna crkva.» In Azbucnik srpsko pravoslavne crkve po Radoslavu Grujicu. Belgrade: BIGZ, 1993. 38-41. BX 718 A94.

Milivojevic, Dragan. «Teodosije's Hagiography of St. Sava and the Legend of Barlaam and Iosaph.» Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 23 (1989) 179-190.

Milivojevic, Dragan. Anthology of Medieval Serbian. PG 1413 A57.

Miller, Emmanuel, ed. Manuelis Philae Carmina: ex codicibus Escurialensibus, Florentinis, Parisinis et Vaticanis. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1855-1857. Old Class LGr P547M.

Miller, William E. The Balkans. DR 36 M65.

Miller, William E. «Bosnia before the Turkish conquest.» EHR 13 (1898) 643-666.

Miller, William E. The Latins in the Levant: A History of Frankish Greece (1204-1566). London, 1908.

Miller, William E. The Ottoman Empire. 1913. DR 557 M6.

Miller, William E. «Valona.» Journal of Hellenic Studies. 37 (1917) 184-194.

Miller, William E. Essays on the Latin Orient. Cambridge: University Press, 1921. DF 757 M5.

Miller, William E. Trebizond: the Last Greek Empire. London, 1926.

Millet, Gabriel, J. Pargoire, and Louis Petit. Recueil des inscriptions chrétiennes du mont Athos. BEFAR, 91. Paris, 1904. See Nevsky.

Mirkovic, Lazar, tr. Domentijan: Zivoti svetoga Save i svetoga Simeona. Introd. by V. Corovic. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1938. BX 719 S35 D6.

Mirkovic, Lazar, tr. Teodosije: Zitije svetog Save. 2d edition with introduction and corrections by Dimitrije Bogdanovic. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1984. BX 719 S35 T46.

Mladenovic, Milos. «Zur Frage der Pronoia und des Feudalismus im byzantinischen Reiche.» Südost-Forschungen. 15 (1956) 123-140.

Mladenovic, Milos. «The New Yugoslav Historiography and the Problems of Feudalism in Medieval Serbia.» Etudes slaves/Slavic and East-European Studies. 15 (1996) 89-99. DK 1 L8.

Mladenovic, Milos, Festschrift. DR 2 M53.

Molinier, ed. Alberti Aquensis Historia Hierosolymitana. Vol 2 of Les sources de l'histoire de France. 1902. 286.

Mollat, Michel, Philippe Braunstein, and Jean-Claude Hocquet. «Réflexions sur l'expansion vénitienne en Méditerranée.» In Venezia e il Levante fino al secolo XV. Congress in Venice, 1968. Ed: Agostino Pertusi. Civiltà veneziana, Studi, 27. 2 vols. Florence: Olschki, 1973-74. 529- . . . DG 675.6 C65, miscat.

Mollat, Michel, ed. Course et piraterie: Etudes présentées à la commission internationale d'Histoire maritime à l'occasion de son XVe colloque international pendant le XIVe Congrès international des Sciences historiques. San Francisco, août 1975. 2 vols. Paris, 1975.

Mollat, Michel. «De la piraterie sauvage à la course réglementée (XIV-XV siècle).» MEFRA 87 (1975) 9.

Molmenti, Pompeo. Venice: Its Individual Growth from the Earliest Beginnings to the Fall of the Republic. Volume I: The Middle Ages. Tr: Harold F. Brown. 2 vols. Chicago, 1906-8. DG 676 M7.

Monnier, Henry. L'administration financière des Vénitiens. HJ 1155 I55 A526.

Montfaucon, B. de, ed. Acta Synodi Constantinopolitanaea. Paris, 1715.

Montgomery, J. A., ed. tr. The History of Yaballaha III Nestorian Patriarch and of his Vicar Bar Sauma. New York, 1927.

Moravcsik, Gyula. «Hunyadi and Varna.» Studia Byantina. Budapest, 1967. 371-381. DF 503 M67.

Morrison, Cécile. «Le michaelaton et les noms de monnaie à la fin du XIe siècle.» Travaux et mémoires. 3 (1968) 369-374.

Mosin, Vladimir. «Rukopis pljevaljskog Sinodika pravoslavlja.» Slovo 6-8 (1957) 154-176. Finds Bogomils in AD 843, confuses babuni.

Mosin, Vladimir. «Sinodika.» VV 17 (1960) 278-353.

Mosin, Vladimir. Vlastareva sintagma i Dusanov zakonik. Pims K M873.

Mulic, Malik. «Srpski "Pletenije sloves" do 14. stoljeca.» Radovi. 5 (1963) 117-129. HX.

Mulic, Malik. «Pletenije sloves i hesihazam.» Radovi 7 (1965) 141-156.

Mulic, Malik I. «Serbskie agiografy XIII-XIV vv. i osobennosti ikh stilja.» TODRL 23 (1968) 127-142. HX.

Mulic, Malik. «Prilog pitanju ruskoga utjecaja na juznoslavenske knjizevnosti u srednjem vijeku.» Radovi. 12 ( 1970) 21-32. HX.

Mulic, Malik. Srpski izvori "pletenija sloves". Sarajevo, 1975.

Munro, Dana Carleton. «Speech of the Pope Urban II at Clermont, 1095.» The American Historical Review. 11 (1906) 231-242.

Munro, Dana Carleton. «Did the Emperor Alexius I ask for aid at the Council of Piacenza, 1095?» The American Historical Review. 27 (1922) 731-733.

Munro, Dana Carleton. The Kingdom of the Crusaders. New York, 1936. D 182 M8. Latin Kingdom's date: 1099-1294.

Munro, Dana Carleton, FS. Crusades and other Historical Essays Presented to Dana C. Munro by his former Students. New York, 1928. D6 C7 Pims.

Muralt, . Essai de Chronographie byzantine (1057-1453).

Muratori, L. A., ed. Anonymi Vaticani Historia Sicula a Normannis ad Petrum Aragonensem. R.I.S., 8. Milan, 1726.

Muratori, L. A., ed. Gaufredi Malaterraw Historia Sicula.
RIS, 5:579. Parapinakes.

Muratori, L. A., general editor. Rerum Italicarum Scriptores. 25 vols. Milan: 1723-1751.

Murray, Alllan V. «Baldwin II and his nobles: Baronial factionalism and dissent in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1118-1134.» Nottingham Mediaeval Studies. 38 (1994) 60-85. PN 661 N6.

Myers, Gregory. «The medieval Russian Kondakar and the choir book from Kastoria: A Palaeographic study in Byzantine and Slavic Musical Relations.» Plainsong and medieval music. 7 (1998) 21-46.

Nasonov, A. N., ed. Novgorodskaia pervaia letopis starshego i mladshego izvodov. Moscow, 1950. For AD 1204, page 47.

Nau, François Nicolas. «Chronique de Michel le Syrien.» Journal of the S As. 9th series 8 ( . . . ) 523.

Nau, François Nicolas. Une biographie inédite de Bardesane l'astrologue. Paris: [...], 1897. B 657 Z7 M5, fragile. Lived AD 154-222. Education.

Neale, J. M. Hymns of the Eastern Church. London, 1882.

Nedeljkovic, P. «Bosancica.» Prilozi za knjizevnost, jezik. 21 (1955) 271-284. PG 560 P6.

Nef, John U. «Mining and Metallurgy in medieval civilisation.» In vol 2 of The Cambridge Economic History. Eds: J. H. Clapham and E. Power. Cambridge UP, 1952. HC 240 C3.

Nesbitt, John W. «The Rate of March of Crusading Armies in Europe: A Study and Computation.» Traditio 19 (1963) 167-181.

Neumann, C. Die Weltstellung des byzantinischen Reiches vor den Kreuzzügen. Leipzig, 1894.

Neumann, C. Translation. Revue de l'Orient latin. 10 (1905) 37-171.

Nicol, Donald. The Despotate of Epiros. Oxford: Blackwell, 1957. DF 628 E6 N5. Sources and topography.

Nicol, Donald M. Byzantium and Venice. Cambridge UP, 1988. DF 547 I8 N53. Unreliable and deceptive, to be used with extreme caution, if at all.

Nicetas of Heracleia. See Boissonnade.

Nicetas of Heracleia. Catena in Lucam. See Krikone.

Nissen, Theodor. Die byzantinischen Anakreonteen. Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München. Phil-Hist. Abt. 1940. Heft 3. AS 182 M823.

Nitti, F., ed. Le pergamene di S. Nicola di Bari (939-1071). Vol 4 of Codice Diplomatico Barese. Bari, 1900.

Norden, Walter. Das Papsttum und Byzanz: Die Trennung der beiden Mächte und das Problem ihrer Wiedervereinigung bis zum Untergang des byzantinischen Reichs (1453). Berlin, 1903; reprint New York, 1956. DF 548 N7.

Novak, B. V. Supetarski kartular. Zagreb, 1952. Slave trade, 86-88.

Novakovic, R. «O datumu i razlozima Nemanjinog silaska s prestola.» ZRVI 11 (1968) 129-140. French summary: «Sur la date et les causes de l'abdication de Nemanja.»

Novakovic, Stojan. «Teodosija mniha Hilandarca pohvala svetome Simeunu i Savi.» Starine 11 (1879) 153-180.

Novakovic, Stojan. «Otkrivene Varohovo.» Starine 18 (1886) 203-209.

Novakovic, Stojan. «Pronijari i Bastinici (Spahije i Citluk-sahibije): Prilog k istorije nepokretne imovine u Srbiji XIII-XIX veka.» In vol 1 of Glas SKA. Belgrade, 1887. AS 346 B4, knj 1.

Novakovic, Stojan. Strumska oblast u XIV veku i car Stefan Dusan. Belgrade, 1893. Glas der kgl serbischen akademie 36. Review BZ 2 (1893) 634-5.

Novakovic, Stojan. Zakonski spomenici srpskih drzava srednjega veka. Belgrade: Srpska Kraljevska Akademija, 1912.

Novakovic, Stojan. Izabrani radovi. PG 1402 S7.

Novakovic, Stojan. Bibliography Z 8634 N6.

Novgorod, Chronicle. See Bizilli, Hopf, Nasonov.

Oikonomidès, Nicolas. Les listes de préséance byzantines des IX- et Xe siècles. Paris: CNRS, 1972. CR 3575 O35.

Oikonomidès, Nicolas. «A propos des armées des premiers Paléologues et des compagnies de soldats.» Travaux et Mémoires. 8 (1981) 353-371.

Okunev, Nicolaj L. Monumenta Artis Serbicae. 4 vols. Zagreb-Prague, 1928-32. Old Class Art P O.

Okunev, Nicolaj L. «Lesnovo.» In L'art byzantin chez les Slaves: Les Balkans. Ed. Gabriel Millet. Paris, 1930. 2:222-263, 32 ills. N 6250 A77.

Okunev, Nicolaj L. «Milesevo.» Byzantinoslavica 7 (1938) 35-107.

Orderic Vitalius. Parapinakes.

Origo, Iris [marchesa]. The merchant of Prato: Francesco de marco Datini. London: J. Cope, 1957. OLD CLASS retrieved

Origo, Iris. «The Domestic Enemy: The Eastern Slaves in Tuscany in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.» Speculum 30 (1955) 321-366.

Ostrogorsky, George. «The Byzantine Emperor and the Hierarchical World Order.» The Slavonic and East European Review. 35 (1956) 1-14.

Ostrogorsky, George. History of the Byzantine State. Oxford: Blackwell, 1968.

Otto of Freising. Gesta Friderici I. Imperatoris. Ed. G. Waitz. volume 33, in Usum scholarum. Have notes.

Outtier, Bernard, and Stéphane Verhelst. «La Kéryxie catholique de la liturgie de Jérusalem en géorgien (Sin 12 et 54).» Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 42 (2000) 41-64. PER SMC.

Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. GenR.

Painter, Sidney. «The Lords of Lusignan in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.» Speculum 32 (1957) 27-47. French affairs.

Pall, F. «Byzance à la veille de sa chute et Janco de Hunedoara (Hunyadi).» Byzantinoslavica. 30 (1969) 119-126. CB 231 B2.

Pancenko, B. «The Latin Constantinople and Pope Innocent III.» Annals of the Historical-Philological Society at the University of Novorossiia. 21,1 (1914). In Russian.

Papadopoulos-Kerameus, Athanasios. Hierosolymitike Bibliotheke. 5 vols. 1891-1915; reprint Bruxelles: Culture et Civilisation, 1963. Roba Z6621 J558 P3, HXp. Stavrou 43: 3:98-100, have xerox.

Papadopoulos-Kerameus, Athanasios. Analekta Ierosolymitikês Stakhyologias. 5 vols. St. Petersburg, 1901. BX 250 P3. For the Jerusalem Stavrou 43 (AD 1122), see 2:187-188, 202. Mark of Otranto, text, 164-168.

Pargoire, J. «Sur une liste épiscopale de Patras.» Echos d'Orient. 7 (1904) 107.

Paris, Gaston. «La légende de Saladin.» Journal des Savants. 1893:7-34.

Paris, Paulin, ed. De la conquête de Constantinople par Joffroi de Villehardouin et Henri de Valenciennes. Paris: Jules Renouard, 1838. Roba D 16 A3 V4. With notes, better edition than Buchon.

Patterson, Robert B. «The Early existence of the Funda and catena in the twelfth-century Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Speculum 39 (1964) 474-477.

Pavlov, A. «Niketas of Heracleia, canonical work.» VV 2 (1895) 160-176. Greek text with Serbian translation.

Pavlovic, M. «Belicevi odlomci bosanskog jevandjelja.» In Zbornik filoloskih i lingvistickih studija A. Belicu. Belgrade, 1921.

Pavlovic, Milivoj. «Jedinstvo zapisa Gligorija Dijaka.» Slovo 15/16 (1965) 200-203. PG 1 S65. Gospel of Miroslav, dedicace.

Pelliot, Paul. Mélange sur l'époque des Croisades. Mémoires de l'Académie des Inscriptions, 1960. This volume not at Robarts, check out where complete series available, PIMS.

Pernoud, Régine. Essai sur l'histoire du port de Marseille des origines à la fin du xiiie siècle. Marseille, 1935. See Busquet.

Pertusi, Agostino. «Venice et Bisanzio: 1100-1204.» DOP 33 (1979) 1-22.

Pertusi, Agostino, ed. Venezia e il Levante fino al secolo XV. Congress in Venice, 1968. Civiltà veneziana, Studi, 27. 2 vols. Florence: Olschki, 1973-74. DG 675.6 C65, miscat.

Pertusi, Agostino. Reprint of 11 articles, plus biblio. DG 975 C16 P47.

Pertz, G., ed. Lupi Protospatarii Annales. MGH SS 5. 1846:52-63. Also New York, 1963. The Anonymous of Bari.

Pertz, G. H., ed. Ottonis Episcopi Frisingensis Opera. Hannover, 1867. HF.

Pertz, K., ed. Annales Colonienses Maximi, s. a. 1185. MGH SS 17:723-847. Hannover, 1861.

Pertz, K., ed. Annales Marbacenses. MGH SS 17:142-180. Hannover, 1861.

Pertz, K., ed. Annales Stadenses. MGH SS 16:349ff. Hannover 1861.

Peskovic, Vladimir R. «Jedan zapis iz Decana.» In Mélanges linguistiques et philologiques offerts à M. Alexandre Belic. Belgrade, 1937. 59-. HX. Spell check: Petkovic?

Petit, Louis. «Les évêques de Thessalonique.» Echos d'orient. 4 (1900-01) 135-145. PIMS

Petit, Louis. «Acte synodal du patriarche Nicéphore II sur les privilèges du métropolitain de Trébizonte (1er janvier 1260).» IRAK 8,3 (1903) 164. PIMS MICR.

Petit, Louis. «Léonce de Jérusalem.» In Dictionnaire de Théologie catholique. 1926. 9,1:426f. BX 841 D682.

Petit, Louis, and D. Korabliev, eds. Actes de Chilandar. Actes de l'Athos, 5. 2 vols. 1911-1915; reprint Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1975. BX 385 A82 C52.

Petkovic, Vladimir. La peinture serbe du moyen-âge. Belgrade, 1934.

Pétrin, Nicole. «Philological Notes on the Crossbow and Related Missile Weapons.» Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. . . . (1992) 265-291.

Pétrin, Nicole. «Caranthani Marahenses: Philological Notes on the Early History of the Hungarians and the Slavs.» Eurasian Studies Yearbook. 70 (1998) 39-63.

Pétrin, Nicole. «Further Philological Notes on the Early History of the Hungarians and the Slavs.» Eurasian Studies Yearbook. 72 (2000) ...

Petrovic, M. «Aspect historico-juridique de la lettre de Chomatianos "au plus révérend parmi les moines et fils du grand joupan de Serbie kyr Sava".» ZRVI 19 (1980) 173-208.

Picchio, Riccardo. «Models and Patterns in the Literary Tradi­tion of Medieval Orthodox Slavdom.» In Seventh International Congress of Slavists. Vol. 2. 1973. PG 11 I5 1973d. HX.

Pirivatric, Srdjan. «Nemanja.» ZRVI 29/30 (1991) 125-136.

Philippe de Mouskes. See Buchon. Parapinakes.

Polemis, D. «Notes on Eleventh-Century chronology (1059-1081).» ByzZ 58 (1965) 63-65.

Polemis, Demetrios. The Doukai. 1968. DF 506 P6.

Pontieri, E., ed. Gaufredi Malaterrae: De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius. R.I.S., V,1. Bologna, 1928.

Poole, Reginald Lane. Chancery of Innocent III. CD 75 Z3 P6.

Poole, Reginald Lane. «The Earliest Use of the Easter Cycle of Dionysius.» EHR 16 (1901) 719. EMA.bib?

Poole, Reginald Lane. Lectures on the History of the Papal Chancery. 1915.

Poole, Reginald Lane. «The Earliest Use of the Easter Cycle of Dionysius.» EHR 33 (1918) 57-62; 210-213. EMA.bib?

Poole, Reginald Lane. «Seals and Documents.» Proceedings of the British Academy. 9 (1919/20) 319-339. «no single papal document written on [papyrus] is preserved in the original until late in the eighth century and only twenty-seven in the three following centuries» (319). Lots on Pope Zachary, also EMA.bib.

Poole, Reginald Lane. «The Beginning of the Year in the Middle Ages.» Proceedings of the British Academy. 10 (1921/22) 113-137. AS 122 L5. «The reckoning of the year from 1 March is found, I believe, with a single exception, in only one place in the West, namely in Venice, where it held its ground until the fall of the republic in 1797» (118). «It is found in original diplomas in the Venetian archives from the middle of the eleventh century.» (118n5). Also EMA.bib.

Popov, N. P. «Les auteurs de l'Izbornik de Sviatoslav de 1076.» Revue des études slaves. 15 (1935) 210-223.

Popov, T. V. «Antichnaia biografiia i vizantiiskaia agiografiia.» In Antichnost' i Vizantiia. Moscow, 1975. 218-266.

Popovic, P. Pregled srpske knjizevnosti. Belgrade, 1909. Hagiography, 390-396.

Popovic, P. «Stare srpske biografije i njihova izdanja.» Prilozi za KJIF. 5 (1925) 223-226.

Popovic, P. «O knjizevnom delu svetog Save.» Bratstvo 28 (1934) 36-44. Biblio.

Popovic, P. «Akrostih u Konstantina filosofa.» Prilozi za KJIF. 14 (1935) 41-44.

Postan, Michael Moïssey. «Credit in Medieval Trade.» Economic History Review. 1 (1928) . HC 10 E4.

Postan, Michael Moïssey. Medieval Trade and Finance. Cambridge University Press, 1973. HF 395 P67.

Potthast, Augustus. Regesta Pontificorum romanorum. BX 850 A62. Innocent IV: 14347-48.

Prawer, Joshua. «Landed Property in the Latin Kingdom.» Economic History Review. 4 (1951) 85. HC 10 E4 O2.

Prawer, Joshua. «The Settlement of Latins in Jerusalem.» Speculum 27 (1952) 490-503. «a great many Crusaders' cities started life on a tabula rasa after the destruction of the former population.» (490). The Christians of Jerusalem were driven out by the Muslims during the three years of Crusader advance; when the Crusaders captured the city, they slaughtered the Jewish and Muslim population, and started a new community, at first of their own people, adding later some Syrian Christians (92).

Prawer, Joshua. Histoire du royaume latin de Jérusalem. Transl. G. Nahon. 2 vols. Paris: CNRS, 1969-1970. See Cowdrey.

Prawer, Joshua. The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European colonialism in the middle ages. London, 1972. Non-development of central administration, 112-114.

Prawer, Joshua. The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. London, 1973. D 182 D68.

Prawer, Joshua. Crusader Institutions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980. HC 497 P2 P69.

Previté-Orton, C. W. The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History. 2 vols. Cambridge UP, 1966. D 117 P75. Incompetent on the post 1204 period, needs to be refuted. Check on Latin Kingdom.

Pringle, Denys. «The archaeology of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A review of work 1947-1997.» Journal of Medieval History. 23 (1997) 389-408. D 111 J6.

Prinzing, Günter. Die Bedeutung Bulgariens und Serbiens in den Jahren 1204-1219 im Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung und Entwickung der byzantinischen Teilstaaten nach Einnahme Konstantinoples infolge des 4. Kreuzzuges. Miscellanea Byzantina Monacensia, 12. Munich, 1972. DF 611 P73.

Pryor, John H. «The Transportation of Horses by Sea during the Era of the Crusades: Eight Century to 1285.» Repr 1987.

Pryor, John H. Commerce, Shipping and Naval Warfare in the Medieval Mediterranean. London: Variorum, 1987. HE 722 P79. Commerce, Commenda.

«Psellus, Michael.» DThC.

Psellus, Michael. See Renaud, Sathas, Sewter.

Psellus, Michael. Eds: Canard, Sathas, ; research on letters: Bury, Eberhard, Hussey, Kurtz, Martinov, Sathas, Walter, Weiss, Zervos.

Psellus, Michael. Epistola a Michele Cerulario. Ed: . . . Naples, 1973. Roba BX 395 K47 P816.

Psellus, Michael. Epistola a Giovanni Xifilino. Sathas PA 5355 A87.

Psellus, Michael. Scripta Minora. Ed: . . . PIMS BX 260 P75.

Psellus, Michael. Oratoria Minora. Ed: . . . Sathas PA 3404 P964 A6.

Puech, Henri-Charles, and André Vaillant. Le traité contre les Bogomiles de Cosmas le Prêtre. Paris Imprimerie nationale, 1945. Translation and commentary.

Puech, Henri-Charles. Liturgie et pratiques rituelles: Sur le manichéisme et autres essais. Paris: Flammarion, 1979.

Purkovic, Miodrag A. Srpski patriarsi srednjega veka. Düsseldorf, 1967. BX 719 A1 P8.

Purkovic, Miodrag A. Jelena, zena cara Dusana. Düsseldorf, 1975. DR 1992 P86. Other bib.

Queller, Donald E. «Innocent III and the crusader-Venetian Treaty of 1201.» Medievalia et Humanistica. OS 15 (1963) 31-34. D 111 M5 per.bib. «The Venetians also agreed to provide fifty galleys at their own cost in return for half of the conquests.» (31).

Queller, Donald E. The Latin Conquest of Constantinople. New York: J. Wiley and Sons, 1971. D 164 Q4. Documents in controversy.

Queller, Donald E. «The Fourth Crusade: The Neglected Majority.» With Thomas Compton and Donald A. Campbell. Speculum 49 (1974) 441-465.

Queller, Donald E. «Some arguments in defense of the Venetians on the Fourth Crusade.» With Gerald D. Wayne. The American Historical Review. 81 (1976) 717-737. E 171 A57.

Queller, Donald E. «On the completion of A History of the Crusades.» The International History Review. 13 (1991) 314-330. D 1 I5. Review article.

Queller, Donald E., and Irene B. Katele. «Attitudes towards the Venetians in the Fourth Crusade: The Western sources.» The International History Review. 4 (1982) 1-36. D 1 I5, per.bib. Check this out: «Similarly, Innocent would not order the Crusaders to restore CPL to Alexius, as Alberic of Trois-Fontaines asserts.» (35).

Queller, Donald E., and Irene B. Katele. «Venice and the conquest of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Studi veneziani. NS 12 (1986) 15-43. DG 670 S7.

Queller, Donald E., and Thomas F. Madden. The Fourth Crusade: The Conquest of Constantinople. With an essay on primary sources and bibliography by Alfred J. Andrea, 299-343. 2nd revised ed. Philadelphia: U of Penn Press, 1997. Roba, PIMS D164 Q38. The conquest of Zara as a scheme to finance the Crusade: «The interest of Christendom in the holy war and the self-interest of Venice in reconquering Christian Zara coincided.» (56).

Queller, Donald E., and Susan J. Stratton. «A century of controversy on the Fourth Crusade.» Studies in medieval and Renaissance history. OS 6 (1969) 233-277. D 119 S8. Query: How can we believe in a diversion from Cairo to CPL after Zara, when Prince Alexius was on board?

Raasted, Jörgen. «Some observations on the structure of the stichera in Byzantine rite.» Byzantion 28 (1958) 529-541.

Racki, F. «Patareni.» Starine JAZU. 1 (...) 101-108

Racki, F. «Patareni.» Starine JAZU. 1 (...) 21-29.

Racki, F. «Kard. J. Torquemada razprava proti bosanskim Patarenam.» Starine JAZU. 14 (1882) 1-21. Tantrum prose.

Racki, F. «Rukopis bosanskog krstjanina Radosava.» Starine JAZU. 14 (1877) 21-29.

Radic, Radivoje. «Local Rulers in Byzantium at the End of the Twelfth Century and in the First Decades of the Thirteenth.» ZRVI 24/25 (1986) 151-290.

Radic, Radivoje. «Manuel Straboromanos. Contribution à l'histoire des rapports entre Byzance et les Slaves du Sud à la fin du XIe et durant les premières années du XIIe siècle.» ZRVI 27/28 (1989) 93-101. HCopy.

Radojcic, B. «Contribution à l'étude des rapports de vasselage de la Serbie envers Byzance au commencement de la seconde moitié du xiie siècle.» ZRVI Ostrog? 345-354.

Radojcic, Nikola. «Sveti Sava i avtokefalnost srpske i bugarske crkve.» Glas rpske kraljevske Akademije. [NS 91] 179 (1939) 177-258. AS 346 B4. per.bib. Illustrates the precariousness of Sava's position.

Radojcic, Nikola. «Dva Teodosija Hilandarca.» Glas SAN. 218 (1956) 1-27.

Radojcic, N., ed. Zakonik cara Stefana Dusana: 1349 i 1354. Belgrade: SANU, 1960.

Radojicic, Djordje Sp. «O starom srpskom knjizevniku Teodosiju.» Istorijski casopis (SAN). 4 (1952/53) 13-42.

Radojicic, Djordje Sp. «Teodosijev kanon . . . Simeonu i Savi.» Juznoslovenski filolog. ??? (1955/56) 137-142.

Radonic, Jovan. «Dubrovacka akta i povelje.» Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i knjizevnost srpskog naroda. 16 (1951). 17-18 century, mention of Vorontsovs.

Radosevic, Ninoslava. «Fragments cosmologiques et géographiques du Recueil de Gorica.» ZRVI 20 (1981) 171-184.

Raimundi de Aguilers Historia Francorum. In vol 3 of RHC Historiens occidentaux.

Raukar, T. «O nekim problemima razvitka cirilske minuskule (bosancice).» Historijski zbornik. 19-20 (1966/67) 485-499.

Rautman, Marcus. «Ignatius of Smolensk and the late Byzantine monasteries of Thessaloniki.» REByz 49 (1991) 143-169.

Renaud, E, ed. Michael Psellos: Chronographie ou histoire d'un siècle de Byzance (976-1077). Paris: Budé, 1967.

Renouard, Yves. Les hommes d'affaires italiens du moyen-âge. Paris: Colin, 1949. HF 411 R37.

Renoux. Armenian codex in Jerusalem. PO. PIM.

Renoux, A. «Un manuscrit du lectionnaire arménien de Jérusalem.» Le Muséon. 74 (1961) 361-385; 75 (1962) 385-398.

Renoux, Charles, tr. Les hymnes de la Résurrection. Vol I: Hymnographie liturgique géorgienne: Textes du Sinaï 18. Paris: Le Cerf, 2000. BV 55 H96. Check again: «Arise O Christ» does not appear to be here.

Resetar Festschrift. Zbornik iz dubrovacke proslosti: Milanu Resetaru o 70oj godis-njici zivota prijatelji i ucenici. Dubrovnik, 1931. DB 879 R2Z6.

Resetar, Milan. «Die ragusanischen Urkunden des XIII-XV
Jahrhunderts.» Archiv für slavische Philologie. 16 (1894) 321-368; 17 (1895) 1-47.

Resetar, Milan. Dubrovacki zbornik od god. 1520. Belgrade: Narodna Stamparija, 1933. PG 1416 A2 L57. Edited in Zbornik..SKA. 1926.

Resetar, Milan, and Ciro Giannelli. Dva dubrovacka jezicna spomenika iz XVI vijeka. Belgrade: Royal Academy of Sciences, 1938. PG 703 R47.

Reitzenstein, R. Die Vorgeschichte der christlichen Taufe. Leipzig and Berlin: 1929. «Interrogatio Joannis» 312-316.

Rhétoré, J. «Jérusalem.» Revue biblique. 6 (1897) 154; 438-463.

Riant, comte P. E. «Innocent III, Philippe de Souabe et Boniface de Montferrat.» Revue des questions historiques. 27 (1875) 321-374; 18 (1875) 5-75.

Riant, comte P. E. «Le changement de direction de la quatrième croisade d'après quelques travaux récents.» Revue des questions historiques. 23 (1878) 71-114.

Riant, comte P. E. «Inventaire critique des lettres historiques des croisades.» Archives de l'orient latin. 1 (1881) 1-224.

Richard, Jean. «An Account of the Battle of Hattin referring to the Frankish mercenaries in Oriental Muslim States.» Speculum 27 (1952) 168-177. Some of these Crusaders were mercenaries who placed their sword not at the service of God, but at that of the highest bidder -- even if he was a Muslim.

Richard, Jean. The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Tr: Janet Shirley. Vol. A. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing, 1979. D 182 R5313 v. A. «Certainly the Franks annexed a good deal of the Greeks' property, especially the patriarch's, but the Greek monasteries continued to flourish» (137 and notes 161f).

Richard, Marcel. Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscripts grecs. Paris: CNRS, 1958. Roba Z 6605 G7 R5. Page 119, fonds tou timiou Staurou.

Richard, Marcel. Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscripts grecs: Supplément. Paris: CNRS, 1964. Roba Z 6605 G7 R5.

Richard, Marcel. Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscripts grecs. 3rd edition. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995. PIMS BZ 310 C85; SMC BQ 310 C68 R52.

Riley-Smith, Jonathan. «A Note on confraternities in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research. 44 (1971) 301-308. D 1 L6533.

Riley-Smith, Jonathan. «Latin titular bishops in Palestine and Syria, 1137-1291.» Catholic Historical Review. 64 (1978) 1-15. BX 940 C3.

Riley-Smith, Jonathan. «The Motives of the earliest Crusaders and the settlement of Latin Palestine, 1095-1100.» EHR 98 (1983) 721-736. «every historian of the First Crusade has sooner or later to face up to the question of what moved men to take the cross» (721).

Riley-Smith, Jonathan. «The Latin clergy and the settlement in Palestine and Syria, 1098-1100.» Catholic Historical Review. 74 (1988) 539-557. BX 940 C3.

Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders, 1095-1131. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997. D 161.2 R485.

Robinson, Hunken, and Francis Crawford Burkitt. Palestine in general history. London, 1929. DS 117 R6.

Rocquain, Félix. «Chancellerie des papes.» Journal des Savants. 1873:440-451.

Röhricht, Reinhold. Geschichte des Königreiches Jerusalem. Innsbruck, 1898. D 182 R6. Monastery of St. Sabas and the Ibelin. 897-905.

Röhricht, Reinhold. Itinera Hierosolymitana. DS 104.5 I 847.

Röhricht, Reinhold. Regesta Regni Hierosolymitani 1097-1241. 2 vols. Original date?? Reprint New York: Franklin, [1960]. D 176 R7.

Röhricht, Reinhold, and Gaston Raynaud, eds. Annales de la Terre Sainte (1095-1291). In Archives de l'Orient Latin. 2 (1883) 427-461. Offprint with new pagination Paris: E. Leroux, 1884. HX. See Berchner. Notes in Cherubicon.

Roques, Mario. «Deux livres d'heures du XVIe siècle en cyrillique bosniaque.» Revue des études slaves. 12 (1932) 49-69. See Resetar 1938:lxi.

Roques, Mario. Recherches sur les anciens textes albanais. Paris: Geuthner, 1932.

Rouillard, Germaine. «Un grand bénéficiaire sous Alexis Comnène: Léon Képhalas.» BZ 30 (1929) 444-450. HX.

Rouwhorst, G.A. M. Les hymnes pascales d'Ephrem de Nisibe. Vol I: Etudes. Vol II: Textes. Leiden: Bril, 1985. BV 55 R68.

Rowe, John Gordon. «Paschal II and the relation between the spiritual and temporal powers in the Kingdom of Jerusalem.» Speculum 32 (1957) 470-501. Long story of political intrigue.

Rubio y Lluch. «Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der griechischen Sklaven in Katalonien im XIV Jahrhundert.» Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 30 (1929/30) 462-468.

Rücker, A. «Die wechselnden Gesangstücken der ostsyrische Messe.» Jahrbücher für Liturgiewissenschaft. 1 (1901) 61-86. per.bib.

Rüdt de Collenberg, Wipertus Hugo. «Les premiers Ibelins.» Le Moyen Age. 71 (1965) 433-474. Reprint 1983. «Le remariage de Stéphanie avec Guy du Mily, le mariage de Helvis avec Balian ont permis l'ascension des deux familles de Milly et d'Ibelin qui elles étaient d'origine bien plus humble» (456). «Mais leur fortune [les ibelins] est due principalement au fait que Helvis de Rama [...] devint par la mort de tous les membres de sa famille, l'héritierre du plus grand fief du Royaume. Son deuxième mariage [...] créa ensuite les premiers liens direts avec la famille royale. La révolte du Connétable, son exil [...] firent passer tout l'héritage des Rama aux Ibelins» (469). «une origine italo-normande est des plus probables» pour les Ibelins (474).

Rüdt de Collenberg, Wipertus Hugo. Familles de l'Orient latin, XII-XVI siècles. London: Variorum, 1983. CS 1086 R84. Re: Ibelins.

Sahil-lioglu, Halil. «Sivis Year Crises in the Ottoman Empire.» In Studies in the Economic History of the Middle East. Ed: M. A. Cook. London, 1970. 230-252. HC 410.7 S84. Ottoman calendar: fiscal year.

Salaville, Sévérien. An Introduction to the Study of Eastern Liturgies. Tr. John M. T. Barton. London: Sands and Co., 1938. Old Class R Liturg S. Recat 20/2/2001.

Sanday, W. Sacred sites of the Gospels. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1903. Recat 7/28.

Sanudo, Marino. Historia del regno di Roumaina. Ed: C. [Karl] Hopf. In Chroniques gréco-romanes inédites ou peu connues. Berlin, 1873.

Sathas, Constantin. «Deux lettres inédites de l'empereur Michel Ducas Parapinace a Robert Guiscard rédigées par Michel Psellus.» Annuaire de l'association pour l'encouragement des études grecques en France. 8 (1874) 191-221. HX. Intro, edition, translation.

Sathas, Konstantin N., ed. Mesaionike Bibliotheke [Bibliotheca graeca medii aevi]. 7 vols. Venice and Paris: Maisonneuve, 1872-1894. Old Class LGr. .C S. Volume 7, 1-610: «Anonyme de Sathas: Anonymou Synopsi s khronikê.» Pinax. Artavasdus, 124; Bogomils 178-181 (no reference to ethnic element); many toponyms. Education.

Volume V: Mihael Psellous Istorikoi logoi, epistolai kai alla anekdota. Venice and Paris: Maisonneuve, 1876.

Saulcy, Louis félicien de. Numismatique des Croisades. reprint 1974. CJ 1681 S25.

Sayous, André R. «Le capitalisme au moyen âge.» VJSWG 29 (1896?) 270-295.

Sayous, André R. «Un manuel arabe de parfait commerçant.» Annales d'histoire économique et sociale. 3 (1931) 577-580.

Sayous, André R. «Les opérations des banquiers en Italie et aux foires de Champagne au xiii siècle.» Revue historique. 170 (1932) 1-81.

Sayous, André R. «L'origine de la lettre de change.» Revue historique de droit français et étranger. 12 (1933) 66-113.

Sayous, E. «L'invasion des Mongols en Hongrie dans les années 1241 et 1242.» Académie des sciences morales et politiques: Séances et travaux. Paris. 4 (1875) 145-179. P Pol Sci A. Chinese sources use word transliterated as Matchar for the Magyars.

Schillmann, Fritz. «Zur byzantinische Politik Alexanders IV.» Römische Quartalschrift. 22 (1908) 115. BX 940 R6.

Schlauch, Margaret. «The Palace of Hugon de Constantinople.» Speculum 7 (1932) 500-514. Literary history, not here.

Schlumberger, Gustave. Numismatique de l'Orient latin. Paris: Leroux, 1878.

Schlumberger, Gustave. «Monnaie et bulle de plomb inédites de Terre Sainte.» Revue archéologique. NS 36 (1878) 180-186.

Schlumberger, Gustave. Numismatique de l'Orient latin. Paris: Leroux, 1882; reprint 1954. CJ 1681 S35. Also 1878 edition.

Schlumberger, Gustave. Sigillographie de l'Orient latin. Paris: Geuthner, 1943. CD 5539 S353. LPD: Sceau d'Antibari, 226.

Schlumberger, Gustave. Sigillographie de l'Empire byzantin. CD 5381 S3.

Schlumberger, Mélanges. DF 553 M45.

Schmaus, Alois. «Die literarhistorische Problematik von Domentijans Sava-Vita.» In Fifth International Congress of Slavists. Sofia, 1963. 1963d: . . . . PG 11 I5.

Schmidt, Andrea Barbara, and Peter Halfter. «Der Brief Papst Innozenz' II. an den armenischen Katholikos Gregor III: Ein wenig beachteten Dokument zur Geschichte der Synode von Jerusalem (Ostern 1141).» Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum. 31,1 (1999) 50-71. BR 10 A55.

Schulz, H. J. Die byzantinische Liturgie. Trier, 1989. BX 4711.163 S34. High praise from Spieser. See page 100 on image selection which will live on after iconoclasm.

Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum tempore ducum regumque stirpis Arpadianae gestarum. 2 vols. Budapest, 1937-1938. DB 903 S38 Re: Bessi, Tenin.

Setton, Kenneth Meyer. «Athens in the Later Twelfth Century.» Speculum 19 (1944) 179-207.

Setton, Kenneth Meyer, editor-in-chief. A History of the Crusades. 6 vols. Madison: U of Wisconsin Press, 1955-69. D 157 S48.

Seppelt, F. X. Geschichte des Papsttums. 5 vols. Not political ideas.

Sewter, E. R. A., tr. The Fourteen Byzantine Rulers: The Chronography of Michael Psellus. Penguin, 1966. HC.

Sewter, Edgar Robert Ashton, tr. The Alexiad of Anna Comnena. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1969. HC. Mentions of Butrint and Crusaders: III,12 (131); VI,5 (189, 191).

Shepard, Jonathan. «The English and Byzantium: A Study of their role in the Byzantine army in the Later XIth century.» Traditio 29 (1973) 53-92.

Shepard, Jonathan, and Simon Franklin, eds. Byzantine Diplomacy. Twenty-fourth Symposium of Byzantine Studies. Cambridge, March 1990. London: Variorum, 1992. DF 546 S67.

Siberry, Elizabeth. Criticism of Crusading, 1095-1274. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. D 160 S49. Excellent bib of sources. Scepticism and disillusionment, encouraged by disaster of Second crusade.

Sidak, Jaroslav. «Crkve bosanske.» Historijski Zbornik. 3 (1950) 316-348.

Sidak, Jaroslav. «Kopitarovo bosansko evandjelje u sklopu pitanja 'Crkve bosanske'.» Slovo 4-5 (1955) 47-63. PG 1 S65.

Sidak, Jaroslav. «Marginalija uz jedan rukopis 'Crkve bosanske' u mletackoj Marciani.» Slovo 6-8 (1957) 134-153.

Sidak, Jaroslav. «Bosanski rukopisi u Gosudarstvenoj publicnoj biblioteci u Lenjingradu.» Slovo 17 (1967) ???.

Sidak, Jaroslav. «Crkve bosanske.» Historijski Zbornik. 27/28 (1974/75) 139-182. Review of literature.

Sidak, Jaroslav. «Nova gradja o akciji rimske kurije u Bosni 1245.» Historijski Zbornik. 27/28 (1974/75) 319-329.

Simic, Pribislav. «Ein östlicher cherubischer Hymnus.» Byzantinoslavica 30 (1969) 116-118. Hx.

Simic, Pribislav. «Trebnik srpske redakcije XIII veka.» Zbornik istorije knjizevnosti SANU. 10 (1976) 53-87. PG 1400 S682, HC.

Sinding-Larsen, S. Iconography and ritual: a study of analytical perspective. Oslo, 1984.

Sisic, Ferdo. Letopis popa Dukljanina. Belgrade, 1928.

Sisic, Ferdo. «Nekoliko isprava iz pocetka XV st.» Starine 39 (1938) 129-320. Krka: 170; 207-80; 192, etc. Hrvoje, Knin, Patarene, 256. Bosnian schismatics.

Skok, Petar. Slavenstvo i romanstvo na jadranskim otocima. 2 vols. LaSer .Gr S6285 sl Old Class.

Skok, Petar. Tri starofrancuske hronike. Pims D 164 A3 T7. Knin?

Skok, Petar. Supetarski kartular. BX 2675 S8 A4. Knin?

Skok, Petar, FS. Zbornik. P26 S56 Z3.

Skoulatos, Basile. Les personnages byzantins de l'Alexiade: Analyse prosopographique et synthèse. Louvain, 1980. DF 605 S56.

Slack, Corliss Konwiser. «Royal familiares in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1100-1187.» Viator. 22 (1991) 15-67. CB 351 V53. With prosopographic appendices. Familiares: members of the curia regis whose opinions «carried more weight than those of the knights who held the smaller fiefs.» (15).

Slack, Corliss Konwiser. Crusade Charters, 1138-1270. With Translations by Hugh Bernard Feiss. Tempe, 2001. D 151 S5.

Slatarski, W. N. Geschichte der Bulgaren. Leipzig, 1918.

Slavova, L., and Vladimir Mosin, eds. Srpske gramoti ot Dusanovo vreme. Prilep, 1988.

Smiciklas, Tade, ed. Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae. 15 volumes. 1904. Zagreb: Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1904. 10:494 for Ban Stjepan II and mining.

Sokolov, M. «Materialy i zametki po starinnoj slavjanskoj literature.» Izvestiia istoriko-filologiceskago instituta knjazja Bezborodko v Nezine. 11 (1887/89) 1-211.

Solovjev, Aleksandar. Odabrani spomenici srpskog prava (od xii do kraja xv veka). Belgrade: Gece Kona, 1926.

Solovjev, Alexandre V. «La doctrine de l'église de Bosnie.» Bulletin de la classe des lettres. Académie royale de Belgique. 34 (1938) 481-534. 1938 or 1948? Check.

Solovjev, Aleksandar. «Trgovanje bosanskim robliem do god. 1661.» GZM NS 1 (1946) 139-162.

Solovjev, Aleksandar. Vjersko ucenje Bosanske crkve. Zagreb, 1948.

Solovjev, Aleksandar. «Prilog pitanju Bosanske crkve.» Historijski Zbornik. 3 (1950) 213-215. DR 301 H5. Summary of his 1948 article.

Solovjev, Aleksandar, and Vladimir Mosin, eds. Grcke povelje srpskih vladara. Belgrade, 1936. DR 337 S65.

Speranski, M. N. «Ein bosnisches evangelium in der Handschriftensammlung Sreckovics.» Archiv für slavische Philologie. 24 (1902) 172-182. Sreckovic edited in Jordan Ivanov 191-200.

Spieser, Jean-Michel. «Les programmes iconographiques des églises byzantines après l'iconoclasme.» In L'image et la production du sacré. Ed: F. Dunand, J.M. Spieser and J. Wirth. Paris, 1991. Roba N 72 R4 I48. 121-138. HX

Stadtmüller, G. «Michael Choniates, Metropolit von Athen (ca. 1138-1222).» Oriens Christianus. 32,2 (1934).

Stanojevic, Stanoje. Istorija Srba. Belgrade, 1926. See also Isaiah.bib for this scholar.

Stanojevic, Stanoje. «Kada je Teodosije pisao zivot Sv. Save.» Juznoslovenski filolog. 7 (1927) 201-204.

Stanojevic, Stanoje. «Hronologija borbi izmedju Stevana Vukana.» Glas SANU. 153 (1933) 96-99. AS 346 B4.

Stanojevic, Stanoje. Stevan Prvovencani. Belgrade: Izdavacka Knjizara Gece Kona, 1934. Offprint from Godisnjica 43. DR 338 1196 S73.

Stanojevic, Stanoje. «Sveti Sava i nezavisnost srpske crkve.» Glas SANU. 161 (1934) 199-251. AS 346 B4. Volume here?

Stanojevic, St. Istorija srpskog naroda u srednjem veku. Volume I. Izvori i istoriografija. Part 1. O izvorima. Belgrade: SKA, 1937.

Stanojevic, Stanoje, and P. Perovic. «Nacrt bibliografije o sv. Savi.» Bratstvo 28 (1934) 164-192.

Stefanic, V. «Splitski odlomak glagoljskog misala starije redakcije.» Slovo 6-8 (1957) 54-133. PG 1 S65. Claims this text is Croatian, although it is evidently Bosnian.

Stefanic, V. «Glagoljski zapis u Cajnickom evandjelju i Radosavljevu rukopisu.» Zbornik Historijskog Instituta. 2 (1958).

Stefanic, V. Glagoljski rukopisi Jugoslovenske akademije. 2 vols. Zagreb, 1969-1970.

Stephanos, bishop of Serres. Act. Hellenika 2 (1929) 473. per.bib. HXEROX.

Stein, H. Bibliographie des Cartulaires français.

Sternbach, L., ed. Nicolai Calliclis Carmina. Cracow, 1903. Check Analecta Avarica, ema.bib.

Stojanovic, Ljubomir. «Nekoliko srpskih ljetopisa.» Starine 13 (1881) 164-196.

Stojanovic, Ljubomir. CHECK UTLINK

Stojanovic, Ljubomir. «Nekoliko srpskih ljetopisa.» Starine JAZU. 13 (1881) 164-196.

Stojanovic, Ljubomir. «Bogomili» Starine JAZU. 18 (1886) 230-232.

Stojanovic, Ljubomir. «Ueber einen cyrillischen Apostolus serbischer Redaction mit glagolitischen Marginalglossen.» Archiv für slavische Philologie. 22 (1900) 510-525.

Stojanovic, Ljubomir. Stari srpski zapisi. CN 850 S86.

Stojanovic, Ljubomir. Stare srpske povelje i pisma. 2 vols. Belgrade and Sremski Karlovci, 1929-1934.

Stuard, Susan Mosher. «Ragusa and the Silver Trade, c. 1300.» Studi Veneziani. 17/18 (1975/76) 95-143. DG 670 S7.

Strunk, William Oliver. «The Tonal System of Byzantine Music.» The Musical Quarterly. 28 (1942) 190-204. Roba ML 1 M725.

Strunk, William Oliver. «Intonations and signatures of the Byzantine Modes.» The Musical Quarterly. 31 (1945) 339-355. Roba ML 1 M725.

Strunk, William Oliver. «The Byzantine Office at Hagia Sophia.» DOP 9/10 (1956) 175-202.

Strunk, William Oliver. «The Antiphons of the Oktoechos.» Journal of the American Musicological Society. 13 (1960) 50-67. MUSI ML 27 U5 A8357.

Strunk, William Oliver. «A further note on the proper hymns for Easter.» Classica et medievalia. 22 (1961) 178-181. PA 9 C5.

Strzygowski, Josef. Die Miniaturen des serbischen Psalters der königl. Hof- und Statsbibliothek in München. Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil-hist Kl, 52,2. Vienna, 1906. AS 142 A5. Illustrated with Slavic word-list, and introduction by V. Jagic. Nevsky.bib. Vision of Isaiah, p. 43; Plate 26, §56; 48, §114: Isaiah.

Stuard, Susan Mosher. «Ragusa and the Silver Trade, c. 1300.» Studi veneziani. 17/18 (1975/76) 95-143. DG 670 S7.

Subotic, Gojko. Manastir Zica. Belgrade: Turisticka Stampa, 1978. NA 5951 Z54 S8.

Subotic, Gojko. «Contribution à la chronologie de la peinture murale de Decani.» ZRVI 20 (1981) 111-138.

Sufflay, Milan von. Srbi i Arbanasi. DR 1976 A38 S84.

Sufflay, Milan von. Acta Albaniae. 1968. DR 701 S49 V4; K A1883.

Swainson, C. A. The Greek Liturgies. Cambridge, 1884.

Sweeney, James Ross. «Basil of Trnovo's Journey to Durazzo: A Note on Balkan Travel at the Beginning of the 13th Century.» Slavonic and East European Review. 51 (1973) 118-123. HX Itinerary: Phil note in Innocent file.

Szakály, F. «Phases of Turco-Hungarian warfare before the battle of Mohács (1365-1526).» Acta Orient. Hung. 83 (1979) ..

Tadic, Jorjo. «Otkupljivanje robova u Dubrovniku.» Politika Nr. 8129, December 22, 1930.

Tadic, Jorjo. «Le port de Raguse au moyen âge.» In Le Navire et l'économie martiime au moyen âge au xviii siècle. Paris 1958. HE 571 C6. Series?

Tafel, Gottlieb Lukas Friedrich, and G. M. Thomas. Urkunden zur älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte der Republik Venedig. Fontes Rerum Austriacarum, 12-14. 3 vols. Vienna, 1856-1857; reprint Amsterdam, 1967. DG 671 D5.

Tafrali, Oreste. Topographie de Thessalonique. Paris, 1913.

Taft, Robert F. «A Proper Offertory Chant for Easter in some Slavonic Manuscripts.» Orientalia Christiana Periodica. 36 (1970) 437-443. HX. See 441n2.

Taft, Robert F. The Historical Evolution of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: The Pre-anaphoral Rites.

Taft, Robert F. «Mount Athos: A Late Chapter in the History of the Byzantine Rite.» DOP 42 (1988) 179-194. Reprinted Variorum. «Hagiorite liturgy is not an overworked field.» (179).

Taft, Robert F., rev. «Le vendredi-saint dans la tradition liturgique byzantine.» Orientalia Christiana Periodica. 56 (1990) 227-229.

Taft, Robert F. «In the bridegroom's absence: The Paschal triduum inthe Byzantine Church.» In La Celebrazione del Triduo Pasquale. Rome: Benedictina-Edizioni, 1990. 71-97.

Taft, Robert F. The Diptychs. Vol 4 of A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 238. Rome, 1991. BX 101 07.

Taft, Robert F., rev. «Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai.» Orientalia Christiana Periodica. 57 (1991) 239-241.

Taft, Robert F. «Holy Things for the Saints: The Ancient call to communion and its response.» In Fountain of Life. Washington, DC: Pastoral Press, 1991. 87-102.

Taft, Robert F., rev. «The beginning, the end, and what happens in between: The origins and meaning of the Liturgical year. A propos of a recent book.» Orientalia Christiana Periodica. 57 (1991) 409-415.

Taft, Robert F. «The interpolation of the Sanctus into the Anaphora: When and Where? A review of the dossier.» Orientalia Christiana Periodica. 57 (1991) 281-308.

Taft, Robert F., ed. The Christian East: Its Institutions and its Thought. A Critical Reflection. Rome: Pontificio Ist Orientale, 1996.

Taft, Robert F. «Holy Week in the Byzantine Tradition.» In Hebdomadae sanctae celebratio: Conspectus historicus comparativus. The Celebration of Holy Week in Ancient Jerusalem and its Development in the Rites of East and West. Ed: Antony George Kollamparampil. Rome: Edizioni Liturgiche, 1997. 67-91. Roba BV 55 H42. Re Jerusalem, but not much help. «This creativity remained characteristic of the Byzantine rite until the Late Byzantine Period, when Turkish incursions into Asia Minor in the 1170s ultimately forced the Byzantines to give priority to the struggle for survival of empire and church.» (89). No mention of the Crusaders who took away the Holy Wisdom and the Anastasis from the Greek rite clergy...

Taft, Robert F. «St. John Chrysostom and the Byzantine Anaphora that bears his name (textual comparisonwith Syriac Anaphora of the Apostles).» In Essays on early eastern Eucharisic prayers. Ed: Paul F. Bradshaw. Collegevile, Minn: Liturgical Press, 1997. 195-226. SMC BV 185 E87.

Taft, Robert F. Variorum. BV 176 T34.

Taft, Robert F. Variorum. BX 350 T345.

Taft, Robert F. Byzantine Rite. BX 4711.12 T34.

Taft, Robert F. FS VUEM BX 107 E85.

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Tarchnischvili, Michel [Michael Tarchnisvili], ed, tr. Le Grand lectionnaire de l'Eglise de Jérusalem (Ve-VIIIe siècle). Vol. II. Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium, Scriptores Iberici, 13-14. Louvain, 1960.

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Taylor, William Robert. «A New Syriac fragment dealing with incidents in the Second Crusade.» Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 9 (1929/30) 124. DS 101 A45.

Teodosije. Life of St. Sava. BX 719 S35 T46.

Thallóczy, Ludwig. «Die ungarische Beziehungen der Chronik des Presbyter Diocleas.» Archiv für slavische Philologie. 20 (1898) 201-224.

Thallóczy, Ludwig de, and Vatroslav Jagic. «Slavische Fragmente aus der Bibliothek S. Giacomo della Marca in Monteprandone.» Archiv für slavische Philologie. 27 (1905).

Thallóczy, Ludwig de, Constantine Jirecek and E. de Sufflay, eds. Acta et diplomata res Albaniae mediae aetatis illustrantia. Vienna, 1913. I:41 (§127) and 1:41 (§128). Where?

Theiner, A., ed. Vetera monumenta Slavorum meridionalium. 2 vols. Rome, 1863. DR 25 T44. 1:20 (§36) 1:28 (§44). Letters of Innocent III.

Theophylakt of Ohrid. Patrologia Graeca. Vol. 126. Includes: Martyrium XV SS Illustrium martyrum, qui imperante impio Juliano Apostata Tiberiopoli, quae Strumitzae Bulgarice. Oratio in imperatorem D. Alexium Comnenum. Oratio in Alexium Comnenum. I don't remember if the last two are really one. Includes the following items, connected with Constantine: Institutio regia ad Porphyrogenitum Constantinnum. Panegyrica. Paraenetica. Check index for references to Constantine Dukas.

Thompson, Francis. «Danilo and Serbian lives.» Analecta Bollandiana. PIMS

Thomsen, Peter. Loca Sancta: Verzeichnis der im 1. bis 6. Jahrhundert n. Ch. erwähnten Ortschaften Palästinas. Halle: R. Haupt, 1907. HPa T4815kz. Recat. 5/20/2000.

Thomsen, Peter. Die Palästina-Literatur. 8 vols. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1908-1972. Z 3476 T56 Roba and GenR. Check for Stavrou. ref.bib.

Throop, Palmer. Criticism of the Crusade: A Study of Public Opinion and Crusade Propaganda. 1940. D 172 T5.

Thuróczy. Chronicle. See Galántai, Mantello.

Tillyard, Henry Julius Wetenhall. «The Stichera Anastasima in Byzantine hymnody.» BZ 31 (1931) 13-20. Check Iter for other articles by this author.

Tinnefeld, Franz Hermann. «Faktoren des Aufstieges zur Patriarchenwürde im späteren Byzanz.» Jahb Oest. Byz. 36 (1986) 89-116.

Topping, Eva Catafygiotu. Sacred Songs: Studies in Byzantine Hymnography. 1997. BV 467 T66.

Treu, Maximilian, ed. Maximi Planudis epistulae. Vols? 1886-1890 reprint Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1960. Education.

Tuchman, Barbara W. A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous Fourteenth Century. New York: Ballantine Books, 1978. DC 97.5 T82

Tunickij, N. L. Monumenta ad SS. Cyrilli et Methodii successorum vitae resque gestas pertinentia. 1918; reprint London: Variorum, 1966.

Turdeanu, Emile. «Apocryphes bogomiles et apocryphes pseudo-bogomiles.» Revue de l'histoire des religions. 138/139 (1950) 22-52; 176-218.

Trifunovic, Djordje. Primeri iz stare srpske knjizevnosti: Od Grigorija diaka do Gavrila Stefanovica Venclovica. Belgrade: Slovo ljubve, 1975. PG 1413 P3.

Trifunovic, Djordje. «Herubika.» Azbucnik srpskih srednjo­vekovnih knjizevnih pojmova. 2d edition. Belgrade: Nolit, 1990. 363. Does not cite anyone later than Simic and Taft.

Turner, C. H. «The Paschal Canon Attributed to Anatolius of Laodicea.» EHR 10 (1895) 699-710. See also Anscombe. Move to EMA.bib for date of Easter.

Ullmann, W. The Growth of papal Government in the Middle Ages. London, 1955. BX 955.2 U5.

Ullmann, W. The Carolingian Renaissance and the Idea of Kingship. London, 1969. check Nevsky for more by this author, I think he wrote something in Settimane.

Unger, Richard. The Ship in the Medieval Economy, 600-1600. London, 1980.

Uspensky, Porphyrius. Monastery of St. Sabas. 1860. Cited Pap-Ker, p. 98, HX.

Uspensky, Porphyrius. The Christian Orient: Athos. Vol 3. Kiev, 1877; 2nd ed St. Peterburg, 1892.

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Vasic, Miloje M. Zica i Lazarica. Belgrade, 1928. Pims NA 5943 V38, Folio 10.

Vasiliev, Alexander A. «O grecheskikh tserkovnikh pesnopeniakh.» VV 3 (1896) 582-633.

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Vasilievsky, Vasilii Grigorevich. «Epirotica Saeculi XIII: Iz perepiski Ioanna Navpaktskago.» Vizantiisky Vremenik. 3 (1896) 233-299. See EMA.bib for place names.

Vasilievsky, Vasilii Grigorevich. «Dva pis'ma vizantiiskago imperatora Mikhaila VII Duki k Vsevolodu Iaroslavichu.» In his Trudy. Vol 2. St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy, 1909; reprint Vaduz: Mouton, 1968. 3-55. PIMS DK 32 V27; Roba DF 531 V35, HX. Parapinakes.

Vaillant, André. «Un apocryphe pseudo-bogomile: La vision d'Isaïe.» Revue des études slaves. 42 (1963) 109-121.

Vaillant, André. «Les origines de la langue littéraire ragusaine.» Revue des études slaves. 4 (1924) 222-251.

Vaillant, André. «Bogomiles.» Revue des études slaves. 21 (1944) 64. Check Slavon.bib.

Vego, Marko. Zbornik natpisa. CN 1120 V4 PIMS.

Velmans, Tania. «Les fresques d'Ivanovo et la peinture byzantine à la fin du moyen-âge.» Journal des savants. (1965) 358-404

Velmans, Tania. «Observations sur quelques peintures murales en Syrie et Palestine et leur composante byzantine orientale.» Cahiers archéologiques. 42 (1994) 123-138. CC3 C34.

Veselinovic, M. V. «Srpske kaludjere.» Glas S. Kral. Ak. 80 (1909) 155.

Villehardouin. See Buchon # 45, Paulin Paris, Wailly (cited Vasiliev).

Vinaver, V. «Ropstvo y starom Dubrovniku (1250-1650).» Istor. pregled. 1 (1954) 37-39. per.bib. Slave trade.

Vinaver, V. «Trgovina bosanskim robljem tokom XIV veka u Dubrovniku.» Anali Hist. inst. JAZiU u Dubrovniku. 2 (1953) 129, 132. per.bib. Slave trade.

Vogüé, Melchior de. Eglises de Terre Sainte. Reprint 1973. NA 5977 V6.

Vrana, J. L'évangéliaire de Miroslav. The Hague, 1961.

Vryonis, Speros. «The Question of the Byzantine Mines.» Speculum 37 (1962) 1-17. Prasinos.

Vuchinich, Wayne S. «Post-War Yugoslav Historiography.» Journal of Modern History. 23 (...) 41-57.

Waddell, Helen. The Desert Fathers. University of Michigan Press, 1957.

Wagner, Wilhelm, ed. Carmina Graeca medii aevi. Leipzig: Teubner, 1879.

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Watson, A. M. «Back to Gold -- and silver.» Economic History Review. 20 (1967) 17ff. 14th century.

Weiss, G. «Forschungen zu den noch nicht edierten Schriften des Michael Psellos.» Byzantina 4 (1972) 29ff.

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Wellnhofer, M. Johannes Apocaucos, Metropolit von Naupactos in Aetolien (c. 1155-1233). 1913.

Wessel, Klaus. Byzantine Enamels from the 5th to the 13th century. 1967. ROMU NK 5013 W4713; ROBA NK 5013 W4.

Wessel, Klaus, FS. N 6250 F4.

Wessel, Klaus. Kultur ... Byzantium. DF 521 W47.

Westerbergh, U., ed. Chronicon Salernitanum. Stockholm, 1956. Is the the same as: Romualdo Salernitano. Chronicon. Ed: C. A. Garufi. R.I.S., VII,1. Bologna, 1935.

White, Jr., Lynn. «The Byzantinization of Sicily.» American Historical Review. 42 (1936) 1-21. HX.

White, Lynn, Jr. «The Crusades and the Technological Thrust of the West.» In War, Technology and Society in the Middle East. Ed. V. J. Parry and and M. E. Yapp. London, 1975. 97-112. ROBA U43 N33 W37.

Wiles, Peter. «War and Economic Systems.» In Science et conscience de la société: Mélanges en l'honneur de Raymond Aron. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1971. 2:271-296. D 16.8 S364, HX. Check # vols, and end page. «The Crusaders on the other hand, and the Moslem conquerors before them, had genuinely ideological motives. They fought to impose a religion. Both plunder and the love of war were clearly sidelines. The economic situation, though probably not the system, of Arabia may well have played a role in launching the Moslems. But even this is not true of the Crusaders: their aggressions were surely the most purely idealistic of all history.» (272).

William of Apulia. MGH SS, 9. Parapinakes, 265, 268.

William of Tyre. Willermi Tyrensis Archiepiscopi Historiae. In Vol I,1 of RHC: Historiens occidentaux. See the opening chapters for mendacious details about persecution of Christianity in Jerusalem under the Fatimids.

Winkler, Gabriele, Festschrift. 2000. Roba BV 176 C76. OCA, 260.

Wirth, P. «Eine Lakune im Logos Epitaphios des Georgios Tornikes auf Anna Komnene?» BZ 56 (1963) 234.

Wolff, R. L. «The Second Bulgarian Empire: Its Origin and History to 1204.» Speculum 24 (1949) 167-206.

Wright, W. S., ed. Syriac Literature. PJ 5601 W7. Includes Edessene Chronicler.

Wright, W. S., ed. Apocryphal Acts. BS 2870 A3 W7.

Wright, W. S., ed. The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite composed in Syriac AD 507. Cambridge, 1882; reprint Amsterdam: Philo, 1968. DS 96 J6. EMA.bib.

Wright, W. S., ed. Travels of Ibn Jubayr. Leiden: Brill, 1907. Old Class LArab I137t.

Wroth, Warwick. Catalogue of the Coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Lombards, and of the Empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea, and Trebizond in the British Museum. London: The Trustees, 1911; reprint Chicago: Argonaut, 1966. PIMS CJ 1215 B732; ROMU CJ 1215 L7.

Yaballah III. See Chabot, Montgomery.

Yver, Georges. Le commerce et les marchands dans l'Italie méridionale au xii et au xiv siècles. BEFAR, 88. Paris, 1903. Italy imports wax from Dalmatia, 139.

Zeiller, Jacques. «Le site de Justiniana Prima.» In Mélanges Charles Diehl. Paris, 1930. I:299-304. DF 503 M4.

Zdravkovic, I. Srednjovekovni gradovi i dvorci na Kosovu. Belgrade: Turisticka Stampa, 1975.

Zervos, Chr. Un philosophe néoplatonicien du XIe siècle: Michael Psellus, sa vie, son oeuvre, ses luttes philosophiques, son influence. Paris, 1920. Pims B 765 P8 Z4. Biblio.

Zhishman, Joseph von. Das Eherecht der orientalischen Kirche. Vienna: Braumüller, 1864. Stathas BQV 1120 M352 Z48. Radosav.

Zigabenus, Euthymius. Died after 1118. PG 129:853-1102.

Zigabenus, Euthymius. Panoplia dogmatica. PG 130:1289C-1332D, for Satanael.

Zigabenus, Euthymius. Louvain, 1544. BS 2555 A2; 3816 Large VUES.

Zigabenus, Euthymius. Expositio in Psalmos. In Theophylacti Opera Omnia. Vol. 4:...-... 1752.

Zigabenus, Euthymius. Expositio in Psalmos. Leipzig, 1792. TRIR 2-3 225 .48 Z6 1792.

Ziegler, A. W. «Die byzantinische Religionspolitik und der sog. Cäsaropapismus.» In Festgabe für Paul Diels. Munich, 1953. 81-97.

Zirojevic, Olga. Crkve i manastiri na podrucju pecke patrijarsije do 1683 godine. Belgrade: Istorijski Institut, 1985. Reviewed W Vucinich, Speculum, 62 (1987) 758-9. Location of churches and monasteries, including Turkish sources.

Zivkovic, Pavo. Tvrtko II Tvrtkovic: Bosna u prvoj polovini XV stoljeca. Sarajevo: Historical Institute, 1981. Summary in German. DR 1709 Z58 Roba and PIMS.

Zivkovic, Pavo. Bibliografija ... Bosni. Pims Z2957 B68 Z58.

Zivojinovic, Mirjana. «Zitije arhiepiskopa Danila II kao izvor za ratovanja Katalanske kompanije.» ZRVI 19 (1980) 251-273.

Zlatarski, Vasil N. «Prima Justiniana im Titel des Bulgarischen Erzbischofs von Achrida.» BZ 30 (1929) 484-89. Needs rebuttal, does not understand the meaning of the word Bulgar, quote Marcellinus Comes.

Zlatarski, Vasil N., ed. Collected works of M. S. Drinov. Sofia, 1909. DR 55 D75.

Zurita, Geronymo: see Çurita. Chronicle of Aragon. 1585. DP 302 A67 B53.

Zuzek, Roman. «Christologie et sotériologie de la prière de l'hymne des Chérubins.» In Le Christ dans la liturgie. Rome: Edizioni Liturgiche, 1981. 363-376.